Hey, Guys, It's Danni..

I'm so sorry, I haven't been on, well since last year. I'm so really sorry. But I just got into a rut and a sort of depression you could call it that. I just didn't feel like writing. I had no ideas. But that's all done and gone, well almost. I'm working on it. :) But I'm here to say Sorry and that I am in the process of rereading Reunited and continuing with writing. I don't know when the next chapter will be up, but maybe, possibly by the end of the month. I know that's kind of long, but I want it to be good and not sloppy. So, if you guys are still with me and still into the story, please stay. :) I would also like to say, thank you for the comments on all the chapters of Reunited and on my one shots. Also with It's Not a Choice. I'll be working on that one too. Just I don't know when.