Digimon Adventure: Endless Chaos

Chapter 1: This Chaotic World

Content Warning: Strong Language, Adult Themes, Blood, Gore.

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon.


In 2002, the DigiDestined defeated MaloMyotismon, and our heroes finally found peace. For seven years, things were quiet, and life was pretty normal. Then, in 2009, a new threat arose. Countless numbers of rogue and corrupt Digimon flooded into the Real World through the world's DigiGates. The world fell into complete and utter chaos, and the DigiDestined have battled valiantly for humanity's survival for THREE YEARS, but are nowhere closer to ending the madness, or even finding out why it started in the first place. But they haven't given up...


A man dressed in a black suit with a red tie, reading glasses, short black hair and a goatee, stood at the podium at the front of the room. On each side of the podium, six seats were placed, totaling twelve. Twelve seats for twelve people, each dressed up in either a suit or dress. There was a crowd, and many of the people were dressed in dirty, ripped up clothes and rags. This crowd was very rowdy, shouting insulting and degrading remarks at the people in the twelve seats. The man at the podium adjusted his microphone, raising it so he wouldn't have to bend over to reach it.

"May I have everybody's attention?" The man said. The people were still shouting. The man raised his voice. "May I have your attention, please?" Still, no reaction, everybody was still yelling, shouting and making awful and irritating noises. The man became agitated, he slammed his fist down on the podium. "Excuse me!" He shouted. This time, the room went dead silent. The man took a deep breath and sighed. "As you all know, we live in a dark age. The entire world has come under fire."

Someone from the crowd shouted. "It's their fault! They brought them here!"

The man shook his head. "You know very well that this is none of their doing, these are the people that are trying their best to stop this crisis."

"They're not trying hard enough then!" Shouted a woman from the audience.

"Think what you like." Said the man. "The world is no longer safe. Daily life can barely be maintained. Every turn, choice and decision made determines whether you live or die. The world is under attack by countless numbers of rogue and corrupt Digimon, and even the legendary DigiDestined are barely able to combat this threat. It is a dark day indeed, even more terrifying than the idea of Nuclear War."

More comments were shouted out from the audience. "I'd prefer Nuclear Fucking War!"

The man shook his head and adjusted his tie, he was getting no where with these people. It was almost hopeless. He went to speak again, but felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned to look at the source. The owner of the hand was Tai Kamiya, leader of the DigiDestined, and the owner of the first seat on the left side of the podium. He wore an orange tie with his black suit.

"Let me talk to them." Said Tai, "They obviously aren't listening to you."

"What makes you think you can convince them?" Inquired the man.

"I don't think I can, you just look like you need a break Trevor." Tai smiled and the man called Trevor nodded. He took a step away from the podium, allowing Tai to take the stand. "I know your faith in us is very weak right now, but I can assure you that we're doing everything within our power to deal with the situation." People began to boo him and shout degrading remarks. This didn't stop the fearless leader though. "We never asked to become DigiDestined, we were chosen to be. Back then, we were just kids without a clue. Today, we're all wise and intelligent adults, and even still, we've been unable to stop this assault."

"I lost my son to those beasts!" A woman shouted, "Those Digimon are nothing but KILLING MACHINES!" She was screaming, a man next to her was trying to keep her from losing it completely.

He spoke in a more respectable and calm tone. "We're living in constant terror Mr. Kamiya, we lost our oldest son at the very beginning of this... this nightmare, and..." He was cut off by his wife, who shouted yet another degrading remark at Tai. She fell to her knees and began to bawl. The man sighed and continued. "Please, is there anything more you can do, anything you haven't tried, anything at all?"

Tai went to answer, but his optimistic mood had been crushed, replaced by a mixture of emotions; depression, anger, confusion, angst, and the list goes on. "We're doing everything we can, but even our own Digimon are still unable to fend off the amount of Digimon that have escaped to the real world. Every time us or our allies clear out a region, we move to the next, but by the time we're finished, the region they had just cleared is already flooded with more Digimon. It's pretty much impossible at this point to even try to fight them." Tai sighed and looked down at the podium.

Izzy came up behind him and patted him on the shoulder. "Sit, Tai, allow me to finish this." Tai nodded and returned to his seat. He was seated next to Sora, and next to her was Matt. He dropped his head in his hands and sighed, letting his mind wander. Izzy lowered the microphone, as he was not as tall as either Trevor or Tai. "The line that separates good and evil is getting thinner each and every day. Sometimes, even we are unable to tell whether a Digimon is trying to help someone, or harm." Izzy had a purple tie with his suit, he straightened it as he noticed it was crooked.

Another man from the crowd called up to the podium. "What about the Digital World, is there any way that it could be of some use?"

"Unfortunately, no. We got our last update on the Digital World three years ago when this whole thing started. Back then, it's condition was worse than here. I can only presume it's gotten worse." Izzy sighed. "We've been so busy here that there's no way we can go there and try to clean up that mess too. And even if we wanted to, which is the long term goal, the gates are all closed off. It's too dangerous to pass through. If we open up any of the gates, we run the risk of more rogues coming through and making things worse here. We don't know what caused any of this chaos, and we're nowhere close to finding out. But as DigiDestined, we are committed to finding a way to end this chaos one way or another." The ground began to shake violently after Izzy's speech. It lasted for only a few seconds, but the crowd became rowdy again.

There was no use in trying to explain anything to them, and the DigiDestined knew it. Izzy stepped down, and signaled for the conference to end. Everyone was to go back to their daily routine. The subway systems and tunnels in the area were used as shelters from the attacks. Most of the entrances were cut off for security reasons. It wasn't the most comfortable setting in the world, but it was safe. The rest of the world wasn't in much better shape than Japan. It was an apocalypse.


"Pitiful, they try their hardest to protect these people, and all they can do is jeer and give em' shit? Pathetic." Said a man about 5'11" tall. He wore an olive drab bandanna, had red, spiky hair, blue eyes, and had two red, rectangular markings underneath his right eye. His jacket was also olive drab. His belt had a holster attached to it, inside of which he had a Single Action Army revolver. He had black gloves on that were cut at the base of his fingers, wore black jeans with a leather belt and work boots under his pants.

"Relax Sheamus." Said a woman who was leaning against the cold, concrete wall. Her hair was long and black, and parted in the middle. It came down to her shoulders. Her eyes were also blue. She had a black tank top on, and her bra straps were blue. She wore blue jeans, and also had work boots on. She was roughly 5'5" tall, well built, and had a very beautiful, clear face. "Being a hero is hard work, we both know that."

The man known as Sheamus sighed. "Still, if I were them, I'd put those ungrateful assholes in their place." He cracked his knuckles, then his neck. "How many have we taken in today Natasha?"

The woman, Natasha, shook her head. "I lost count when that tank nearly flattened us."

Sheamus kept his attention on the crowd. "It doesn't matter anymore." He took a few steps away from the wall, towards the scattering crowd, and sighed. "All she was trying to do was hold on..." Natasha brought her hand up to her head and sighed. Sheamus knelt down and picked up a stone off of the ground, then stood back up, clutching it tightly. He held it firmly in his hand. "Shot down in cold, fucking, blood!" He chucked the stone into the air at an angle, over the crowd and to the other side of the room. It struck, echoing loudly. "Couldn't have been older than ten."

Natasha walked over to him and placed her hands on his shoulders, applying some pressure. "It'll be okay Sheamus. It happens. I'm sorry."

"We've got to try harder." Sheamus loosened up as Natasha rubbed his shoulders. "I'm going out to try and find some semi-decent food. I'll be back in a bit." Sheamus then walked into the crowd, vanishing in the sea of people.

"Be quick." She said softly.


Sora and Matt were walking up a staircase inside of a small, dimly lit hallway. They were in their casual clothes now that the conference was over. Matt was wearing a tan jacket, a red scarf around his neck, and blue jeans. Sora had a pink turtle neck sweater on, and tight, black jeans. She was walking behind him, holding his hand while he led the way up the stairs. "Matt?" Said Sora.

"Yeah babe?" He replied.

"Do you think we'll overcome this? Do you think we'll survive this?"

Matt sighed and stopped, Sora stopped as well. "Honestly, I don't know what to think. This 'war' has been going on for three years now, and we've gained little to no ground on them at all. It's not even a real war, it's just endless chaos. So many people have died, I just don't know anymore Sora."

Sora's grip on Matt's hand tightened, but there was no return. She was concerned about him, he never got this way. Even during this long period of chaos, he had always held his head high. Something was up. They continued up the stairs. The ground began to shake again, and they could hear an explosion from above. They continued to move though, as this type of thing became a regular thing, and no longer fazed them.

They reached the top of the stairs and came to a metal door with a circular rotating handle. "Well, here goes nothing." Matt approached it and gripped each side of the handle. Then turned it left three times. The door lock released, and Matt pushed it open.

They both walked through the door and Matt closed it behind them. Ashes were falling from the sky, and the sky was covered in dark clouds, but there was no rain or storms. The building across the street was ripped apart. Wooden beams were charred and broken, the glass window was shattered, and shards were all over the cracked and damaged street. The building was on fire, and the surrounding brick buildings were not in tact either. Two of them looked like they could fall at any moment. In the distance, yelling and screaming could be heard, and the heat of battle could be felt from miles away.

"That was the old coffee shop." Said Matt. "Remember? We used to go there all of the time."

"Yeah." She gripped his hand, and he gripped back. "It's amazing and saddening, how fast things can change. One day, we're sitting in the shop having a morning coffee before work, and the next, the world's on fire." Sora sighed. "It was so beautiful, and now it's just... rubble."

Matt turned to her and held both of her hands. "Yeah, but I still have you, and you'll always be beautiful." Sora blushed, even though they'd been together for so long now, she still couldn't help but blush at his sweet words. He lent down and kissed her passionately, which she happily reciprocated. They parted and smiled at each other.

Sora looked up. "I don't think it'll ever stop raining ashes." She sighed again. Matt nodded. Something caught Sora's eye. "Uh oh." She said.

"What is it?" Matt asked, looking up as well. He too saw what Sora saw. It was a large Digimon flying high in the air, a four legged Digimon. It was hard to see any more details, other than it's red wings. "That looks bad..."

"What?" Said Sora. "Can you tell who it is, Matt?"

Matt looked at her and blinked a few times, then looked back up. "I don't know, looks kinda familiar but I can't place it." Matt then pulled out his Digivice, aimed it up towards the Digimon and attempted to scan. He looked at his Digivice, and it only displayed an error message. "Dammit. Nothing." The Digimon began to glow red and passed over the destroyed city a few times. "We'd better go inside hun." He said. They walked over to the door and opened it back up. Sora went in first, then Matt looked back up at the sky and sighed. Be careful MetalGarurumon. He thought to himself, then turned and walked back inside, shutting and latching the door behind him.


MetalGarurumon was on a nightly patrol. He was one of three Mega level Digimon that kept the area clear of any rogue Digimon. He patrolled the north-western corner of the area. He stood atop a metal beam, held up by two other ones on top of a semi-large building. The building hadn't even been finished before it was "deconstructed" by multiple attacks. Ashes rained down lightly, a sign that there was always destruction in the world from somewhere. Fires could be seen in the distance outside of the city limits. Beyond the city was flat, dead land. Very little trees in the area survived. What did happen to survive was surrounded by more death and destruction.

MetalGarurumon huffed as he stood there. "This sucks, tonight's going by slow." He shook his head and sat down, retracting his thin metal wings and scratching his side how a normal dog or wolf would. "At least last night I was given a decent fight, tonight it's nothing more than a few Goblimon fighting over a dumpster, and Bakemon terrorizing an empty apartment. Such idiots."


WarGreymon was the second patrolling Mega level Digimon. He was positioned on the north-eastern side of the squared out area. Ten blocks each way, making a perfect square. WarGreymon stood on top of one of the buildings that managed to stay intact. "The world is a truly dark place. I wish we could have saved it before all of this."

He sighed and sat down on the ledge of the building. "I hope we get a break soon and actually gain some ground. It's killing me to fight a war without even knowing if anyone's behind this. If not, then this is one fucked up situation." WarGreymon again sighed and looked down at the ground. There was a crater in the center of the street, and an overturned car right next to it. "Ridiculous."


The third Mega level was Serpaphimon, watching over the southern part of the area. They each covered a third, and were very successful in keeping the area safe, though it was still advised that nobody leave the underground shelter unless they absolutely needed to. He hovered in the air, watching the ground and the sky. He was also the first of the three Megas to notice the Digimon circling above the city.

"I wonder what that could be." He said to himself. The Digimon was still glowing red, Seraphimon didn't know exactly what was going on, but had a sense that it was definitely not anything good. "I better warn the others about this."


Izzy and Joe were inside of a lab that Izzy and some of the local electricians and contractors built underground. It's main entrance only accessible by a retinal scanning machine. Only the twelve DigiDestined and their Digimon had access to this room. No one else was able to enter the room unless accompanied by one of the DigiDestined. It had taken a while to build, and they wanted to make living underground as comfortable as possible, but all normality was gone, making this the best they could do. Plus, the lab doubled as an infirmary for any sick or wounded civilians. Joe was in charge of that. Other than the lab, the underground shelter wasn't very comforting.

Izzy was working on his computer and keeping an eye on the radar. Much like a soliton radar system, it mapped out surrounding structures and alerted the facility of any intruders and nearby hostiles. It was quiet this evening, leaving Izzy with less to worry about while he worked. Joe was his company.

"I heard that Moscow is under attack by a WaruSeadramon with an army." Said Joe, adjusting his glasses and brushing his hair out of his face.

"So did I." Said Izzy, "The Russian DigiDestined are trying their best to fend them off. They emailed me the other day asking if there was any way that we could help." Izzy pressed a few buttons, bringing up a screen with photos all over it. Joe looked on with Izzy. "Moscow is a mess." Said Izzy, "Almost as bad as it is here."

"Yeah, but at least there, they know who they have to fight." Joe added, "Here, it's nothing but nonstop attacks by random Digimon." Gomamon crawled out from underneath the desk Izzy and Joe were sitting at and yawned.

"Joe, what time is it?" He asked.

Joe looked at the time on the computer. "8:30."

"In the morning?" Gomamon snapped. "I only wanted a nap, not to sleep all night!"

"No Gomamon, it's 8:30 PM. Relax." Joe picked him up and patted him on the head. Gomamon blushed in embarrassment. "It's alright buddy. We're all stressed, don't worry."

Izzy stood up and walked into the center of the room. He stopped next to a computer terminal, which Tentomon was hovering in front of. In front of the terminal was a large metal ring on the floor. This served two purposes. To generate a holographic map of the Digital World was the first. The second was to create a safe method to enter the Digital World. If they were to open the gate the old fashion way, the Digimon on the other side would flood the gate and enter the real world. It needed to only let the DigiDestined and select Digimon through. However, things were not going according to plan.

"How's it going Tentomon?" Izzy inquired.

"Not too well, Izzy." Said Tentomon. He pressed a button, bringing up what was supposed to be a holographic map, but there was no map. Instead, the same snowy pattern found on empty television channels appeared in the form of a ball. "I can't patch into the Digital World at all, meaning I can't get the map up yet." Tentomon hit a few more buttons. "The gate just won't open. We've made all of the necessary changes to the settings, but still it will not open."

"Dammit." Izzy placed his hand on his forehead and turned around. "There needs to be some way..."

"What about Gennai?" Inquired Joe. "Wouldn't he be able to help? He always has a plan."

"It's a good idea," Izzy scratched the back of his head and sat back down at his computer. He continued, "But if you've forgotten, I've had to shut down all connections with the Digital World for the time being since we don't know exactly how those Digimon are getting here. Most of them came through the regular gates, but that doesn't mean that they aren't using other means to get though either. Digimon have their ways, Joe." He paused and took a deep breath. "At this point, I have no idea what's going on in there, and I'm not ready to find out just yet." Izzy dropped his head into his hands. "Gennai could be..."

"Don't even say that." Said Tentomon, flying over to his desk and landing on it. "Gennai's strong and he's smart. I bet he and Azulongmon are doing fine."

"Like I've said in the past." Said Izzy, "If this thing is bigger than Azulongmon, then we're all in trouble." They all sighed. Then the door opened. They all looked to see Kari, wearing a pink hoodie and gray sweatpants, rolled up to just under her knees, and black sneakers.

"Hey guys." She said, approaching the desk. "How's everything going?" Izzy just shook his head once. Kari understood. "Have you guys seen TK?" She asked.

"Not in the past hour." Said Joe, "He walked off. I haven't seen him since. Why?"

Kari sighed. "Nothing. Cassie wanted to know, that's all."

"Why'd she have you ask us then?"

Izzy punched him on the shoulder. "Because civilians don't have access to this room." He said.

Joe scratched his head and chuckled. "Oh, right. Sorry." Kari just shook her head and left the room, the door closed behind her. Joe sighed. "I gotta learn to keep my mouth shut."


Mimi and Yolei were walking around in the sea of moving bodies trying to convince the non-believers that they were trying to help. They had been getting called names such as "liars", "trouble makers", "skanks", and so on. They were determined to end it. Davis, Ken and Cody were left to follow them.

"Please." Said Mimi, "We're only trying to help you." She was talking to an older man, walking on a cane. He swung at her and she jumped back. Yolei pushed her and moved onward.

"Be careful Mimi." Said Yolei, "You're gonna get hit by one of these crazy people."

"I'm sorry." Mimi huffed, "But these people have no respect!" She yelled, causing all of the noise around her to stop. Everyone stared at her and gave her funny looks. Mimi blushed.

"Come on, let's go." Said Yolei, who continued to push her.

Davis sighed. "How did we EVER get dragged into this?" DemiVeemon was on top of his head. He was wearing a blue denim jacket and black shorts. He still wore his goggles.

Ken, wearing his usual silver attire, could only shake his head. "I have no idea. These two are just asking for trouble."

"Personally." Said Cody, "I'd prefer to be outside rather than following those two around." Ken, Davis and DemiVeemon began to laugh. Armadillomon was carrying Wormmon on his back. They too were laughing.

"Hey!" Yolei shouted back at them. They all stopped laughing. "Just what do you all find so funny?" Neither the humans nor the Digimon answered her. When Yolei's mad, it's best to just let her go. "That's what I thought." She huffed and turned away, following Mimi through the crowd.


TK was walking along the edge of the large room, trying to avoid as many civilians as possible. His faded blue jeans were ripped at the knees, and his maroon hoody was faded and dirty, but he didn't care. Now that everyone in the room was scattered, it was harder to avoid them. He was bumped into and shoved a few times, but he paid them no mind.

As he walked, he noticed a family gathered around a barrel with a fire inside. A mother, father and two kids, boy and girl. He walked about ten yards past them and then lent against the wall. He sighed, three years was too long.

"Tragic right?" A woman said from his left.

TK turned to look at her. "More than tragic." TK cleared his throat and looked on at the center of the room, where the bulk of the people were.

"I'm Natasha." She said while brushing her hair out of her face. "You're TK. Am I right?"

TK looked at her again and nodded. "Yeah." He looked out at the crowd again and noticed Yolei, Mimi, Ken, Davis and Cody. "They're just asking for a fight." He kept his eyes on the five, he knew that all of them together in the crowd was bad news. He then noticed the woman that was shouting at Tai during his turn at the podium. Her husband was behind her. "God damn it." He sighed.

"I know how it feels." Said Natasha. She took a few steps forward, away from the wall, and TK's eyes wandered down to her butt. He watched as she walked, but was snapped out of it when Natasha spoke again. "I lost my child at the hands of the Digimon as well. I remember that day clearly. It attacked the city with a red laser. My little boy got caught underneath three or four large wooden beams, a few of them were on fire, and it was approaching him quickly. I tried to save him, but before I could reach him, a large part of the building next to us came down right in front of me and I couldn't get through. After that, I heard screaming. The screaming of my boy... then silence..." Natasha turned around.

"I'm... sorry." TK said.

"That was last year." She said. "I felt my life pointless after that. I felt that if I died, so be it. Then one day, I found myself cornered in an alley by a Digimon. Looked like a werewolf if I remember correctly. It was all black. He had me by the throat and was about to end me, but then he disappeared. I stood back up, and that's when I saw him."

TK scratched his head. "Who's 'him?'"

"A dear friend of mine... my savior." She paused and smiled. "He helped me realize that I still had purpose in life. Though he may not seem like the caring type at first glance, he's really sweet." She turned away, "But he's also a total bad ass." She turned her head back at him. "I'll introduce you sometime."

TK nodded. "Sounds good, but how did he manage to save you?"

Natasha chuckled. "That's something for him to explain to you, not me." He nodded again. She turned back to face him. They both could hear that someone was shouting TK's name in the distance. The both looked in the direction it was coming from.

"I'd better go." Said TK. "My girlfriend needs me."

"Go take care of her." Said Natasha. "It was nice meeting you."

"Likewise." Replied TK, who then ran off in the direction of the voice.

As TK began to shrink in Natasha's field of vision, she thought about Sheamus. "I hope you get back soon, it's been too long already."


Sheamus was in an alley a few blocks outside of the ten block perimeter set up by the DigiDestined. He knew that the only way he was going to find decent food was by traveling outside of the area. Though the DigiDestined had great resources, the mayor, Trevor, and some of the finest chefs in the city, food was limited, and becoming even more scarce as they days rolled on.

He came to the end of the alley and peeked around the corner of the building. Across the glass and debris covered street was an old convenience store. "Ah," Said Sheamus, "This could be some good news." Sheamus scanned the immediate area before deciding whether or not to cross. The coast was clear, and he quickly made his way across the street.

He slid up to the side of the glass window and peeked inside. There were odd noises coming from within, and Sheamus didn't want to barge in not knowing what he was up against. He noticed two small Digimon ripping apart the inside of the store. Of course it was abandoned, but these were also wild Digimon. They had red skin, covered up by a blue fur coat and green claws.

"They look like... Gabumon..." He whispered to himself. He raised his arm and looked at a wrist watch like device on his arm. It projected a holographic image of the Digimon with the name and description underneath it. "Psychemon." He said. "I need to create a distraction."

Just then, a loud screeching noise came from above. The two Psychemon began to frantically run around and Sheamus looked up. "There's my distraction." He noticed the Digimon in the sky, glowing red. "That does not look good." A loud yelping noise came from within the building, and Sheamus looked back inside. Both of the Psychemon were on fire and slowly degenerating. "They must have attacked each other, perfect." Sheamus broke the glass and leaped into the building.

He quickly gathered as much food as he could fit into his backpack, then made his was outside. He ran into the alley, looking around in all directions. "I have to get a closer look at this thing." He found an escape ladder attached to a building and leaped up to it, then proceeded to climb. He reached the second floor, then the third, and repeated this until he made it to the top of the building. He again looked up at it.

"Uh oh." He said. "That isn't good at all." The Digimon screeched again, and Sheamus turned away. Tightening his bag, he took a step up to the ledge of the building and looked down at the ground. "I better get back, that thing doesn't look too friendly."


Kari was sitting down next to a few boxes while Gatomon was standing on one of them. She could see TK and Cassie clearly from where she was. Cassie, blond hair, blue eyes, semi-large rack, tight butt, cute face. TK was a winner for sure, he had found himself quite the babe, and she meant the world to him, but it ate Kari up inside.

She sighed as she watched the two chat, and Gatomon could sense that something was up with her. She sat down on the box and began to talk with her partner, her friend. "Kari, what's the matter?"

"I'm just thinking Gatomon." Said Kari, curling up her knees and wrapping her arms around them. "I don't know where I went wrong, I thought I was perfect for him." She burried her head in her sleeves and sat like that for a few seconds before lifting her head again.

"Unfortunately Kari, people change." Gatomon hopped off of the box and walked in front of Kari, turning to face her. "Let him go. I know you have to work together as DigiDestined and all, but this isn't the time to let what you had with him get in the way of your duties. You're a DigiDestined, and I'm with you until the end."

Kari smiled. Gatomon could always cheer Kari up, no matter what the circumstances were. "Thanks Gatomon." She stood up and dusted herself off. "Lets go check on Tai, I hope he's alright."

"Great idea." Said Gatomon, "He's probably over where the rest of the Digimon are hanging out." She turned away and ran off. Kari began to follow her, but stopped and took another look at TK and Cassie.

She sighed and brought a hand up to her chest, right over her heart, and clenched her fist. "But I still love him..." She said quietly.

"Kari! Let's go!" Gatomon shouted.

Kari turned back toward her and began to run as well. "Sorry!"


Tai sat alone on his bed, in the corner of a large dim room. This is where the Digimon and DigiDestined all ate and slept. The kept it as clean as possible, but even that was a challenge due to their active duties and daily operations. Being heroes was hard, especially when you have several hundred refugees to take care of and more to rescue. He was the only one of the team that did not change his clothes. He didn't have the motivation to, he was severely depressed and extremely pissed off at the same time.

Biyomon, Hawkmon and Palmon were all asleep on the other side of the room. They knew it best not to follow Mimi and Yolei around the shelter, and Biyomon was giving Sora some alone time with Matt.

Look at them. Tai thought to himself with his hands clasped together. How can they be so calm when the world is fucking ending? Tai sighed and laid back. He stared at the ceiling and pulled a lighter out of his pocket. It was a silver metal one, and he opened and closed the top of it with his thumb repeatedly. There's no way we can win this, it's over, we should just quit.

The door on the other side of the room opened up. Tai could hear it, but paid no attention to it. Then it shut. "Tai?" A voice called out. Tai sat up and looked. It was Kari and Gatomon. He grinned. Kari walked closer and stopped in front of him. "Don't grin like that, I know something is up Tai." Tai sighed and laid back down, knowing that his sister was right. "What is it Tai?"

"It's pointless to even fight them." Said Tai, with a lower than normal pitch to his voice. "Three years, Kari. Three fucking years and we've barely made any progress. If anything, we've made this whole thing worse." He rolled over, placed his arms under his head and began to cry. Tai hardly ever cried, but Tai was broken inside. His motivation had been severely compromised. Everything and everyone around him, he felt, was slipping away.

Of course no one could blame him either. Kari and Tai shared the same pain. "I'm sorry big brother. Things will get better, you just have to believe."

He lifted his head and sniffled a bit. "Is that why you and TK went downhill?" He said without even the slightest thought of anyone elses feelings. Kari was taken aback. Tears began to well up in her eyes. Tai dropped his head back into his arms and began speaking through his tears. "I'm sorry Kari, I just miss the old day. I miss not having to worry about any of this, this world saving shit, this everything." He sighed. "I miss Dad, I miss Mom."

Kari turned toward him and started lightly caressing his back. "I do too Tai, I wish it never happened."

"Fuck Reapermon. Fuck him." Tai was festering over the incident that took place a year prior to this day.


"WarGreymon, attack!" Tai shouted at his partner, who was locked in a battle with a HiAndromon. WarGreymon picked up HiAndromon and threw him into the side of a building. Ashes rained down on the battle field, and WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon, Seraphimon and Imperialdramon were the only Digimon still able to fight.

The rest had either been defeated and forced to revert, or were the ones that took the stranded civilians and rest of the DigiDestined back to the underground shelter. Imperialdramon was used to transport the majority, removing one mega from the picture. Matt, Tai, and TK were left to battle. MetalGarurumon was fighting along side Seraphimon against Reapermon.

"Metal Wolf Claw!" MetalGarurumon shouted as he blasted Reapermon in the face.

"Strike of the Seven Stars!" Seraphimon added to the attack and fired his at Reapermon. The attacks combined created an explosion and sent Reapermon flying into the building that HiAndromon was sent into. Reapermon crushed HiAndromon and he disintegrated immediately.

"Good!" Said Tai, "One down, one to go!"

"Tai!" Matt shouted, "Reapermon is too strong, we have to go!"

Tai turned around and shouted back. "Are you fuckin' nuts? We have him down, we can finish him!"

"He's much stronger than any other mega level we've faced." TK added, "If we go now, we can let our Digimon rest, and come back while he's still recovering!" Matt nodded in agreement with his brother's idea.

"If we go now, he'll have a chance to recover, and possibly find more cronies to aid him next time, we fight until he's dead!"

Matt and TK felt that Tai was being selfish, and that his logic was blocked by adrenaline. TK and Matt both were itching to punch Tai and get his sense back, but that all ceased when a familiar voice rang out. "Tai!" Tai, Matt and TK turned to look at the source of the voice. Tai's mother and father were trapped inside of a vehicle.

"Mom, what are you doing in there? I thought you were on Imperialdramon!" He shouted, running toward the car. The car's front end was pinned to the ground by a large slab of concrete, and the doors were all jammed shut. Tai grabbed the handle of the driver-side door and pulled, but was unable to move it. "Dammit!"

Reapermon then growled from inside of the building. "Oh no you don't." He grunted. He stood up, making him visible to Matt and TK. He began to glow red and power up.

"Tai, get out of there!" Matt shouted as he ran towards the car. TK followed.

"Not without my parents. Help me open this door!" Matt and TK arrived at the car and grabbed the door. They all pulled on it but still were unable to get the door opened. "Fuck!" Tai shouted.

"Break the window!" TK shouted.

Tai nodded and clenched his fist. "Duck Mom!" He raised his hand and went to smash the window, but then Reapermon roared.

"Burning cyclone!" He shouted as a fiery tornado emerged from the building.

"Guys, get back!" Seraphimon shouted. The wind threw TK, Matt and Tai away from the car, and then the tornado exploded, taking out the buidling, and sending the car flying toward the trio.

The car landed about ten feet away from them. The explosion also sent WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon and Seraphimon flying into the street, each of them knocking over light poles, signs, or hitting vehicles. WarGreymon hit all three. taking them right out of the ground.

"Mom, Dad!" Tai yelled as he scurried to his knees, crawling toward the car. He could see his mother holding onto his father's body within.?The concrete slab that was pinning the front of the car didn't go as far as the car, it was near Reapermon. He picked it up in his claw and chuckled sinisterly.

"Tai! Hold on!" Matt yelled as he followed Tai.

"Guys go!" Tai said, "I'll get them out, you guys just go!"

"We're a team Tai! We're not leaving you here alone!" TK said, crawling up next to Matt.

Tai's mother was screaming inside of the car. The words were unclear, but Tai quickly began fearing the worst, and he froze. "Dad?" He said softly to himself. "Dad!" He shouted in terror. He stood up and went to move toward the car, and then looked up. He froze. Reapermon was standing right behind the car with the concrete slab held over his head. "Reapermon... don't do it... please..."

Reapermon chuckled. "You poor pathetic useless human. Say goodbye to your beloved parents!" He then threw his arm down with the slab toward the car.

Time froze for Tai. The concrete slab crushed the car. The last thing Tai saw was his mother's distressed face before the slab crushed her, his father, and the car underneath it's weight.

Flashback End:

Tai slammed his fist into the hard wall, breaking his knuckles open. He began to bleed. "The next time I see that beast will be the last time he ever breaths!" He said in an almost demonic tone.

Kari was not there to witness the horror. Matt, TK and Tai were the only three that saw what happened. Tai blacked out after it happened, leaving Matt and TK to haul him to safety. "Tai. I wish I could have been there."

"No you don't." Tai cut her off. "Trust me, you don't." She simply sighed. "I've never told anyone what I saw, what Matt and TK saw. And you don't want that in your head Kari, you just don't."

They went silent. Tai slowly sat up and embraced his sister, which she returned. Both crying, both missing their parents, both wishing that the war would just end already. Gatomon sat at the edge of the bed silently, not wanting to say a word due to the pain and anger in the air. It was definitely a hard situation for the two siblings, but they had each other, which helped them cope. If Tai didn't have Kari, and Kari didn't have Tai, neither one of them would be alive.

Suddenly, the door swung open and slammed against the wall, startling the three Digimon awake. Tai and Kari quickly turned their attention to the door. It was Trevor, the mayor of the city. "We have a serious problem."

Tai nodded and looked at Kari. "Let's go, sis." Kari nodded. They both stood up and hurried to the door, following Trevor out of the room, Gatomon, Hawkmon, Biyomon and Palmon were quick to follow.


On the wall outside of Izzy's lab, a large monitor was mounted, and a broadcast from right outside was displayed. The DigiDestined had all gathered in front of it, and now Tai and Kari were with them. A group of civilians gathered behind them to watch as well. Seraphimon, MetalGarurumon and WarGreymon were on the screen.

"What's going on Seraphimon?" TK asked.

"We've spotted a possible hostile above the city." Said Seraphimon. A smaller frame appeared on the screen in the upper right corner, an image of the sky with a red light flying around in a circle. "Izzy, has anything appeared on your radar?"

Izzy checked the records of the radar on his laptop, and current time as well. Nothing had been on the radar since the previous day. "My radar isn't detecting whatever that is."

"Interesting." Seraphimon replied.

From the back of the crowd, Natasha stood alone staring at the screen. She was worried about Sheamus. It had been far too long, she wondered if he got into a fight or into any trouble while he was out. Then a hand touched her shoulder and she nearly jumped out of her skin. She turned her head to find Sheamus standing behind her. "Took you long enough?" She said.

"Sorry. I found a store," He said, "But it was filled with hostile Digimon. Not big, but still a nuisance." He looked up at the screen. "That thing flying above the city..."

"Possible hostile." Said Natasha.

"I noticed it while I was out." He said. He placed his backpack on the floor next to him. "It could be very bad news."

The red light in the sky disappeared, taking everyone by surprise. "Hey." Said Izzy. "It's gone."

"This could be trouble." Said MetalGarurumon. "You'd better keep your eyes on the sky, who knows what that was." Izzy and the rest of the team nodded together.

The sound of an explosion sounded on the screen, followed by screaming. The three megas turned their attention to the source. "What is it?" Tai inquired.

"Digimon." WarGreymon said. "Lots of them. And lots of people."

MetalGarurumon turned to the camera and shook his head. "Time to go. This could get very nasty."

"Right." Matt Said.

"Alright, let's go clear em' out." Said an optimistic Davis. The DigiDestined approached the door to Izzy's lab.

Tai stood in front of the retinal scanner and was cleared to enter, releasing the lock on the door. He turned around. "We need three of you to stay here with your Digimon to keep this place secured."

"I'll stay." Said Izzy.

"Same here." Said Joe.

"I'll stay too." Mimi added. "We'll keep this place safe."

"Thanks guys." Said Tai. "The rest of you, follow me." Tai turned around and ran into the lab with the rest of the team right behind him. Izzy entered as well to prepare them before departure. At the far end of the lab was a hangar with a large overhead door. Specifically designed so Digimon could Digivolve and depart, especially the larger ones.

Sheamus closed his eyes and nodded. "Time to go Natasha." She nodded and they both turned away from the crowd and ran off, vanishing from sight.


Some time later...

WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon and Seraphimon were standing in the middle of a four lane street a few blocks outside of their perimeter. WarGreymon stood in front, MetalGarurumon to his right, Seraphimon to his left. In front of them stood a pack of ten Gururumon. They were almost identical to Garurumon, but were darker, and their stripes and claws were different colors. Behind them, a huge smoke cloud with thick flames protruding out of it.

The Gururumon in the front turned his attention to MetalGarurumon. He grinned viscously, then looked at the other two. "What, are you heroes or something?" He said.

"Protectors." Said Seraphimon.

The lead Gururumon chuckled. "And where are your useless humans. Surely you know by now that they're all going to die."

"We're the reason they haven't yet. And we're the reason they will prevail." WarGreymon took a step forward.

"Really?" Said Gururumon, "Ususally by now, you've already had the situation under control. Looks like the humans are out matched this time."

WarGreymon snarled, Gururumon was already getting under his skin. That's when the team arrived. Davis and Ken with ExVeemon and Stingmon, Kari with Angewomon, Yolei with Aquilamon, Cody, and TK on Ankylomon, and Sora, Tai and Matt on Birdramon. They each found and stood aside their Digimon.

Tai stared the leader of the pack right in the eyes. "So you're the one's responsible for that attack?" Gururmon grinned and chuckled. "Disgusting."

To Be Continued...