Masks, Microphones, Goddesses and Girls

Disclaimer: I don't own any characters or people employed or made up by WWE.

12 dozen red roses greeted Beth Phoenix by the door of her hotel room on the morning of her thirtieth birthday. She smiled as she brought them all inside and read the birthday wishes from her friends and co-workers. Her boyfriend, however, was suspiciously absent this morning, and this troubled her slightly.

C.M. Punk, aka Phil Brooks, and Beth Phoenix had been dating since the summer, and she'd come to care deeply for him in that short time. She was looking forward to spending her birthday with him. There was a soft knock at her door. When she opened it, no one was there, but on the hallway floor was a crystal vase containing white roses. The card read "Happy Birthday Beth" , but it was unsigned. She did not recognize the handwriting.

It was Sunday morning, and she had no obligations. She called her best friend Natalya, for she desperately needed some fashion advice for her special evening out.

"I think you should wear the red dress with the corset top." Natalya gushed.

"That is perfect. I wish I knew where he was taking me though."

"Didn't you mention some place that had amazing chocolate cake or something?"

"Yeah, but I think that place is in San Fransisco. I think they have good seafood places here in Boston."

"Mmm…fancy seafood."

"Yeah that's what I want for dinner tonight."

She and Natalya chatted for a bit longer. She hung up the phone and hummed happily to herself. "Time to go find my lover," she said quietly.

She found Phil chatting in the hotel lobby with some of his friends.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey, sexy boy." She leaned into kiss him, but he pulled away.

"Beth, can we go upstairs for a minute. I need to talk to you about something in private."

"Sure. " She was hoping that he meant he wanted to make out or give her a special birthday present.

When they reached the hotel room, he began speaking. "Beth, there's no easy way to say this. Amy called me this morning, and we talked for a while."


"We talked about it, and we decided that she and I should give it another go."

Beth just stared at him. She had no response.

" I like you a lot," he continued, "but what Amy and I have is like a spiritual connection."

She was stunned. She said the only thing that came into her mind "But I thought we were going out for fancy seafood ?"


"Never mind." She turned and walked away leaving him puzzled.

Three Hours Later.

Ricardo Rodriguez had not signed the card because he'd lost his nerve. He'd also only written a generic birthday greeting because he couldn't find words to describe the goddess he saw in Beth Phoenix. He knew he had no chance with her, but he still wanted to make her happy. She had been so happy when she was chatting with Natalya about her plans for the evening."

"I hope this place we're going does crab legs."

"Of course it does, we're right by the water."

"Which place are you going to?"

"I don't know the names of any seafood places in Boston, so I'm going to have to look online, but that's what I really want to do."

"And after?"

"Oh come on Nat, I do have to leave some things to the imagination. I will tell you this much. It involves the Jacuzzi."

Beth and Natalya left the lobby giggling.

"Hey Ric." Kofi Kingston came over and greeted Rodriguez.

"Oh hey Kofi, 'sup?"

" Me and Evan and maybe Cody and Ted are going clubbing tonight. You want to come?"

"Yeah why not? I'm not doing anything else."

Just Before Midnight

Beth sat alone at the bar drinking tequila. She'd lost count of exactly how many shots she'd had. She went out on the dance floor to lose her pain in a sea of strangers. A tall blonde man approached her.

"Hi sweetie," he said. "Looking for some company?"

She giggled. "Sure." He kissed her and his hand traveled up her thigh.

"I live around here," he said. "We can go back to my place."

"That sounds good. I'll have to leave kind of early though because I've got to work," she slurred.

Across the club, Ricardo sat at a table alone. Kofi and Evan were both dancing with girls they'd met. He spotted Beth near the door. He figured she and Phil were winding up their date. He noticed, however, that she was about to leave with a stranger, and that she was having trouble standing as she leaned into the strange man.

He signaled to Kofi who barely acknowledged him. "I'll be back in a minute."

"Hey Beth, how's it going?" he greeted her with a kiss on her cheek. "You about ready to head out here? I think you've partied pretty hard."

"I'm going home with Charlie here." She smiled at the blond man.

"Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen tonight," Ricardo said putting his hand on Beth's arm to lead her away.

"We have a problem here?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah, we do. Beth here's coming home with me."

"Ricky," she slurred. "Really, there's nothing wrong here."

"Come on, sweetheart. We're going back to the hotel."

"Is this your boyfriend or something?"

"Yeah, I'm her boyfriend, and if you don't leave her alone I'm going to break your face."

"I don't want any trouble. She came onto me."

Ricardo led Beth out of the club. She shivered a little as they stepped into the night air. He took off his jacket and helped her into it. He also put his arm around her both to shield her from the wind and to steady her as she walked. He drove back to the hotel to help Beth to bed and to find out how she ended up here.