Sunday night 6:30p.m.

Beth sat in the divas locker room. She'd made no progress getting ready for her match with Natalya against Kelly Kelly and Eve. She just stared at the wall.

"Why don't you just go talk to him?" Natalya suggested.

"I'm not sure I ever want to see him again."

"Please stop being mopey and get ready. We're not up right away, but you need to focus."

Ricardo sat in Alberto Del Rio's locker room area bored out of his mind. He'd become so used to hanging out with Beth between matches. He didn't feel like watching youtube or playing DS. He wished he were with her with his arms wrapped around her waist, her soft kisses all over her face, her laughter at his sarcastic comments or backstage daredevil stunts.

"Why don't you just go talk to her?" Alberto said.

"She said she was done with me. She doesn't want me around."

"Well stop worrying about it and go get ready."

Sunday, 9:30 p.m.

Ricardo walked back to Del Rio's locker room area after their match. He stopped in front of the Divas locker room. He thought of knocking, but he had nothing to say to Beth at the moment. As he walked away, she came out.

"Hi," she said.


"You looked good out there. You should keep your hair longer. I like it that way."

"Thanks. Good luck out there, Beth."

"Thanks, I've got to go."

She really wanted to hug him and tell him she was wrong, but she couldn't make herself do it.

She sighed. "What is wrong with me?" as he walked away.

Tuesday afternoon 4pm, Ann Arbor Michigan

Beth was looking for her hot pink dress so she and Natalya would be color coordinated as she escorted her to the ring for this afternoon's smackdown taping. She realized, however, that the dress was down in Florida. She'd worn it when she and Ricardo had gone out to dinner one evening.

She called Natalya. "Nat, do you have a dress I can borrow for tonight. I think my only hot pink one is at Ric's. Crap I think half my stuff is down there now."

"That makes sense because you were down there nearly four days out of the week."

Tuesday, 6:40 p.m., Florida.

Ricardo wasn't sure if he should mail Beth her stuff, ask her to come get it, or bring it to Raw next Monday. The mean part of his brain said he should just throw it all away.

He really needed to go to practice. He didn't feel like it, but this Friday's match was supposed to be a big deal. He was supposed to get his first win. He'd only been competing for a few months, but they had a newcomer this week, so he'd managed to get this one win. After that he had the weekend off because Sunday was Christmas. He'd gotten Beth a pearl necklace. It was still in his dresser drawer. He'd written on the card, "Beautiful ladies deserve beautiful things." He knew it sounded clichéd, but it was true. Beth deserved beautiful things, and he wanted to be the one to give them to her.

Ann Arbor 9:45p.m.

Beth saw Rey Mysterio signing autographs for some of his fans as they left the arena after the show. She pulled him aside when he was finished.

"I need your help with something, please, Rey." She pulled out a notebook and showed him the choreography for the match she and Ricardo had practiced.

"Is this the thing that you and Del Rio's guy were working on?

"This looks pretty solid. Hey, I heard you two broke up."

"We did. He wanted me to meet his family."

"That's not a reason to break up. You must be pretty important to him if he wants you to meet them."

"I know. I screwed it up."

"So what do you need my help with?"

"Mostly the stuff where I have to jump off the top rope. I just need to tune it up a bit. And, well, since you and I are close to the same size, I'd like to borrow an outfit."

"Yeah, I want to go down to Florida and actually do the match against him on Friday. He gets to fight an alternate version of himself, and I get to see if I can actually wrestle like a man."

"But you don't want him to know it's you?"

"He'll figure out it's me most likely, but I can't risk anyone else finding out."

"You could just try talking to him. He'll probably listen."

"No, I want him to understand that I'm willing to fight to win him back if that's what I have to do."

"Then we have a lot of work to do."

Thursday morning 9:30 a.m.

"What do you mean I have a new opponent?" Rodriguez whined into the phone. "What made the last guy back out? Do I still get the win?"

"Yes, you still get the win," the trainer snapped. "Some mask that calls himself Crimson Death saw videos of you on youtube and says he wants a chance to fight you. I looked him on up youtube, and I have to say he's pretty good."

6:30 p.m. Friday night

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Vicki Guerrero asked her backstage.

"Yeah, more sure than anything I've done in a while."

"Well I've got no idea how you strapped down those bazoombas of yours, but it looks ok."

"Natalya suggested ace bandages and duct tape. It worked ok for the videos."

"You did videos?"

"Yeah, just some shots of me doing backflips and a corkscrew splash on Sin Cara."

"They look legit enough." Vicki said after looking up the video links Beth gave her. "Well, are you about ready?"

"Yeah, time to go get my ass kicked I guess." She donned her mask and prepared for her introduction.

Ricardo peeked out at the audience. He was surprised to see so many WWE superstars in the audience. Rey Mysterio, Natalya and Tyson were there in the front row. He looked around for Beth, but she was nowhere to be found. He entered the ring first, and he tried to feign confidence, but anyone who knew him also knew his heart was elsewhere.

"And his opponent, weighing in at 160 lbs, from Guadalajara, Mexico, Crimson Death." Crimson Death entered with a back handspring cartwheel combination that excited the audience. Ricardo was surprised to see how the small the man was.

Once the match started, Ricardo thought wrestling with this new opponent was strangely familiar. The mysterious man knew all the Chimaera's moves, and he moved fluidly into the next combination without a lot of direction. It didn't appear rehearsed, however, it looked very natural. He went for the first pin attempt, and as he hooked Crimson Death's leg, he caught the scent of honeysuckle and roses on the air, the same scent that Beth wore. "Beth," he whispered and she nodded as she kicked out at the two count. They set up for the next sequence. She whispered to him, "Let's make it look good." She did a moonsault from the top rope, but he caught her in mid-air and slammed her. She got right up from that. They grappled for a while, and she put him in a leg-lock submission move. He managed to get to the rope. She missed a spinning dropkick, but he managed to land a kick to her face. It stunned her, and he nailed her with his corkscrew splash to secure the win.

As soon as they walked backstage, she unmasked. "I'm sorry," she said.

"For what? That was awesome."

"I mean for last weekend. I realize I was wrong. I do love you, so I had to prove it."

"You didn't have to prove anything, Beth."

"Yes, I did. I had to prove I was willing to fight for what's mine."

"You didn't have to fight. All you had to do was ask. I was already yours from the first time you kissed me."

She threw her arms around him, and he pulled off his mask. She didn't care what people said anymore. All she cared about was being with him. She kissed him as hard as she could.

"Let's go celebrate your big win." She said when they finally broke the kiss.

"That sounds perfect," he said and they left the arena arm in arm.

The End.