Even at the best of times, Loki did not enjoy being disturbed from his thoughts.

Much less by strange smelling brown liquids being thrust under his nose.

His green eyes snapped up to meet blue, peering out from behind dark rimmed glasses. Darcy.

"What in Odin's name-"

"It's coffee. You drink it. And by all means please do, you look like you're about to die. Or do you just always look like that?"

Rolling his eyes, he reluctantly took the cup and, sniffing it suspiciously, wrinkled his nose in disgust. "I'm quite all right, thank you."

Shrugging, Darcy sat down beside him and took a swig of the drink. Loki frowned, but said nothing.

After a few moments of silence, he muttered, "I'm... I can't understand why you are doing this."

"Doing what, Loki?" Huh. It was the first time in long time that someone had said his name without fear or loathing behind it. It was strange, and not entirely unpleasant.

"Being nice to me! Bringing me... coffee, just wanting to be around me at all. There must be some reason why." His eyes bored into her own, as if they could show him the inner workings of this strange girl.

Darcy laughed, catching him off guard. "This may come as a bit of a surprise to you, but not everything is done with ulterior motives. I just thought... well, everybody needs a friend, don't they? Even crazy evil assholes like you." Oh. Loki wasn't sure if he should be offended or not.

Her smiled softened. "Especially crazy evil assholes like you," she amended.

Hm. That was better. Sort of.

"And between you and me..." she leant forward, smirking, "I kind of dig the accent."

Loki blinked. Giggling, she got up and left him to his thoughts again.


When she was gone, Loki stared at the cup of coffee, by now a little cold.

Slowly, he lifted it to his lips. Perhaps not the greatest idea he'd ever had.

Coughing, he dropped the offending beverage to the ground. "Ugh. Revolting."

But in spite of himself, he smiled.

I don't really know why I wrote this but I love Darcy and I LOVE Loki (and together they make a pretty cute, if cracky, pairing, not gonna lie) and there is no way this would like, ever happen anyway but I felt like writing something quick and can you tell this took like 20 minutes? Probably. Oh well.
I promise I'll go work on longer, better fics now... -hangs head-