-I wrote this for thejooky13 you if you like (or don't like) this, you should check her out!

-I mainly write Harry Potter stories, but I do have a Pokémon story if you want to read it!

-I don't own anything, please don't ask.

-Enjoy! And maybe review...? Please? Even if you hated it?

A New Obsession

It's become an obsession of mine, watching her. Every chance I get I watch her, she's just so enticing. I don't even think she realizes I'm doing it. I've been obsessed with her for a long time, and it was only recently that I realized I was doing it because I was in love with her. It the like a ton of bricks. I don't know how I didn't notice my feelings for her sooner. I've always thought she was beautiful and talented, but I thought that way about everyone (well, not the beautiful part). I even thought of her all the time, without even noticing that I was obsessing over her completely!

She has to feel the same way! Every time it's just us two, and I speak to her, she blushes. I don't know how I've never paid attention to it before. I guess I just brushed it off as her being shy or something. If I were to ask he out do you think she'd say yes? I hope that she will. Right now, it's just us sitting in here, so all I have to do is gather up the courage and ask her out.

"Uhhhhh…hey." Smooth. That was defiantly the best pick up line ever heard, ever. I'm so proud of myself…not. She's looking at me! On no, what do I do?

"Um, hello?" I think I creeped her out, she's giving me this look like I've been staring at her o something. Oh, wait, I am staring at her…

"So, what do you- uhh, so?" Great, another perfect way to get her to jump in my arms and profess her love to me.

"So? Are you okay? You're starting to creep me out." Great! I am creeping her out. Just great! Who wants to date a creeper? Hopefully she does. We'd be the perfect couple.

"I'm fine! Why would you think otherwise?" Awesome, now I'm babbling. I should just get to the point. All I need to say is, 'I like you, will you go out with me?' Just like that, only out loud.

"Are you sure that you're okay? You seem very nervous."

I am aware that I'm nervous! It's all because of you! It would be so much easier is she would just ask me out! Why can't life be like that? But then, if I wait for her to ask me it may never happen…

"I-uh-I want to…to ask you a question!" Okay, here we go! All I have to do is ask! Deep breaths, come on! We can do this!

"okay, fire away."


"I think that you just asked me out, so if you did, then yes, yes I will go out with you."

I DID IT! SHE SAID YES! This is going to be great! I am so happy I could just kiss someone! As a matter of fact-

-The End-

Wala! Its super duper short though….but you know, review! I eat them or breakfast! And I'm starving!