A nine-year-old Isabella was propped up on her elbows as she gazed at Phineas, lost in the rosy mists of young love. Every time he moved, she felt such a rush of adrenaline-would he see her, camping out in his old treehouse?-keeping her stare locked, keeping her wanting more.

"Bella!" Isabella found it almost hard to tear herself away when the alternative was so beautiful... "Stop, Bella!" Adyson grabbed her chin, forcing it towards her so roughly Isabella felt her head spin. "Isabella," she started firmly, using her real name for maximum effect, "It's never going to work. He has a girlfriend."

She didn't even realize Adyson's nose was broken till she heard the screaming, raw and real and right close to her face. Her hand, bloody from Adyson and red from her own exhausting cruelty, hung limp as she examined it, not seeing how it could be so merciless as it had just exhibited. Suddenly, another flash of bright red caught her eye. Phineas, as he trudged for another part across his yard. And in that moment, something clicked...

Forgetting him was like trying to know someone you've never met...but loving him was red.