I do not own Twilight…



I struggled to push any air into my lungs, but I just continued to stare blankly at the massive golden etched doors in front of me. For the moment I was alone, except for the few footmen and guards who watched me carefully. I couldn't bring myself to nod for the doors to be opened, I felt out of place, though I knew that I was exactly where I belonged.


Okay, not quite yet, but I was working my way up to giving the nod. The tiara on my head was feeling ridiculously heavy at the moment. I would give anything to run at that moment, to my room, to the airport, especially to Chicago. But I was stuck, fulfilling my long awaited duty in the gunmetal gray silk gown that I wore.

Okay, now seriously! One…two…three…

Before I was even aware of it, my head was nodding to the cautiously guarding Eleazer. It must have been the damn tiara weighing my head down because I felt nowhere near ready to enter the massive ballroom that was currently waiting for me.

A hand cautiously grazed my upper arm, most likely Eleazer offering some sort of comfort, as I stepped through the now opening golden doors. I kept my eyes open against the flashing lights, flashing a beautiful smile like any modern soon-to-be Queen.

Okay, I know I haven't written anything in years but Real Life decided to just stick it to me and now things finally seem to be getting into a rhythm. Please leave some sort of review, whether you hate it or love it, I like to hear something!

P.S. And I know that lots of people love doing these royal fics but I'm hoping to have a bit of a different turn in mine.