Author's Note: Welcome to my newest story, Viva La Vida! A very long time ago, I read City of Glass and LOVED Amatis Herondale's story about her relationship with Stephen. It was just so tragic, it drew me like a moth to light. I started thinking more about the people in The Circle, and… this is the result. This story will focus on Stephen Herondale and his relationships with both Amatis and Celine, as well as explain how Jace came to be.As many of you know, I love theories and reading too far into most books. I hope you enjoy this story, as I am having fun writing it. Some of the chapters may have song lyrics. This may not always be the case, however, I will give credit to the musicians who make the music.

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters OR any of the songs used within the chapters. This is a work of fiction based on the characters in Cassandra Clare's Mortal Instruments series. I own none of these characters. No money is being made on this work. This is a work of fiction and should be treated as such. This story will contain M-rated situations, as well as massive amounts of artistic license. AWFUL THINGS HAPPEN IN THIS STORY. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. I will accept critiques but not flames. Reviews are most definitely encouraged and will motivate me to update faster. Please enjoy!

I'm sorry this chapter is so long. That won't be the case. This is long merely because it's the first chapter.

Song Credit: Viva La Vida, by Coldplay.

Chapter 1: The Circle

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own

I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemy's eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"

One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand

I hear Jerusalem bells a-ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field

For some reason I can't explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world

Stephen Herondale was four months past 18 years old the day he sat high atop of a hill and surveyed the lush, late summer colors of the surrounding Idris country side. He was running late for his destiny. Lucian Graymark, the man he was to meet, was running late, twenty minutes to be exact. Stephen couldn't imagine all that could happen in twenty minutes. Fate was a fickle bitch. One person could tip the scales against another's favor, and there would be hell to pay.

Three months before this moment, and two weeks before graduating from Shadowhunter Academy, Stephen saw a flyer at school advertising meetings for the "Circle of Raziel." The Circle, as it was known, was a group of people led by a man named Valentine Morgenstern. Valentine graduated from the Academy four years before Stephen and spent those four years gathering followers.

The flyer asked Stephen if he might like to realize his full potential as a Shadowhunter. If so, Stephen was to show up to a meeting and be willing to do whatever it took to make a difference for Shadowhunters all over the world. Stephen wanted to realize his full potential as a Shadowhunter. He tore down the flyer and made plans to attend the meeting.

Lucian, also known as Luke, was already a member of the Circle, and was parabatai to Valentine. He encouraged Stephen to join The Circle, and was half the reason why Stephan was sitting on the back of a black horse, baking in the late afternoon sun. Luke was always running late. It wasn't a bad thing; it kept him from running into stupid situations, which was what Stephen was famous for. Luke was calm, level headed, and thoughtful. Stephen was none of those things.

Finally, hoof beats approached from the east and a white horse burst form a grove of trees, a dark haired man clinging to his back. Nicias, the horse Stephen was riding, danced beneath him. She was a young mare who had obediently trotted for nearly an hour from Stephen's home, back in Idris's capital city of Alicante, to this hill. She wanted to run. Stephen knew there would be time for that. Soon, he would want to run as well.

Luke pulled up beside Stephen and apologized for being late. Stephen shrugged.

"Where's Amatis?" Luke asked, "I thought she was coming with us." Amatis was Stephen's wife of two months, as well as Luke's younger and only sister. She planned on attending the meeting; however, certain complications had arisen.

"She wasn't feeling well," Stephen said. He nudged his horse with his heels and they set off down the hill.

"Really?" Luke asked. "She wasn't feeling well last week either. Or the week before that. Or, the week before that, when you got back from your honeymoon." Stephen blushed and urged his horse into a trot. His fair complexion showed most emotions he wanted to keep hidden. "If it's just a stomach bug, there are runes to take care of it."

"We've tried them," Stephen said.

"Have you been to see the Silent Brothers?" Luke asked.

"Last week," Stephen said. "They said it was something to do with the food we ate in Italy. I'm sure she'll be fine in a day or so. It's really nothing." The reins in Stephen's hands got slick from sweat.

"You know there are only certain instances where runes don't work," Luke said. "If an illness is of demonic origin, or, if there is more than one being affected at once… which only happens… when…wait a second."

Stephen didn't bother to wait for the realization to dawn across Luke's face. He snapped the reins against his horse's neck, instantly waking Nicias from her lazy trot. She leapt into a gallop, her strides lengthening as Stephen leaned over her neck. Stephen had spent the last two weeks trying to summon the nerve to tell Luke he had gotten his sister pregnant… before the wedding.

Of course, Stephen didn't mean to get Amatis pregnant, but when it came down to it, she was just as guilty as he. Simply put, they couldn't help themselves.

Four weeks before they were to marry, Stephen and Amatis packed a picnic and departed from the Herondale Manor stables. Stephen wanted to get away from his three obnoxious older sisters and his mother's relentless wedding plans. Amatis just wanted to get away. They rode to their favorite spot, a secluded lake surrounded by trees covered in Spanish moss, ate lunch, and drank from a bottle of sweet wine Stephen pilfered from the pantry.

Stephen had courted girls before he met Amatis. He was raised in the London Institute, which his parents used to run. There were parties and balls and plenty of girls to dance with and even kiss behind closed doors. He was known as a tease back in his younger days, infamous for getting girls close enough to want him, only to turn cold when they were finally good and ready. As a result, he was never truly intimate with anyone, male or female, in all of his 18 years.

Amatis was a virgin as well, though she was expected to be. Stephen was attracted to that quality in her, not because he would be the first man she would ever be with, but that she had never been touched by heartbreak. She made him never want to break her heart.

Even as Stephen thundered down the hill, fingers twisted in his horse's mane as Luke cursed a blue streak somewhere behind him, Stephen could remember that scared afternoon like it was yesterday.

"Do you think mundanes at least have an idea about us?" Amatis had asked. She was lying with her head on Stephen's stomach as they lay beneath a tree. Stephen had one hand holding the half gone bottle of wine stationary as his other hand tangled itself into Amatis's long brown hair. Amatis was fascinated with mundanes. She cared about people who didn't even know her.

"I would hope," Stephen said. "So what does your dress look like?"

"I can't tell you that!" Amatis exclaimed. She turned so she had her head on Stephen's bicep. "You'll just have to wait."

"I can't wait much longer," Stephen moaned. Amatis smiled and tossed a leg over Stephen's waist. She kissed him gently on the lips. Stephen placed his hands on Amatis's hips, digging his fingers into the soft, well worn flannel of her shirt. They kissed again as Stephen slipped his fingers up her shirt, and felt warm skin on her stomach. He moved his hands up, over her ribs, and then…

"Wait," Amatis said. She grabbed Stephen's hand before it went too far. "Stephen."

"I can't wait," Stephen said. It might have been the alcohol, or the setting, or even the fact that he really couldn't wait, but Stephen found himself wondering what sorts of things their wedding night might contain.

"Stop thinking naughty thoughts, Herondale," Amatis said. She climbed off of him and ran her fingers through her hair, then pulled it up into a messy bun. Her face was lightly dotted with freckles. She was so normal compared to every other girl Stephen ever met. She was the girl next door no one ever took a second look at.

"You know I can't help myself," Stephen said. He kissed her lips. "If you want a boy who thinks nice thoughts, perhaps you should go looking for a Lightwood. Salt of the earth, that whole lot."

Amatis giggled. Stephen pushed her onto her back and crawled between her legs, He pinned her down and sucked on her neck, lightly nibbling the skin below her ear. Amatis sighed. The sound sent shivers up Stephen's spine.

He never lay on top of her before. Stephen could feel more of her this way. There was the warmth of her thighs against his and the softness of her breasts now suddenly within reach. Stephen moved his hips against hers as they kissed. Amatis put a hand on the back of his neck and pulled their faces close together. Stephen rubbed against her again. He ached to feel more of her skin against his body.

Amatis pulled Stephen's shirt off and tossed it aside. She ran her hands down his chest, feeling bones, and muscle, still undeveloped, but on their way to something notable. Stephen took after his father's side of the family: he was tall and lean known more for speed than strength. Not that Amatis cared either way. She moved her fingers across the black runes covering his body, from the speech rune on the side of his neck, on down to healing runes over his heart, and the duel combat runes on either side of his rib cage.

Stephen's pants rode low on his hips, revealing a thin line of blond hair beneath his navel. Amatis touched his stomach there, running her index finger up the trail of hair. Stephen's stomach got warm where she touched it. He felt familiar tightness, the need to somehow spread his knees more, and perhaps touch himself. Stephen started to say something and stopped. He didn't want to tell Amatis how badly he wanted her. He wanted her to already know.

"I love you," Stephen said. He reached down and released the button on Amatis's pants. When she didn't protest, he pulled her pants over her hips. She was wearing pink, lacy panties which couldn't have served any logical purpose as far as underpants were concerned. Amatis was still wearing her flannel shirt which might have come from Luke's closet. The combination of tough and innocent made Stephen suddenly, noticeably hard.

Amatis smiled, looked down, and unbuttoned Stephen's pants. She pulled them down and he kicked them away as she ran her fingers across the taut skin between his hips. There was a scar down there shaped like a star, burned into his skin as if it had been placed there before Stephen was even born. Amatis moved her fingers over the scar, then slipped her hand down Stephen's cotton boxer shorts. She gripped his shaft with a tight fist and began to stroke it.

"What are you doing?" Stephen mumbled. He moved his hips a little, pressing himself into her hand, then stopped himself.

"No one is going to see us," Amatis said. "Let me touch you." Stephen shook his head, pushed her hands away, and unbuttoned her shirt. His hands were shaking.

The shirt parted to reveal her breasts, which he only caught glimpses of before. Stephen touched them and ran his thumbs over her nipples. The tiny pink nubs hardened almost instantly. Stephen leaned down and flicked is tongue over one of her nipples, then the other.

Amatis moaned and sunk her fingers into the hair on the back of Stephen's head. He dropped his hips against her lower stomach and kissed the sweet skin on her neck. He licked her collar bones as she gasped against his chest. Stephen rubbed himself against her, causing her to pull her knees up, and open them wider.

Somehow, Amatis pulled down his shorts and tossed them away. Stephen tangled his hands in her hair and kissed her lips, tangling his tongue with hers as he pressed his shaft against the lace of Amatis's panties. He reached down, finally, and touched himself, stroking carefully as Amatis watched, still smiling. She was hot beneath him, her hands racing over his chest as she clutched him close and began to whisper her desires.

Stephen moved away from her, pulled her panties down, and admired her perfect, beautiful, naked body beneath him. He lay between her legs and touched the insides of her thighs carefully, following closely with his lips. Amatis dug her freshly manicured toes into the soft dirt beneath them. She moaned; Stephen shivered. He kissed to the middle of her hips, then down the lowest part of his stomach. He wet his lips and flicked his tongue against her clit.

"Stephen!" Amatis exclaimed. Stephen flicked his tongue again, and then pushed her legs apart as he kissed deeper. Amatis stopped protesting. She began to grind against his tongue and sunk her nails into his scalp. Amatis begged for more than Stephen was giving, but he knew from enough locker room conversations that the first time would be painful for her.

Either he wasn't experienced enough yet, or she just wasn't ready, but he couldn't get her to come. Instead, Stephen sat back up to find Amatis now spread eagle on the grass. She was still wearing the flannel shirt. Her hair had come loose from its bun. Her cheeks were bright red with a blush and she was smiling as if the most perfect feeling just passed through her body. All of the times Stephen wanted to be with her and found a reason not to be with her were suddenly meaningless.

When he slipped inside, Amatis arched her back and grabbed Stephen by the waist, controlling his thrusts. Stephen moved inside of her a few times, feeling her break for him, with him. Amatis was in pain and pleasure all at once. Logical screamed in the back of Stephen's mind, listing all of the consequences to this encounter. He really did consider pulling out, but seconds later unraveled deep inside of her.

It had happened then, though they wouldn't know for sure until later. They were together several times since then, before and after the wedding, but the first time had been different. Four weeks later, on their wedding day, Amatis was two weeks late.

"Stephen- William- Herondale!" Luke yelled. Stephen didn't turn back. He just held on tight and prayed his horse would be able to outrun Luke's.

Nicias galloped until she crested a hill and a large manor house came into view. There was a lake behind the house which reflected the late afternoon sun. Stephen was forced to pull up then as Luke trotted up beside him.

"Were you planning on this?" Luke asked. "What happened?"

"I assure you, you don't want to know," Stephen said. "We had some wine. One thing led to another…" Luke covered his ears and howled. "According to the Brothers the baby will arrive in March. No one knows. I don't want this getting back to my parents before I can tell them. I know, it's bad."

"Why do you assume that?" Luke asked. "It's a baby. It's an exciting time. It's my little niece or nephew I get to spoil rotten. It's a great thing, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's really great," Stephen said. "Right?" Luke smiled eagerly and nodded. Stephen let out the breath he was holding and smiled back. Everything would be wonderful.

They put their horses into a paddock close to the house, then went up the front steps of the manor house and rang the doorbell. Somewhere, music was playing and people were talking. The door opened and a man looked out.

Valentine Morgenstern was a formidable man. Stephen was just less than six feet tall, with Luke three inches taller. Valentine towered over them both, an immoveable wall of muscle. His silver blond hair was cut close to his head. His eyes were dark and were his most noticeable feature, beyond the fact that he was extremely good looking.

"Brother!" Valentine exclaimed. He reached for Luke, pulled him close, and kissed him on the cheek. It would have been strange had they not been parabatai and hadn't already swore, at the age of 15, to defend on another to death. Stephen saw parabatai greet one another far more intimately.

"Sorry I'm late," Luke said quickly. "I just got… hung up…"

"Nonsense, you're here now," Valentine said. "And Stephen, how good it is to see you again." Valentine came to Stephen's wedding, then again, so had half of Alicante. "Come in, come in, we're just sitting out back."

Luke and Stephen followed Valentine through the house and outside to a patio which overlooked the lake. A collection of people were sitting on some cushions in a circle. Stephen recognized Robert Lightwood, who graduated from the Academy a year before Stephen had. Robert's parabatai, Michael Wayland, sat close by. He had been Stephen's roommate at the Academy. Hodge Starkweather, Valentine's adviser and a close friend, was there. Maryse Lightwood, Robert's wife, was sitting with Jocelyn Fairchild- Morgenstern, Valentine's wife. A young girl sat close by, no older than 17, it seemed. She had long, blond hair that twisted into waves the same way Stephen's did. Her eyes were light hazel, nearly gold.

"Her name is Celine," Valentine mumbled. "I thought your wife was coming with you."

"She wasn't feeling well," Stephen said.

"So she's expecting?" Valentine asked. Stephen blushed. "You can tell us. You can trust The Circle, Stephen. We're family here."

"Yes, she's pregnant," Stephen said. "About three months along."

"Congratulations!" Valentine exclaimed. "It would seem as though our little Circle is expanding one way or another. Maryse is due in the fall. Jocelyn and I have wonderful news to share as well."

Jocelyn turned her head at the sound of her name. She had long, red hair and bright green eyes. She met Valentine in school the way Stephen met Amatis. Jocelyn grew up with Luke, and they were still close friends. Luke might have loved her once before, but that was before.

"We're going to have a baby," Jocelyn said.

"A baby?" Luke asked. He didn't bother to keep the shock out of his voice. Stephen wondered if Jocelyn ever knew the truth about Luke, and if she had, how things could have been different. "Congratulations… this is exciting news."

"Thank you," Valentine said. He clasped Luke's hand in a handshake and released it. On the other side of the patio, Jocelyn smiled and laughed as she accepted congratulations from everyone. Valentine walked over and kissed her on the cheek, placing a hand on her stomach.

When the celebrating was done, Valentine invited everyone to sit down. Luke sat a few feet away from Jocelyn, sharing a cushion with Hodge, who sat beside Valentine. The only other seat still open was beside Celine, who sat on Valentine's left side. Stephen sat next to her, close enough to find that she smelled warm and sweet, like orange blossoms and cotton. Celine was wearing a light brown dress, with an amulet strung around her neck. When Stephen shook her hand, she held his for a beat longer than necessary.

"Tea?" Valentine asked. Stephen shook his head, trying to forget about orange blossoms and girly girls who wore short dresses to Circle meetings. Luke glared; Stephen moved a few inches away from Celine and accepted a cup of tea.

The tea was sweet and delicious. It had calming affects, not unlike alcohol, with no dizzying side effects. Stephen had two cups as he listened to Valentine speak. He was, as everyone said, hypnotic. Stephen spent a solid hour drinking sweet tea and getting drunk on the words coming from Valentine's mouth.

Valentine spoke about the Clave, and how their laws felt archaic and wrong. The downworlders- vampires, werewolves, faeries and warlocks- all lived by their own rules. To ask the Shadowhunters to follow a set of laws while every other creature didn't have to felt wrong. It was wrong. The Shadowhunters weren't allowed to go out and kill for sport; why should the werewolves be allowed to do the same? Valentine didn't want to see anyone hurt; he only wanted the laws reformed.

The meeting ended just as the sun began to descend towards the horizon. Valentine asked Robert and Hodge to join him inside the house for a meeting Stephen knew had something to do with him. In the mean time, everyone else was told that "the last person in the water is out of the Circle." Luke jumped up, stripped down to his shorts, and jumped into the lake.

"I don't have anything to swim in," Stephen said. Celine stripped naked and jumped into the water.

"I'm sure you'll figure it out," Valentine said with a wink. He disappeared into the house.

Apparently, the Lightwoods were exempt from swimming. They were always exempt from things. It should have been the opposite; there were so many of them, they could spare a few for the more grisly missions they otherwise got out of. Jocelyn gave Stephen a sympathetic smile before relaxing with Maryse on some cushions. She was good friends with Amatis, but didn't seem to have anything to say to Stephen. Robert came out of the house after a few minutes. He kissed Maryse, then lay down beside her.

In the end, Stephen undressed and went into the water with Michael. Once submerged in the water, Stephen felt himself relax as he floated on his back close to Michael and made casual small talk. Back in school, they were close friends. They had similar features and shared the same bright blond hair and blue eyes. They were more than likely related somehow. Early on, people got them mixed up, less so now that Michael had a wife and three month old son.

"So when are you getting married, Lucian?" Michael asked.

"When I find a girl I can tolerate for more than a night," Luke replied.

"Seems like the master expects you to go forth and multiply as soon as possible," Stephen said.

"Fuck off, Stephen," Luke said. "And Valentine's not the master. Have some respect."

"You're dragging us down, Graymark," Michael said. "How are we going to make new Shadowhunters if you don't do your part to make us some?"

"I guess Jocelyn will have to do the work for me," Luke said.

Celine was floating on her back, close to Stephen. She still wore her amulet around her neck, which, upon closer examination, appeared to be a cross with a loop at the top.

"It's an ankh," Celine said. "The Egyptian symbol for eternal life." The amulet was nestled between her breasts and drew Stephen's eyes down, forcing him to compare her to Amatis. Luke cleared her throat.

"Is there a bathroom inside?" Stephen asked.

"Through the kitchen, first door on the left," Celine replied. She dove under the water. A second later, Luke gasped.

Stephen climbed out of the water. He went to the patio, where fresh towels were laid out, and dried off before walking inside. He found the bathroom with no problem, used it, and walked back out through the kitchen to find Valentine sitting at the kitchen table with two glasses of an amber liquid in front of him. Hodge walked through the kitchen, glanced at Valentine, bit his lip to hide a smile, and went outside. Stephen watched him go. Hodge Starkweather was shaping up to be a strange bird indeed.

"Come have a drink, son," Valentine said.

"I shouldn't," Stephen said. "I shouldn't drink, I mean. I have to get home and my horse doesn't know the way." Valentine nodded, picked up a drink, and walked over to Stephen. Valentine was shirtless and dressed to swim. Outside, Hodge leapt into the water as the sun's last rays cast themselves across the sky.

"Luke tells me you have a home in Alicante," Valentine said. Stephen nodded. "Don't your parents have a manor house close by? Can't you live there?"

"I would rather not," Stephen said. "My father and I…" Valentine held up a hand.

"Say no more. It's in your nature to go against your father's wishes," Valentine said. "Herondales are known for their… father issues. Why there hasn't yet been a Herondale boy who didn't step away from the nest for at least a little while." Stephen nodded again. "You've got to discover who you are, Stephen. Not who your father wants you to be." Valentine laid a hand over Stephen's heart. Stephen looked down at it, then back up at Valentine. "He's the one who drove you away, right?"

"Right," Stephen said. "I'm an adult. I can make my own decisions."

"Right," Valentine said. "You've got a good head on your shoulders. I have big plans for you. Herondales have always been known to… burn bright."

Stephen looked back outside, wondering if he was or wasn't in the Circle. He watched Luke hold Celine in his arms as they floated in the water.

"He's heartbroken," Valentine said. "I know about he and Jocelyn. There are two types of men, Stephen. The ones who watch things happen, and the ones who make things happen. Who are you?"

Back in school, Stephen had an instructor who asked the same thing. He had yet to figure out the answer. Luke tossed Celine into the air. She laughed and screamed as she splashed into the water. Luke chased after her. They dove under together and came back up. Stephen wanted to bet Luke wasn't spending the night alone.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?" Valentine asked.

"I'm married," Stephen replied.

"But surely you can have an opinion…"

"She's a very pretty girl."

Valentine looked back outside to see Celine climb out of the water. His jaw clenched as he observed everyone in his Circle. Stephen would come to understand Valentine's facial expressions better then he could understand his words.

"She's my sister," Valentine said. "Adopted. Her parents died in a fire when she was young. Fucking warlocks, you know. Shoddy with their magic." Stephen nodded. "You and she would make beautiful babies, what with your blond hair, and eyes… She's a Midwinter by birth, raised Morgenstern. Your children would be powerful."

"I'm married," Stephen said. "My wife is expecting."

"Of course," Valentine said. "You're far too young to have a wife and baby." Stephen shrugged. "Come back tomorrow night, alone. Pack some weapons and a change of clothes. If you want to be in the Circle, you'll need to pass initiation. Plan on spending the night." He patted Stephen on the back. "I see big things in your future, Stephen. Big things, indeed."

Author's Note: Thanks for reading! What do you think? Please review.