Sorry it took so long. Actually, I have something to say about this story at the end. For now, please enjoy! ^.^

'Germany! I'm so happy you're here! I had a really scary dream that you went away!' Italy cried, jumping into her lover's arms.

Germany kissed her. 'Italy, I won't go away. I love you so much.'

'Ve! I love you, too!' she cooed, kissing him back.

They cuddled and kissed, the rest of the world blanking out of existence. Nothing else mattered because they were together. The world was perfect.



He stroked the top of her head gently. Italy smiled against his chest, content.

The touch changed, somehow. It became… less physical and more surreal. It felt as though Italy was not quite there. She no longer saw Germany, instead seeing only darkness. The black throbbed and twisted before her.


The touch to her head was real again. Italy could feel fingers run slowly through her hair, lift away, and repeat the action. The darkness slowly lifted as Italy opened her eyes. The hand upon her head was no longer Germany's.

America was looking down on her with a smile on his face. His blue eyes widened with glee as Italy became fully aware of where she was. She was lying on a bed in what appeared to be a medical hut. She gasped sharply, sitting up.

'Ve-Ah!' she squeaked, clutching her left arm. She saw it was bandaged up. Italy felt a dull pain in her leg, and threw the cover off to see it was bandaged up as well. 'Ve…'

'Girl, calm down,' America said. 'You're in safe hands. Plus, the hero is here, so you'll definitely recover in next to no time!'

Italy stared at him. She pulled the covers back over her legs and sighed. She thought about what had happened. Memories swirled through her mind in partial stabs. Italy gasped when she finally remembered what had happened – why she was lying here with America by her side. She looked to the man, and tears formed in her eyes. She began to cry, unrestricted.

'Huh? Girl why are you crying? Don't do that! I don't know how to handle that!' he said frantically. He frantically began a search through his pockets. 'Crap! I know there's one in here somewhere…!'

'I believe you wish to give her this?' A new voice said. Italy recognised this voice even over the volume of her crying. She peeked at the other man from behind her hands. It was England. He leaned over and held out a tissue to Italy.

After a few seconds of simply staring at it like a weapon, Italy reached out a shaking arm and took it. 'Th-Thank you…' she whimpered.

'Honestly, are we wise accepting her as our newest ally?' England asked. 'She's not exactly the toughest of nations.'

'Dude!' shouted America. 'But she's cute!'

'Cuteness does not win wars,' England responded. The dutiful tone and strict reign England had on his voice contrasted America's free and loud voice to perfection. Italy looked form one man to the other. She decided that America was nicer.

'Ve… Can… Can I have something to eat…?' she asked feebly. Italy's stomach growled painfully. 'I'm so hungry.'

England's eyebrows knitted together in what appeared to be frustration. He opened his mouth, and Italy flinched in preparation to receive harsh denial, but America stepped in front of him. 'Of course you can, girl!'

Italy squeaked with a small smile. America helped her out of the bed and let her lean on his shoulder all the way to where he claimed the rations were kept. The hut was rather big. America sat her down at a small table and brought out a tin of what appeared to be meat.

'Sorry I can't give you anything better, but food is in short supply,' America said. He patted Italy on her shoulder.

She stared at the meat, forcing up a smile. She had not tasted pasta in so long, her tongue felt raw. 'It's… f-fine. Grazie.'

She picked up the fork with weak hands and took a bite. It tasted nothing like the quality food she and the rest of her country indulged in every single day without a care. Her stomach twisted both with the horrid taste and in painful nostalgia. Italy suppressed a whimper as best she could.

'Italy,' America said, sitting down opposite her. 'Your boss and my boss have been talking. I heard he's officially signed you over to us.'

'Ve…' She did not fully understand the complete meaning of what America had just said, but decided that it meant a whole new relationship for her and Germany. She loved him, but what did this mean, exactly for him? Did he still love her even though she had switched sides? 'I'm… f-fighting with…'

'Us.' America finished for her. He rested his head on both his hands, elbows propped on the table. 'You're officially part of us.'

Italy's heart tumbled wildly to the bottom of her body. It rested for a little while. She could no longer feel its beats. Her stomach twisted as if searching for the heart. Eventually, it began to beat again. More wildly than a normal rate, but beating to keep Italy alive nonetheless.

She could say little. Her blond German lover stared her in the face. His icy blue eyes struck a new wave of panic into her soul. 'Ugh… G-German…'

America stood and supported her. 'Hey, girl.'

His words echoed as if delivered from underwater. 'I… I want to go back to bed…'

'Ah… Sure.' America hoisted her up, and Italy clung to him. Yes, she was afraid, but America seemed to be her best option while she was here. She decided to keep his friendship in her mind, but not without disturbing another relationship.

When they reached the beds, Italy was relieved to see England was gone. America helped her into the bed and pulled the covers over her.

'I'm gonna go do some stuff, but if you need me, you just yell, ya hear?' America used his thumb to point to himself.

Italy smiled weakly. 'Si. Thank you.'

America smirked with a 'You're so cute!' before leaving.

Italy looked to the ceiling, her mind swirling. She closed her eyes, and images of Germany appeared in front of her like his figure was imbedded on her eyelids. 'Ve…'

Time passed, but with nothing but the creeping sun, Italy could scarcely tell just how much had gone by. She could hear nothing outside her room. The silence was promising. Italy removed the covers from over her and threw her legs over the side of the bed. Pain shot up her bad leg. She squeaked, clutching it until it eased. She felt heavy tears threaten, but determination drove them back. She spied a pair of worn-looking but wearable slip on shoes. After pulling them on, she peeked round the corner, and all the corners that followed, spying nothing. No alarm was raised and nobody shouted out as she made her way out of the tent.

'Ve… Germany…'

Saying his name was like a breath. It revitalised her with a silent promise: We will be together again.

The outside breeze was a change, but a familiar one. Italy took rapid, sharp breaths. She glanced back to the medical hut. Nobody had spotted her. A stab of both excitement and panic struck her. She was driven further away by the chanting of these two feelings as they danced heavily in her heart. It mixed with the pain in her leg and arm.

The first gunshot she heard threw her stride away. She shook uncontrollably. The tears threatened again. Italy clenched her fists; trying with every ounce of strength she had left to remain standing. She told herself, I cannot be afraid of some gunshots! Germany would scold me! I have to go find him!

She broke from trees to buildings a matter of minutes later. Italy's eyes stung at the sights before her. She saw people – her own – lying without life by their homes, by their land. The land where they had been born and raised with so many happy memories accumulated.

'Ve-e…' she breathed, trying to chase the thoughts away.

'You! YOU! What are you doing here?'

With the plummet of her stomach, Italy spun round. A German soldier was aiming his gun at her. Staring into the black barrel, Italy remembered the Allies' guns. She fell to her knees.

'No! No! Please don't shoot me! I just want to see Germany! Please! Can you take me to him!'

The soldier's merciless eyes slacked only a little as he lowered his weapon to inspect the pathetic and injured girl before him. 'Holy shit,' she spat. 'You're Italy…'

'Y-Yeah…?' Italy confirmed somewhat questioningly.

'I think he'll be… interested to see you. We got some funny news from your boss,' the soldier continued. 'On your feet!'

Scrambling to her feet, Italy clutched her heart as if it would be ripped from her chest of she didn't protect it. 'V-Ve! So-So you'll take me to him?'

'Ja,' he confirmed with a sigh. He moved to behind Italy and poked his gun into her back slightly. She flinched, and he spoke again. 'Just shut up and let me lead you.'

She nodded shakily, allowing the soldier to manoeuvre her through the war's destruction. Not once did either of them speak. The journey was cold and filled with silent panic.

'Here,' he said sternly. He stopped Italy in front of what she knew to be the Town Hall. Even this strong and respected building had deep scars, with bullet holes and destroyed paint work. Italy felt ill, and her leg began to throb.

The soldier forced her quickly through a discrete side door. The hall was cold and dark, lacking every vibe of the warm welcome it represented.

'Sir,' he said loudly as he pushed Italy into the main room. 'Look what I found. She was looking for you.'

Italy's eyes widened. Germany was standing behind the dark wooden desk as the back of the room. The chair that once stood behind it was overturned in the corner of the room, its fabric dead of the vibrant green it once was. Germany was wearing a different uniform than the one Italy had left him wearing. He was wearing what looked like a high-ranking uniform. She had seen him wear this before, but it was only when he wasn't directly fighting at the time. He wore the hat she had seen before, too. It covered his eyes as he stared down to the desk. She could capture no feature of his face.

Without a word, Germany shooed the officer out of the room. The soldier cast a salute to his commander even though he couldn't see it. Conditioning.

When the sound of the door closing behind the soldier was heard, Italy took a step forward. Her smile was wide and uncontrollable; she was seeing Germany again!

'Ve! Germany! I've missed you so much!' she said happily. Italy took a few steps towards him, intending to hug him.

'What the hell is wrong with you?'

She stopped. The words he emitted where ice cold and devoid of emotion. They struck Italy.

'Ve? Ger-'

'What the hell are you doing here? Are you so stupid that you don't even know the situation of your own country?' He shot his head up. Italy's gasp was strangled as if she was being drowned. Germany's eyes were flaring with anger. She had never seen this before. This could not have been her Germany, surely.

Before she could so much as make a noise, Germany yelled again. 'YOU HAVE BETRAYED THE AXIS! YOU HAVE JOINED THEM!'

His voice hammered into Italy's fragile being, snapping every bone she possessed. It tore out her hair and scrapped at her eyes. It ripped her lungs from her body and stabbed her heart.

Still, she could not make a noise.

'I lo-' He paused, bringing his hand to his face. 'I loved you…! Do you not know that? Did that not mean anything to you?'

'Germany, ple-'

'YOU WILL NOT EXCUSE YOURSELF! I PROTECTED YOU!' He gripped the edge of the desk. Italy heard the wood crack. 'Ita-Italy…'

He shot from his position and grabbed both of Italy's arms. The contact was painful.

'Ve… Ger-Germany you're hurting me…!'

He did not reply. Germany's eyes were frightening. The black bill of his hat covered his forehead, which served to make him look even more dangerous. Germany pushed himself forward, forcing Italy against the wall. He forced his lips to meet hers.

The kiss was rough. Italy moaned feebly as Germany forced his tongue into her mouth. It rolled and thrashed with her own tongue. Italy could taste him. She felt the familiar texture of his tongue as it forced its way over and under hers. Her moans were a mixture of fright and pleasure.

Germany broke away with a sharp intake of air on both sides. Italy looked to him. His eyes had not changed.

'Ger-' She struggled without success against his strength. 'Germany… please…'

Again, there was no verbal response. He rolled his tongue over the skin of her neck. Italy shuddered. Her good leg became as weak as her damaged one. 'Nngh…'

He bit down. Italy yelped. His teeth sank onto her, heightening her yelps. She did not know how to feel or what to think. She had wanted to be intimate with Germany for so long, but the circumstances under which this was happening were unfamiliar and unloving.

'I loved you,' he hissed, bringing his face to hover in front of hers. 'I loved you, Italy. You betrayed me.'

He let go of her. Italy slid to the floor with a thump. Her arm and leg throbbed.

Germany fixed his hat, which had been obscured during the incident.

'We are fighting on different sides, now,' he said, looking to the wall. He was stating facts with no emotion impeding his judgement. Even Italy knew this. 'But… there will always be a part of me that still loves you. Goodbye.'

Italy's insides hurt. They were causing her agony. Nothing in the world had ever made her feel so ill. She thought she was going to lose consciousness. It seemed like a more favourable way to end this. Or rather, it would be favourable if she regained consciousness. If she regained it rather than lost it, then this would all have just been a silly dream. She would wake up beside the man she loved so dearly and tell him about it. After comforting her that it would never happen, they would laugh about it. They would kiss and say they loved each other over and over.

'N-No.' She could barely make sound.

The man she loved more than anything in the world, the man who had said he loved her, turned his back and began to walk.

Italy shot her head up, the blood rushing through it like an ambush. 'N-No!'

He did not answer, and she knew. She knew this more clearly than she had ever known anything.

She had lost him.

Ok… I hope you guys enjoyed that. Truth be told, I was going to have Germany rape her *gasp*, but looking over him as a person, I just don't think he has that in him.

This story will be going on a hiatus as of now. The reason being: I wish to concentrate on my other story 'Tea Stains and Babysitting'. Please don't worry! I WILL finish this story, I swear to you! ^.^ I just wish to take a little break from Germany and Italy for a while and focus on another couple. I really hope you don't mind!

As always, thank you so much for reading and reviewing! I will post the next chapter up at some point in the future, but it may not be the very near future. I'm so sorry!

Thank you! xx