Hello Lucian Lovers who own computers :)

Eternallystarcrossed2010 here with another Lucian story. Thank you to all who supported me by favoriteing, alerting, reviewing or just plain reading my other story. Every review I got gave me motivation to continue and so I hope that you will like this story as well.

This is another Lucy returns to Narnia- it has nothing to do with Never Return, which is a shame, I really loved some of those moments. Since my last story contained Edmund/OC this one will contain Peter/OC- it will not be a huge presents after the first three chapters or so, but it will become important, but I can't tell you why…

The intro (this chapter) will be in third person. But then the story will be in Lucy's POV!

Summary Time: All Lucy had to do to return to Narnia was tell someone about Narnia- someone who would believe her. But returning is wasn't as simple as expected, but who expected a certain King to steal her heart?

I am so excited! So here we go-

Once upon a time….haha, sorry couldn't resist.

Lucy looked around at her friends excitedly. Aribella gave her a grin in return. Festival was the girl's favorite times of the year (there being one festival for each season). For most of them, it was a social event and social events meant boys! For Lucy's best friend Aribella, it meant creating amazing costumes for all of her friends. For Lucy- all of Festivals whimsical costumes and sword fights (which Lucy was the champion and had been for the past four festivals.) - it was a way to remember Narnia.

The last time Lucy had been to Narnia was when she was 15, one year ago. She had been with her brother Edmund, who was now 18 and attending University, and her cousin Eustace, now 15. They had been sailing on the Dawn Treader under Captain Drinian. The man became a second father to her during the journey. They were sailing to find the lost lords, something King Caspian felt he owed his father.

Oh Caspian. Lucy thought. He had been 20 at the time, but could be 100 by now. Time pasted differently in Narnia. The first time she had gone she had ruled (They had been crowned Kings and Queens by Aslan himself) with her siblings for several years, only to fall out of a wardrobe and be a girl again. When they had returned two years later, thousands of years had past in Narnia. Lucy and her siblings had fought along side a 17 year old Prince Caspian to regain his throne. Then five long years later, Lucy and Edmund returned to find it had been only three years in Narnia. For all Lucy knew, Caspian could be a 10-year-old boy now.

"Lu?" Ari's voice shook her out of her thoughts.

"Yes Ari?" Lucy replied with a forced smile.

"Just making sure you were still on earth…" Ari smiled gently, "You had a far off look in your eyes. What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing, just daydreaming I suppose." Lucy sighed. Ari gave Lucy a look that said, "I don't believe you", but she let it slide.

Lucy hadn't told any of her friends about Narnia. She was afraid they think she was completely loony. Actually, she was more afraid they'd laugh at her and tell her she made up good jokes. Lucy had already had enough of people laughing at Narnia.

Once Susan left Narnia for the last time, she threw herself into a world of vanity. Her once smart sister became a shell of beauty, caring more about boys than school. Susan spent all of her free time doing something vain and shallow, it had become normal by the time Lucy returned to Narnia. But when Lucy tried to tell Susan, she only laughed.

Are you and Edmund still on about that game we played as children?

Her words had hurt Lucy more than leaving Narnia for the last time. Peter on the other hand asked about everyone and everything. By the look in his eyes, you could tell that he missed Narnia. Not that Lucy got to see his eyes often. Her eldest brother was currently fighting in the war, while her sister was off in America. She rarely got to see them, but Peter came over every chance he got. Susan however was content to just stay where she was.

"Lucy?" Ari called bringing her attention back to Festival. She smiled at her friend and leant over to look at Aribella's sketches for her. She always did something that looked like it came from Narnia, not that any of her friends knew that. But Ari had developed a sense of what Lucy liked. Lucy looked at her friends drawing of a fairy costume. It reminded Lucy of a forest nymph, and looked like it would fit in at Autumn Festival.

"That one." Lucy pointed to it, "If I don't think of something else in the next day."

"I doubt it's costumes you're dreaming of Lu." Ari teased her gently. Then she looked serious, "What's wrong?"

"I just miss my brothers I guess." Lucy shrugged. Ari nodded sympathetically. Her oldest brothers, twins, were also currently fighting in the war. Aribella pushed her straight, chin length blonde hair behind her ear. Her hazel eyes were trained on the paper as she continued to work on Lucy's costume. Ari was determined to make these the best costumes ever, seeing that it was the one year anniversary of the festival starting.

"So Lucy?" her friend Rachel called from across the room, "Will either of your brothers be there?" Chantelle and Sarah giggled- both finding Lucy's brothers attractive as well.

Lucy resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Edmund will be, and Peter may come if that's how he wishes to spend his time off." Lucy noticed Ari's face grow slightly red at the mention of Peter. She bit down a smile, knowing her brother harbored some sort of feelings for Ari. He just denied them because he was 21 and she was 16. Lucy failed to see how that matters, especially when the two people clearly cared for each other. But then again, age had always been just a number to Lucy. It had been for a while now, about a year or so (and it may or may not have something to do with her last trip to Narnia).

"I hope that's how he spends his time off, he's very handsome you know." Rachel twirled her hair around her finger giggling. Lucy rolled her eyes. Sometimes she wondered why she was friends with Rachel.

Lucy once again let her thoughts drift to the another 21 (or possibly 21, she really had no idea) year old man . She vaguely heard Rachel talking about how cute she and Peter would look together, but was more focused on the warm, golden-brown eyes in her memory.

Aribella and Lucy were walking back to Lucy's house. Well, Lucy's aunt and uncle's house that she had been living at for two years now. Lucy opened the door and greeted Eustace. He nodded, but continued working hardly on whatever was on the paper in front of him.

"Eustace?" Lucy asked, "Why are you working on studies? You told me you had already finished."

"I'm- working on some-extra assignments." He stuttered and flushed a little pink.

"You're an awful liar!" Aribella laughed. "We know you're writing a love letter to Jill!" Eustace and her got into a playful fight over what a bad liar Eustace was, but Lucy had her mind on someone else. The way Ari had said that reminder her painfully of last year. It was so sudden and blinding, Lucy was glad she didn't have anything in her arms, because she surely would have dropped it. Before she could stop it, the memory surfaced.

Lucy crumpled up the stupid spell and threw it into the fire. She was now afraid of what she had almost done. Aslan had stopped her and reversed it, but his disappointment in her was evident. Tears sprang to Lucy's eyes and fell before she could stop them. She went to talk to Edmund, only to find he too was having trouble with bad dreams and couldn't bear to burden him further. She considered waking Caspian, but decided that against it. It would be far too embarrassing to explain to him.

Silently Lucy made her way above deck, the breeze of the sea calming her instantly. She breathed deeply and watched the waves the glinted in the moonlight. She was calmer, that was for sure, even though her tears still hung on her face. Suddenly, an arm wrapped around her waist from behind. She tensed, but then she realized that they were in the middle of an ocean, so it had to be someone she knew.

"Why are you crying Lucy?" A slightly accented voice whispered in her ear. Lucy jumped, wiping away the last tears that were on her cheek. Yes, she defiantly knew him- and he was really the last person she wanted to explain this to. "I wasn't crying Caspian." She said indignantly.

Caspian let out a slight chuckle; "You're an awful liar."

"I am not." She huffed. Caspian's smile remained for another second, and then disappeared as he reached to brush a remaining tear away. "Really Lucy, what is it?"

Lucy ignored the question and asked one of her own. "What brings you on deck Caspian?"

"You Lucy." He said. She shot him a confused glance. "Edmund woke me up with his dreaming and I saw you come in upset. But when you didn't wake anyone and you left, I followed to make sure you were okay." He explained.

"I'm fine Caspian." Lucy winced at her own lie. She was a rather awful liar.

"Lu, you can trust me with anything." Caspian whispered as he lightly stroked her cheek.

Not sure if it was his voice, his touch, or just how kind he was being- but she told him everything about the beauty spell. By the end she was crying again, feeling foolish but it felt good to have off her chest. Caspian started at her for a moment before quietly asking, "Why would you want to look like Susan?"

"I didn't know the spell would make me look like her. I just wanted to be beautiful." Lucy cried softly.

"You don't see yourself beautiful?" Caspian asked, worry, shock, and something else in his eyes.

"I know I'm pretty." Lucy said, trying to worm her way out of answering.

"But you don't see yourself as beautiful?" Caspian repeated the question.

"It's hard to see myself as beautiful when I have a sister as beautiful as the moon." She mocked something a suitor had once said to Susan.

"Lucy." Caspian said sternly, " Susan maybe as beautiful as the moon, but it is a cold beauty. Nothing on yours." Caspian said, the same unreadable expression in his eyes.

"What do you mean Caspian?" Lucy asked, wiping her tears away once more. He got a look of thought on his face as he tried to find the right words. His eyes lit up when he had found them.

"I mean if Susan is the moon, then you're the sun." Caspian smiled at her. "So bright and warm, that when it rises the moon can no longer be seen." Lucy smiled at him as he continued. "She judges others while you except them whole heartily. She is polite and you are friendly. She is reserved while you are forward. You hold a very special kind of beauty Queen Lucy."

Lucy leant her head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her. "Caspian, I had no idea you had such a way with words." Lucy giggled quietly.

"With sixteen years of tutoring, one would only hope I learnt something." He laughed back. Lucy closed her eyes and felt sleep fast approaching. Picking her up, Caspian carried her to bed. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and went back to his own bed.

And that night, Queen Lucy had never felt more beautiful-

"LUCY!" Ari's voice yelled. Lucy jumped and knocked her head on a wall she must have started to lean on during her memory. Lucy turned to look at Ari, who had a skeptical look. "Your brothers again?" She asked, accusation seeping into her tone. Lucy just shrugged in what she hoped looked innocent enough.

"What about the handsome fools?" A voice called from the doorway.

"Edmund!" Lucy said, jumping to give here brother a hug. Then she heard a "Move idiot, you saw her last weekend" grumbled from behind her.

"Peter!" She called happily, releasing Edmund to grab Peter. Edmund greeted Eustace with a handshake, and hugged Aribella. Peter released Lucy to glance at Aribella and Edmund's embrace, jealous flashing through his eyes. Lucy rolled her eyes, "Go give her a proper greeting fool." She nudged Peter. He playfully glared, but wrapped Aribella in a hug anyway, causing Lucy's best friend and her brother to both flush pink.

Ari came into Lucy's room after Peter and Edmund had gone to town with Eustace. She set her sketches down on Lucy's table. "Lucy what on earth is with you?"

"I don't know what you mean Ari." Lucy denied.

"Lu, you don't sleep well, you're never hungry and you always have a dream like far off look in your eye." Ari listed off everything that had been odd with Lucy for the past year or so. "You look like you've lost something you can never have back."

Lucy looked at Aribella's honest face. She was her best friend in the entire world. Not entire worlds, Ari and Caspian were closely tied, but Ari was defiantly the best in England. Lucy took a deep breath.

"Ari? Can I tell you something, something I've never told another soul?" Lucy asked quietly.

"Lu, you can trust me with anything." Ari said sitting on Lucy's bed. Lucy gritted her teeth to keep the memory of Caspian saying the same thing from resurfacing.

"You can't laugh Aribella. It will be ridiculous, but it's the truth and you have to believe me." Lucy said harshly.

Ari's eyebrows came together but she nodded, "I know you would never lie Lucy. You're too bad at it." Ari teased her. Lucy tried to smile back but only grimaced.

Lucy took another deep breath. "Do you remember how I told you about going to the countryside when the war first started? Going to the professor's house?" Ari nodded. "Well there was this wardrobe in a spare room…"

And so Lucy told Aribella everything about Narnia. And Aribella believed her. Every word.

Little did Lucy know, but that was all Aslan required.

How did you like it? Let me know. "How?" you ask. Why by hitting that cute little review button- I know it's around her somewhere.