I sincerly apologize for not updating this story since the first chapter! Really, there's no excuse for it but I'm back now and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story! :)

Alena's POV

I breathed out slowly, exhausted. The conference room was finally ready, sparkling clean and stocked with food and drinks. I was happy that Mr. Voldemort dismissed Noemi and I until the end of the meeting because that meant I wouldn't have to stand by and pretend not to hear them plotting their crimes. Not only that, but I didn't have to be in such close proximity to the Death Eaters, specifically Bellatrix Lestrange. The woman gave me chills everytime I saw her face or heard her voice. I don't think I had ever met such an evil and intimidating woman in my life!

I phoned the first floor staff and informed them that the conference room was ready while Noemi went to speak with Mr. Voldemort. I briefly wondered why she hadn't come back yet. Her nightly reports to Mr. Voldemort never took longer than just a few minutes...

I left the conference room and let my mind wander to Jacob Black. He had promised to be there at nine o'clock and I couldn't wait! The clock on the wall read five minutes 'til eight. I was just five minutes away from being able to see the beautiful smile of the most wonderful, caring, sweetest man I had ever met! In just three short months Jacob Black had managed to steal my heart and, for the first time ever, made me fall in love.

It all started in January when he was first admitted into The Slytherin Club. He had just turned twenty-one and parked himself at the bar with his friends and personal assistants, Quil and Embry. I was stationed at the first floor bar that night and Jacob immediately caught my eye. He was tall, dark and handsome, but also had smoldering brown eyes, a radiating smile and an aura that was warm and exuded happiness and light. Once we started talking it was like we couldn't stop. We talked at the bar for hours, and never ran out of things to talk about.

Jacob came to the club everyday after that night and we had been growing closer ever since. Jacob travelled frequently, but everytime he was in London he made sure to see me. We would go to the cinemas and take walks around the park, and he took me to dinner at the fanciest restaurants. Being close to him was exhilirating, and my heart skipped a few beats when he hugged me, held my hand, or kissed me on that spot so close to my lips.

I was sure Jacob felt the same way about me. I knew he felt the same electricity I felt whenever we were together. But for some reason he hadn't made a move yet. Three months and he hadn't even kissed me! Of course, I could've made the first move, but I didn't want to ruin anything just in case my gut feeling was wrong and he didn't feel the same about me...


I shrieked and nearly jumped out of my skin. Draco Malfoy was barrelling towards me and he looked angry! Before I could react he grabbed me by the wrist and yanked me into the emergency stairwell.

"Where's Noemi?" He asked, his voice gruff and his face red and angry. His hair was a mess and his clothes were disheveled. There was a faint smell of sex and I knew what had happened.

"I-I don't know!" I said as I tried to pry his fingers off of my wrist. "Let me go!"

"What time does she get off tonight?" He asked, unconsciously squeezing my wrist harder. Fresh tears stung my eyes.

"We close at one!" I cried. "Let me go! You're hurting me!"

He pushed his face closer to mine. His breath smelled of Bourbon and cigarettes. "When you see her, you tell her she's going to pay for hurting me! Understand me?"

"Yes!" I squealed, tears running down my face.

He let go of my wrist but kept himself pressed against me, and put a hand on my waist and moved it up and down slowly. His breathing became heavier and tears rolled down my face because I knew what he wanted.

He buried his face in my neck and nibbled my flesh while his hands roamed all over my body. I wanted to cry out in protest but I knew better. Malfoy always got what he wanted. When he wanted something he got it, regardless of time or location, and I never refused him. I couldn't. I had no right to, as Malfoy always told me. I was indebted to him and he took full advantage of it. I did whatever he wanted, whether it was running his errands, playing secretary at his office or satisfying his carnal appetite.

Luckily for me, Noemi had caught Malfoy's eye six months ago and most of his attention had been on her, sparing me the agonizing task of having sex with him. She knew about my situation, of course, and that's how he got started on her. She went to confront him and that's what sparked their little affair. But she loved their "relationship" and had no attachments to make her stay. And she obviously enjoyed the sex.

"You're so soft," he moaned. His cold hands were now under my skirt and his mouth was on the tops of my breasts.

"You were with Noemi earlier?" I asked.

I felt the vibrations from his chuckle on my chest. "My little Alena, always curious." Then I felt a hand creep up my thigh and long fingers graze the delicate lace of my panties. My heart raced and I began to sweat. I hated when he would attempt foreplay.

It was then that his iPhone beeped. His lips and hands stopped moving on my body and he withdrew his phone from his breast pocket.

"Fuck!" He growled and thrust his iPhone back into his pocket. "I have to go, the meeting starts in fifteen minutes." Malfoy threaded his fingers through my hair and yanked my head back to look up at him. "Deliver that message to Noemi. And don't forget you have to be on the set tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. Don't be late, pretty." He smashed his lips onto mine and rubbed hard.

"On second thought, I'm coming to your flat after work tonight," he told me. "I'm going to have someone tonight, and if it's not Noemi then it will be you."

He kissed me one more time then left.

I slumped down to the floor and cried. I hated this. I hated Malfoy. I hated my situation. And I hated myself.

I allowed myself to cry a few more tears then picked myself off the floor. I cleaned myself up as best as I could before heading back downstairs, where I immediately spotted Jacob Black. He noticed me at the same time and lifted me up into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his strong neck annd I melted into him.

"I missed you, doll face." The big man whispered into my ear.

"I've missed you too, Jake."

Being in Jacob's large arms made me forget all about the incident with Malfoy. But the moment he put me down and took a good look at me, his big smile morphed into a deep frown.

"Lena, you've been crying. What's wrong? What's happened?" He asked. I suddenly felt embarrassed under his inquisitorial gaze.

"N-nothing, Jake. I have allergies—"

"Lena, its the middle of March! Your allergies wouldn't be acting up right now. And what the hell happened to your wrist?"

He reached for my wrist but I pulled it away from him.

"Nothing, Jake. I-it was an accident, that's all. Everything is alright." I offered a smile, but what I got in return was an even deeper frown.

"Who did this to you?" asked Jake, his eyes blazing with fury.

"I told you it was an accident, Jacob! Everything is fine. I'm alright. Do not worry, okay?" I offered another smile and a kiss on the cheek. Jake held me closer to him while he intently stared around the club. His brow was furrowed, his nostrils flared, his lips were pressed into a straight line and a tiny muscle in his jaw thumped wildly. Jacob was angry and I was starting to get scared.

Luckily, one of his investors found him and struck up a conversation and Jake was distracted long enough for his anger to die down. Soon he was smiling again and offered to buy his investor a round of drinks at the bar. He held onto me tightly the entire time, letting me know that he had not forgotten.

"Jake, I need to get you your drinks." I whispered in his ear.

"One of the other girls can do it," he whispered back. "Besides, I like having you here next to me." He leaned in closer and blew into my ear.

"Jake!" I giggled. "I have to get back to work! Mr. Voldemort would kill me if he saw me sitting around!"

"Why? You're not breaking any rules." He countered. "The customer always gets what they want, right?"


"Well, what this costumer wants is a gorgeous brunette with bright green eyes and an adorable Russian accent sitting on his lap." Without warning he picked me up and sat me on his lap. I giggled and tried to wiggle free but he kept his arms firmly around me.

"Alright, alright! I'll stay, but only for a few minutes!" I told him.

He smiled. "Deal."

I smiled back at him then instructed Isabella to bring the men beer. I listened in while Jake and his friend talked business. I quite enjoyed watching men talk business—legitimate business, not the illegal kind I was used to hearing. It was peaceful and normal, something I was definitely missing in my disaster of a life. And I needed Jake. I most definitely needed Jake. He was that bright spot in my life that kept me from falling apart. Sitting there in Jacob's arms made me feel so warm, loved, and happy. I found myself wishing that it would be Jacob coming over to my apartment that night to make love to me instead of Malfoy.

Isabella stumbled forward with the two beers and quickly deposited them on the counter. "Thanks." The men said together.

"Y-y-you're welcome." Isabella mumbled.

That's when Jake stopped speaking mid-sentence. His fingers contracted around his bottle and his skin got warmer. His brown eyes slowly travelled over to Isabella, who was now even more pale and practically shaking, but still looked in his eyes. Jake opened and closed his mouth a few times, but gave up and stood straight up, knocking me to the floor.

"I am so sorry, Lena!" He helped me back up.

"J-Jake, what—"

"I gotta go."

"What?" I shrieked. "But you just got here—"

"I know, baby doll, and I'm sorry." He swooped down and kissed my cheek. "But I have to go—I'm sorry!" He tossed £20 on the counter and stomped out, leaving me shocked and confused.

Harry's POV

"You couldn't've picked a warmer night to do this stake out, I suppose?" Ron complained.

I shushed him. "We have to do it tonight! According to Snape, a new girl has just been hired and doesn't know about the investigation. Maybe if we get to her first she'll be of great use to us." Ron grunted an agreement and shoved a chuck of chocolate into his mouth.

So there we were, sitting on a London roof top in winter, spying on Voldemort's club. I normally hated doing this—I prefered joining in on the action rather than sitting and waiting—but it was essential. The more I watched and gathered more information and the more people I got on my side, the better. I was going to need all the help I could get to finally take down Tom Voldemort, notorious organized crime boss and murderer of my parents. Yes, I was out to get him. I had been out to get him for years, ever since I learned it was him that killed my parents when I was a baby. I trained long and hard to be a detective, dreaming of one day leading Scotland Yard to finally catch Voldemort and bring him to justice. Now was my chance. I was so close, and I would not stop until I fufilled my lifelong promise.

"They're coming out now—look!" Ron whispered.

I raised my binoculars to me eyes and saw Voldemort's Death Eaters filing out of the back door and into waiting cars. I silently took count; The Lestranges, the Malfoys, the Notts, Yaxley, McNair, the Carrows, the Crabbes, the Goyles, Greyback, Dolohov—and Snape. Two, some three, generations of families and one "undercover" policeman all accounted for, with the exception of Karkaroff and Quirrel, both of whom had been arrested and were being held in Scotland Yard's custody, and Peter Pettigrew, Voldemort's cowardly assistant, ass kisser, former police officer, former friend and traitor that set my parents up to be killed.

I wanted so badly to open fire and shoot all of them down, but I couldn't. I had to bring them all to justice the proper way, the way that would be harder on them than it would be on me.

"Look, mate. Draco's lagging behind. I wonder what he's telling her." said Ron.

Draco Malfoy was indeed lagging behind everyone else. He was talking to Alena Katina, The Slytherin Club employee and Russian immigrant, and also, we believed, Malfoy's slave of some sorts. Why she was indebted to him was unknown, but it was clear that he controlled her. Alena was a sweet girl and as much as I wanted to help her, I couldn't make a move until she came to us or we had enough evidence to prove she was a victim of human trafficking.

Malfoy whispered something into her ear and she gave a tiny shudder. It wasn't an excited shudder, but a shudder of fear. The sick bastard then licked her earlobe and left her alone. My stomach turned in disgust as I watched him get in the car and drive away. Poor Alena just stood and shook for a moment, obviously trying to fight back tears.

"Poor girl," said Ron. "I wish we could help her somehow."

"I know, me too, mate. But we have to wait until she's finally had enough and comes forward."

We sighed and decided to dig into the box of pizza that was fast becoming cold.

"So, how's things with Ginny?" Ron asked thickly, as his mouth was full of pizza.

I shrugged. "Alright, but it could be better." I confessed. "I know I've been working a lot and it's been eating away at my relationship, but there's not much I can do at the moment. We're so close to nabbing Voldemort! Just a bit more and we'd be set, you know? I just wish Ginny would understand."

"I know what you mean, mate. Lavender's been on my back about that as well. She's being completely barmy, you know! We spend enough time together as it is. I mean, I come home after working for twelve hours and I just want a bit of rest, you know? But all she wants to do is have sex! As soon as I walk through the door, she's ripping off my clothes! I've been locking myself in my own car to keep her away so I can catch a few winks. She's a bloody nymphomaniac, I'm telling you!"

I snorted. "Loads of sex and you're complaining? I wish I had half as much sex as you do! I can't remember the last time Ginny and I—" I stopped and chose my next words carefully. Not only was Ginny my girlfriend, but she was also Ron's younger sister. "Consider yourself lucky, mate."

"I guess I can, but still, she's exhausting." I nodded in understanding. I had known Lavender Brown for the longest time and I was quite familiar with her personality. She was nice but rather annoying. "Anyway, are you going to Fred and George's poker game tomorrow night?"

"Oh...I-I don't think so, Ron."

"Oh come on! Don't tell me you're going to be working on this case tomorrow as well?"

"I don't know,"I mumbled. "Maybe."

Ron threw his hands in the air. "What the bloody hell is wrong with you? You work practically everyday! Take a break, mate, and have some fun!"

"Ron, this is important to me—"

"I know and I understand, but working on this around the clock isn't going to do you any good. You're killing yourself, man! And alienating all of your friends. Quite honestly, I think that's what Voldemort wants; for you to exhaust yourself and spend your entire career trying to nail him and to slowly go mad because you can't catch him, and to alienate your friends and yourself from society and then die alone. Don't you see, Harry? He's enjoying this!"

I thought about this, and the more I thought the more I realized that Ron was right. I worked this case day and night, only getting in about two hours of sleep a day and neglecting the people I loved. And as I sat there, the weight of my sleepless nights started to press down on me. With a great sigh, I admitted he was right and how exhausted I was.

"Good," he said. "It's about time you saw sense! Now let's get off this roof and go home. You look tired so I'll drive." I followed Ron silently until we reached my car.

That was the moment I looked into the large window on the third floor of The Slytherin Club. That window was part of Voldemort's loft, and it was never sans curtains. But that night was different. That night the curtains were drawn back and I could see inside. A bright light emerged from the window and there stood Tom Voldemort, laughing. He was laughing at me, looking straight down at me and was laughing—laughing!

My blood boiled and adreneline pumped through my body. He was playing with me, playing games for his own amusement. I was no longer tired and grabbed my keys from Ron's hand.

"Hey! I said I'd drive—"

"Get in, Ron!"


"Get in! And quickly! We're going to see Isabella."

"But you said—"

"Get in! He's not going to win."

Edward's POV

It was two in the morning when Noemi finally came home. She looked stressed and in desperate need of a drink, which I just happened to have in my hand.

"Bad day?" I asked, kissing her and handing her a glass of wine.

"Ugh, yes! Thanks." She plopped down on the sofa and drained her glass in two gulps. I knelt down in front of her and removed her heels and massaged her feet.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She shook her head, her eyes closed and her body relaxed. "Okay, then." I kept silent and continued to massage her feet. I had more to say, more to tell her but I decided to wait until she was fully calm and relaxed. It wasn't good news and she would be pissed off, and I didn't want any of that Latina heat to burn me.

"What is it, Edward?" she asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" I feigned dumbness.

"You want to tell me something, don't you? Don't lie, I know you do. Now tell me."

I was in silent shock for a moment. Somehow Noemi always knew when I had something important to say even before I said it. It was scary sometimes. Kind of sexy and awfully convenient, but scary.

I cleared my throat. "Well, Captain Dumbledore came by my office today..."


"And I shouldn't be telling you this, but Tom Voldemort and the Slytherin Club are once again under intense investigation—"

She laughed. "Potter's having another crack at Mr. Voldemort, isn't he?"


She laughed again. "He's been trying for how long, five years? And he hasn't been able to pin one damn thing on that man! You'd think he'd give up by now."

"Not this time, Noemi. He has some pretty plausible evidence this time and he's gathering more. I really believe he's going down this time!"

She scoffed. "Right."

I dropped her feet, fully frustrated. "Noemi, look at me!" Her eyes popped open and I cradled her face in my hands. "Not only is Voldemort being investigated, but all of his acquaintances and employees are too. They'll be coming after you! And I don't want them to finding anything that would make them think—"

"Think what, Edward?" She demanded, her face now furious. "That I'm a Death Eater? Anything on me that they find find is shit that happened in the past! It's got nothing to do with anything, Edward! I'll be fine! And I'm not going to quit my job! I know you're thinking it and the answer is NO!"

She smacked my hands from her face and got up to pour herself more wine. I stayed back for a while and just watched her. She was a stubborn woman, if not flat out defiant. She was fiercely independant and very outspoken. I loved that about her, and that's what made me fall for her two years ago while she was working at my favorite cafe in Chicago. But sometimes it was just too much and it would get her into trouble.

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "All I'm asking is that if you must continue working there, don't do or say anything that'll get you into trouble. I'm going to be prosecuting this case and I don't want to have to send my fiancée to prison."

She rolled her eyes but did agree to be cautious.

"Good." I smiled triumphantly and began kissing her neck. I ran my hands slowly all over her body but stopped when I went under her dress and realized that she had no panties on. "Went commando today, I see." I chuckled.

Noemi simply shrugged and a little grin was spreading across her face. "I took them off in the car. Thought I would surprise you. Are you surprised?"

"Pleasantly surprised." I breathed as I ran my fingers over her already slick folds. "And already wet!"

She giggled. "What can I say? I'm easily turned on."

I growled against her neck and slid two fingers into her. She moaned and threw her head back as I worked my digits in and out of her. "Let's go to the room," I said and tried to withdrawl my fingers.

"No," she moaned and pushed my fingers back into her, adding a third finger in and bucking her hips. "Take me right here."

"You wish is my command."

Bella's POV

"It was so awkward." I whined. "I didn't kow what to do so I just stood there like an idiot."

"And what did Jake do?" Alice asked.

"He ran out." I groaned. "He hates me."

"No, he doesn't, Bells!" She shrieked.

"You didn't see his face, Alice! He fucking hates me! And I don't blame him."

"Oh, Bella! Stop talking like that. He just needs time to adjust to you two being in the same city—"

"And how weird is that? Both of us in the same city at the same time, at the same building, a year after we break up? It's just so weird!" Alice was silent for a while, no doubt thinking as she drove. "And the really fucked up part is, I think he's dating one of my supervisors!"

She cocked an eyebrow. "Really?"

"Yeah, and she's really pretty, too. She's this cute little Russian with bright green eyes—"

"Whoa! Are you talking about Alena Katina?" Alice asked, her eyes popping with excitement.

"I...yeah—why? Do you know her or something?"

"Yeah, she's this up and coming model from St. Petersburg. She short but she knows how to make it work. I met her a few months ago at a runway show. She models for that Forbidden Pleasures lingerie line. You know, the one ran by Narcissa Malfoy?"

Malfoy? "Malfoy? Is she, by any chance, related to Lucius and Draco Malfoy?"

"Lucius's wife and Draco's mom. I assume you've met them?"

My mind flashed back to my first meeting with the two assholes. "Yeah, them I've met. So, Alena works for them?"

"Yeah. Draco says he spotted her in a St. Petersburgh restaurant while he was on vacation last year and recognized her 'talent.'" Alice air quoted the last word. "I mean, she seemed like a nice girl and all, but it's pretty obvious that her 'talent' isn't what got her noticed. Draco Malfoy is a notorious playboy! I know Alena and Draco have been playing some Bedsheet Bingo and that's how she's rising to the top. You know that actress Astoria Greengrass?"

"The one from that British soap opera? He 'recognized her talent' too?"

Alice grinned and nodded. "Yep. But this time he first saw her at a London bookshop." She rolled her eyes and giggled.

"Wait, didn't she just have a kid?"

"Yeah! And guess who might be the daddy?"

"Oh my God!" I laughed. "Who else has he fucked to stardom?"

"The list is too long to name all of them! But do you know Pansy Parkinson, the hotel heiress?" I nodded. "Well, she's been Malfoy's off-and-on girlfriend for years and apparantly she's pissed that Astoria had his baby before she could. I guess they're back on again and she thinks the baby isn't his, so now she's pushing him to get a paternity test!"

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "How do you know all of this? Is it in the tabloids or something?"

Alice shook her head. "No! It's all being hushed up, but Malfoy's lawyer, Blaise Zabini, was at the same gala at Jasper last month. And when Zabini gets a few drinks in him he suddenly gets diarrhea of the mouth and spills everything!"

"Wow." I repeated. I wasn't normally one for gossip, but I was now living in a world in which gossiping and spreading rumors was the norm, and I was dying to know more about London's elite. "So, tell me more about the Malfoys."

We gossiped all the way back home. Alice was telling me the story about a supermodel's stint in rehab as we entered the apartment. Jasper was waiting for us as we walked in, and he looked like he was about to pass out.

"Jasper? What's wrong?" Alice asked her husband.

"You have company, Bella." He said.

"M-me? Who the hell would be visitng me?" I stammered.

Jasper led us into the kitchen where two men were standing. One was a messy-haired brunette with glasses and the other was a lanky redhead. The redhead didn't looked too thrilled to be there and the brunette looked anxious.

"Bella, this is Detectives Potter and Weasley, from Scotland Yard." Jasper explained.

I gulped loudly and a knot started to form in my stomach. "Is something wrong, detectives?"

"Sit down, Isabella—"

"Bella." I corrected.

Detective Potter smiled. "Bella, we would like to talk to you."