Chapter 1: Manners?

Ichigo took a deep breath, preparing himself for his speech. Before him stood the first ever group of new recruits he had ever gotten, seeing as it was his first year as a captain.

They stood in the squad five training ground in five rows of five, forming a perfect square. All were fresh from the Academy. All of them were eager to get started.

Most had the rough fetchers or stiff stances that signified them as one time Rukongai citizens. Scattered among them were the smooth skin and regal stances of three or four nobles. They were all awaiting what their new captain had to say to them with eager anticipation.

Ichigo released the breath he had been holding and began.

"Alright newbie's! As of this moment you are officially a member of squad five. Under no circumstances, and I mean none, are you to ever call me captain or sir. My name is Ichigo and that's what you'll call me. And if I even think you called me strawberry you will personally face my wrath. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Sir!"

"What did I just say?"

All of the mean looked at each other in horror of their mistake and stumbled over themselves to correct it.

"We mean…Yeah."

Ichigo smirked.

Maybe he could teach these kids something after all.

Two weeks later

Ichigo frowned at the paperwork on his desk, willing it with all his might to disappear.

It didn't.

Instead a knock came from the door leading to his office. Ichigo raised his head wondering who it could be.

"Come in."

The door opened and in walked a shocking sight.

There, standing in all of his emotionless glory, stood Byakuya, and in his hand, held by the scruff of his collar, was one of Ichigo's new subordinates.

Ichigo raised an eyebrow.

"I believe this is yours." Stated Byakuya, calmly dropping the man on the floor.

"Yeah." Replied Ichigo knowing the casualness would tick him off.

Byakuya frowned slightly, but only slightly.

"In the future keep your subordinates under control Kurosaki."

"What'd he do?"

"He asked me if I stuck the branch that my sword's Sakkara petals used to be on up my ass."

Ichigo raised his eyebrow again.

"Did you?"

After that Yamamoto never let Ichigo have members from the Rukongai again, claiming that respect was a lost cause on them if they worked under Ichigo.

Damn Yamamoto.