Chapter 15 – Christmas Again

Dom, Letty, Brian, Han, Nola and Tej land back home on the island in the afternoon a day later. Tej quickly says his goodbyes and jumps on a flight home to Florida to be with his wife.

Han and Nola leave in her car while the Torettos and O'Connor get in Dom's car for the short ride to the house on the beach.

Once they arrive at Mia and Brian's place Mia pushes through them and jumps right into Brian's arms kissing him. He holds her in his arms and kisses her back.

"I'm so glad you're home."

Within moments they are all being bombarded with hugs and kisses from Mia and Rosa.

"Where are the kids?" Letty asks unable to ignore the quiet of the house.

"Down on the beach with Brianna and Rome."

They walk out the sliding glass door to go find the children.

They are greeted with an eyeful as they see Vinessa, Luci and Ana sitting nicely playing in the sand. It's a beautiful picture for the parents to take in. Until Vinessa snatches a shovel from Ana.

Dom steps forward immediately ready to intercede but Mia pulls him back stopping him. As they watch the scene unfold Ana doesn't yell or snatch back.

She simply says, "That's wasn't very nice Vinni."

"Sorry Ana." Vinessa says calmly and hands the shovel back.

"Whose children are those?" Letty can't close her mouth from the shock of them playing and apologizing without prompting.

"The ones I fixed for you! I'll send you my bill."

"Whatever it is, we'll pay!" Dom picks his sister up into a hug.

They walk over and greet their girls.

"Hey Vin. Hey Ana. Hey Luci." Dom's voice pulls them out of their play.




"Aunt Letty!"


"Uncle Dom!"

Dom and Letty bend down and take kisses and hugs from their daughters and niece. They are soon joined by Rosa's kids Nico, Olivia and Julio.

They whole family spends a long while exchanging their excitement at being together again. They finally pack up to go home after they have dinner together.

Brian gives baths and puts the kids to bed while Mia takes a shower and relaxes in bed waiting for him.

When Brian walks in he finds his wife wearing nothing but a towel lying in bed watching television. Once he walks in she clicks off the TV and looks up at him.

"Oh I missed this." A grin crosses his face.

"Missed what?"

"Coming to bed with my wife." Brian answers her question while getting rid of his own clothes. "It was lonely in Tokyo."

"Really? Well, you don't have to be lonely anymore."

He sits on the bed and she leans over and starts to kiss him. She wraps her arms tightly around him.

"The next time we have a dead family member come back to life let's call a tabloid or something."

"We could be rich from selling the last four years alone."

Brian takes off her towel and lays back as she climbs into his lap.

"Show me what I was missing."

"I will. Lay back and enjoy."

Brian places his hands on her sides as she moves into place.

"Oh yeah, I'm going to really enjoy this."

Nola and Han walk into her house, now their house, after a fun but long evening with their family. They are all over each other kissing and playing around before the door closes. There excitement fueled by knowing they are starting a life together. They are interrupted by one of Nola's maids, Holly.

"I'm so sorry Miss McKnight."

Nola and Han pull apart.

"The new bed you ordered arrived and we got rid of Mr. Coleson's stuff like you asked. Does Mr. Lue have things we should be bringing in?"

"It'll start arriving here tomorrow Holly. Thanks."

They are back in each other's arms before she's out of the room.

"The new bed huh?" Han speaks into her neck.

"Yeah, it'd be tacky for us to have sex in the old one."

"Yes, because the fact that we killed him and are getting married this weekend is not."

Nola laughs as he picks her up.

"New life, new bed."

"Let's break it in."

Han carries her up to the bedroom and puts her down on the bed.

Her leans in to kiss her and an alarm on her phone starts to sound. Then another on her tablet by the bed.

Han lies back on the bed as she silences them and takes off her shoes.

"What are all the reminders for?"

Nola keeps her back to him.

"I have to give myself these injections to maximize my chances of getting pregnant."

Han sits up quickly at hearing her words. While she digs through her bag, he walks up behind her. He pulls her up and drops the bag back down on the floor.

"None of that. You're not stabbing yourself and going through all this craziness to have a baby. You're enough for me. You're all I've ever wanted and I don't need anything else."

Nola tries to keep herself from crying since she seems to always be doing that with Han. She doesn't succeed. Tears are running down her face faster than she can wipe them away.

"I've never been enough for anyone. My first husband slept with every woman he could get his hands on and Jamie had me seeing every specialist in the world. I took every drug and ate every food, had surgery more than once. I mean everything. Had he said those words to be me just once…"

Han takes her in his arms and sits in the nearest chaise with her in his lap. He wipes her face and kisses her.

"Both of them were stupid and they ended up where they belong for what they did to you. Look at you! I haven't needed or wanted more than you since I laid eyes on you."

Han has his hands all over her body, while she has her lips all over his face.

"I don't want to see another needle or pill or whatever else you've been suffering through. Promise me?"

"I promise."

"Besides if we really wanted a baby we could buy one on the black market like all the other rich people."

Dom and Letty change the sleeping girls into their pajamas and put them into their beds.

They meet in the hallway after they are done with the girls. Letty reaches her hand out to Dom and he takes it. He rubs his thumb over the back of her hand.

"Let's go get me a drink."

They go downstairs to the bar and Dom pours them both a drink. Dom hands Letty hers and kisses the back of her hand as she takes it.

She smirks at him and takes a sip from her glass.

"It's so good to be home."

"It certainly is."

Letty takes her glass and heads into the kitchen and hops onto the counter to finish her drink.

Dom stands between her legs and finds her mouth with his. He plays his tongue around in the inside of her month as he lays her back on the counter and joins her up there. He moves his hands under her shirt.

"You going to serve the kids breakfast on this counter in the morning?"

"That's right. Pancakes in the morning. You tonight. I eat some of my favorite dishes on this counter."

Letty opens her legs wider and unbuttons her shorts.

"Enjoy the meal."

Eight months later on Christmas Eve.

Letty arrives at Nola's house carrying some books and before she gets to the door someone has it open for her.

Christmas is definitely in full swing in this house. She looks around at the elaborate decorations. She smells all the food being prepared for the party tonight and walks past quickly. She jogs upstairs to Nola's bedroom and finds her buddy in bed on her laptop typing away.

"Hey! Merry Christmas."

"Thanks! Merry Christmas to you."

"You ready to party tonight?"

Nola closes the laptop and looks up at Letty. "Can't wait."

Letty climbs onto the bed with her and leans back against the pillows next to her. She reaches over and rubs the bulge that anyone would be hard pressed to be still calling a stomach.

"How are my niece and nephew?"

"Partying on my bladder."

"Fun times!" Letty says. "Not looking forward to that part again."

Letty thinks about the test she took last week that had confirmed her own soon to be bulging belly.

She had agreed, after seeing Vinessa and Antonia getting along so well, to have another baby. However, she could only really follow through with it after Nola's twins had reached a point that they could survive on their own if they needed to be delivered.

She had always felt a mix of being extremely blessed and equally guilty, knowing that Nola had started to lose babies on the day Vinessa was born. Part of her had always wanted to wait until Nola had a child of her own before considering another one.

"Since you can't get out of bed, I brought you some baby name books. You haven't said one word about what you were naming these babies."

"Oh I don't need those. They have names already. The boy is Nolen and the girl is Noella."

She tries adjusting her pillow for comfort with no luck.

"I can't believe they're been in there is long. I mean I was naming her Noella regardless of when she was born because of last Christmas. But I can't believe that I'm actually still pregnant at Christmas."

"Nola. Did you just say you're naming both your kids after you? Like practically the same name?"

Nola shifts into a more comfortable position.

"Yeah, why not? I mean I've been on bed rest with them for almost the whole pregnancy. They are lucky I didn't name them Nola 1 and Nola 2."

Letty shakes her head and tosses the books over the side of the bed.

"You are really crazy."

That night the kids are in the living room opening presents and the adults watch them with smiles on their faces. Watching them so happy made them feel every bit of their joy.

Nola was resting on the sofa enjoying the party too. She had Dom to thank for giving her a ride down from the confines of her bedroom.

When the babies start to move around Nola sits up on the couch. Han is next her lightning quick to make sure she is alright.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I think they're sumo wrestling in there. Will you help me to the bathroom?"

Han helps her up and slowly guides her to the bathroom.

When she's done she comes out and he tries to help her back to the living room. She shakes her head in protest.

"I'm going to pass on the party and opt for the hospital. My water broke and I must say, I'm pretty glad it's nothing like television or there would be a lot more mess to clean."

Han's calm exterior is shaken at once.

"Right now?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've been having contractions all day, but I've been having them for months so I didn't pay attention. But amniotic fluid running down my leg is pretty much impossible to ignore."

"Hey I'm talking Nola to the hospital." Han says over the noise of the party.

The hallway outside the bathroom is crowded with their family members at the sound of Han's words.

"Are you okay?" Mia asks.

"Yeah, just having the babies."

By the time Nola gets to the hospital and settles into her room, she can longer ignore the pain at all.

"Damn it!" She screams out. "Why the fuck does it hurt so badly? I've been having contractions all day!"

"Contractions tend to get much worse after your bag of waters breaks." Her doctor tells her.

"Is it okay for them to be born?" Han hasn't been able to be calm again since the house. "I mean I know this is much longer than we expected them to make it until. But it's still early."

"34 weeks is early. But we're been preparing for them. The steroids have been getting their lungs ready to breathe their own. It's only 3 weeks earlier than what we'd call full term. This is much better than we could have hoped for."

Nola screams out at the pain when another contraction hits her. She has been completely ignoring Letty's no screaming advice.

"Alright, we have some options here. I'd say you're completely safe to deliver them, but we can do a c-section if you would like. They're small so the delivery would be easier overall, but the c-section would obviously be faster."

"I'll try this whole delivery thing, but keep that knife ready. Go get me all the drugs!"

Letty and Mia walk into the room as they are finishing up.

"You two ready?" Letty asks.

"No. but apparently these kids are already not listening."

"Get used it." Mia jokes.

"Hell no. I'm not into this modern parenting stuff. You guys do the talking, I'm going to just spank them."

Nola grips the bed as other contraction comes.

"This is fucking ridiculous! Where is my epidural? I should not still be feeling pain."

Early Christmas morning, Dom, Letty, Mia, Brian, Roman, Tej, Rosa, Sean, Twinkie and Neela are all sitting in the waiting room when Han comes out wearing an unmistakably proud smile.

"They are great! She's great just tired!" Han speaks rapidly without taking a breath. "They can even both breathe on their own. He's a pound bigger than her. They are so beautiful."

They all hug Han and shout their congratulations at him. They are so loud in their excitement that everyone else in the waiting room and at the nurse's station offer their congratulations too.

He takes them to the special care nursery and he and Letty scrub up and go inside. They get the twins and bring them to the window so everyone else can look at them. Letty holds up Nolen and Han holds Noella, since everyone isn't allowed in at once.

"Good they look Asian!" Roman says.

"Shut up," Mia pushes him. "Of course they do."

"So we gonna all try to act like Nola doesn't get around. That's fine, I'm gonna keep it real. Love her, but this whole thing had me worried about whether the Black woman and the Asian man were going to be raising White babies."

"If you say that in front of Letty, she'll kick the shit out of you." Dom warns but laughs at Roman anyway.

When Letty and Han come out Letty goes over and hugs Dom. He holds her tightly.

"You ready for this again?"

"I think I am. Han says Nola is sleeping so we can come back. Let's go home and open presents and tell the kids the babies were born. I'm sure they've had to put an electric fence around the tree."

"Ana says she doesn't want to have her birthday party until the babies come home," Dom tells Han.

"She doesn't have to wait. That could be awhile, even though they are looking good."

"She's sure," Letty says. "It's what she wants."

Han goes back to the room with Nola where the nurses are checking her out. She's groggy and feeling pain since her epidural has worn off.

"Still beautiful." Han says.

"Good." Nola smiles weakly.

Han kisses her and sits next her in a chair.

"You did a great job."

"It's about time you've gotten to see me strong for once."

He rubs the back of her hand.

"I always see you as strong. Always! This was still amazing though. I can't believe I'm a father."

"You're going to so great at this. The way you look at them…"

Nola voice trails off and Han kisses her forehead.

"Just so you know Mia's throwing you a baby shower when you get out. She's excited."

Nola laughs. "I'm sure. Any excuse to have a party! I'm okay with it now. I just couldn't handle having a shower and then not ending up with the babies after that. I wasn't convinced they'd make it until I held them."

"Well, they're here and they're healthy. So we're going to have to get their rooms set up."

Nola nods, thinking of the boxes of furniture, clothes and toys that she couldn't bear setting up.

"Never been happier. Am I still enough for you?"

"Of course! More than." He whispers to her. "They're bonuses! Go to sleep and then we can go down to see them in a few."

Nola closes her eyes exhausted and elated.

Back at Dom and Letty's house the whole family is excitedly talking about the twins while exchanging gifts. Showing off the pictures from their camera phones and laughing about them actually being born on Christmas Day.

Letty is trying hard not to vomit at the smell of the food in the house.

"I wonder if you'll be eating Vegemite for the next four or five months," Dom says putting his arm around her.

"I don't know, but I have a feeling it won't be whatever we're having for breakfast or dinner at this point. You know I forgot about this part."

"It's nature's trick to get you to do it again," Mia says.

"When are you going to do it again?" Letty wants to know.

"I prefer not to think about this part," Dom says. "It's disturbing."

"Only for the disturbed." Mia throws one of the kids stuffed toys him and sticks out her tongue. "Besides I'm been hearing about your sex life my whole life."

"Everyone's been hearing about their sex life," Tej says.

"Yeah, I'm pretty new to the family and I've heard too much about your sex life." Twinkie adds.

"Think about those of us who have seen their sex life," Brian says. "I've walked in on them three times! Two of them were in my house!"

Letty puts her arms around Dom and he drapes an arm over her shoulders.

"Letty is usually loud enough where you should know what you're walking in on."

"Oh hell no!" Letty says. "That's not only me!"

The sudden quiet in the room makes all the adults turn and notice that the children have stopped their massacre on the wrapping paper and are listening to them closely.

Everyone can't help but laugh.

"Alright! Who's hungry?" Mia says drawing the kids' attention.

"I am!"


"Me Mommy!"

"Aunt Mia, I am!"

All the kids run into kitchen for food. Mia scoops Liam up and carries him in.

"We're going to single handedly overpopulate this island if we keep this stuff up. The people are going to run us out with pitchforks and torches." Letty says.

She lays back across Dom's lap with no desire to go anywhere near the kitchen. Dom has no desire to go anywhere she's not.

"Yeah, well we could buy a private island and move there."

"I'm never moving. We have to pack too much stuff for vacations as it is. I can't imagine packing everything we own."

"You want a boy or a girl this time?" The question is suddenly on Dom's mind.

"I think a boy. We've have two crazy little girls. I'm all for switching things up." Letty answers honestly. "Do you want a son so you can do all that father son bonding?"

"I do that with Vin."

Letty laughs.

"Nah, it doesn't matter to me. But if you want a boy I'll go with that. I always want you to have what you want."

"Right now, I have everything I want. Well except the ability to move without vomiting in your lap."

Dom reaches over and lifts her shirt and rubs her nonexistent belly thinking about the changes to come.

"So with another baby on the way we should retire from gun fights and streets races."

"I hope so. I'm not trying to go across the world with you getting into shootouts trying to check Ana's homework, figure out how the heck to beat Vinessa at just one game and breastfeed a baby."

"Not to mention you're getting so old it's getting sad to see you running around with a gun trying to intimidate people."

"Yep, much like how happy you were to be winning those races against those kids who'd just gotten their licenses 15 minutes before the race started. Sad."

Dom laughs causing Letty to shake up and down. She sits up and repositions herself over the arm of the couch. Dom leans over to her and rubs her back.

Antonia and Vinessa run over to them and sit on Dom's lap. Letty rolls to her side so she look at her family.

"Merry Christmas Daddy." Vinessa says.

"Merry Christmas big girl."

"I love you," Letty says meeting eyes with Dom.

He kisses both his girls and then leans forward and kisses Letty.

"You better."

It is Finished

A/N – I think I've said all I wanted to say with this story. I didn't like that the movies so far have left Han as dead. I like him alive and healthy. Plus, I wanted to write a Han/Nola love story after them falling for each other in my head in Anything for Me. So here's my take!

I really hope you enjoyed this story. I really enjoyed writing it and sharing it with you guys. Thanks for taking your time to read it. I hope that you take a little more of it to review it. Review. Please and thank you!