Another plot bunny I had floating around in my head. This is my 3rd story. Enjoy!

**I do NOT own Naruto

Sakura walked up the walkway to her house. She dug the keys out of her purse and unlocked her front door. She walked in, setting her keys and purse on the side table and removed her shoes.

She smelled the most delicious food. Her husband always was a better cook than her. She smiled at the memory. "I'm home." Sakura shouted out through the living room where she was removing her lab coat.

As she was hanging up her jacket she felt something slam into her thigh and grab on tight. She reached down, ruffling her son's hair. "Hi Mama!" Her son yelled with a big smile on his face.

"Why hello there Obito!" Sakura said, squatting down and giving her son a big hug.

"Daddy said 'tell Mama ta wash her hands'." Obito stated, dragging his mother towards the bathroom.

"Is that so, hm? Well, I suppose since Daddy said so, I'll have to listen." Sakura said with a giggle. "What did Daddy make tonight?" She turned on the faucet and washed her hands.

"Dumplings!" Obito shouted excitedly, handing his mom a towel.

"Your favorite!" Sakura lifted him up and spun him around. She sat him in his booster seat and strapped him in.

"Welcome home." Her husband said as she got a hug from behind. "Good day or bad day?" He asked.

She turned around and kissed him on the cheek. "Good day. I hear your cooking dumplings." She walked to the fridge, grabbing juice boxes.

"Only the best for my family." He said with a chuckle. He grabbed one of the juice boxes, opening it for his son.

"How is Ino feeling today?" Sakura opened the other juice box, sitting it on the table.

"She is still running a fever. But she was able to keep down peanut butter and crackers and a few cups of the juice you made for her. It seems to be helping." Kakashi said while setting the table.

"Is she awake?" Sakura asked grabbing napkins to set out.

"She wasn't when I checked on her about a half hour ago. But you can check to see if she wants to try eating." He turned the oven off.

Sakura walked back the hallway and opened the purple door. She was a little lump in a pile of blankets. She uncovered the little girl, shaking her slightly.

"Ino hunny, it's time to wake up." Sakura said quietly. The only response she got was a mumble and the little girl burying her face in the mattress.

"Oh no you don't little miss grumpy pants." Sakura said grabbing the little girl and pulling her into her lap.

"But Sakurrraaaa!" The little girl said very whiny

"No buts Ino. It's dinner time." Sakura said brushing her hair out a little.

"What are we having? My stomach still feels icky." Ino said skeptically.

"Kakashi made dumplings. Let's go, I want you to at least try eating. If you can't I'll have Kakashi make you more peanut butter and crackers. Sound good?" Sakura stood up and carried the girl out the door into the hallway.

"Ya, I guess." Ino said with a yawn.

Sakura entered the kitchen and Kakashi grabbed Ino from her. He put her in her booster chair next to Obito and handed her a juice box.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" Kakashi asked the little girl.

"My tummy still feels a little icky. But I told Sakura I would try to eat dinner. But if I can't can you make me more peanut butter and crackers please?" Ino asked politely.

"Of course Ino." He said kissing her on the head.

Sakura and Kakashi sat down for dinner and began to eat.

"Mmmmm, Kakashi, these are SO good." Sakura said with a mouth full.

"Thank you." Kakashi said with a smile.

"Mama it's not polite to talk with your mouth full." Obito reminded her.

"You're right Obito, it's not polite, and I apologize." She smiled at her son.

"Are you doing anything for Ino's birthday tomorrow?" Kakashi asked

"We are going to visit her mom and dad in the morning, and then I figured she could pick the rest of the day." Sakura finished up her food.

"CAN WE GO SHOPPING?" Ino screeched.

Kakashi and Sakura both busted out laughing "Hahahaha you sound so much like your mother." Kakashi said laughing.

Ino smiled "Will you tell me about mommy again?" She asked innocently.

Sakura smiled sadly at the little girl. "Of course dear, at bed time." Sakura and Kakashi began to clean the table.

Kakashi took Obito to get a bath and get tucked into bed. Sakura was changing Ino's bed sheets, blankets and pillow cases trying to get some of the sick kid smell out of the room. When Kakashi was done getting Obito to bed, it was Ino's turn. Sakura got her washed up quickly. They walked into the purple bedroom and Sakura lifted Ino into bed. Kakashi had seats set up by her bed so they could tell her the story about her mom again.

Kakashi came in the room with a cup of juice and some peanut butter and crackers for the little girls 'icky' tummy.

"You ready sweetie?" Kakashi asked Ino. She nodded her head yes, so he took a seat next to his wife.

"Well Ino, your mom and I were best friends for all of our childhood. She loved shopping, boys, and the color purple. She had the most beautiful blue eyes and went perfectly with her blonde hair. She was always there for me when I needed a friend. "Sakura smiled at the memory of her best friend.

"She set me and Kakashi up on a double date with her and your dad. And from that night on, your mom and dad were inseparable."

"Neither were me and Sakura. I owe your mom the biggest debt for giving me the family I never thought I would have." Kakashi interjected, reaching his hand over to grip Sakura's.

"We were the maid of honor at each other's wedding. And we found out on the same day that we were both pregnant with you and Obito. I was a month farther along than her. Kakashi and I knew the names for our baby right away. But Ino and Choji wanted to wait until you were born to pick your name."

"Sakura had Obito a month before you were born. Your mom loved to hold him, saying she was practicing to be perfect for you." Kakashi said quietly, starting this part of the story, knowing Sakura gets a bit emotional.

"Your father was called away for a mission 2 weeks before your mom was due with you. He was supposed to be back in time." Kakashi took in a deep breath. "2 weeks came and went and you were a miracle coming into the world. But there were complications. Your Grammy Tsunade tried as hard as she could, but your mom didn't make it. We almost lost you too but Sakura was able to save you. A few days later, we found out your daddy died on his mission. He died as a hero, saving the rest of his team. That's when Sakura and I made the decision to take you in. We owed your mom so much; we just couldn't let you go up for adoption."

"When I held you and told you we were taking your home. You opened your eyes real big and smiled. You have your mom's eyes. So Kakashi and I agreed to name you after the most amazing woman we knew." Sakura said with a shaky voice.

"My mommy?" Ino said already knowing the answer since she heard the story every year since she can remember on the night before her birthday.

"Yup sweetie, your mommy." Kakashi reached over and mussed her hair. "Are you ready to be 6 years old?" Kakashi asked

"I can't wait to show mommy and daddy how much I've grown!" Ino said giggling.

Sakura and Kakashi stood up. "It's time to sleep dear. Good night." Sakura kissed Ino's head, Kakashi doing the same.

They closed the door and headed for their room. As soon as they got in and closed the door, Sakura collapsed on the floor in a sob. Kakashi quickly scooped her up in a hug, rubbing her back.

"Ssshhh. It's ok Sakura. It's ok." Kakashi whispered in her ear reassuringly.

"I love you Kakashi." Sakura said sobbing into Kakashi's shoulder.

"I love you to Sakura." He kissed her forehead. He lifted her into his arms and laid her on the bed. He lay down next to her, pulling her close as she cried herself to sleep.