A/N: This is an idea I had for a (possibly) believable Transformers/FATF crossover, starring Dom and Mikaela. I kind of had this thought of 'Kaela having grown up with Dom, Mia and Vince in their younger years, but she got moved to Tranquility when her dad was put away. For background: This is pre-FATF and I'm using that universe and those characters, but not those plotlines. Letty is alive, so are Jesse and Vince. Brian went native far earlier and quit the force while framing Tran for the trucks. I know, it's not really believable, but it's my universe.


Pulling up in front of DT Automotive, Mikaela Banes mused on her life and the events that had led her to this point in time: namely the alien robot war she'd been sucked into, including but not limited to the self-centered-ass-with-a-hero-complex she'd called a boyfriend about four years too long. The aforementioned war having included being kidnapped by various agencies, multiple (she'd hazard to say regular) near-death experiences, walking-talking-robots-the-size-of-her-house-that-turned-into-cars, and the interesting notion of being considered both a war hero and a threat to national security simultaneously.

Leaving her Harley parked where she could see it from inside the shop and carrying her backpack by one strap, she prayed that leaving Tranquility and all it's ghosts was the right decision. She shrugged out of her leather jacket and hoped her jeans and white t-shirt weren't too dirty from the road as she stepped from the oppressive Los Angeles heat into the blessedly cool, shady interior of the garage. The thing about garages, for her anyway, was that they were always familiar: they had the same tools, that performed the same jobs on engines that functioned essentially the same.

"We don't do motorcycles." a gravelly female voice said from her left and Mikaela turned to find a short, curvy Latina in low-riding leather pants and heavy boots managing to look at her threateningly whilst leaning casually on the counter behind her.

"I'm looking for Dominic? Toretto?" 'Kaela offered politely.

"Well he doesn't do skanks, so why don't you go sniffing around somewhere else?" the woman offered aggressively.

Deciding to be as non-confrontational as possible she changed her request, "Or Mia's fine too?"

The other woman narrowed her eyes, "Oh no. You can get the fuck out of my garage before I beat your ass little girl." she snarled, taking a step towards Mikaela.

"Letty. I have asked you to stop threatening customers. Please." a deep voice interrupted from behind Mikaela and she turned to find just the man she'd been looking for: Dominic Toretto, in the flesh. Though, she didn't remember him being quite so... Big. Granted, she'd still been in high school then and he hadn't gone to prison yet, so obviously things must have changed.

His eyes widened in recognition, "Micky?" he moved forward to embrace her, "Didn't expect you so soon girl."

She hugged him back and shrugged, "Didn't have very many loose ends to tie up."

"Dom." Letty ground out, "Who the hell is she?"

Dom turned to include 'Letty' in the conversation, "Let, this is Mikaela, my old man's best friend's kid. She's family."

"Hey!" Mikaela shoved Dom in his (impossibly well-built, sexy) chest, "Who're you calling 'kid'?"


Over the next few days Mikaela was introduced to the rest of the team: Mia, who'd squealed and hugged her excitedly, having missed having a fellow 'girl' around; Vince, who'd definitely noticed that the little girl he'd grown up with had grown up; Leon, with whom she'd bonded over a mutual love of angry rap music and motorcycles; and Jesse, who she'd already begun looking at as a little brother, just as everyone else did. There was apparently a member of the team missing: Brian, who'd gone to fetch a friend in Barstow and was due back any time.

Dom put her to work in the garage almost immediately, much to Vince and Letty's obvious chagrin: Dom's trust of her skills, (given they'd learned cars together, from both of their dads) apparently meant nothing.

She was bent over the engine of an '05 Civic in need of a new timing belt, radiator, head gasket seal and oil filter with Jesse when two new men walked in: a skinny, blond white boy and,

"Goddammit Epps! I fuckin' told Will that I don't need a babysitter!" Mikaela exploded, "I don't need a bodyguard or a babysitter and you can turn your ass right back around, go back to NEST and tell Will he can take his overbearing, controlling, neurotic hero-complex and shove it!"

The tall, well-built black man at whom she'd been shouting looked bewildered, "Look, babygirl, I don't know what you're so upset 'bout, but I'm not here to babysit ya'll and I don't know a 'Will'."

Kaela paused in her rant and became aware of everyone staring at her, "You – You mean you're not Sergent Michael Epps, US Air Force?"

He chuckled, "Nah, sweetie, Mikey's my do-gooder cousin, I'm just the family black sheep. Name's Roman Pierce." he offered a hand for her to shake.

She accepted the offered hand, "Mikaela Banes, sorry about the yelling." she blushed.

He waved a carefree hand, "'t's fine babygirl, wouldn't be the first time I've gotten yelled at by someone thinking I'm him. But now tell me: where the hell did you meet Mikey? 'Cause last I heard he was working some real classified black ops stuff in like Qatar or some shit, 'n I know they ain't letting no civilians into that mess."

Mikaela opened her mouth to lie, paused and instead, looking at Dom uncomfortably, asked, "Do any of you remember what went down in Mission city a few years back? The rumors of 'Giant Robot Cars'?" At a group sort of nod, she continued, "They weren't just rumors. The videos weren't faked, the eyewitness accounts weren't a conspiracy."

Jesse's jaw dropped, "The car gods are real?"

Kaela shook her head, "No gods, Aliens. Cybertronians. Giant fucking aliens that turn into cars who brought their war to our planet. Some of them say they're here to protect us."

"You act like you've met them personally." Dom rumbled.

Mikaela nodded slowly, "My, uh, ex happened to buy a Camaro that was a 'bot. We sorta got sucked in by association. We were at Mission City and later Qatar."

Blond guy, who by process of elimination had to be Brian,'s jaw dropped, "Holy shit! You're Witwicky's girlfriend! You guys... You guys saved the world." at Kaela's quizzical look he elaborated for her, "Brian O'Connor, formerly of the LAPD, now of DT Automotive. We got briefed when Sector 7 got dismantled."

'Kaela resisted the urge to yank out her a hair by the handful, "I just can't escape these government goons..." she growled, turning and stomping back to the Civic.

She grabbed a ¾ ratchet and started pulling off the bolts on the head gasket, bracing both motorcycle-booted feet on the inside rim and her knees on the engine block so as to reach the bolts in back. She ignored the footsteps approaching.

"Bri's done being a government goon." Dom informed her.

"You sure?" she snarled from halfway inside the car, "They like to say shit like that."

"Mickey. He quit the Bureau rather than turn me in. He's on the up and up. Don't be paranoid." Dom growled.

She slammed down the ratchet and climbed out of the car to glare at him, "And I've been kidnapped four times by three different government agencies, two of which aren't supposed to exist! I've earned the fuckin' right to be paranoid!"

Dom appraised her, as if she'd said something unexpected that impressed him, before he changed the subject, "Who's Will? You mentioned him talking to Rome. He the boyfriend?"

Kaela looked startled at the subject change and picked up her ratchet again, changing the socket before starting on the timing belt cover, "No. Sam is the ex. Will is the Captain – or I guess it's Major now – that's the liason between the 'bots and the Secretary of Defense. He looked out for us in Mission City and Qatar. He's the crazy, controlling, overprotective older brother I never had."

"Sam huh? He the one whose ass I need to kick?" Dom offered.

Kaela rolled her eyes, "No. Grab the prybar. I can't get at the engine mounts. Nobody's ass needs kicking Dom."

Dom moved behind her to push the engine away so she could unscrew the bolts, "So you called me, crying, after midnight rambling about needing out of Tranquility and 'suffocating' and there are no faces I need to beat in? Bullshit Mickey. I don't know what he did to hurt you, but he definitely needs a couple-a broken bones for it."

'Kaela sighed, refusing to acknowledge whether her giving in was due to his argument or his large, masculine presence pressed in behind her doing inappropriate things to her girlie parts, "He doesn't deserve a beating. It's not his fault we couldn't hack four years of a long-distance relationship. Not his fault we only worked great together in the middle of a fucking battlefield. Or that he could only say he loved me when he'd literally died on me and been brought back to life. But the slutty Victoria's Secret model who's wearing the ring that should be mine less than two months after we broke up and flaunting it in my hometown? She should be beaten with a socket wrench." she muttered bitterly.

She felt Dom freeze and realized what she'd said "Shit. Dom." she turned to lean on the car bumper as he backed away a step, "You know I didn't mean it like that."

Dom set the prybar on the nearest toolbox and chuckled darkly, "Like what? Like I didn't beat someone almost to death with a socket wrench? Like I didn't destroy someone's life and spend two years of my life in the worst hell imaginable? Because I fuckin' did do it Mickey! And I can tell you it's not worth it. Not even close."

'Kaela took a step closer, gently resting a hand on his shoulder, "I know Dom. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories."

He covered her hand with his, "Don't worry about it. I moved past that a long time ago."

Kaela became acutely aware that not only were they the only two people in the garage all of a sudden, but that she was in very close proximity to a very sexy man who was suddenly pinning her between his fuckin' tree-trunk arms and the bumper of the car, smirking down at her, "And don't think I didn't notice that little ass-wiggle when I was behind you, brat, you do that to torture me?"

Suddenly not quite so shy, this was Dom after all, they grown up together, she smirked back up at him, "Why? Did it?"


And then his mouth was on hers and oh-my-holy-Primus the man was good. He pressed her up against the car and positively plundered her mouth while she pressed herself as closely as she could to him, fire that she'd never felt with Sam burning through her veins.

Just as suddenly he broke the kiss, pulling back slowly, his eyes on hers, "Shit."

"Shit?" she asked worriedly.



She distangled her arms from around his neck and let him step back, "Right. This was a mistake. I'll uh. I guess I'll see you at home. I'm gonna go. Um. Out. Bye." She skittered around the car and out the side entrance to the garage and only when he heard her bike rev to life did Dom realize he really didn't want her to leave, "It wasn't a mistake."


At exactly 8:27 that evening the Toretto house fell into chaos. By 9:00 Letty had packed her things and left and it was quiet. At 11:00 Dom sent the remaining team members out to find Mikaela, who still hadn't come home.

At a quarter to two, Dom really started to panic, "Oh shit. Shit. Fuckin' shit. Danny's gonna kill me." he groaned to Mia, who'd stayed home with him.

Mia rolled her eyes and scoffed, "He's not gonna kill you Dom. He knows she's a big girl who can handle herself."

He's opened his mouth to argue when he heard the unmistakable roar of her Harley coming down the street and made for the door, intending to rip her a new one. The bike had pulled into the driveway and Vince followed in his car while Roman dismounted the bike. Dom made for Rome with a growl, "Where's Mikaela?"

Rome nodded towards Vince's car, "We found babygirl at El Gato Negro. She almost went home with Edwin."

Dom was already making his way to the passenger side, where Vince was talking, "You need help out Mickey or you got it?- Damn it, if you puke in my car you're cleaning it out."

Mikaela's voice, though distinctly slurred, snapped back from the seat, "Fuck you Vince. If I puke it's your own damn fault. Told you not to take that corner so fast. Dick."

Vince was shoved out of the doorway and two booted feet planted themselves firmly on the asphalt, Mikaela looked up and, upon noticing Dom, her entire demeanor changed.

"Dom! Hi!" she said excitedly, lurching to her feet, only to overbalance and end up using Dom himself for support.

He chuckled at her antics, catching her and starting to guide her to the house, "What have you done to yourself, Mickey?"

Her bug brown eyes gazed up at him in confusion, "Whaddaya mean Dommy? I just went and had a few beers. With my friends Jack and Jose," she giggled.

Vince snorted, "Daniels and Cuervo, she means."

"And!" Kaela informed him, standing to her full height, "It's all your fault." she poked him in the nose.

Dom smirked amusedly, "Oh really now?" he started guiding her up the stairs.

"Yuuuuup." she informed him, "Cuz if you hadn't kissed me like that and made my stomach do those flippity-flop thingies and you're with Letty so I had to go drink with Jack and Jose! Sexy bastard."

It was at this point that Dom gave up on getting her up the stairs on her own and instead scooped her up in his arms and carried her to her room, in which time she managed to half-pass out cuddled against his chest.

He went to lay her down, but she grabbed a fistful of his shirt and frowned at him, "Stayyyyy." she whined, "I know, I know you loooove Letty and that I'm just some kid to you, but just stay and hold me tonight, okay?" she asked plaintively.

Dom sighed, his conscience (the part that sounded like his dad) telling him to leave, that staying wouldn't be fair to her, but the thought of leaving made his chest ache, and one look in those chocolatey-brown eyes and he had no willpower.

"Sure Mickey, I'll stay." he murmured, climbing into the narrow twin bed beside her.

She surprised him by shoving herself up and kicking off her shoes and then her jeans, flinging the latter at the door in her enthusiasm, before draping herself across his chest and actually falling asleep.

Dom remained awake awhile longer, watching her sleep, "I don't think you're a kid Mickey. Not ever."