A/N: I started this so long ago but could never really get going! But now I only have 2 more chapters to write until it's finished! I got the inspiration from the film 'The Wedding Date' :) It's set after their kiss at Joe's and anything we know about Addison's family you should forget! Even though I love Bizzy and the Captain I made up my own family for her, they just didn't fit this story :P Read. Review. Hug someone!

Part [1/8]

"Ok, I'm going to ask you something and you can totally say no because I know it's a lot to ask and it's weird, I get it but, I need you to just, think about it, ok?" Addison said in one complete breath as she stood in the NICU with Alex.

"Okay" he said slowly.

"I need you to come to England with me and pretend to be my boyfriend for my half sisters 4 day long wedding" she said quickly "Please say something" she said as Alex gawped at her.

"I uh…." he stuttered "What?"

"I know it's weird, and it's a lot to ask but, she's like the golden child y'know? Samantha Montgomery can do no wrong, and ever since I got divorced I've had my Mom breathing down my neck and Sammy's finally marrying her high school sweetheart after 13 years, we hardly ever see each other, mostly through choice on my part, they moved when Sammy was 15, I was in med school and I'd just met Derek so I didn't want to go, and now she's getting married, and my whole family will be there with their judgey judgey eyes and the 'oh poor Addison was left for a younger woman' whispers and probably a few 'she slept with her husbands best friend the whore' whispers too, and I just need to go and not feel like a complete failure and by that I mean my mother judges on the state of peoples love lives, I'll compensate you for the wages you'll lose, and I'll pay for the flights and I'll need to make sure you have at least one nice suit because they'll pick you to pieces, by they I mean my Mom and, if you don't want to do it that's fine, it really is, but I'm kind of freaking out here"

"I'll do it" Alex breathed "I'm insane for doing it but I will"

"Thank you" Addison said flinging her arms around his neck "Thank you"

"It's no problem" Alex said with a slight laugh "When is it?"

"In a week, I know it's short notice but I've been putting this off for weeks"

"It's ok" he said squeezing her hand "What do you need me to do?"

"You need to let me pack your suitcase" she said with a small smile.

"Go ahead" Alex laughed "You'll be fine Addison, I promise"

"You don't know my family" Addison muttered.


"Addison are you sure this is a good idea?" The Chief sighed as he sat on his office sofa with Addison "You have to be sure"

"I'm sure, Richard my family, well, my mother, she just won't let me being alone go, it'll go on forever, and I want this weekend to be more about my sister, not about me, please Richard just do this for me, there happens to be a neonatal conference in London at the same time so…."

"Fine" he sighed "Fine, I'll set it up for you, but he better behave, otherwise he'll have me to answer to"

"Thank you" she smiled, hugging him tightly.

"Are you and him, have you…"

"No! No, no we're, no" Addison stuttered "We're just, friends, kind of, trust me, there's nothing going on with me and Karev"

"Ok" Richard smiled "You have a good time out there, you need a little fun Addie"

"I will" she laughed "I've gotta get back to work, I'll see you later?"

"See you later" he smiled.


1 week later. Day One.

"Y'know what we haven't done" Alex said as the take off of their flight to London ended "We haven't talked about details, like, how long are we supposed to say we've been together?"

"6 months" Addison replied "Because that's 3 months after the divorce so there's allowance for rebound time, not that Derek ever cared for that but I'm better than him"

"Yeah, you are" Alex said with a small smirk "Ok, and, tell me about your family, if I've been with you for 6 months I'd know things about your family"

"My real Dad died when I was 3" Addison said quietly "And my Mom met Harry a year later, I've pretty much always called him Dad, and honestly I prefer him to my mother and I think secretly he prefers me to Sammy" she said with a slight laugh "He's a Montgomery, and my biological Dad was Forbes, I was Addison Forbes until I was 11, I asked for my name to be changed to Forbes Montgomery. Sammy is 10 years younger than me, her future husbands name is Jason Andrews, they met when they were 16, they've split up 7 times in the last 13 years over some of the most ridiculous things, the splits never lasted longer than a week, he proposed at Christmas."

"Original" Alex smirked.

"That's Jason" Addison said with a laugh "My mother is, a handful, she should never be allowed to speak in public, or in general actually, she picks at my hair and my clothes, my job, most importantly she cares about rings on fingers, she wants grandkids and always brings up the fact that I haven't given her any yet. Dad's originally from London, he moved to Connecticut for work, which is when he met my Mom, he picked up his whole life to marry her and accepted me from the beginning, they moved to England for an early retirement, and he has a lot of family there, so I'll get a lot of, I haven't seen you since you were 17 comments from old Aunts whose names I won't remember, we spent every summer in England, I stopped coming when I was 18 but since they moved I try to get out for at least one week a year, I only ever took Derek if it was Christmas, but we only did that twice because Shepherd christmases were always, less intense, because my family we fight, we scream, and my Dad is stuck in the middle of it all, he's like a hostage that will never escape, anyway, details, you're from Iowa right?"

"Yeah" Alex smiled "I have a brother who's 25, and a sister who's 16, I haven't seen them in 6 years, it's, complicated, I send them money from my paycheck every month, and my Mom some meds because of the schizophrenia thing. My Dad beat the crap out of her on a regular basis, when I was 17 I realized I was strong enough to fight back so I did, he never came back after that and my Mom never forgave me for it. I went to juvie when I was 11 because my Mom forgot to buy food and I got caught stealing some cuz any money we had went on drugs and alcohol, we were in and out of foster care for years, I went to Iowa State on a wrestling scholarship and I've wanted to be a surgeon since my Mom got treated for internal bleeding when I was 13 because my Dad spent an hour kicking her in the stomach for not buying him enough beer, and I am probably the worst person you could've picked for this job because I am not worthy of a woman like you and your family will see that straight away, and right now I really wish I'd lied and told you I had a great childhood and I have a trust fund the size of New York because that would probably fit more into your world than a waste of space like me"

"Alex" Addison whispered, squeezing his hand gently "Do you want to know why I asked you, why I picked you and not, Mark, or some random guy, I asked you because you are one of the kindest, sweetest, most thoughtful men I have ever met, and to go through all of that and still be who you are, that makes you twice the man any of the stuck up rich trust fund guys are, and all I can say is, I'm proud to know you Alex Karev"

"I just don't want to screw this up for you" Alex said quietly.

"My Dad will love you" Addison smiled "He will, he's not the typical rich guy, he didn't have money when he was a kid, his first job was selling second hand electrical goods from the back of a van he bought for £100 pounds, he built his business from scratch, he could've retired when he was 30 if he wanted too, he had the money, but he wouldn't do it, he'd show up to work everyday and work with his team from 9 to 5, before me and my Mom he'd be there until midnight if he had to be, he appreciates hard workers, people who build their own lives, that's what you did, you survived until you could get out on your own, and you're working your ass off to be a great surgeon, and you'll get there, I know you will"

Alex leaned across to her and kissed her cheek softly.

"What was that for?" she laughed.

"Just for, being you" he smiled.

"Thank you for doing this" she said squeezing his hand.

"It's my pleasure" Alex smiled.

Part [2/8] to follow….