sooooo….good news and bad news about this

let's do the bad news first so I can try to cheer you up later:

I am no longer a part of this fandom. I have simply lost interest (not just in OP. In anime in general….turning 23 does that to some people)

Also I will no longer be posting my work on this site.

good news:

I'm going to attempt to finish my remaining fics because you guys were just so loyal throughout everything that you deserve it. I may be "gone", but I still love my little pirates.

As for the posting, I don't mean I've stopped entirely—not at all. I just moved, like many others, to ao3. You can find me under the name Pchew (I won't be moving my works over there...I'm too lazy). c:

Thank you my babies,


ps if you still love me after this, come find me on tumblr under the same name 3