A/N: Apparently my very active mind thought it would be nice to have writers block, for months.

"That's a lie, give me the time and I'll make you feel something. Rach, everyone needs to feel something. And you deserve it the most!"

It struck her hard. He left shortly after telling her that, and that he'll be here on Monday at 7am. She couldn't tell you how she felt when he said those things, because she can't explain it. It's been a while since she last felt something. She's always been alone, and now that Mike is pushing to be in her life, it's a change for her. Everyone left her like she was nothing, and now someone wanting to be in her life? It's honestly new to her. She knows she can't avoid him, because he's coming on Monday. And, she can't avoid Brittany either, mainly because how sweet she is and because Brittany always does what she has in mind.
She wishes she could be like Brittany, so childlike naive. Sweet and likable. She does want to feel again, just not today. Because whatever feeling she has, doesn't feel right.

All she knows now, is Mike isn't going to give up.
Unlike what Mike thinks, she'd rather feel nothing. It feels better, it's easier to feel nothing.


As she got dressed for school on Monday, hearing a knock on the door, she knew it was Mike. She was hoping he would forget what happened, but she doubts he'll just forget that she's pretty much lifeless.
"Good Morning Rachel" He smiled as she opened the door and let him in, "so, I was thinking-"

"Michael, I'm not some project for you."

he sighed, "It's not like I'm treating up like one. But, I do want to help you."

"Well, maybe I don't need help." She glared at him, "and don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Tina and I- we've, we've been growing apart. Rachel, come on, let me help you- show you that you can feel again. I want to see you happy, sad, angry and everything else."

Rachel shook her head, "Try all you want, I'm not making promises for you." She saw him smile and she faked one, then followed him out of her house.

"Trust me Rachel, I'm sure I can help you realize you aren't as numb as you think you are" He said as he climbed into his car, she followed him and nodded.

It's quiet. A little too quiet, even for Mike. Rachel learned early on, he's the quiet type but, not this quiet. She was tempted to turn the radio on, and let the music fill the very much awkward ride. She wanted to curse out loud, and she didn't know why but she blurted out.
"you know how in dreams, you're always trying to get to some place you need to be but you never really get there?"

To say Mike was surprised she talked without being talked to, was an understatement. "Yeah?"

"i'm trying to wake up. You're the first person to actually try to prove my feelings are still here. I'm trying to wake up from this, this horrible dream." She stared ahead of her, but turned and snuck a look at Mike. Sighing, she continued.
"My life is a blur, Mike, and everyone around me is moving and I'm stuck in this black hole. A black hole, that took everything away from me. And I want to get out, tried so many times but I end up falling"

"Why not ask someone for help?"

A bitter laugh came out, "Everyone hates me, remember? I was best friends with Kurt, Noah and I grew up together. Before Quinn came along, Santana actually looked at me without laughing. But after some point, they all realized how, how lame I am or crazy I am. whatever the reason is, they all hate me now. So who leaves that? Mr. Schue? As much as he hides it, he could care less of me. He likes it that I don't talk, even though he shouldn't do that. He's a teacher, and yet, you can tell he favors everyone over me. Mercedes down right hates me, and voices it too much. And everyone else just doesn't care. You're the only one who seems different."

He smiles at that point but it fades, "Santana was your friend? for how long?"

"For almost three years, we were just kids. But it doesn't matter anymore, just like me and Noah- we grew apart."
As soon as he parks, she's out of the car and gone in a heartbeat.
He spends the rest of the day til he sees her again, wondering how he ever missed kid Rachel and kid Santana hanging out.

The next time he does see her, is their science class together. He sits nests to her and hopes she doesn't move.

She doesn't, but she also doesn't speak to him. Or even respond to his note.


Mike tried everything to get her to talk to him, their even partners in their science class because they sat next to each other. But nothing worked, she just shut down on him. And he thought it was going fine, she was actually talking to him.

He guesses he can only get her to talk for only a while.

He went looking for her during lunch, and he couldn't find her in the normal spots; the bleachers, the auditorium, the cafeteria, the choir room, even in the bathroom (he asked some girl to look). He almost gave up, that is til he was walking back to the field to play football with Puck, when he saw someone on the top of his car.

"Why are you at my car?"

She sat up and looked at him, "I knew you'd look for me, and the one place you should look, you never look."

"But, why my car?"

She shrugged and laid back down, "I wanted to be alone, and not many people hang out around the cars, and since you're the only one I know that won't get pissed."

He just nodded, still shocked.
"Why are you ignoring me now?"

"I said I wanted to be alone, it's not ignoring just you, I'm ignoring everyone."

A/N: I'm so so so sorry about not updating this.
If you read the oneshots I've uploaded or anything else I've posted, I've said that I get writers block. Which is true. Lately, I've had it for over a couple months.
Though, I have a very active mind, I can't seem to get anything out of me. It was a shock when I got "Talk in Your Sleep" out of me. So That's why I haven't posted.

I actually have no idea where this is going anymore. So if you have any ideas that could help me, feel free to message me!

Sorry that this is short :(
the review button is waiting to be hit on ;)