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A/N: Readers are well aware that I didn't pen How Do I Love Thee (Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Sonnet 43,) but tedious protocol requires that I tell you so anyway.

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It was a warm day for Seattle, topping 80 degrees with plenty of sunshine - perfect for a Renegade Razz. "Come on guys, we have to get one last smoothie – for old times' sake," Sam insisted.

"Good grief Sam – you're already talking about old times! We just graduated two months ago! Carly and I haven't even left Seattle and you're trying to make us ancient history," Freddie grumbled.

"Come on H.B. – Sam's right. We need to say goodbye to T Bo anyway. It won't hurt you to get away from your mother. She was pairing socks last time I checked."

Freddie grimaced. "Yeah, ok, let's go." Grabbing Carly's hand, he started towards the door, pausing to examine a new painting that had appeared on the wall. A small plaque held a caption – "Know all ye who enter, herein lies the domain of the arisen goddess." Resplendent in iridescent scales, the mermaid emerged from a tidal pool against a backdrop of a roaring waterfall. The artful arrangement of damp flaxen tresses made a small concession to modesty, but there was otherwise no doubt of the artist's intent to pay homage to the form beneath.

"You know Sam, I was going to say that he just keeps getting better, but that's not it. I think it's you."

Carly shot him a look, but he shook his head. "You know my heart belongs to you Sunshine. I'm just saying. Sam's really come into her own. I feel like we're meeting the new, grown up Samantha Puckett. Hi there, I'm Fred Benson. Pleased to meet you." He reached to shake her hand and stopped, noting the absence of the ring that had been on her finger since Mother's Day. "Sam… you're not wearing your ring?"

"Yes I am, " she replied complacently.

Freddie held her hand up and turned it back and forth. "Well unless your ring has an invisibility function, I'm pretty sure you're not."

"It helps if you're looking at the right hand, which in this case, is actually the left…" She waved the hand in question, eliciting a squee of excitement from Carly.

"OMG Sam! You moved it! Or Spencer moved it. Someone moved it!"

"We both moved it," Sam agreed. "But don't go making the guest list or anything. We have places to go, people to see, homework to do and all that jazz."

"Still…we're going to be SISTERS!"

"You know what this means Sam?" Freddie asked with mock seriousness. "This means that you and I could one day be in-laws."

"Don't get ahead of yourself Benson," Sam advised as the flush started on Carly's face.

"Oh, I don't know… love loves company…" he replied airily, urging Carly towards the door.

"Speaking of… hold on a second." Sam trotted down the hall. "Spence! We're going for smoothies. Are you coming?"

"I have a few more pages of this chapter to get through. Why don't you all go ahead and I'll be over shortly?"

"OK. Should I order for you?"

"I'll have whatever you're having, you know, in case you want it later," he teased with a smile.

"And how do I love thee…Let me count the ways…" her answer trailed away as she headed back down the hall.

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Heading for the Groovy Smoothie, Spencer caught up to a man pushing an empty stroller. The man took his time, allowing the stroller's former occupant to set the pace. The toddler stopped frequently, examining a bottle cap, a penny, and a feather in quick succession before noticing that he was sharing the sidewalk with Spencer. The boy looked up at him curiously, and a smile spread across his face. Eyes sparkling, he yelled "CHEESE!" holding a pose for just a moment before running ahead to the shop door.

"Well hello there Ryan," Spencer called after him. "You've certainly grown to be a big boy."

Nodding vigorously, he reached up to tug impatiently on the door handle, looking over his shoulder to see how quickly Daddy was following.

"I'm sorry," Brad studied Spencer quizzically. "Have we met?"

Spencer shook his head. "No, but if you're Ryan's dad, then I hope you at least know of me." He held out his hand to Brad. "Spencer Shay – I'm an artist. Some time ago your wife…commissioned a painting from me. "

Brad nodded. "Brad Miller. I know the one. It means a lot to her." He paused before continuing deliberately, "It means a lot to me. "

"That's the best kind of art. The art that means something."

"I would tend to agree. And…"

"Daddy! Hurry UP!"

"…thanks. I suspect you did me a good turn Spencer. I owe you one."

"If that's so, then you're welcome," he replied quietly. "I just capture what I see. As they say, art imitates life; it's up to the viewer to supply the interpretation."

"Maybe," Brad allowed. "But I think I'm more of a proponent of the life imitates art school. This time you didn't capture it. This time you set it free."

"DADDY DADDY DADDY DADDY DADDY! When are you coming?" Ryan demanded.

Brad smiled indulgently at his son. "I'm coming Ryan."

Spencer reached to open the door. "There you go buddy."

Racing into the shop, Ryan continued at tip top volume. "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY! Me and Daddy came to get you!"

Sam rose from her favorite table to claim a kiss (and hand what was left of his smoothie) to Spencer as the little boy flew across the room. April emerged from behind the counter, sweeping him up onto a hip.

"Hi baby boy. How was your day today?" she asked affectionately.

"You shouldn't be picking him up, dear heart," Brad admonished. "Put him down; I'll carry him, or he can get back in the stroller."

"Don't be a worrywart Daddy; he's fine. I'm fine. We're all fine." She set Ryan down, whereupon he promptly pressed his ear against April's stomach. He listened intently, finally pronouncing in a loud whisper "Matthew is sleeping!"

"And so should you be," April scolded gently. "Did Daddy forget that it's nap time?"

"Daddy thought he could wear the little guy out," Brad admitted, linking his arm through April's and turning for the door. "Let's go home Champ."

"Home!" Ryan parroted cheerfully. "We're going home," he repeated to Spencer in a confidential tone as he passed.

"What a coincidence. So am I!" Turning to Freddie he advised, "Time to head back. Your mother asked me to tell you that she's checked what you've packed so far and the inventory of your antibacterial–"

Freddie held up a hand. "Don't say it. Just don't OK?"

Carly giggled. "I guess she moved on from the socks."

"Who would have thought?" he muttered, pushing his chair back.

"You know, we could really get her going H.B. – I could tell her that I have to do a recount!"

"This I have to see! Let's go Carls," Sam urged.

"NO!" Freddie protested, "Can't you two leave a man some dignity, at least this one time? Spencer, I thought you could control them! "

"Who? Me? I'm outnumbered."

"How are you outnumbered? There are two of them and two of us!"

"Sure, but two women always outrank two men. Basic law of nature Fred," Spencer bantered good-naturedly.

They headed for the door en masse, pausing to allow April and her family to exit ahead of them. Catching Sam's eye, April arched an eyebrow at the sight of Sam's hand entwined with Spencer's. The ring on her finger sparkled in the light; it was impossible not to see it.

Firmly attached to her husband and with her son in tow, April tilted her head against Brad's shoulder. "You know…"

Spencer could not be sure which of them spoke first. As if by prearrangement the words came out in perfect sync –

"I WIN!"

The two stared at each other for just a moment before breaking into matching grins. "It would seem that we're in agreement after all," April offered with a twinkle in her eye. Giving Sam a jaunty wave, she stepped out the door laughing.

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A/N: And so gentle readers, we've reached the end. Despite intentions to the contrary, I present you once again with a fairy tale complete. A sincere thank you to all who journeyed along with me; if you haven't had a chance to comment, I would love to hear from you now! I appreciate all the reviews that have been left along the way; your time is valuable and I appreciate you sharing it with me. Those who know me know I'm not fond of shout outs. Even so, I really must express my gratitude to three dedicated people; without their support, this fic would not exist: WhiteKnightro, who shines at leading by example, jhuikmn08, who always has a word of encouragement when I need it most, and Dazzling Hope – this story is especially for you. You believed in it more than anyone.

I leave you with this bad poetry - no matter which half of a couple thou art, remember your head when you follow your heart….

And this much better poetry -

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own. And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go…

Fondly, afanoffanfic

(with considerable assistance from the uncommon common sense of Dr. Seuss.)