A/N: This takes place just before Harry goes to Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest at the end of Deathly Hallows. He's just spoken with his family using the resurrection stone, but there's one more person he'd like to speak with...

Disclaimer! I own nothing! (That's why this is FANfiction.)

"Wait." Harry said, looking at the resurrection stone resting in his palm. "There's someone else."

James and the others looked confused but Lily nodded, understanding. "Go on."

Harry backed away from them before turning to head for a neighboring clearing. He had scarcely cleared eight meters before a new figure appeared before him, youthful in death but still dark and sallow.


Harry stopped in his tracks and simply stared for a moment. Snape appeared somewhat surprised but not at all confused as he regarded Harry in return.

"S-" Harry caught himself. He was about to call him 'Snape'. Thinking it unwise, Harry corrected himself, "Sir?"

"Potter." Snape returned. "You are about to die."

Harry nodded calmly. "Yes sir."

Snape took a breath and his brows drew together, but let the words die on his tongue as he simply gazed at Harry.

"I'm sorry, sir." Harry blurted.

Snape looked taken aback and paced a few silent steps toward the boy. "For?"

"For..." Harry gave a helpless shrug. "For everything. I'm sorry you had to live a lie. I'm sorry you were alone in it. I'm sorry I hated you."

"The feeling was mutual Potter." Snape said quietly. "I admit, the fault lies entirely with me on that account."

"And I'm sorry you died." Harry added.

"Well I didn't have much choice in the matter, did I?" Said Snape with a sigh. Harry lowered his gaze, remembering the awful scream as Nagini attacked. And the blood. There had been so much of it.

"Potter." Harry looked back up. Snape had wandered closer now, nearly enough to touch him. "What happened between your mother and I...it was...unfair...to treat you the way I did." His lips tightened as he cast his gaze past Harry, and Harry knew he was seeing Lily in the far clearing. "I understand, sir." Said Harry, "I understand everything. I just," He opened his palm the stone rested in, "I wanted a chance to...you know...speak with you."

A silent moment passed between them before Snape spoke softly, "You need to go, Potter."

"You can't come with me?" Harry asked. Snape's gaze flickered over Harry's shoulder, "You and your mother excluded, I don't think my presence would be very appreciated. But I will be near."

Harry was about to protest but stopped himself. That's how it had always been. Snape kept Harry at arm's length but was there to protect and watch over. Always.

With a nod, Harry turned to leave. "Sir?" He stopped and looked back at Snape before saying, "Thank you."

Snape looked surprised, then fidgeted as if he didn't know what to say. Finally, he met Harry's eyes and said softly, "Off with you, Potter."

Harry turned and strode back to his mother and father, a crushing weight now lifted from his heart. Looking back he saw that Snape was still there, waiting to follow the procession to Voldemort's camp. The Potions Master gave a nod, and Harry returned it. "Alright." Said Harry, turning back to his family, "Stay close to me."

Lily smiled softly, "Always."

A/N: Sorry if Snape is a little OOC. Let's just assume death has put a damper on his 'tude. This is one of my many interpretations of what a post-mortem conversation between Harry and Snape would have been like. Rowling's work is perfection, but I've always been bothered by the fact that Harry never gets to even see Snape after he's learned the truth about our favorite Potions Master.

I'm a girl. I want closure.