Yes this is another chapter, no I am not dead. The reason I have been MIA is because I got very busy, I started University, am doing Literature so swamped with essays all the time and I also started an original story, a novel. I am 18 chapters in and am hoping to finish by next summer so I can try to get it published. I will be working to update my other fics too now so have no fear. PS have you guys watched Sailor Moon Crystal? Watch it! It is brilliant, and soooo kawaii! I find it better than 90s anime, jeez Usagi and Mamoru as so romantic in this new one it makes me go gaga.

Also perhaps I've been watching the Japanese version too much. Halfway writing this I realised I was alternating between Mamoru and Darien so I had to edit Mamoru out lol.

Anyway, here's the new chapter.

Darien stared at the little boy with his mouth wide open. What he said was running in his mind. It couldn't be, how could his namesake know? He wore a mask for crying out loud! He opened his mouth and then closed it, not sure how to react. He decided to go with feigning ignorance first. He was a child after all.

"I…don't know how you got that impression, I'm no superhero big guy," he ruffled his hair affectionately, while hoping that he would drop it.

But he only gave him a knowing smile, at which Darien felt dread and his sweat dropped. Somehow he got the impression that he wasn't believing him. He got that confirmation when the boy spoke back.

"Don't bother, I know definitely you are him! Unless you don't know you are him…" he trailed, while frowning adorably. Because he remembered that. His father had told him that at first he hadn't known he was the masked vigilante. Was he really that early?

He looked up at him and noticed that his father was looking at him incredulously and with a defeated look. He caught his nose and sighed loudly.

"How do you know Darien, god its weird to call to or even think of you as Darien, very confusing…" muttered Darien while scratching his head and still keeping his eyes on the boy who, for some reason, brought out his protective instincts which so far only activated around Sailor Moon.

"Let's just call me Rien then; that would help!" he declared as he smiled.

Darien thought it through and then nodded, it certainly sounded better than calling him Darien.

"So, Rien, how do you know that I am Tuxedo Mask? Does-does anyone else know?" he became worried, had Rien seen him transform? When he ran out? If he did, did anyone else saw? He didn't want his identity to be revealed. God help him if media got hold of his identity!

"Nope! No one else knows and I know because I am from the future. Where I am from, you and the scouts protect me, so I know all of your identities," Rien told the half-truths, while staring at his feet. He hated it already having to lie to his parents, so he couldn't look at him while saying it. That would only increase the guilt he felt.

Darien nodded, feeling better that his carelessness hadn't costed him his identity. But then another idea occurred to him.

"Wait, you know our identities, does that mean in the future I know the scout's identities and they know mine?" he wondered out-loud, that prospect seeming alien yet appealing.

"Of course, otherwise it would be hard to do anything since you guys are always together, protecting me and mum," Rien continued, still not looking directly at Darien.

Although he was years younger than his father, he still had that look. That look which compelled him to tell the truth so he couldn't afford to look at his father straight.

Those words made Darien smile. He couldn't deny it, even though he knew he was in love with Serena, he felt an attraction, a pull towards Sailor Moon too. So the possibility that in the near future he might know who she is brightened his mood. They might even meet up. Though that thought felt as if he was betraying Serena even though they weren't even in a relationship! Hell because of his tendencies she probably hated him.

'What's more worrying Shields is that you have feelings, deep feelings for three different woman! What's wrong with you! How can you love three women!' his subconscious roared and he winched too.

Just how fickle was his love?

He avoided that train, he had already mulled over those thoughts for a lot of sleepless nights and it still hasn't gotten him nowhere. God only knows what he will do the day he has to choose, because he knew he would have to one day. After all they would find the princess soon, Rien in front of him was the proof of that.

"Well then buddy, since you are my current guest now, how about some food? You hungry?" he asked. Hearing at the prospect of food, he noticed Rien's eyes went wide with excitement and he nodded eagerly.

"I never say no to food," it was true, he liked food, maybe too much but it couldn't do him much wrong.

Darien titled his head, the way Rien's eyes lit up reminded him eerily of Serena. At that thought he froze and leaned over to look at Rien more closely. In fact, his eyes seemed the same shade of Serena's. He blinked and blinked. But the idea seemed too absurd so he shook his head.

"Come on, lets make you something to eat then." Saying that Darien walked towards the kitchen. A quick glance made him realise that Rien was following him dutifully.

A smile overtook his face. Things were certainly getting interesting.

After breaking off with Rei, Serena was walking home in a daze. To find out that the little boy, who hung around with Darien, was not only very powerful! But actually from the future AND their Princess's son! The one they were looking for to protect them. At least the sight of that little boy meant that they would find their princess. So that was a relief.

But what bothered her today was how she had reacted to the possible threat towards the little boy. She had growled at Rei! Rei, the queen of temper! Even when Rei insulted her, she never said a word. But the minute Rei showed her attitude towards the little boy, she had felt so, so, enraged! She felt like attacking the guardian of Mars. But she held herself back. And that surprised her. Because she never got angry. So what about him tapped into her instincts?

She didn't know.

But she had been so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice someone was in front of her until she slammed into them. Internally she groaned. Story of her life this was.

She felt herself falling back, gravity and momentum working together and braced herself for the hard fall (she had already smacked on the ground so many times it wasn't even funny anymore), but to her surprise she never reached the ground. Strong hands caught her arm and pulled her forward, causing her to rest in strong chest too. She stiffened at the intimate of sorts hug. A small smile graced her face. There is only one man who she always seemed to, like a clock work, always crash into. So the hope that he was holding her this way gave her hope that maybe he didn't despise her and actually felt something for her, and she wasn't secretly pining away from this unrequited love.

With expectation she looked up but then froze. Instead of familiar mop of ebony locks and royal blue eyes, her eyes met silver hair and purple eyes? Stiffening and feeling embarrassed, she pulled herself out of his grasp and jumped back. She scratched the back of her neck in embarrassment.

"Ehh, thanks for catching me!" she thanked as her mentally berated herself for enjoying that. What was she thinking? That Darien would hold her that reverently? Or nicely? Fat chance.

"No problem, I wouldn't even mind doing that. Never." He spoke eloquently, while looking at her with an intense look. That caused her to freeze and she looked at him, now feeling a bit uncomfortable. She didn't like the way he was looking at him. It seemed…possessive. But that couldn't be right, he was a stranger and she just met him for the first time!

Perhaps she was reading him wrong. That must be it! She was labelling him wrong. He was just a dude strolling around who she annoyed by smacking into. In fact he was just being a gentlemen. Someone her upper-class man didn't know a thing about. That's it! She is so used to Darien's taunts at her smacking into him, she finds dealing with kindness weird!

"Anyway, thanks for um catching me, I have to go!" without waiting for a reply, she walked away from him, this time speeding up and actually paying attention to where she was going. Not wanting a repeat performance of that. She didn't notice the way the man's gaze lingered on her vanishing figure.

A calculative smile overtook his face.

"Soon Serenity, this time you will be mine."