Welcome to the doom dimension

Drago looked around the doom dimension. He was trapped there, never to go back to Earth or Vestroia.

"Drago!" Drago heard. He knew that voice, but the person who made that voice could not be there. If he was, Drago would not know what to do.

Please let the voice just be me imagination, Drago thought to himself as he turned towards the voice. Unfortunately, he was wrong.

Dan was standing on a stone Bakugan with tears in his eyes. Drago did not know what to say or what to do. There were so many thoughts and emotions running through his head. He was happy to see Dan again, but why was he in the doom dimension.

"Daniel!" exclaimed Drago. "What are you doing here?"

"I couldn't let you go," Dan explained. "I jumped in after you when you were sent to the doom dimension."

"Do you know what you've done?" Drago demanded angrily. "There's no return from the doom dimension! Didn't you think about the brawlers or your family?"

Dan looked away. "I…I'm sorry," he said.

"You're sorry?" asked Drago. "You ruined everything for you. Your dreams, your hobbies, everything! And think about how your friends feel! You're the most thoughtless person I have ever met!"

Tears began to fall from Dan's eyes. "If you don't want me, fine," he said. "I'll go. You'll never see me again, and if by chance we meet, I won't talk to you."

"Perfect!" Drago said. "No Bakugan deserves such an irresponsible, impulsive, and careless brawler! I'm lucky I did not fall in here sooner!"

Dan ran away. He could tell Dan tried to act like he didn't care, but Drago knew that what he said hurt him.

Part of Drago felt happy. He was angry at Dan for doing something so impulsive, and someone had to say it. He was glad to be rid of him.

However, part of him knew that Dan was his best friend, and that he would miss him more than he could imagine then.

Drago told himself that he was better off without him. However, he could not stop thinking about the fight and the hurt look on Dan's face. A voice in him demanded what have I done?

Drago told himself that it was for the best, and part of him believed that. However, another part of him wanted to cry and find Dan.

Drago did not move. He just stared at the direction Dan went, telling himself not to follow him. Eventually, he turned around and walked the other way.