Disclaimer: I don't own these characters/people, nor am I privy to any details of their lives. This story is simply something I came up with off the top of my head. Enjoy!

"I'm sorry. I don't love you anymore. Things haven't been right between us since Casey was born, and you don't care about me anyway. You only care about Casey, Ethan and your career. It's like I don't exist anymore." Katie Danielson said to her husband of seven years, Bryan Danielson, known to the rest of the world as the wrestler Daniel Bryan.

"Katie, I'm trying. But you blame me and the boys for all of your problems. If you don't want to be married, fine. If you don't want to be a mother, fine. I'll take care of them by myself, and you don't have to be part of it. I won't force you to stay. I don't want my sons growing up around a mother who thinks they ruined her life."

"Bryan, I don't hate the kids. I just wish that people cared about me as much as they care about them."

"Katie, they do. I do. I love you just as much as I did before we had kids, just as much as I did when I decided I wanted to marry you."

"Garth asked me to go to India with him."

"Your yoga instructor?"

"Yeah, he said it would help me mature spiritually."

"Are you screwing this guy?"

"No, we've only kissed."

"Jesus, Katie. I've never cheated on you. Ever."

"Oh, please. All the female friends you have? What about Beth? You can honestly tell me you've never thought about making out with her?"

"Katie, that's all we are. Friends."

"Well that's all you and I are now too. I have to follow my true spiritual path. I'm not going to be held back anymore by what society or you or anyone wants me to be."

"I wish we could work it out."

"It is way too late for that."

She shut the door. He lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling trying not to cry. He tried to find a way to tell his sons that their mother had given up on their family, and that they were now on their own.

Elizabeth Kocianski, known to the world as Beth Phoenix, sat on the edge of the hotel swimming pool. She'd taken Bryan's two sons to allow their parents some much needed alone time. Ethan, age 6, knew how to swim and was doing cannonballs off the side of the pool.

"Look at me, Beth, look at me." He squealed happily before jumping in and splashing everyone around him.

Casey, his four year old brother, wore a swim vest because he couldn't yet touch the bottom even in the shallow end of the pool. He was really good at moving around in the water though, and could nearly catch up to Ethan when they attempted to race.

"Beth," Casey asked. "Can we get pizza tonight?"

"Yeah, if we can find a place here in Omaha that serves a spinach and mushroom pizza with soy cheese on it."

"Cool. You know you're the best babysitter we have."

"Thanks Casey."

They went upstairs to their suites to change clothes. Ethan knocked on the door of his parents' room while Beth waited in the hallway to make sure they answered before she went to her own room.

"No answer."

"Come on, I probably have some clothes in my room."

Bryan finally came to the door. His face was tear-stained. He hugged Ethan and Casey, trying to pretend like nothing was wrong. Beth could tell by the look in his eyes things were worse between he and Katie.

"Did you have fun?" he asked.

"yeah, Beth said she's take us all for pizza. Do you and mom want to go?"

"Mom's not here."

"Where is she?"

"She's gone, Ethan, just gone."

"Gone where?"

"Home, or maybe to India with her yoga teacher. I don't know. All I know is that she left."

He couldn't hold the tears back anymore. Beth put her arm around his shoulders and they walked back inside the room. Bryan lay down on the couch face down.

"We'll order a pizza, guys, and then later we'll go down to the arcade and play games," Beth said to the boys.

"Mommy's really gone?" Casey asked.

"I guess so."

"Do you think she'll come back?"

"We'll see."

"Is Daddy ok?"

"No, sweetie. He's really sad. He misses your mommy."

"I miss her too."

Beth called the pizza place and placed an order. Then she went over to the couch to check on Bryan.

"You're really quiet?"

"I'm still stunned."

"Is there anything you need me to do?"

"Just don't leave me right now."

"I'm not going anywhere."

He sat up so she could sit next to him, and they waited for the pizza.