Disclaimer: I do not own Persona 3 and Persona: Revelations and 2 (both titles); all respectfully owned by ATLUS.

Summary: AU version of the entire Persona 3. Minato has a twin sister who has no idea what is going to happen to them. ...then again, what exactly is their role in this little game? Pairings: Minato/Yukari; Akihiko/FemMC(known as Minako); other pairings to come.

Warning: There are some changes in this story as compared to the real game, even though I am trying to make it faithful to the original characters if possible. But in order to make it different, there are some shifts in terms of who is with who in what scene and such... and the fates of certain characters. There are also changes in terms of how the story goes. Some characters are out of character in this story.

Oh, and there are Persona and Persona 2 crossovers as I am trying to make both of them work with this one. You have been warned and my sincere apologizes.

Memento Vivere

001: Let The Games Begin

Water gushes from the faucet in the sink.

"I just... put this thing to my head..."

Pantings of panic and fear echo the room a young girl grasps something in her right hand, her left holding against her forehead. A fearful look is present in her eyes as she grips the item tighter.

"I'm not backing down... Not this time..."

Her eyes still wide, she instantly presses the object against her forehead, cocked and ready to load. Her trembling hands were on the trigger, ready to fire.

...it doesn't.

She crumples, giving up some sort of resolve as the objects clangs against the floor, her shaky breath being covered by the sound of the faucet.

"No... I can't do it...! I can't!"

"Time never waits. It delivers all equally to the same end.

You, who wish to safeguard the future, however limited it may be...

You will be given one year; go forth without falter, with your heart as your guide..."

...so he was told by some fortune teller (who happens to have a half-butterfly mask on his face) on his way towards his destination. And what made it a little worse was that his younger twin egged him to go to one.

So much for a belated birthday present from his fraternal twin sister.

"I'm sorry," the brunette girl slightly pouts as she removes one of her red headphones, "I didn't know you'd get something like that."

He softly snorts, shaking his head as he clutches onto his duffel bag. The girl next to him is carrying a similar duffel bag, only it seems to be a bit lighter. His is heavier, a bit bulkier for the amount of clothing and items he is carrying.

"Oh come on!"

"I can't blame you for the belated gift, Minako," the blue-haired teen sighs, looking at his mp3 player before pressing the button to change the music, "...but... fortune telling? Right before we head off towards our dorms?"

The brunette, now known as Minako, huffs as she presses the volume of her mp3 up, trying to ignore him. The two are on their way towards the train station, trying to press for time as they mentally made their final checklist.

There were various people walking around the streets- some gossipping about the next movie star, some calling each other off or some reading, trying to enjoy the afternoon. The voodoo looking dolls are everywhere- there were some people who call it their lastest mascot- were either located in the toy machine or hanging as keychains. The two with the headphones walk on, concerntrated on getting to the train on time as opposed to the menial activites in the city.

"What time was the train again?" the blue-haired boy murmurs to himself, he and Minako stopping at a crosswalk, waiting for the sign to change so they can safely cross.

"I dunno," Minako grumbles, "I thought you knew, Minato-nii."

A roll of eyes come from the boy next to her, pretending not hear her.

"Hey! Are you listening?"

The sign changed, allowing people to walk.

"We're going to be late, imoto-baka," he mutters as the two hurry towards the train station. The brunette squacks, her ruby eyes full of irriation before huffing again, grabbing her train ticket and following behind her brother as the two enter inside the station itself.

They managed to arrive just in time as their train screeches towards a halt, allowing the few passengers to enter inside the train. The two didn't speak to each other, allowing their music to overcome their thoughts and fears about a new school.

But they both mentally swore there was a blue butterfly fluttering towards their direction.

It didn't take it an hour to go to their destination like they thought. And now, Minato has resorted to staring off at the scenery as the train passes through. Minako was doing the same thing, her headhphones on and trying her best to cheer him and herself up, despite knowing that they are really really late for entering inside their dorms. And Minato is now irritated to know what is taking the train too long.

"Attention passengers, attention passengers."

Minato slightly perks up, seeing that his sister did the same, hearing the electronic voice of the conductor.

"We sincerly apologize for any inconvience caused by the delay."

A mental groan passes by them as they view the scenery. Well, that explains it... Minato shakes his head, seeing his sister roll her eyes.

"The next stop is Iwatodai... Iwatodai..."

A pair of steel-blue eyes instantly met surprised ruby.

"Iwatodai... Iwatodai..."

"This is the final train out for Tatsumi Port Island. Please make sure you board the train in time for departure." The heavily electroic voice calls through the nearly empty train.

"Don't want to be late," Minato mutters, grabbing his duffel bag as he notes the time on his mp3, "Shit... it's almost fucking midnight!"

Minako groans, "Midnight! ...well, I really hope they still have those rooms at the dorms..."

"They better not be full when we get there," the blue-haired replies, exiting out of the train along with his sister, "Otherwise, I'd be fucking pissed."

"...will you stop it with the cursing?"

He glares at his sister, "Can't. Who's the one who made me go to a fucking fortune teller on the way here?"

Minako glares at him back, sticking her tongue at him as a rebuttal, "You better appreciate it, Minato-nii. It was the only thing I can think of today as a gift before we left."

"Ha ha. I'm sure I will," Minato grits sarcasically, his face still emotionless, walking towards the gates to exit them out of the train platform.

Behind them, the voice repeats, "Iwatodai... Iwatodai..."

By the time they reached the exit of the station, both decide to catch a breather.

"Dammit, Minato-nii!" Minako glares at him, "You walk too fast!"

The clock on the screen shows a few moments to midnight.

Minato was about to say something back when he blinks, looking around. Minako frowns, then looks around, realizing at the moment that something was up.

Their mp3 players shut down.

"Huh?" Minato frowns as he hears Minako cursing.

"I swore I charged the stupid thing..."

At the same time, all of the other bright signs, terminal ports, street signs... anything and everything electronic went out, casting an eerie green light surrounding them.

"...wow. It's that time again," Minako mutters, looking around, "...Minato-nii, are you sure that this is Iwatodai?"

"Positive..." he looks around and looking up, they noticed the clock reads midnight. ...and is that blood?

Minato groans, closing his eyes, shaking his head. "So much for how the Dark Hour looks like here as opposed to Sumaru City..."

"Minato-nii? Does this mean we have to...?" Minako looks at him with slightly concerned ruby eyes.

"Yeah...Come on. Let's go," Minato has a brochure in one hand, his hand grabbing his younger sister with the other as the two left the train station, "Do you want to be late?"

"Hell no!"

"Then be quiet and let's go," he commands her in his brother-like voice. The two still have their headphones on. This... is too irritating, Minato thinks, We are late. And now we are in here during the Dark Hour. Fantastic. Just fucking fantastic.

Looking around the town that's supposed to be Iwatodai, one thing is stuck in Minako's mind... rather, making her worried. As she scurried next to her brother Minato- who was gripping her right hand, mind you- she couldn't help out but notice the strangeness around Iwatodai City.

Unlike Sumaru City in which she and Minato stayed with their guardians and never bothered to come out at night (and still had the comforts thanks to her uncle's friend) and once in which they realize that there was no way that people were still walking around (She and Minato did ask their uncle and his friends what happened and they absolutely refused to say a peep- even now they didn't say a word), Iwatodai City took the cake for the reward for The Creepiest City in the World.

Not that there's such thing, of course...

There are coffins all over the place. And the power's out everywhere, including the damn traffic lights.

It was creeping her out. But the moon looks too close for her comfort...

Gulping, she looks back towards Minato, who is still striding forward, the brochure tight in his hand. She realizes that he too notices the coffins... and doesn't look freaked out about it. And that's not stopping him to keep moving and preventing her from asking "Are we there yet".

The two keep walking across town, trying to look for their destination. If Minako was correct, Minato should be holding the brochure for the Iwatodai dorms for Gekkokan High School over at Port Island. And if she also recalls, their dorms are located in this specific location...

"We're here," she hears Minato, stopping at their tracks to look up at a European style building. Walking slowly next to him, she notices that the building has their lights out too.

"I don't believe this," Minako whispers, "This is where we're staying?"

"Apparently, yes... It was our uncle's idea," he grips the handle, looks once more at her, looks back at the door, then opens it without any hesitation, allowing both of them in.

Entering inside of the building, the two look around to see that it was furburished with various couches and a television set. There was also a peak of the dining room, showing a bit of the dinner table and chairs. Next to them is an empty reception desk, adorned with flowers. The building must be where they are going to live.

He releases her hand, allowing her to shake it from the numbness she felt from their walk earlier.

Minako sighs, taking off her headphones as Minato does the same.

"Finally..." she hears Minato murmur before facing her, "You okay, Minako?"

She nods, then sharply gasps, turning to face towards something.

He frowns, "What? What is it?"

"You're late. I've been waiting a long time for you."

Both eyes widened as they face the owner of the voice. It was a young boy, both elbows propping against the desk. His bright blue eyes look a bit tenative, anticipating the two to freak out or something. The boy has a mole under his left eye, an enigmatic smile on his face.

"Now... If you want to proceed," the boy snaps his fingers, making the twins turn around towards a desk that is closest to them. He gestures towards it, as if it was important, "Please sign your name there."

"...what?" Minato gasps, his face reading, You have GOT to be kidding.

Minako can read that just from his surprised expression.

"It's a contract," the boy smiles, continuing before noticing both of their surprised expressions, "Don't worry," he still has that mysterious grin, "All if says is that you'll accept the full responsibilities for your actions."

"...full responsibilites?" Minato repeats, dumbstruck by this. "...wait, me?"

The boy nods, "Yes, you... and, you know... the usual stuff."

Minako blinks in surprise before seeing that Minato looks a bit exasperated by this, "...so, I take that if Isign that contract..." Then he pauses, looking at his sister, "Wait, kid. What about her?"


"My sister, Minako," Minato gestures towards her, "What about her?"

"Minato-nii?" Minako is now worried and panicked. She then felt the boy turns towards her.

The boy replies, "That... I will consider in the future."

"...the future? ...oh god..." Minato groans, "Please tell me. If I sign this, will you not do anything to harm her?"

"That," the boy still has that smile, "-will matter on the events that will come."

Minako feels like they are arguing over something that doesn't concern her. She tugs on her brother's sleeve, catching his attention, "Minato-nii. Just sign it."


"Please," she pleads, her big ruby eyes catching him off gurad.

Minato is about to sputter before he sighs, "All right..."

He walks towards the desk, lifts up the pen that is prepared for him, and opens the book. Immediatly, he sees that the contract is only in one sentence:

I chooseth this fate of mine own free will.

...what… the hell...?

Minako looks at her brother in concern before seeing that the young boy is looking at her too. Shifting her eyes to face him, she slightly gulps before hearing him ask, "Are you afraid of death?"


The boy asks again, "Are you afraid of death?"

She looks pensive before looking at her brother, who is still reading over the contract. Biting her lower lip, she recalls the screeching of a car, screams to watch out, yelling and more yelling, pools of blood, crying, and screaming...

"No," she whispers, "I'm not afraid of death..."

The boy looks at her before looking at Minato again, somehow having him slightly understanding why she isn't hesitant to stop her brother. A small smile appears on his face.

Minato sighs, then neatly signs his name: Arisato Minato

"This better be worth it," he hisses to himself before stepping away from the contract. He looks towards Minako before facing the young boy.

"Satisfied?" he asks.

The boy nods and smiles again, taking the contract before facing them, "No one can escape time." He lets the contract disappear into thin air, "It delivers us all to the same end." Then he faces them one last time before vanishing, "You can't plug your ears and cover your eyes." He smiles again, "And so... it begins, sir." Then he faces Minako, "...my dearest."

And with that, he disappears in front of their eyes.

Minato blinks, before facing Minako, who is also looking at him with alarm.

"Did he just call you 'my dearest'?" he mutters.

"Dunno... Nii-san," she whispers, "Who... was that?"

"I honestly have no idea," he mutters, having some sort of dreaded feeling about the boy, "...This is just creepy, but I never expected this during the Dark Hour."

The room was still the eerie green, concealed with the shadows. Both siblings are standing there, either in shock or in contemplation over what just happened. Either way... ...that kid just vanished with the shadows. Minato and Minako were still standing there, hesitant to even take one step.



"When are the lights coming back on?"

"In about a few minutes," he looks over towards her, "You okay?"

"Y-yeah. I guess so..."

Minato sighs, closing his eyes and was about to comfort Minako when they both heard a series of shouts, stomping or running on the stairs, some more shouting, and then-

"Who's there!"

"You! Show yourself!"

A sound of a someone running.

...Make it two.

Both turned around and to their surprise, they both saw two people standing near the edge of the doorway. The first person is cloaked in the shadows while the second person (A girl? Minato thought in surprise)'s face was concealed in the darkness. The two both look distressed, panicked as if they are ready to attack them at any moment. The girl had a pink jacket on her, her brown eyes piercing through Minato as fear starts to set in her eyes. The older boy's dark grey eyes narrowed, noticing the slight movement Minako made when she noticed them, his silver hair slightly disheavled and clothing crumpled from lying down at the bed or... something.

Minako shuffles, her face in fear as she gets behind Minato, who is beginning to shield her from any sort of harm or danger. Minato can see the intense amount of fear behind her eyes as he gets ready to defend his sister at any cost.

"What the-!" The silver-haired boy was alarmed, seeing the Arisato twins.

"But how! Don't tell me that-!" The brunette gasps.

"What are-" Minato was about to ask when he heard sounds of shuffling and struggling to get something out-

"Takeba! Akihiko! Wait!"

A gasp comes out from the pink cladded girl while the silver-haired boy growled in irritation, turning towards the commanding voice. Minato's eyes narrowed, still trying to shield Minako, who still looked scared, but slightly relieved that they were not shot.

The was a third person- a young crimson haired woman with the uniform skirt and white shirt, a red bow around her neck. Her stance screams that she is ready to take command- if possible.

But what made Minato realize they were all in the same possible group was the red band on their arms. The lettering is too vague to read...

At the same moment the four individuals turned towards her, everything goes back to normal. The lights turn back on to illuminate the room, revealing themselves towards the people in front of each other.

Minato and Minako's mp3 blare back to life, both having the same song blaring through their headphones.

The pink clad girl sighs, relieved to see the crimson-haired woman while the silver-haired boy huffs, agitated that there was nothing to battle. The woman sees the twins before gracefully approaching them, arms crossed as if there was nothing to worry about.

Minato is still hesitant to let go of his stance, but he relaxed for a bit, feeling Minako's hands on his arms as she lowers it.

"They're not... fighting us?" Minako whispers to him.

"Guess not," Minato quietly murmurs back before seeing the crimson haired woman walk between the pink clad girl and the silverette boy, who are now looking at her, baffled and surprised. Both Minato and Minako look towards the woman, who steely smiles, seeing their two new occupants.

"I didn't think you'd arrive so late," she says, "Do you care to explain?"

Minato blinks, trying to say something, but he frowns, glaring at her, I'm sorry... what the hell am I supposed to say? Your friends tried to kill us a moment ago!

Minako looks back at her brother's angry face before she hesitantly steps out from behind Minato, deciding that for now, she would be the voice of reason for her brother, "Ano... I can explain,"

She can feel the woman's eyes look at her now... and the gaze of the two other students, "Um... you see, the train got a huge delay and... my brother and I..." she couldn't help but slightly dwindle her fingers- Dammit, why did I get so damn nervous all the sudden? "Well, we arrived at the front of the station much later than we thought. Our apologizes, ma'am!" She bows, biting her lower lip in an anticipation of being screamed at.

Minato looks at his sister in slight surprise, not expecting that his sister would be the one to explain things this time. Usually, I'd explain what happened, but...

Minako looked back up at him, her face asking him not to be angry and at least be polite to the people in front of them.

Gah, dammit, Minako... Baka imoto... he couldn't help but look at her with an understanding expression on his face.

The crimson haired woman blinks before softly chuckling, taking Minako's explanation, "Well, I guess that explains it. My name is Mitsuru Kirijo," she nods, "I'm one of the students who live in this dorm."

"It's nice to meet you," Minako replies, relaxing this time, "My name is Minako Arisato..." and she grins, "And the idiot standing next to me is my twin brother, Minato Arisato!"

"W-What!" Minato squawks, blushing not only in embarrassment but glaring at his twin, mentally noting himself to get back at her for that.

That, however, earns a soft laugh from Mitsuru, who has now eased the tension, "Minako and Minato Arisato... It's a pleasure to meet you both."

The silverette looks surprised, but the pink clad girl glances at them before facing Mitsuru, "...um, who are they?" the pink-clad girl asks.

"They're both transfer students that came in from out of town," Mitsuru explains, "It was... my father's last minute decision to assign them here." She pauses for a second as if she is trying to think about something before continuing, "They will be eventually moved to their respectable dorms."

"Hey, Mitsuru," the silverette asks, "Is it okay to have them here?"

Mitsuru looks at them again before replying, "I guess we'll have to wait and see."

The silverette grunts while the pink clad girl relaxed... slightly. Minato and Minako glance at each other. Then Minako looks at the irate silverette, who seems to glare at them.

"Er, did we do something wrong?" Minako asks the older boy, worried.

The silverette looks surprised- flushing even to look at her, "N-No!" he stammers, a slight red dusting at his cheeks, "Of course not! It's just that... well, I wasn't expecting any people to start living here. Y-You didn't do anything wrong!"

Minako blinks before looking towards Minato, and shrugging. Minato, on the other hand, looks a bit exasperated, as if he tries his best to keep Minako from saying anything too stupid.

"This," Mitsuru caught the twin's attention again. She is gesturing towards the pink clad girl "-is Yukari Takeba. She'll be a junior this year, just like you two are."

"Really," Minato nods, being polite, a small smile gracing his lips, "Nice to meet you."

"...Hey," Yukari blinks before slightly blushing in the same manner as the silverette.

"And this," Mitsuru couldn't help but try to stop laughing at the silverette's reaction to Minako earlier, "-is Akihiko Sanada. He'll be a senior this year- as I am a senior as well."

Minako grins, "I guess this makes you both our senpais then! It's a pleasure to meet you, Sanada-senpai!"

Akihiko is slightly blushing at Minako's reaction before mumbling out, "H-Hey." If one was to notice his actual expression, his reads more of disappointment than nervousness.

Mitsuru looks highly amused and pleased about this, especially about how Akihiko is reacting to Minako.

"So," Minato pauses, "Kirijo-senpai? Aren't we supposed to be separated into different dorms because of...?" He won't try to say gender because in middle school, he made that unfortunate mistake... I'd rather not go there, he thinks, I've got to call my uncle about this...

Yukari pauses, "Um... well, how... errr... wait, Mitsuru-senpai... how does it work again?"

"Unlike other dorms, this one is co-ed," Mitsuru explains, "It's not the average dorm though. When I do get the chance," she pauses, "I'll explain to you both later."

"Sure," Minato nods, "Better than nothing, I suppose."

Minako was slightly surprised before she comes up at the next question, "Um, hey...? Why do you both have a gun?"

That question makes both Akihiko and Yukari freeze at their spots. A silent curse reads through Akihiko's mind as he covers the silver gun that is against his belt. Yukari hesitantly covers hers, but surprisingly, Mitsuru is calm about it.

"You both understand how dangerous things have gotten these days," Mitsuru smiles, "It's for self-defense. ...but of course, it's not a real gun."


Minato and Minako both blink in surprise to hear that.

For all I know, Minato frowns, ...guns are not supposed to be fake and used for self-defense. ...just what the hell is going on?

"It's getting late," Mitsuru's voice cuts in, directly like a commander, "Because you both had gotten through a long journey, the two of you should rest." She looks at Minato first, "Your room is on the second floor, at the end of the hallway." Then she looks towards Minako, "And your room is on the third floor, and- as I mentioned about your brother's room- it should be at the end of the hallway."

"Thank you, Kirijo-senpai," Minato and Minako both nod, unti Minako gasps, "Wait... what about our stuff?"

"Our... oh crap." Minato groans, breaking his poker face, "If those people from earlier lost it all-"

"Don't worry about it," Mitsuru reassures them, "Your things should already be there."

Minato looks at the woman with hesitation, "Are you sure?"


Both sigh in relief, knowing that at least something got done unlike their other school.

"The first day of school is tomorrow," Mitsuru glances at them, "I'll make sure the both of you can get acquainted into your classrooms first thing."

"Thanks, Kirijo-senpai," Minako smiles at her, causing the red-haired senior to slightly blush and smile back before glancing at the two, "Can you both escort them to their rooms?"

Akihiko stares at Mitsuru, about to open his mouth to protest when Yukari, relieved of this, decides to cut in, "Oh! I'll show you both the way." She walks forward to the Arisato twins, "Follow me!"

"Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I can make it on my own..." Minato stops Minako from finishing her sentence by slightly pinching her arm, signaling for her to be quiet.

"Lead the way, Yukari," Minato nods to the brunette, ignoring the glare he got from Minako, "My room first, correct?"

"That's right," Yukari nods before asking, "So, you both just came here? How was the train ride?"

"It was... boring," The blue-haired teen changes from a soft smile to a grunt, causing Yukari to laugh softly and Minako giggle, "We were damn late thanks to a train malfunction..."

As the three juniors made small talk about the train ride, Akihiko glances over to Mitsuru, who was deep in thought, "Mitsuru. What we saw..."

"We might have to bring in him tomorrow," she purses her lips, "Normally, I would think that both of them would have been... but this is... Hmm. Tell Takeba we need to meet after school tomorrow afternoon. This is intersting."

"Right," Akihiko murmured, looking at Minako, who he has just caught her giggling, causing him to slightly blush... ...and frown in confusion. Mitsuru caught this, curiosity catching her with the red-haired lady.

"Akihiko? Is something wrong?"

The silver-haired senior's eyes slightly narrows, "...I know her. I'm not talking about Yukari, though. It's Minako..."

Mitsuru softly chuckles, a slight evil smile on her face as her cogs were ticking to formulate something, "Well, well. It seems like you're not as dense as you are..."


"Nothing," Mitsuru starts to head for the stairs, "As I said, Takeba. Take them to their room. I'm pretty sure we need to get them to sleep for school."

"R-Right," Yukari nods before facing them, "All right. Follow me!"

"You said that earlier," Minako grins, already feeling that Yukari would make a really good friend. As if she had a third eye, Yukari was thinking the same thing because of Minako was the other girl in the group next to Mitsuru, "So, you're a junior like me and Minato-nii?"

"Yup!" Yukari's tense mood escapes and giggles, "And you both are twins? The only thing I see the difference is the change in the color of your hair and eyes!"

"Really?" Minako's ruby eyes widens before she grins, "You know, there was something that happened back at our other school that-"

"Let's go," Minato interrupts them, trying not to tread back in that memory again, "I want to sleep."

"All right, all right, baka-nii."

Minato groans, "Will you please, for the love of God, stop calling me that..."

"'Baka-nii'?" Akihiko questions, joining the three, surprising Minako. The silver-haired man softly chuckles, enjoying her reaction.

Minako grins, facing Minato, "My lovely nickname for my older brother."


It didn't take them more than a minute to walk up the stairs towards the second floor. At this point, Yukari decides that in her best interest to make up for what happened to Minato earlier and walk him towards his room (all because Akihiko wanted to escort Minako to her room- already she saw that Minato was protesting to this). By the time the two came into the room, Minato looks at the empty face-place to his room.

He looks tired... does he have low blood pressure? Yukari gulps, trying to find something to say to the blue-haired teen, Umm... damn! Why the hell did Senpai decide to escort Minako!

"W-Well, here we are!" Yukari hopes to God this would get him to talk, "This it it. Pretty easy to remember huh?"

"It is," Minato softly chuckles, facing the dirty blonde, "It's at the end of the hallway. Thanks, Yukari."

Yukari slightly nods before she chews her lip, looking nervous, I hope to God he... umm... oh boy.

"Is something wrong, Takeba-san?"

She gulps, trying to word things correctly, I guess if he did come from the station, he and Minako must have seen those coffins... "So, any questions?"

As if it was an instant reaction, she saw Minato's face looking concerned and worried, "...I came into here and I saw this boy who told me to sign a contract-"


Boy? What boy? That wasn't what I expected, Yukari inwardly sighs in relief, but what the hell? Contract?

"What are you talking about?" she frowns, "I don't know anything about that sort of stuff. As for the boy, I don't see any boy here. It's just you two, me, Akihiko, and Mitsuru. All five of us for now."

"Really," Minato murmurs, as if he was confused or something, "In any case... well, no other questions for now. Thanks again, Yukari."

"Don't mention it!" Yukari smiles cheerfully, "Just be ready when we get to school tomorrow!" She couldn't help but laugh when she saw him muffle a groan, "Don't worry. You can sleep when we get to school tomorrow. It shouldn't be that bad."

"I hope not,"

Yukari nodded before she hesitates, Okay. Time to ask. "Hey Minato?"

His blue-eyes never faltered, making Yukari gulps, "Hey... When you and Minako left the station and were on your way here, was everything okay?"

Well, that made Minato caught off-guard. If any experience has taught her well, whenever a reaction is opposite of what the person says, then something's wrong.

"...Uh huh. Everything was normal,"

Okay. Suspicion confirmed. He saw something with Minako. Yukari made a mental note to ask Akihiko if Minako said something unusual.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions," Yukari pauses, "But... save them for later. Okay?"

"Fine by me," Minato nods before he yawns. She sighs in relief, Well, that went well. For now.

"Like I said," Yukari giggles, "Don't be surprised if I come banging on your door in the morning!"

"Sure thing," he nods, "Have a good night, Yukari."

"Night!" Yukari grins. As soon as she heard the door opening and shutting, she groans, hanging her head. "Great. More problems."

She didn't notice Minato's door had opened into a crack, making Minato to hear what she just said.

Earlier, a few minutes ago, while Yukari and Minato had their little talk, Minako was being escorted by Akihiko.

"I could've been fine by going up to my room by myself," she sighs, trying to make her point clear for what could've been about the tenth time.

"Sorry," Akihiko shakes his head, "Not going to happen."

Minako huffs, pouting as she crosses her arms. Akihiko chuckles to himself, making a mental note to keep that image to himself. It was alarming for him that he did see her and Minato enter inside the dorm unscathed from that, but for what happened after they entered in the dorm... well, that could have been unacceptable for him to be embarrassed (by all means- after all, he and Yukari did have their... guns... out. Good thing Mitsuru was there to stop them).

"Well, at least you got me to my room," Minako's voice broke Akihiko out of his own thoughts, seeing that they have, indeed reached towards the last room at the end of the hallway, "Thanks, Akihiko-senpai."

"No problem," the silver-haired man nods, "Hey... um, Minako?"

"Hm?" she looks at him.

"Did anything unusual happen to you and your brother on your way here?"

That's when he saws her eyes glaze over before looking up at him, shaking her head, "Nope... nothing out of the ordinary."

She's lying. She did see something. Akihiko's thoughts tell him, slightly narrowing his eyes. But for some reason, he felt like he knew she was lying even though she just got here. Wait. ...what?

"Akihiko-senpai?" Minako's voice interuppts his thoughts, "Are you all right?"

"O-oh. Yeah, I'm fine," he then pauses again, "By any chance... do you still remember...?"

"Hm?" Minako blinks, this time in confusion.

Akihiko opens his mouth as he was about to ask something in regards to that when he decides to shake away the thought about asking her about it. Does she not recognize me at all? "Never mind. It was something from my mind that I shouldn't ask."

"Really," The ruby-eyed frowns as she takes a step to look at him a bit closer, "I don't think that was the case..."

"C-Come on!" Akihiko blushes red again, knowing how close they are, "I-I'm serious! I-I'll ask you about it later!"

Minako huffs, but steps back towards the door to her room, "All right, but don't mind that I will get something out from you about it, even if it takes a couple of months!"

Akihiko chuckles, "I like a challenge- are you giving me one?"

"W-Wha!" Now it was Minako's turn to blush before she stammers, "N-No, but I-I really want to- know what? It's that time to go to bed! U-um, good night, Akihiko-senpai!" With that, Minako immediately rushes towards her room and shuts the door once she enters in.

"Night, Minako-chan," Akihiko smiles before turning around; his expression changing into a disappointed one in an instant, "So she did forget about it..."

"Forget about what?"

Yukari was standing there, "Hey. So...?"

"She definitely saw something with Minato," Akihiko narrows his eyes, "We have to tell Mitsuru."

"Same answer I got from Minato too," Yukari nods, "Hey, ummm, does this mean...?"

"I guess it has to," Akihiko sighs, "As much as some of us hate his presence in here, we have no choice. And he probably wants us to take a look at them as well."

"Oh crud. Ugh... well, I'll tell her what they said before I go back to sleep," Yukari pauses, "By the way, Mitsuru wants you to know that I'll be taking both of them to school tomorrow. She told me before I took Minato up."

Akihiko frowns, "Wait, why not me?"

"She wants to talk to you," Yukari pauses, "Something about seeing about your behavior earlier...?"

...ah crap. He groans. Mitsuru has really sharp eyes.

"Well, it's none of my business anyway," Yukari yawns, "I should get some sleep soon. I'll talk to Mitsuru and we'll probably talk more about this tomorrow. Night, senpai."

"Night, Takeba," Akihiko heads downstairs, but not before he hears Yukari talk to Mitsuru about what they have heard. Shaking his head, he goes towards his room and shuts the door. He changes and goes towards his bed, but not before thinking back towards a certain brunette with red eyes...

"Welcome back to Iwatodai, Minako," he softly murmurs before closing his eyes, sleeping for the rest of the night.

Minako has already changed into her sleeping clothing before getting Minato's text. Slightly annoyed, she looks at it as she goes into her bed.

[Hey. Already in ur room?]

She types back, [Yeah. Hey, can we not tell anyone what we saw earlier?] She sends it and waits patiently for Minato to get her message, in which he gets back to her.

[I think so. I'd rather not get u into trouble. And nobody would believe us.]

She frowns, [Agreed. BTW, I think I know Akihiko-senpai somewhere...]

[Really? Huh. Where?]

[Dunno... But we came back to Iwatodai on scholarships, didn't we?] Minako recalls that a while back when the people announced her and Minato's entrance to the school, there were looks of admiration, envy, and sorrow for the fact that both Arisato twins were leaving. A buzz disrupts her thoughts.

[Yup... and thanks to our uncle too.]

[Oh. We need to call him and the others, don't we?]

She sighs, recalling how much effort her uncle Naoya and his companions did a lot for them before they headed out to this city... at least the best thing they can do for nowas to call them.

[So, think we can survive this year?]

A second later, the message Minato sent her back made her snicker.

[Enjoy the year while it lasts, baka-sis.]

[You too, stupid-nii. Night.]

[Night then.]

Minako giggles to herself before taking off her necklace: a silver locket she kept and treasured for a long time ever since... since when? Opening it, she sees a desaturated picture of a young girl that was a year younger than the other girl- herself at the age of ten. Next to the picture was a stuffed piece of paper that was folded to fit inside the other frame. She didn't dare to open it, but a soft smile came to her before closing the locket and setting it next to her cellphone.


To Be Continued

Preview of Ch. 2

"So, if I get this correct... you're both twins ...like the clone twins?"

"Fraternal twins, Stupei. Why the hell would you think like that?"

"It seems like they've been like this every since they came in, Mister Chairman."

"This isn't right, treating them like guinea pigs, senpai. So why are we doing this to them?"

"They might have the potential, Yukari. And who knows? Maybe they can help us fight against them."

"Ah... welcome to the Velvet Room. These are your two assistants: Elizabeth and Theodore."

"The Velvet Room...?"

"Takeba! Wake up both Arisatos! Akihiko and I will fend off the shadows from here!"

"Akihiko-senpai! Are you all right?"

"Just... get me to the command room, Minako!"

"T-The command room?"

"I am thou, and Thou art I..."

Yup, that's it. No more previews except for those.

And also, I'm pretty sure all of you are baffled to see that Akihiko's personality has been slightly altered. and what his connection to Minako is. That's something you'll see soon.

Oh and one more thing... Minako's role has changed- especially her ultimate persona. If all of you can guess what her ultimate persona is...