The breeze blew in and hit the side of Hughes's face. He looked around seeing the townsfolk walk around. He then looked down to his plate and put his fork in grabbing some of the chicken and putting it to his lips.

"How is your dinner little one?" China glanced up at his new guardian and smiled. He really looked so nice with the winds tussling his hair. It made China feel so content to watch and think that Hughes wanted to be his protector.

"Hmm oh yes, it's very very good." China exclaimed and popped another finger full of the meat into his mouth.

"Very good little one, I am glad you are enjoying, however I do wish you hadn't chosen to use your hands to eat, as your little hands might have encountered some germs." Hughes handed the boy a spare fork, and held it out. He did not want the child to catch a cold or anything, as a nation unwell, especially a young one could be disastrous. "Try using your fork, as the curry soaked rice will be very messy to eat with your fingers, and will will need a bath once we arrive back to the mansion."

"I don't need a fork, curry is meant to be eaten by hand. Indian-sama showed me that long ago. See you take two fingers and your thumb like this." China explained and leaned forward to try and shape Hughes hands into the proper hand eating position for curry. He always loved eating curry because he got to use his hands. Hughes listened to the boy and nodded.

"Ah well young man, be that as it may, you will get awfully messy. If you are going to eat with your hands, please, take this." He handed the boy a cloth, and put it on the boy's lap. Once that gave the man a piece of mind, he finished his meal, and stood up, wiping any grass from his pants. "Little one finish is getting late." He had not meant to rush the boy, but nearly eight thirty at night, he should be giving the child a bath. "I will throw anything away that is needed."

"What?" China yelped and held his plate closer. "We can't just throw it away!" He couldn't believe Hughes would say that. Especially when people in his country had been doing so poorly up until now, it seemed just awful to think of throwing the food away. Hughes hearing the child shout, he was expecting this reaction.

"No, no little one, you have misunderstood. I was just saying, finish up your dinner, and then I will throw away your plate. I have finished mine. I don't want you to think I am being wasteful."

The butler walked back over to the boy and sat down next to the child. He was going over in his head what the next couple of days were going to consist of. He also needed to get started on the boy's outfits once they got back to the mansion, this was after the boy had been put to bed. Back at the mansion, England walked in the door, and holding the parcels, was met by Francine. He smiled at her.

"Fran, please set these packages on Hughes bed, and then I should rather like a cup of tea with honey and lemon. I will be working into the night in my study. And also please if you can, bring me a watercress sandwich and some biscuits."

"Yes my lord. Would you like me to alert you when Master China and Hughes arrive back home?" England looked up and shook his head, yawning slightly.

"That is not necessary. Unless Master Yao would like to say hello, or seeing as it is getting late, say goodnight to me, then its fine that I see the both of them in the morning. I know the boy needs a bath, and tuck in. I shall see about my tea then. Thank you Francine." He turned on his heel and walked down the hall. Back in town, Hughes looked down to the little nation, and China looked up at the wonderful man.

"Eh, oh...sorry Aru." China blushed and felt really silly. He hadn't meant to take it all wrong, but well he had been so poor for quite a while it just had bothered him to think of throwing any food away when he had been forced to watch the people in his country die of starvation. Quickly finishing up his plate he held it out to Hughes, who seemed very tired but Yao knew the butler hadn't had much sleep. Quietly he took Hughes hand and hugged his guardians leg. "We can go home now."

Patting the child on the head, he took the plate from the boy, and threw it away in the respectable bin. He then leaned down and took the boy into his arms.

"You are a very well behaved child Master China and I am pleased that you were able to finish your meal, and now we will journey home."

Embracing him, the butler walked from the clearing, and approached the path that lead to England's mansion. As the two walked, Hughes watched as the sun was gently setting. He hummed slightly and spoke again to the boy.

"Did you have a lovely time in the town? I am very excited to get back and start on your clothing. While I will not be done with the first outfit until tomorrow, I am anticipated a wonderful outcome."

"Yes I loved town, it was nice to go out with you!" He smiled and rested his head on Hughes shoulder and just enjoyed feeling of the butler carrying him and the wind brushing over his face and playing with the wisps of his black hair. Hughes smirked.

"Tonight I will run a bath, and then you will see the finished work in the morning." He walked hastily, and arrived back at the gate, opening it with his hand, he waltzed in, and closed it. Arriving at the front door, he was greeted by Francine.

"Good evening Master China, Hughes...very lovely to see you both." Sitting up he smiled and waved to the maid.

"Hi…hi. We made it back! You should have come too big sister!" China called deciding that if Hughes was the guardian than the maid was like his sister, she always did sisterly things.

"I am very glad you had a good time little one." She smiled. Hughes looked to Francine.

"Please prepare the boy's bath Francine, I am just going to take Master Yao to see about saying goodnight to Master Arthur."

"Yes of course Hughes." Said Francine. She curtsied and then waved to the little nation. Turning around she walked up the stairs to the main washroom. Hughes still holding the boy walked down the hall and approached his Master's study. Rapping lightly on the door, England answered. The butler walked in.

"Ah hello Hughes, Yao...good to see you both. Hughes I left the fabrics in your quarters, as you can see I am rather swamped with all sorts of work. Did you have a good time?"

"Yes thank you my Lord. Its been a long day, and I appreciate the fabric purchases. I will be giving Young Master a bath and then bed time."

"Well then, Yao, see you tomorrow and have a grand night Hughes."

"Yes my Lord." Said Hughes with a smile. "Come little one, a nice bath awaits you and a cozy bed."

"Eh…" China felt a little uncertain about something that he was struggling with in his mind and so paused to look at Hughes and then to England. "Can…can I ask you something England?" He said hesitantly taking a few steps away from Hughes. He knew of course that a bath was a good thing, and so that was not really his worry, no it was a different matter that only England could settle for him.

Hughes stood in a stance awaiting the child, but sensing he had questions, he waited. England hearing his name, he put his pen down and looked to the child with a side smile.

"Yes poppet? Whatever can I answer for you?" Looking over at the clock, he yawned a little. It was aggravating being an older nation. Within moments Francine came down the steps and popped her head in the door of Arthur's study. She leaned towards Hughes and whispered.

"Young Master's bath is ready. I will now leave to prepare Master Kirkland's evening tea."

"Yes, alright Francine, thank you." He turned back to the boy.

"Um can you make Hughes do things? Like no matter what? I mean, if you told him that he had to make me eat scones and wear English clothes, and he had to make you dessert for supper. Would he have to do it?" China asked tentatively playing nervously with his fingers as he asked his question.

England looked over at the child, as did Hughes. Thinking of what the child was getting at, he cleared his throat, and stood up. Walking to the front of his desk, he stood against it, and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Well...I mean...yes little one. Hughes is my butler, and well, working under my rule, he is here to obey my every command. But...please don't take it as I am simply ordering him around. The treatment in my mansion is not at all terrible." He sighed a little. Hughes stood watching. He was unsure of what the boy was getting at. Up until this point, he thought everything had been answered to the boy. He walked over to the child and knelt down, holding him by the shoulder. "Why ask this little Master? Are you unhappy?" Hughes just stared, not knowing what else to say.

"No, I'm very happy Aru. Its just…" China let his head tilt away a little and his eyes glance back over at Hughes before he spoke. "Can you order Hughes to go to bed and sleep?" He turned his full attention back to England. "He stayed up with me and faced the Boss Dragon, and then he fed me too and took me out. And he now wants to make me cloths but, he needs to sleep." He said clinching his fists and looking fervent.

England let his hands fall to his sides, and he looked to the butler. So dutiful, and quite wonderful. The nation tilted back his head, and started to laugh softly.

"Oh Yao...I thought this was something bad. Of course little one...yes, Hughes needs his rest. I am not completely incapable of doing things myself." He turned to face his most trusted man. "Hughes...this is a direct are to excuse yourself now, and retreat to your quarters where a good long, and restful sleep awaits you till morning." He winked at the little nation, and watched as Hughes turned to his nation Master, and then back at the boy. He stood up, and was not sure what to say.

"But Lord...I have not given Master China a bath, and I have not prepared your tea, there is much to do and..."

"Enough Hughes...please, go and take the time to your advantage. For once, just have the night off." Nodding, the butler did not wish to argue. He leaned down to the boy, and brushed his hand against the child's cheek.

"Night little one, you listen to Mister Kirkland, take your bath, and I will see you in the morning." Hughes walked to the door and looked back trying to keep a stiff upper lip.

"Good night Baba." China said smiling and tilting his face like a happy cat before he bounded over and grabbed hold of Hughes legs and hugged him tight. "Thank you for everything." He whispered holding back a sniffle.

"Goodnight little one, have pleasant dreams." The butler leaned down, patting the boy on the head. He then walked out of the room towards his quarters. England stood, and smiling, spoke to the boy.

"Well now...shall I give you your bath? I think its ready, and then bedtime young man. Morning will be here before you know it." he held out a hand, walking to the child. "Come poppet, let's go."

"Eh.." He whined a little hoping maybe England would not be so strict as Hughes about bed and bath time. He knew that would be a gamble though with what he was going to ask. "But, I have work to do to. I'm still a country Aru!" He pouted folding his arms. He didn't want to go to bed, and wanted to stay up too. England looked down to the boy and then back to the clock, it wasn't that late, but still for a five year old, he shook his head.

"Hmmm...well, yes I do understand you have work to accomplish, can't let your rule befall even if you are small. So, if you want, why don't you sit at my desk, and work for a while, if you wish, or go to the library? But I will have to give you a bath." He gave the child a stern glance. Letting out a tiny sigh, China clapped his hands and nodded.

"Thank you Arthur, I can work here on the floor." He grinned and quickly skipped over to the desk pulling at the drawers in search of ink and paper. He normally worked at low tables and some times the floor depending on where he was, and he was more than excited to get to do work here with England and do things he was used to.

"That's fine and well Yao, but when I say its time for bath and bed, then please adhere to my command." England turned back and walked to his desk. Working for a little while, England rubbed at his eyes and decided on a cup of tea. He saw China working, and got up from his desk. "Little one, I am going to make myself a cup of tea down in the kitchen, if you want anything, tell me now, otherwise I will be off. When I get back however, its bath time."

"Eh, yes I want tea too." China said quickly looking up from his place on the floor where he had settled sitting cross-legged with ink and paper. In truth he had not done his work and had gotten distracted with the precise and careful art of doodling on his paper- some how in this body his mind liked to wonder more. However England speaking of, tea and a bath, well Yao only hoped that having tea could make more time before he would be forced into a bath and bed.

England had not seen what the boy was working on, as he was steadily in the process. He nodded to the boy, and walked out of the room and went down to the kitchen. He had passed by Hughes quarters, and the light in the room was shut, it meant that the tired butler was in deed sleeping. Smiling, he walked and approached the room. England decided on a milk tea, as it was soothing for night time and comfortable consumption. He made it with ease, and then proceeded to walk back to his study. Upon reaching it, he walked in and saw the child leaning in with his ink and paper, and to his surprise, he did not see work being done, but instead little doodles, and other little characters. Clearing his throat, and setting the tea down, he stood before the boy crossing his arms over his chest.

"Wang Yao...when you told me you had work to accomplish, I allowed you to go ahead and get work done. But to my understanding, this is not what I am seeing. Was this a little ploy at staying awake longer young man?" He raised an eyebrow at the small little boy sitting on the floor.

Squirming in his seat and not able to look England in the eyes, China bent the bristles of his brush as he tried to control his expressions and not look like the naughty guilty child that he was right now.

"Well, no not exactly. I had work, very important work but...but I couldn't do it!" He said abruptly hoping that would make it all fine, and would spare him from England's Wrath.

Walking over to the child, and bending down on one knee, he clasped his hands together, and sighed. This would be good.

"Alright then...what is your excuse? You know very well that Hughes wanted you to have a bath and then go to bed. Elaborate with me China, because I am not clear as to why you are wasting time, when little boys like you should be tucked into bed. Would you like me to wake Hughes up now? I can very well do that, but I can not deny that he won't be upset, and cross with you."

Looking up at the clock, it suddenly chimed ten o'clock, and he looked back to the nation. He was not about to dish out chastisement, at least not yet. He wanted to know what the child was up to first. Now he had to explain himself and this wasn't good. China had no explanation which meant he would need to dig one up very fast. At the mere mentioning of waking Hughes, China jumped in place and shook his head no fervently. It was the last thing he wanted.

"I well, you see.." He held up the doodled scroll. "This is my work!" He blushed hard and his dark eyes seemed to pulse with fear at his fib. "We uhh, the…these are plans for…uh. Um…re-designing the school systems in my home…he he- yes."

"I do not believe the gall of knew very well what you were doing." He stood up and walked to the window looking outside. The moonlight shone in, and he put his head down. He could not believe the child's behavior, but Yao was only five, it was natural instinct. Walking back over to the boy, he took the scroll out of the child's hand, and then examined it. Nothing more than doodles, it was apparent that no plans were in effect. "Come...take my hand...we are going to present this to your guardian, and I will not be surprised if he doesn't give you a very well deserved bottom smacking."

"No No! No please England no!" China suddenly found hiccups full of tears spring to his eyes, making his chest ache so much that he reached up and gripped two tiny fistfuls of Arthur's trouser pant. "Please don't wake him. I wanted to let him sleep. Can you take care of this? I really meant to do my work, I did!" He was starting to blubber in despair now as he realized his grave mistake.

Seeing how frightened the little nation was and the tears filling up his eyes, England became compassionate. The last thing he wanted himself was to wake the butler.

"Oh...oh China...I don't want Hughes to be woken up any more than you. I believe he needs his rest just as much as anyone here. And has been a long night. I will tell you this much, I am going to give you a bath, and then you are going to bed." He pulled the boy up into his arms, and walked out of his study, and approached the stairs. It was quiet and dark in the mansion. Delivering chastisement now would most likely fill the halls with unwanted howling, which England did not want. He arrived in the main washroom, and set the boy on his feet. "Come now...a bath time. No arguments."

Breathing hard, his little nose whistling a little from all the tears he had just shed China nodded and held on to England resting his head on the country's shoulder. He was glad that he wouldn't get spanked, and he had no idea crying like that would actually do any good. Something tells him he would have to remember and try it again some time to get out of trouble.

"Shi, Mr. Arthur!" China nodded softly very subdued from the strong lecture and quietly obeyed England.

"Very good then." The nation removed the child's night shirt, and then turned to the bathtub, and stuck his hand in.

Because the child had prolonged the bath, the water was slightly tepid. Shaking off the access water, he turned on the facet, drained the warmish water, and then filled it back up slightly more with a nicer hot temperature. Not too hot, but better than it was before. Once that was accomplished, he lifted the boy up, and placed him into the water. Not saying anything, England put some soap into the child's hair, and untied the boy's pony tail, letting the hair fall down. He worked up a lather, and once this was done, he rinsed the hair. The bath was done, and he reached in, getting the child out of the water.

"Alright nipper. Let's get you in a towel...there...and now we will get you to bed." He lifted the boy into his arms, and walked to the bedroom. Getting a new night shirt on, he then placed the child in bed. Tucking him in, he sat at the edge.

Through the process of bathing China did his best to be good and just be quiet. He didn't want to say or do anything that would force Arthur to punish him or worse wake Hughes. The water was alright, and though he wanted to play with the soap bubbles, England was just not giving him much time for it. With in no time He was dried, dressed, and put into the bed.

"Its time to close your eyes...sweet dreams."

"Wan an and zuo ge mei meng."China called softly from the covers where he was now nestled and beginning to feel a little sleepy under them. Pausing he then asked. "You won't tell Hughes will you?"

England was about to stand up when the child said something in his native tongue. He smiled, not really sure what he was saying, but it was most likely calm, as that was the way the child seemed. Getting up, he walked from the bed, and hearing the child's last question, he hesitated. As much as he wanted to keep this information between the two, Hughes had made it clear that the boy was to go to bed. He turned back looking at the little nation in the big bed.

"Goodnight Yao...nothing more will be said." He turned down the lights, and exited the room to finish some last minute things, and then he would be off to bed himself.

Closing his eyes Yao whined softly to himself and pet his sheets to calm his mind. He knew England would tell, why wouldn't he, after all they were both bigger than him, and well England had known Hughes longer.

"That's it!" China tried to whisper. "I will just tell Hughes before Arthur does, then maybe Hughes wont' be so mad at me." China smiled and decided he would have to wake up before England.

England worked down in his study for a little while longer until his eyes grew heavier and he could not stop yawning. Setting down his pen, he pushed himself away from the desk and turned down the lights exiting the room. He walked to his room, arrived and closed the door. Morning arrived to Hughes waking up very early, as the man was always up between five and five thirty. He had had a restful sleep going to bed early, so he started by a bath and changing into his butler's outfit. Feeling cheery, he walked over to the fabric and started on one of the little nations outfit. He would make a navy kimono top, and silky yellow bottoms. The navy top was adorned with little star characters on them, matching the pants wonderfully. Not taking him long, because the man was a genius, he set it aside to begging working on another. England meanwhile slept and hearing the rooster crow beyond the hills made him open one eye.

"Bloody hell, morning already." He arose out of bed and started to get ready for the day.

The idea of getting up early, made it hard for Yao to actually sleep soundly. Instead he kept waking every so many hours to check and see if it was morning and if the sun had risen. The bad thing of that made it so that China finally became to tired to actually wake up once morning did start to come and so he would sleep well past seven and eight in the morning before he slowly started to awaken.

Looking at the clock, England saw that it was six thirty. He dressed himself and walked down the steps. Arriving in the dining room, he seated himself and rang the servant bells. Hughes was still in his room, and heard them nodding as he closed the door, and walked out. He walked to the kitchen and prepared the morning tea, and China's green tea. He also displayed on a silver platter scones, and assorted muffins, alongside some eggs, and porridge. Balancing everything on the tray he arrived out in the dining room, but was confused to see just England. Setting it down on the serving table, he poured England's tea, and placed it in front of his Master.

"Er, good morning my where is Master Yao?" England nodded to Hughes, and took his tea. He did not say anything before his first sip, and then set the tea cup down.

"Hughes...I suggest you had best go to his quarters and see for yourself. Little chap must have been tired." England did not make eye contact, but stayed sipping his tea.

"Alright then...I shall go see about where the little Master is." Hughes excused himself and walked up the stairs, and arrived to Yao's door. Knocking he waited until there was an answer.

"Oh NO!" China yelped startled some by the knocking as he jumped up from his bed and instantly realized that it was much too late to beat England up and so ran to his door and slammed his tiny body against it to keep Hughes form coming in just yet. "Hughes! Did Arthur tell you?" He screeched holding back from letting out any unsavory words from his home land.

The door opened with such vigor, that Hughes had to stand back before he was plowed. The nervous little face of China caused him to get down on one knee and try to calm the child down. Looking at his pocket watch it was after seven forty five, as he had taken his time cooking and such. It was a little late for the boy to had woken up, he would have though China would be right with England.

"Little one, tell me whatever is the matter and..." He held the boy close, running a hand on his little head, and noticing that the hair was slightly damp, and the child still had sleep in his eyes. He held the child firmly. "Master...England did not tell me anything, other than me coming to see why you were not awake. Are you alright?"

"I…I did bad things last night!" China suddenly let out a sob of painful remorse and hid himself in Hughes vest front. "I didn't mean to, and I was going to get up early and tell you before England! I just got distracted!" He tried to explain and then looked up with great concern in his eyes as he held to Hughes jacket lapels. "Bàba you won't spank me will you?"

Hughes held the child in his arms, and tried to absorb everything the child had just confessed. On one hand, the child was releasing information which surprised the butler very much, and the other hand, he was confessing some truth...slight truth. His grip slightly tightening on the child, but not hurting him, Hughes sighed.

"Are you telling me that when I went to my quarters last night that you proceeded to misbehave for Master England? Poppet...that is not like you, at least not anymore. Why would you do something like that?" As he started to speak a little more, England arrived at the door, and looked in.

"Ah, there he is, so little one...I assumed you told Hughes the truth about you going to bed after ten, after you had did those scribbles?" He looked at the child, and then over to his butler. Hughes looked back to England with a glare, this made England gasp. "Oh...oh no China...I..." This made Hughes turn back to China.

"Is this true? It must be true...look at the tired in your eyes, and your slightly damp hair...oh Master China...this is unacceptable." The butler held the boy, and rolled back his sleeves.

China gasped feeling suddenly very vulnerable and started to squirm and try to get out of Hughes arms.

"I-I was going to do my work! I was, and then I got distracted! I went to bed, but I was going to wake up early and tell you. Then I fell asleep! Please don't spank me!"

Yao shouted loudly in a panic trying all the hard to push the butler away from himself. Hughes just shook his head at this. He held Yao firmly. Looking over to England, he just frowned.

"Master England, with all due respect...ten at night? Honestly that is no time for a little one to go to bed. What you should have done was firmly tell him work was to be ceased, and give him a bath, and then bed. It appears my restful sleep was not so restful."

He pulled the boy closely, and bent one knee. Speaking softly to the little nation, he had a sternness in his voice, but kept calm.

"Master know or no work, I alerted you in the village that we were going home, and that you were to be bathed and put to bed. No ifs, ands, or buts. Seeing as I went to bed before your bath, Master England was to be obeyed, and he wasn't. But then he did not enforce the rule. What upsets me the most is that you were going to go out of your way to alert me on something that you knew was wrong, expecting not to be punished. In my eyes, that is extremely sneaky and very naughty."

By now his heart rate was high and China already felt tears in his eyes spilling down his cheeks as Hughes spoke to him. Being sneaky didn't seem like such a bad thing until now. Now as he was placed over Hughes's knee and his bottom up turned and trembling, his little legs dangling and all places inside him squirming and twitching with panic of what was to come. Hughes just shook his head.

"I am sorry little have given me no other choice." Hughes pulled up the nightshirt, exposing a very small, and pale little backside. Raising his palm in the air, while holding the child steady. He hesitated, but then his hand came down smartly on the boy's bottom.

The first swat came after the soft words of apology and Yao couldn't help but burst out in a high pitch cry as he kicked his legs out and dug his fingers into the butlers leg.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Bao qian!" China started screaming louder and louder.

Hearing the child's cries broke the man's heart, but he was not going to relent. His hand came down a second time. The child's hands gripped his pants, and he just continued not saying a word. He let his hand hit the boy's little bottom, and looked up at England with a disapproving glance. England just backed away and kept his head down. The spanking applied was made as effective as Hughes had normally been given out, the last time the child had acted out. He gave China three more extremely hard swats, and then set the boy on his feet, having his night shirt trail back down. It was so terrible and stingy, China rubbed and rubbed at his nose and eyes once he was on his feet, he didn't even want to touch his bottom it burned so bad and the tears he was shedding didn't seem to want to stop. Standing up, Hughes turned to Arthur.

"Master England...if you would please give me and the young Master a word and moment alone." The man stood looking at his Master. England nodded his head.

"Yes...yes of course Hughes. I will be" England turned around and walked out the door, closing it behind him. Hughes turned back to the boy, and walked over to the bed, while sniffles were heard. He sat down, and leaned forward, holding out his arms.

"Come here poppet..."

"I'm China." He sniffled and grumped still upset at having to be spanked but he came over to Hughes anyway stumbling as he had his arm covering his eyes to try and stop the tears.