I do not own any True Blood characters, but Freyaja and her friends. I did wish I owned Alcide though.

She reminded him of his Freyja. His little sister, who life was cut short when Russell slaughter his family. He could not bare to see another child die at hands of any man, especially her own father.

That was why he and Pam intervened that night.

Eric watched as the man beat his wife and child. The wife was long dead, while the girl of 8 years slowly lost consciousness. She looked out the window and saw his pale face looking at hers. As blood ran down her face he heard her barely whisper "help me."

Eric slammed the door down and lunged at the man, fangs fully extended.

"Pam. Get the girl out of here!" He yelled to his 'child'. Once he saw the female vampire carry the girl away, he glared at the man, whose eyes were bugging out his head, his face full of fear.

"You will never hurt her again!" Eric roared before sinking his fangs into the man's neck and drained his of his blood.

Once he was sure the man was dead, he searched for her room and shoved clothes into a backpack he found. He was displeased to find she had very little. It seemed her so called parents spent what money they had on booze and drugs, as he noted the living from all the bottles and pill containers in the living room.

'I will give her a better life then this.' He thought to himself. After he gathered some possessions, he went in search of her birth certificate. He would need it to give his lawyer to take her in and ensure she would be his. He shook his head again in disappointment when he realized there was no certificate. He knew his lawyer could forge all necessary documents to ensure she existed in the human world as a member of his family.

Pam watched as her maker walked away from the blazing house. He had heard a young girl cry as they past a house in dire need of a mowed lawn, pain and much repair. He looked in the window and his eyes widen at the sight of a man stabbing his wife and punching a young girl in the face and then throw her into a picture frame on the wall, blood gushed from her small forehead when she looked up and saw them at the window.

The 'help me' was all the invitation they needed.

"Pam, how is she?" Eric asked he set a back pack with little clothing on the ground. He tilted the girls face toward him. She was passed out shortly after Pam had taken her outside.

She had also refrained from licking the blood off the girl's face.

"She has the wound on her head as well as several recent bruises. Many are faded, as well as a few scars. Seems the bastard has been hitting her for some time.

Eric wiped the blood carefully from her face when she open her eyes he saw they were a soft brown. They showed no fear as she saw her father's blood on his lips. The blood in her hair made the light brown look darker.

"Are mommy and daddy gone?" She asked in timid voice.

"Yes, young one. He will not hurt you or your mother again."

"Are you the angels I prayed for?"

"No. We are not angels. I am Eric and this is Pam. We are vampires, but we will not hurt you. In fact, I intend to take of you." He ignored the shocked look on Pam's face. He couldn't help but smile at her innocence.

"For how long?"

"I do not understand your question."

"Daddy used to say he couldn't wait to get ride of me cause I wasn't even his." He could hear the sorrow in her voice.

"What is your name?"

"I don't know. Most call me Jane Doe" She looked up at him and for the first time in many years, he wanted to cry. This child had probably never heard the words 'I love you' in her young life.

"I swear to you, I will take good care of you. I will always love and protect you. You are my Freyja."

"That's pretty. What does it mean?"

"She was the Norse goddess of battle. She was a mightily warrior like you. I think it suits you. Now we must go, the police will be here soon and I do not want them to take you away from me." With that, he lifted her onto his back and he and Pam disappeared with the girl into the night.

That's my first chapter for my new story. I hope you guys like this as much as my 'Supernatural/True Blood' crossover.

Freyja is actually the Norse goddess of love, sexuality, fertility, and battle, but I figured just saying she was a great warrior was enough for an 8 year old.

Next chapter: Freyja is older, goes to school, works at 'Fangtasia' and meets Sookie.