Exploding heads and exploding melons are so very similar; they both pop with a satisfying wet *splurch* and spread delightful mess everywhere. Certain crew members of the Normandy found themselves particularly enjoying the messy quasi-decapitation of an enemy, the first was a Krogan super-soldier, the other a fugitive super-biotic. This was as unfortunate truth grasped too late by an Eclipse mercenary, confident that as an Asari she would never lose matching biotics with a human. She was wrong and her blue cranium became blue mush which splattered Jack who responded to her Cerberus condition by having a mini-orgasm right there at the sight of her latest victim. The pleasure of this moment was not lost on Grunt who had some entrails splatter on him as well. Since the Eclipse sister was the last enemy to vanquish he took a moment to taste the Asari brain tissue and found it quite enjoyable. Looking at Jack he realized he had not enjoyed that particular kill quite as much as Jack but still he had liked it quite a bit. The taste was so exquisite to him; meanwhile Jack was coming down off the mountaintop.

"Good kill, for a human" the Krogan grunted; Jack turned with a bemused smirk. "Well we humans like to take time to enjoy ourselves and not rush to the finish, unlike some species I could name." "Yes but with the genophage who knows how many kills might be left? Everyone might be the last, you don't want to chase down your latest target and die before you are finished." "True enough" replied Jack, "I'm just hoping that we are not near the end of this mission against Eclipse, I'm looking forward to humiliating some Asari with biotics before killing them." Grunt felt his mouth salivating, more Asari tissue to snack on! He then offered his opinion of the enemy "I am quite satisfied myself, picking off these Salarian engineers, I figure if I kill 10 for every Krogan effected by the genophage then I think things are even." Jack gave a knowing smile; she knew the sweetness of revenge. "You know I think I like killing with a Krogan around, we fight great together and you're someone that I don't want to drive a knife into, slowly. Shepherd should send us out together more often! In fact" Jack trailed off as she began to realize the trouble that the two of them could cause together aboard the Normandy, the ever so expensive craft that Cerberus had built. "You know maybe we should see each other more often, the bottom of the Normandy would be a great place to formulate battle plans." Grunt considered this for only a moment "That sounds likeā€¦ fun." Jack smiled at this reply. This was the beginning of either a very beautiful or a very ugly friendship; it all depended on how one wanted to look at it.

Author's Note: I have looked around the ME fanfics and could not find any Jack/Grunt friendship fics and was shocked, the characters are so similar and would have a lot to build a friendship on. Am thinking about fleshing out this relationship even more but for now this is it. Positive reviews would expedite the sequel writing process.