The Marvelous Adventures of Narcissa Hightopp, Tarrant's Long Lost Sister.

Chapter One: Meeting Narcissa.

In a far and remote corner of the remotest and most far corner of the vast kingdom known as Underland, a young woman of astounding and unearthly beauty stood crying pearlescent tears underneath a small and sickly looking tree. A perfect pearl of a tear fell from the woman's perfectly gorgeous deep blue and perfectly shaped eyes to land on the exposed root of the tree, which inexplicably grew from a small ash to a towering and majestic oak in less time than it takes to write this sentence. The woman smiled, revealing perfect white teeth and perfectly pouty and ruby red lips. She walked down the path, her bare feet not making a single dent in the dirt road. As she walked, flowers sprang up with each step she took, and birds circled around her head, singing happily.

This woman was known amongst the mages and wizards of this part of Underland as The Great One. Her true name was Narcissa Amethyst Emerald Raven Jade Sapphire Hightopp, and she was the long lost eldest sister of Tarrant Hightopp. When the Jabberwock attacked their clan, Narcissa had used her forbidden knowledge of Travel Magic to create a mystical swirling portal that transported her out of the village and to safety. Tragically, she forgot to come back for the rest of her family, and so she had been living with horrible Guilt for her small oversight. But recently, her pet phoenix George had informed her that her brother was alive and well, living in Marmoreal with his wife and children. Narcissa had been overjoyed, and determined to make the long trek to Marmoreal to see her long lost and much beloved baby brother.

She had reached her mansion, and with a wave of her pale and perfect hand the door opened, revealing a servant. The servant quickly threw himself onto the floor, knowing that it was considered a most grievous offense to gaze upon The Great One without her permission. "Oh Great One, I do hope that you are not upset with this lowly worm of the dust!"

Narcissa laughed. "Not at all, servant. However, I have seen that my brother Tarrant is alive and well. Prepare my entourage for a journey to Marmoreal. I must go and make myself even more perfect."

The servant bowed several times, than ran off to fulfill his Mistresses' orders. Narcissa glided up her marble staircase to her room, gazing at herself in the gigantic wall length mirror that she had installed. She frowned at her reflection. "Brown hair is simply not becoming. So…Blondus Hairus Creatus!"

Her hair shimmered, then turned a beautiful, golden, and shimmering blond. Narcissa made a motion like she was using an invisible comb, and her hair lengthened, stopping when it reached her gorgeous and perfectly shaped butt. She blinked her eyes, and they turned a deep cerulean, with hints of gold hidden deep within their depths. "Now for my breasts." She held her hands out in front of her chest, and her already magnificent melons began to grow. Once she was satisfied that she had lovely, firm, and enormous breasts, she checked to make sure that she hadn't accidentally acquired those dreaded things called hips. When she first practiced this spell, she had been horrified to discover that she was…curvy! But now everything was how it should be, and she maintained her beautiful and impossibly slim figure.

After making sure she was pale enough to be beautiful, but not so pale that she looked like a corpse, she walked over to her enormous walk in closet, selecting the perfect dress from among the many she owned. Of course, being an immensely powerful mage/witch/sorceress, she could have simply magicked the perfect dress in an instant, but she sometimes enjoyed acting like an ordinary person.

She selected her favorite dress. It was a deep pink, with dark green bows placed symmetrically along the long and flowing skirt, and it shimmered from the tiny bits of pearls, diamonds, emeralds, sapphires, rubies, and gold pieces skillfully woven into the material. The top dipped just enough to show off her perfect and ever perky breasts, but not so much as to invite scandal. Nonetheless, the dress clung to every inch of her, revealing a body that most men had gone crazy for. But Narcissa was pure, and had saved herself all these years for only one man. She sighed as she recalled…him. Ilosovic Stayne, the Knave of Hearts. How handsome he was! That perfect black hair, those gorgeous blue eyes, that strong and manly physique! Why, he was the perfect man to her perfect woman! Who cared about this vicious rumor she had heard that he was married? She knew that all she had to do was bat her perfectly formed eyelashes and any man born would crumble.

(She had conveniently forgotten that the one time she had met Ilosovic, he had been singularly unimpressed with her.)

A servant entered, prostrating herself. "Oh Magnificent Radiance of A Thousand Splendid Suns, this lowly and worthless servant has prepared your entourage of servants, caravans, food, drinks, and minstrels to sing your praises for your pilgrimage to the White Queen's domain of Marmoreal."

Narcissa waved a hand in airy thanks. "Yes, fine. Now, roll out my golden carpet so I do not have to scuff my emerald shoes on my spotless marble floors, or I will have you clean the entire mansion with a paint brush."

The servant ran to a closet and pulled out a tightly rolled up carpet. She carefully placed one end on the floor, and with a flick of her wrist sent it rolling out the room, down the stairs, out the front doors, where it came to a stop at the door of a golden carriage. The door opened, revealing lush and velvet seats and curtains. The horses were a perfect white. Behind the carriage was Narcissa's entourage. There were servants, minstrels, cooks, masseuses, painters, writers-basically anyone that would be able to praise her perfect being.

She came gliding down the stairs, and the cry went up. "Hail the Great One! Wielder of the Power of Underland! Magnificent Radiance of Splendor! The Chaste and Virginal One! The Mighty and Marvelous Mage of the Hightopp Clan! Our Reason for Being! Hail! Hail!"

Narcissa entered the carriage, and the driver flicked the reins, setting off for Marmoreal, where she would not only find her long lost brother(a perfect tear rolled slowly down her marble cheeks at this touching thought) but also be reunited at long last with her One True Love, Ilosovic Stayne. (Her heart soared like some sort of bird at this pleasant thought.)

And in Marmoreal, Mirana frowned at the Oraculum, which depicted a perfect woman heading towards the palace. "Damn it, I thought we'd gotten rid of those vile creatures."

She reached into her pocket, staring at the small card in her hand. If things got bad, at least she had someone she could send for.

'Thank Time for small favors.'