The Marvelous Adventures of Narcissa Hightopp

Chapter Six: Victory

The Victory Feast at Marmoreal was one that would enter the annals of Underland history. Thackery and his cooks had gone all out, and the tables groaned and bent under the vast weight of the various meats, puddings, vegetables, fruits, desserts, breads, and drinks that adorned them. There was no class distinction-Lords and Ladies rubbed elbows with stable boys and scullery maids. Everyone knew that Underland had been saved from a horrible fate through the brave actions of a few, and many toasts were given in their honor.

There were also a few tears as the citizens that had been restored by Joanne mourned the family that had been lost to Narcissa's poisonous influence. Husbands mourned the wives they had lost, and mothers mourned their children. Fortunately, the innate madness that each Underlander was born with had helped many to resist Narcissa's spell, and Joanne had been quite pleased and happy at the number of Faceless she had been able to save.

Terri and Lydia were the center of attention, and everyone listened raptly as they recounted battles with Sues long past. A few of the younger soldiers were quite fascinated with Lydia, and while she was flattered, she reminded them gently that after the feast was over she, Joanne, and Teresa would be returning to their own home and time.

Alannah sat by her husband, their hands linked and identical smiles on their faces as they watched their daughters cooing to their children. Arianna and Elias had returned from Sullivan Hall hours after the Sue had been killed, and the reunion had been a joyful one. Katarina and Erik had practically snatched their sons from Elias' arms, kissing them all over. Katarina held Ciaran close, crooning at him. "Oh my darling boy, I'm so glad we won! I would not be able to bear it if I lost you and your brother before you had a chance to live! You will grow up into such a handsome lad, both of you! Oh my darling boys!"

Erik hugged and kissed Alexei, just as overjoyed. "Your daddy and mummy are so glad to see you safe, my lad! We were so worried for you! Elias, did they behave?"

Elias laughed and kissed the top of Ciaran's head. "All three of them were as good as gold."

Vicki, who had been cooing and crooning meaningless words at Helena, smiled at her grandfather. "Thank you so much for watching over our children, Grandda." She nuzzled Helena. "I don't know what I would have done had we lost!"

Alannah gave a grim chuckle. "None of us want to think about what might have happened. Can you imagine this place as being orderly and perfect? That would be a torture beyond anything even Iracebeth would be able to conjure. We are meant to be a mad people and place, and the sooner these Creatures figure it out the better."

Alice nodded in agreement. "Personally, I'll be thrilled when they stop trying to steal my husband from me with their perfect blond hair and simpering personality. You're lucky; since most of them seem to view Ilosovic as…what's the word they use? Icky."

Ilosovic spoke drily. "I've been called worse by Sues, believe me. I think they're astounded to discover I'm immune to their charms. And speaking of Sues, Stus, cabbages and kings…Alannah, what happened to the rest of the potion?"

"What rest? I made sure to make enough for one Stu. That potion is dangerous, Ilosovic."

Ilosovic made a mock sad face. "Darn and I was hoping that you could modify it into a…different type of potion."

Alannah rolled her eyes and flicked his earlobe. "You have a dirty mind, husband. Besides, everyone knows that Sue-sex is usually sweet, quiet, and gentle. I don't know about you, but I much prefer loud and rough. A little bit of gentle lovemaking is lovely, but there's something to be said for raw animal sex."

Alice and Margaret choked on their drinks and went off into gales of laughter while Mirana, Lydia, and Terri howled in amusement. The Stayne children exchanged amused glances that clearly said 'Our parents have not changed one iota.'

Joanne gaped at Alannah. "Really, your behavior is appalling! What sort of example are you setting for the babies?"

Alannah rolled her eyes. "The babies are all two weeks old; I doubt they understand what we're talking about yet. But they've got Stayne and Hightopp blood in them, so I'm sure when they get older they'll come to realize that we're a bloody horny bunch." Joanne opened and closed her mouth in disbelief before simply snorting and turning to her plum and raisin pudding.

Ilosovic leaned towards Alannah, speaking in the low whisper that never failed to cause her to become quite aroused. "You know love, all this talk makes me…rather…simulated. The feast is going to go on for a while, and I doubt anyone will notice if we've gone." He nibbled her throat, and she groaned. "What do you say, love? Want to go someplace and be…animals?"

Alannah made a sound that Ilosovic took as affirmation, and he smirked, pulling her to her feet and leading her out of the banquet hall. Everyone pretended not to notice.

Ilosovic and Alannah ran down the hall to the nearest bedchamber they could find. Ilosovic swept her up and kicked the door shut in two swift and fluid movements, and pulled her into a hard and bruising kiss. Alannah groaned, clinging tightly to him as she clawed and scratched at his back and shoulders, their tongues battling for dominance. Ilosovic tossed her on the bed before pouncing on her with a low growl.

Shirts, trousers, skirts, and chemises were shredded into pieces as hands, mouths, and teeth roved everywhere. Ilosovic left suck marks on Alannah's stomach and breasts, and in return she bit and sucked on his chest and legs before engulfing him in a manner that made him howl her name.

He reached down and grabbed her shoulders, pulling her up into a kiss so hard that he tasted her blood on his tongue. He could feel her body shaking and trembling with arousal, and as he stroked and caressed her roughly she growled his name and bucked against him. "Ilosovic…please…"

The raw desire in her voice galvanized him, and he flipped her onto her back before plunging into her as hard and fast as he could. "Gods baby…you are my dream woman….my passion….my love…my…." Words failed him as animal instinct took over both of them, and they let the bedsprings speak for them.

Hours later, they returned to the Banquet Hall after a brief trip to the cottage, faces flushed and panting, and their arms around each other and dressed in fresh clothes. Their old ones had been torn beyond repair.

Michael and Katarina smirked at them, and Vicki giggled wickedly. Ilosovic and Alannah gave their children exasperated glares before returning to the Feast.

Mirana merely chuckled and shook her head in affection at the two. 'They haven't changed. Thank Time we were victorious over the Sue, or Ilosovic might have descended into madness. Tomorrow the Sue Slayers will leave for their own time, and Underland will continue to be as it always was-a wonderfully Mad Place filled with Mad People.'

It was a reassuring and maddening thought, and she wouldn't want it any other way.