Disclaimer – I do not own Twilight. All recognizable plot and characters belong to the talented Stephanie Meyer.

Please review!

After I hung up with Char, Jasper and Garrett got back. We packed up to drive deciding to take a couple days detour to drive Garrett to Philadelphia and then on to see the Cullen's. Alice, as usual was right. We arrived early in the morning on Thursday.

She was waiting on the patio.

She ran down the steps and hugged me, "The family are all out hunting, I didn't tell them you were coming." She quickly moved to Jasper and hugged him tightly. I felt a quick stab of pain but it was gone in an instant.

She led us into the house and up the stairs, "Esme did rooms for you both. Bella yours is here beside mine. Jazz yours is upstairs, she did the attic up for you." I looked over at Jazz and towards the door she had pointed to. We had shared a room since the first time he claimed me as a human.

"Oh, I know you share but they don't know and they don't know you aren't human any more."

"Do they know anything?" I asked her as we continued walking up the stairs to the attic.

"They know only what you told them. I only just returned myself the day before I called you."

"Where were you Ali?" Jasper asked as he looked around the den Esme had made up for him.

"Europe. Shopping, travelling, you know." She shrugged.

"Looking for your mate?" I asked, wanting just a little to remind them both that whatever their history Jasper was my mate.

"Partly. I know it's not time yet but it is where I will meet him. Do you like the room Jazzy? I helped Esme design it. Your room to Bella, its more of a bedroom though since Esme believed you would need a place to actually sleep and I figured you'd both want a bed anyhow."

"Thank you Alice." I walked over to the window and looked out into the woods trying to quash the jealousy and pain in my heart.

"They're coming. We should go downstairs. It will be an interesting reunion."

We went to the living room and a moment later, several vampires entered, I recognized all but one, a pretty, petite black-haired girl, I thought she must be Edward's mate.

"Jasper?" Carlisle stepped forward first. "Welcome home son."

"Oh Jazz." Esme rushed forward and pulled him into a hug.

Only one had noticed me in the corner, "Bella?" Rosalie's voice stilled them all as they turned to focus on me.

I nodded once to her, "hello." I said stepping forward.

"You bastard!" Edward growled and attacked Jasper.

Bad idea, really bad idea, Jasper had him pinned to the ground in less than an instant. "Do not forget who I am." He growled at Edward who was still spitting obscenities. The others stood stunned, still staring at either them or me.

"Let him up Jazz." I said as I stepped close and lay my hand on his back. Instantly he was off his brother though he stood a little in front of me, eyeing all the others warily.

"Slipped again Jasper. Tell me how many have you killed since leaving? I'm surprised your eyes aren't blood red." Edward spat.

"He hasn't slipped Edward and neither have I, ever, what we choose to hunt is our own business." I informed him icily turning towards the other Cullen's, "I'm sorry we've just turned up, I didn't realize Alice didn't mention our visit until after we arrived. We'll get a hotel in town."

"No. You are our children, you'll stay here, I already have rooms for you. We are just surprised to see you is all. Happy but surprised." Esme said stepping past Jasper to hug me.

"How long since you were turned?" Carlisle asked stepping nearer to us as well.

"A year and a half. Jazz turned me New Years before last. Or rather I woke just after midnight that New Year."

"Why?" Rose asked. I heard no animosity in her voice as I had expected so I answered honestly and without thought.

"He is my mate, it's what we both wanted."

I heard growls and hissing as Edward attacked Jasper again. This time his teeth made contact before Jazz put him down nearly tearing off his arm as he twisted it behind him and put Edward on the ground.

"You turned her you fucking bastard you could have killed her. You were supposed to protect her not steal her fucking life!" He spat still struggling. "She isn't yours she was never yours, you're a fucking monster, a murderer, I wont let you near her!"

Jasper growled at him and I hissed.

"Enough." Carlisle's voice was low but strong and authoritative. Edward immediately stilled. "Jasper let him go." Jazz growled low again.

"Jazz," I touched his back again and he was instantly standing and pulling me into his arms. He hissed as I licked the spot on his arm Edward had bitten, sealing the wound with my venom. "I'm sorry Carlisle, we'll go."

"No. Bella, you and Jasper are part of this family. You have been gone long enough." Carlisle smiled at me.

"Yeah, it's about damn time you came home and damn lil sis you turned into a hot vamp." Emmett said pulling me into a hug.

I laughed and hugged him back, "I missed you too Em."

"Rosalie." I nodded to her and we exchanged a small smile.

"This is Edward's mate, Sora." Alice introduced the petite black haired girl.

"Hello," I turned to her, "I'm Bella McCarty, this is my mate Jasper Whitlock." This started Edward and thus Jazz to growl again.

"Hello." She returned in a small voice standing very near but slightly behind Edward.

"Did you say McCarty?" Emmitt asked loudly.

If I had been human I would be blushing, "Hope you don't mind brother bear."

He pulled me into another big hug "mind? Hell no! This is great. My sister Bella McCarty!"

I laughed, "Except technically you and Rosalie are Cullen's."

His face fell a moment before he turned to Rosalie, "Rosie?"


"But baby, please, I have a sister now."

"What am I chopped liver?" Alice asked jokingly.

"A Cullen. Bells is a McCarty, it's different."

I laughed again, "Glad you approve Em but I wont be a McCarty much longer."

"You wont? Why not? It shouldn't be time for you to need to change it yet." He seemed sad and a little concerned.

I smiled at him, "it's not really but Jazz and I are getting married so I'll be a Whitlock."

"You're getting married? I didn't see that yet." Alice said stunned.

"Well we haven't decided much about it for you to see besides that it would happen." She and Jazz exchanged a quick look and I wondered if she was upset about the lack of vision or the wedding and if maybe Jazz hadn't wanted me to say anything.

"Congratulations." Rosalie broke the silence that had descended.

"Thank you."

Edward and Jazz were growling at each other again.

"Come on Jazz, I need to hunt." I pulled his arm.

"You're mixing your diet?" there was no censure in Carlisle's voice, only curiosity and I was grateful.

"Yes. Mostly we stay veggie though we indulge at the occasional hospice or on criminals when we visit the city. We wont do so here."

"Thank you." He nodded at us.

"I'll freshen up your rooms." Esme smiled at us both. "When you get back we will have lots to catch up on."

I smiled at her, "Thank you Esme."

"Come on, I'll show you the best spot." Emmett grinned.

I laughed, "Didn't you just come back from hunting?"

"Yeah but I never saw you do it before. You were all breakable with a beating heart last time you were here."

"Right, well then lets go." I said laughing at him again.

I followed him out and when I looked back, I saw Jazz running with Alice. I felt the sharp sting in my heart again.

I caught a scent and went off to hunt. I could sense Emmett watching me. When I had my fill, we wrestled a little. Jasper had taught me to fight so while Emmett was stronger, I was faster. When we headed back to the house Jazz and Alice had not come back yet. I went to my room where I was surprised to find Rosalie waiting for me.


"Rose." She corrected. "Family calls me Rose."

I was surprised; she had never liked me, "Alright Rose then. How are you?"

"Fine. You and Jazz here long?"

"I don't know."

"The family missed you, both of you."

"We missed the family."

"What happened with the hunter?"

"James? I don't know. He never came for me. Now I am a vampire anyways so I suppose he's no longer a threat."

"Right. Should have done that back then I suppose."

"I was under the impression my becoming a member of the family was something you would not want. Edward certainly didn't."

"I have nothing against you personally, except for the fact that you not only had the one thing I wanted but you also just wanted to throw it all away. Edward is different, he was concerned about damning your soul."

"That's ridiculous, my soul isn't damned and none of yours are either."

"It is what he believes Bella."

"And you? What did I have you wanted?"

"Life, mortality, the ability to have a child."

"I have more of a life as a vampire than before. It is full of love and learning and laughter. Mortality is not all it's cracked up to be, I mean why settle for one life time with the love of your life when you can have eternity? I never wanted babies. I was more the mother than my mother growing up. All I wanted, all I want is to love and be loved. For me it is enough. I'm sorry that you can't have them but I would not have had them even if I had stayed human."

"You might change your mind."

"In a few decades if not centuries when it would have been to late if I had been human and love will always be enough for me."

"So you're with Jazz now."

I respected her desire to change the subject; babies were one thing we would not agree on. "He is my mate."

"How? When?"

"Alice told me at the hotel in Phoenix before sending me away with him. He figured it out the following summer and I was changed that winter. It was easy to love him. I love him more every day."

"Over a year and a half why not come back earlier if James was no threat?"

"I was a strange new born when it came to blood lust but I was still a new born. It was wise to stay in one place. We were happy and unsure of our welcome."

"So why turn up now?"

"Alice called. We thought she would have told you all she asked us here."

"Do you still love Edward?"

"No. I'm not entirely sure I really did love him. It was certainly nothing like what I feel for Jazz."

"He looks different."

"I suppose he is."

"I'm going to find Emmett."



"Yes Rose?"

"I'm sorry I was not nice to you before."

"It's in the past."

"I'd hoped we could start over."

I smiled at her, "we have."

"Welcome home then Bella. It's good to have another sister." She said as she walked out the door.

"Thank you Rose." I called after her.

I went to shower and change my clothes before going to find Carlisle.

He and Esme were in his office.

"Bella, come in." he said smiling warmly at me.

Esme pulled me into a hug, "You are so beautiful my daughter. Not that you were not lovely as a human of course."

"Thank you Esme." I hugged her back before stepping away.

"It's good to have you home Bella, we've all missed you." Carlisle added opening his arms for me to step in and hug him as well.

When I stepped away from him, I knew they would see the venom in my eyes, tears I would never spill, "I missed you both, I'm sorry we didn't come sooner."

"It is the past and you are here now." Esme smiled at me.

"How was your first year?"

"Unusual, or so Jazz, Peter and Char tell me."

"How so?" he asked settling down again in a chair and motioning me to the opposite one as Esme sat beside him.

"Little to no blood lust. I was easily distracted from my thirst by…" I would have been fuchsia at this point had I been human still, "I was also very calm for a new born, not as quick to anger, Peter said I was much to rational to be a new born and Jazz must have lost his touch and changed me wrong. I kicked his butt in an arm wrestle with my newborn strength and that shut him up at least for a day or so."

"Any powers?"

"Peter says I'm a shield, powerful to since Edward couldn't read me as a human. I naturally block most powers unless I think about letting them in. I block Jazz now but Alice still seems to get visions, when I was first changed she called to say her visions for me were a bit fuzzy. Jazz thinks I subconsciously let her see us because I know she is looking out for us but I don't know. Peter still just knows shit about us."

"Do you shield Jasper as well?"

"Mostly. I can also shield Peter and Char but for Jazz, I tend to do it without thinking much, like with myself. Char says its because he is my mate and thus an extension of me. None of us really know anything though."

"Where are Peter and Charlotte? Will they be joining us?" Esme broke in.

"They were house hunting when Alice called. Char is now renovating and decorating our new house in Massachusetts."

"You wont be staying with us then?" Esme looked heart broken.

"I'm not sure that is a good idea Esme but we don't need to make a decision right away. We missed you. I'm still not sure why Alice asked us to come. We are very glad she has but we have yet to talk about how long we would stay. We were not entirely certain of our welcome here."

"You are always welcome here Bella. You will always have a place with the family. Both of you." I might have expected this from warm-hearted Esme; from Carlisle, it brought tears to my eyes.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"Do you like your room?"

"It's lovely, thank you Esme."

"I did one for Jasper as well. I didn't realize you might be sharing."

"They are both lovely rooms Esme. We both appreciate your work." She beamed at me.

"Bells! Come play with me!" Emmett called from the living room. "I have the new Mario Cart!"

"Coming Em." I returned just a little louder than my normal speaking voice. I turned back to my adopted parents.

They just smiled at me and waved me off to Emmett. "Go play with your brother, we'll talk more later."

Emmett and I played several rounds of Mario cart. Rose had come down to sit in a nearby chair and flip through a magazine.

"Are you guys back in high school? I asked finally setting my controller down.

"Nah, we're in college this time." Rose said flipping her magazine onto the table. "I'm taking mechanical engineering and Emmitt is taking business technology. Sora is studying literature and youth education and Edward is back in pre-med. Even Esme is taking classes in horticulture. Carlisle is working at a free clinic in Toronto."

"Sora is a pretty name."

"It's Japanese. She was a young geisha changed in pre-second world war Japan, I think she was sixteen."

"Almost seventeen." The quiet voice interceded as she came floating into the room.

"My name means sky because my eyes were unnaturally blue like a rare sunny day in winter and I was born in the element of the air."

"It's lovely."

"Thank you. I like yours as well, it is I believe Italian for beautiful, very fitting."

"Bella is yes but my name is actually Isabella."

"A beautiful name nonetheless."

"Thank you. How long have you been with the Cullen's?"

"I met Edward twenty two months ago, he brought me to the Cullen's two months later in October."

I was shocked. He'd have found her less then a month after our one and only phone conversation.

"Why did you and Jasper stay away so long?"

"I was in danger and then Jazz turned me."

"Yes Edward was not pleased. He cares very much for all his family and would not wish any of you to suffer. I am not sure I agree that we are soulless since we can love so deeply and know right from wrong. If Jasper changed you to keep you safe I am sure it was for the best."

"He changed me because he loves me. Edward is not pleased because he didn't get his way. I chose Jasper and he hates that."

"You are his beloved sister and Jasper is a dangerous vampire. Edward has told me his history and seeing him attack my mate this morning I can see the truth of it, it is also in his eyes. Yours as well though this, Edward assures me is Jasper's doing. Here with the family we will support you and change this evil."

Rose and I were both growling at her angrily.

"Jasper is only dangerous to those who are a threat or stupid enough to go against us. Edward attacked us, Jasper acted in defense. There is nothing wrong with our eyes either. They reflect the choice of our life style not evil."

"Killing innocent people is evil. It tarnishes your soul."

"According to Edward I haven't got one to tarnish! Regardless we do not hunt the innocent. We hunt criminals. Sometimes we help the dying move on, taking away their pain and suffering, we do this to nourish ourselves and as a kindness to them." I spat back at her.

"Who are you to judge people? And we can nourish ourselves without the cost of human life. That is the point, Jasper has led you into the darkness but you do not have to live like that, we can teach you to live only on animals."

"Jasper has not led me anywhere, I chose my diet. If I wanted to eat solely animals or feed entirely on human life, he would respect my choice. Who are you to judge us?"

"I am the mate of your brother who loves you. I want only to help you."

"Edward is not my brother and I do not need nor want your help." I spat at her.

"Is that was he told you? That she was his sister?" Rose sneered at her. "She was his girlfriend, he isn't angry Jasper stole her soul he's jealous he stole her heart and envious that he fucks her while Eddie never got more than a kiss. Edward is the reason she was hiding; he brought her into our world, made her vulnerable to our kind and refused to change her. Jasper protected and loved her. My brother is a better man then your mate Sora and I will not listen to you spew out whatever bullshit Eddie feeds you about him."

I almost felt bad for her as I saw the venom pool in her eyes before she turned and fled the room.

"Thank you Rose." I nodded to her for her defense and left the room. I went outside to the porch and sat on a deck chair. Jasper and Alice had been gone for many hours. It was almost another again before I saw them come out of the woods running towards the house, there was an ache in my heart that would not go away even with my mate now by my side.

"We went inside to watch a movie with the rest of the family. Neither Edward nor Sora had returned."

After the movie, I went to my room and pulled out a book. Jasper followed me but after looking in on me reading, he disappeared again. I heard him and Carlisle talking about my change and the differences in me as a new born and refocused on my book. I read until I had finished it and dawn's first rays peaked inside. I got up and went to find my mate. He was in his den sitting at his desk looking over some papers. When I entered, he set them in a drawer and stood.

"What shall you do today?" he asked coming over to me and kissing my temple.

It did not escape me that he said you rather than we. It was rare we spent the day apart unless he was hunting with Peter.

I shrugged, "You?"

"Emmett wants to hunt bear and have a fight. Later I will play chess with Rose."

I nodded, "perhaps I will go to town and get some new books. I'd like to see the city and the university."

"Would you like to go there?"

"Are we staying here that long?"

He looked away from me, "We can leave whenever you desire to go."

I felt my heart clench and flitted past him and out the door, "I'll see you later Jasper." It was the first time I left him or he left me without a kiss. It was the first time in a long time we had not spent the night together. Only one other night had we spent apart, when he and Peter had been arrested and Char and I had to wait until morning to bail them out.

I sped out of the house and into the woods; I quickly hunted and returned to the house to shower and change. The house was empty but for Rose working on Emmett's truck and Esme who happily lent me her car to drive into the city.

I drove into Toronto and went to a bookstore but even the shelves of books gave me no comfort. I wandered up and down the aisles for a couple hours before selecting three and paying. Next, I walked to the university and wandered the campus. When I returned home it was just starting to get dark. Jasper was playing chess with Rosalie who sat in Emmett's lap as he alternately watched her playing and the muted baseball game playing on the TV. Alice was shopping online with a laptop on the sofa behind where Jasper sat on the floor. Carlisle was reading a large old text with Esme curled into his side knitting hats for the cancer patients at the clinic. Edward played the piano and Sora sat with him, singing softly. They looked like a perfect and content family. My heart ached painfully.

Jasper looked up from his game over to me and I felt a small surge of confusion, for a moment, I wondered if he read me but my shield was still up. It was rare that I did not understand the emotional questions or statements he sent me instead of speaking.

"How was your day Bella?" Esme asked looking up from her knitting.

"Fine, thanks."

"Did you visit the campus? Jazz said you were going to have a look and see if you might want to attend with us." Rose added, moving one of her pieces.

"I didn't graduate high school." I reminded her a little sharply, adding in a much nicer tone, "It is a beautiful school though."

"We can get you the proper documentation if you like or you can enroll in senior year at a high school in the area." Carlisle said smiling at me as well.

"Not right now thank you." I told him, turning and leaving the room. I went up to my room but felt to restless so I jumped out the window and jogged into the woods.

I found a spot on a large rock beside a stream, climbing up it I sat and watched the water moving below me. After a moment, I felt the presence of another and knew I was not alone.

"What do you want?" I asked sighing at the loss of my peace.

"Just to talk to you."



"What is there to talk about?"

"I did not behave well when I learned of your change."

I snorted, "No, not really."

"I wanted more for you than this life love."

"Do not call me that Edward. According to Sora I am nothing but your sister and a brother does not call his sister such things."

"Are you jealous?"

I wondered if that was hope I heard in his voice, "no, but I will not lie for you. Rose told her already anyways. I simply do not wish for you to call me that. We have been parted for three years and what we had was not really love."

"What you have with Jasper is?"

I nodded, "He is my mate."

"Is that why he ran off with Alice so fast? Why you have spent so much time together since you arrived here?"

"He missed Emmett and Rose, I am happy he has spent the day with them. Emmett and I had time together yesterday."

"You mean he spent some time with them. He spent most of the day off with Alice again or didn't you know?"

The ache in my chest felt like a vice around my heart. "What do you want Edward?"

"Why him?"

"I love him."

"Why? You had loved me."

"I thought I did. Alice told me we were not meant to be together. That you would find Sora and that Jasper was my true mate. I didn't believe her at first but loving him was easy. He's a good man; he's my warrior, my protector, my companion and lover. Just because you do not approve of the way we choose to live does not give you the right to judge us for it."

"Sora did not mean to speak out of turn, what she knows of you and Jasper she knows from a time when I was still very hurt and angry."

"It was still not her place to speak such things."

"She only wants to become your friend. Rose is not kind to her. Alice has only just come and they have not become fast friends. Esme is the only one Sora has any bond with."

"Attacking my mate and disparaging my life style are not ways to ingratiate herself to me. If she speaks with such judgment to all I am not surprised Rose is unkind to her after all Rose is not one to wear kid gloves when it comes to her opinions."

"She did not mean to come across as condescending Bella. She only wants to help you. To be your friend."

"I do not need help and if she wants to be my friend she had best learn not to be so judgmental." I snapped at him, my anger having grown.

"Please Bella. I don't wish to fight with you. I came to make peace. To be sure you were alright."

"Of course I am."

"Edward?" we heard Sora's voice through the trees.

"We are here sweetheart." He called out to her.

"Good evening Bella." She said hesitating at the edge of the trees before moving to stand next to Edward.


"I am sorry for my words before. I had no right to speak as I did."

"You're forgiven." I nodded to her with a small smile.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes. I wished only for a peaceful moment to myself and found it to confining in my room."

"We did not mean to intrude then." She bowed slightly.

"It's alright." I smiled at her again.

"I am here if you would like to talk, I do not judge, though my earlier actions do not support this, it is true. I can be a very good listener."

"Thank you, but there is nothing."

"It really doesn't bother you then?"


"Jasper running off with Alice for so long."

I shook my head, "I trust my mate." I felt a twinge in my heart again, something telling me something was not right.

"You do not mind that they are still married?" Sora asked; her head tilted to the side.

My breath stopped as my heart dropped in my chest. "My relationship with my mate is not your concern and I do not wish to speak of it with you."

"Bella," Edward began, but I cut him off.

"Edward, we dated once very briefly, neither of you have made any secret of your feelings on my relationship I do not wish to speak of it with you. Please respect that."

He nodded, shutting his mouth. "I came out here to be alone, if you don't mind I'll go for a run now."

They both nodded and I jogged off into the night. It was nearing dawn when I returned to the house, another night away from my mate. I went up to Jasper's den but he was not there. I went to his desk and opened the side drawer, inside was the papers he had put away when I entered the day before. I opened the folder. Inside were a few photos of him and Alice and a marriage certificate, a valid marriage certificate. I flitted through the papers looking for divorce papers. There were none. I put away the papers and went down to the sitting room. No one was around. I went upstairs and showered. When I was dressed, I went back down and saw Esme in the garden.

"Esme? Where is Jazz?"

"He and Alice went out a little while ago dear. I'm sure he has his cell phone."

I felt like I had been punched in the gut. The vice around my heart locking at its tightest. I pushed out my shield cementing it in place. I turned and went into the house. I went back up to his den and slipped the ring off my left hand and left it in the center of his desk. I borrowed Esme's car and drove into the city where I emptied my account and bought a used car. I got in and started to drive. I felt something wet on my cheek and swiped it away. One lone drop of venom had fallen from my left eye like a tear. Vampires couldn't cry but the pain and loneliness had forced the venom from my eye. I drove through the day and the next night and just kept driving without stopping for the next three days finally ditching the car and taking a ferry in Alaska to Kodiak. I bought a tiny cabin away from the town and curled up on the bed. I squeezed my eyes shut. The pain in my chest was worse then the burning of the change.


"Where is Bella?" I asked, running into the house, something was wrong, I could feel it. Alice couldn't see her either, not even a foggy shadow of her.

"She borrowed my car to go to Toronto." Esme told me arranging flowers in a vase; "I think she may really be considering attending the university with us. Maybe you should think about it to Jasper."

"When did she leave?"

"A few hours ago, I am sure she'll be back soon."

I waited anxiously, I felt almost hollow, something was wrong I knew it even before I saw Peter's name on my caller display.

"Have you talked to Bella? Has Char? Where is she? What happened?" I spat out in rapid succession, my voice taking on the tone of command.

"I don't know Major but its bad."

"What is?" I demanded.

"Sorry Major but I don't know."

"You're fucking Yoda you have to know!"

"What does Alice see?" Charlotte's voice floated over the phone, she sounded just as worried as Peter.

"Nothin." I spat. "She sees nothin through my Bella's shield. What do you know Peter."

"It's bad Major. Really bad."

"What!" I growled at him. All the Cullen's had entered the living room. They were watchin me intently, their worry over Bella and Sora's fear of my anger so thick I could taste it.

"Wish I knew Major. She wasn't taken, she ain't in trouble exactly but she's, fuck, I don' know. I just know whatever happened its bad and she's hurtin and we need to find her, fast, or… we just need to find her."

I snapped my phone shut crushing it in my hand, "Who spoke to her today?" I demanded.

"I did." Esme's quiet voice was trembling. "She asked where you were and then went upstairs, a little bit later she came down asking to borrow my car to drive into Toronto again."

I ran upstairs and ripped her door from its hinges as I slammed it open. Her room looked no different then it had the day before. I pushed past Carlisle and Emmitt who had entered behind me and raced up to my den. It looked the same as I had left it, all except the little ring in the center of my desk.

I felt a vice grip around my heart and the breath entering my lungs hurt like a thousand needles. I forced myself to walk forward and pick the ring up, a white gold band with a square-cut diamond solitaire. I dropped to my knees as a pain I had never known flowed through me. My mate had left me.

I felt small arms come around me and heard sobbing. I felt another pair of arms wrap around me from the other side, Esme and Rose. Behind us, I heard Alice, "I didn't see, I can't see, why can't I see."

"She left? Why when we would have supported her?" Sora sounded confused and suddenly I knew this had something to do with her, something to do with her and Edward.

I felt rage flow through my veins, pure unadulterated rage. I felt Rose and Esme release me, their dry sobs halting as they inched away from me, trembling a little in fear as I projected my hate, anger and pain.

I was stood in front of her and Edward in an instant. He had pushed her behind him and now stood in a crouch before her, stupid, really stupid, I hit him with a dose of fear that brought him to his knees, his eyes wild and his breathing heavy. Sora cried out and dropped as well.

"What did you do?" I demanded, growling at them. I knew my eyes were darker than the deepest pits of hell.

"Nothing. We did nothing. Stop it. Leave him alone." Sora cried, her tiny hands resting on her mate's back.

"Where is my mate?" I demanded ignoring her and stepping closer pushing more fear and pain into Edward.

"I don't know." He panted. "She wouldn't talk to us. We tried but she wanted to be alone."

"What? What did you try?" I growled.

"To talk to her, to comfort her, that's all. Please let him go. Please. He's your brother." She tried pleading again.

"My mate needed no comfort, had she I would have known and been there. I would have felt it."

"Like you felt her today?" Edward spat through the emotion I was drowning him in.

I growled, stupid, he was really so stupid. I pushed pain into him, filling him with this new and unbearable pain in my chest. He whimpered and I pulled it back a little. "Tell me, now!" I demanded.

"She was upset, snuck out into the woods. I followed to talk to her. Sora followed me a moment later. We tried to get her to talk to us but she refused."

"She would not speak about you with us since our dislike had been made known to her." Sora added huddling nearer to her mate to comfort him and seek comfort from him in the face of such fear.

"Tell me what was said!" I demanded again.

"Nothing." She cried. "I apologized for my earlier words. She accepted and asked to be alone."

"Yet you are certain she was upset over Jasper?" Rosalie stepped closer; I could tell she was afraid, the fear and hate I projected was being sent in smaller doses to all in the room.

"I asked if she was upset by the time he was spending with Alice."

I growled at Edward.

"She said she trusted her mate." Sora hurried to add. "I was surprised she did not mind you were still married since she had mentioned plans to marry you. She said her relationship with you was not our concern and she wished to be alone. We respected her wish."

I growled as a fresh wave of pain washed through me sending out all my rage, fear, pain and loss. It brought all my family to their knees. I felt something inside of me snap.

I spun on Alice. "How did you not see this witch?"

"Jasper." She whispered through her fear, shaking her head.

"Where is she?" I demanded, stepping closer to her now. I could see her body shaking from the fear, her eyes wild and full with venom.

She shook her head and wailed, "I can't see. Please, I can't see."

I cried out all my rage and my family cowered around me. I turned and ran from it all. I ran through the night leaving a trail of bodies in my wake. When I could drink no more I curled on the forest floor and let the pain consume me.

Time had no meaning, daylight came and went, as I lay on the ground. Eventually Peter found me.

"You left quite a mess Major. Twenty-three bodies, twelve animals, so Carlisle told us when we arrived; he and the rest cleaned it all up, did a good job to, didn't want to get to close to you though. Alice is still shaken, she just keeps rockin back n forth sittin on the floor tryin to get a vision. Esme is sobbin. Carlisle asked Edward and Sora to leave for a little while. Rose and Emmett are hacking into every database they can to find her, just a matter of time really. Could use you though Major. Not doin much good out here in the woods."

"She left me." I looked up at my oldest friend, my brother and opened up the gates of pain for him to feel.

"She's hurtin Major, that's all but we'll find her."

"What in the hell you are still married to that damn Pixie for is beyond me." Char spat sitting cross-legged beside and a little behind her husband.

"I didn't think about it." I told her honestly. "Out there at the cabin. She was right, before I changed her she said we were living in a bubble, we were. I didn't think about anythin else really. After I turned her, we stopped talking to the Cullen's, even forgot about James."

"And when you got here it changed?" Peter prodded.

"Life caught up with us."

"You mean the Pixie got her claws in you."

"I mean that we both spent time with people we had not seen for three years, our family."

"You haven't been apart from her for more than twelve hours since those three days you hid from her in the woods before you even knew she was your mate. You came here and abandoned her." Charlotte hissed. I growled at her but she continued, "You abandoned her, your mate and fiancé for your wife! Who you couldn't be bothered to divorce! After three years!"

"Enough!" Peter snapped at her, "Char go back to the house."

I knew my eyes were going black again with the rage.

"No." She spat at him before turning back to me, "Get up off your ass Major and go get my sister back!"

I turned to Peter, "Tell me something. Anything."

He sighed, "We have to find her Major. We have to find her soon."

"She's in danger? How? From who? Where is she? Give me something! Anything!"

"Wish I could Major. All this Yoda shit is giving me is bad vibes, real bad vibes. All my senses are screaming to find her, fast."

I followed them back to the house. Esme wrapped me in her arms. When she let me go, I looked over at Emmett.

"Give me something Em. A train ticket, a credit card transaction, anything."

"She only has the id with McCarty?" I nodded. "Then I got nothing."


"All her accounts were emptied out the day she left. There are no records of her on any public transport."

"So she ran." Char said. "She'll be on the continent then."

"Or bought a car but yes chances are she is on the continent."

"Where would she have gone?" Esme asked us.

"Fuck if we knew that we wouldn't be here." Charlotte spat at her, the stress and worry getting to her.

Esme looked at me. I shrugged, "To Char. If there was anything she went to Char."

Char started sobbing, "I should have been here. The house could have waited." Peter pulled her into his arms to comfort her.

"Where is Alice?" I demanded.

"I can't see her. I tried. Jazz, I've been trying. Please. I'm sorry. This wasn't supposed to happen. I don't understand, I could always see her. The images were a bit fuzzy but I could see her. Now its black, there is nothing." She was sobbing.

I felt the pain and anger growing. Now it was mixed with fear for her.

"She's a shield, we always thought she subconsciously let you through, believing you were looking out for her." Peter said still gently rubbing Charlotte's back.

"I was, I am. I love her."

"Looking out for her!" Charlotte spun out of his arms, raging. "YOU BITCH! This is all because of YOU! My sister is hurt and ran because of YOU! Tell me, huh, when did your visions stop? Did you really not see this happening?"

Alice was sobbing again, "No. I would never hurt Bella."

"Why did you call her here? WHY?" Charlotte demanded shouting.

"I MISSED MY SISTER!" Alice shouted back. "Three years! Three years I waited to see her! I did everything I did for her, to keep her safe, to make sure she and Jasper found their way to each other! I would never hurt her! I saw when I left Europe that I would see her again. I was anxious for it to happen. I called her here now because I saw you were moving and it would be a good time! This wasn't supposed to happen! I was going to divorce Jasper and we were all going to have a nice visit. The Cullen's would be so happy to see them. I knew Edward would be upset she was turned but he had Sora so I was sure he'd let it go after the initial shock. The choices weren't made yet. I can only see so much! It was going to be a good visit, that's all. I didn't know she was upset. Didn't know that there was anything to be watching for!" she turned to me, "That's your job! You're the empath!"

"I can't feel Bella. Not unless she is broadcasting to me."

"Yeah, they talk like that, its fucking weird." Peter added. I rolled my eyes, so not helpful right now.

"So she's blocking Alice. Using cash and no one has any fucking clue where she might've gone?" Carlisle interrupted us.

"Home?" Rose asked, "Would she have gone back to Forks? Or Phoenix?"

"Bella Swan died three years ago. There is nothing for her to go back to." Peter reminded her.

"Yeah but she might go back to the area." Emmett suggested.

"No." Peter said.

"Are you sure?" I asked him hoping he was finally getting something.

"Yes. I don't know where she is but it isn't there."


"Char?" Peter asked her.

"He's the only other vampire she knows."

"I don't think she went to him, he'd have called us." Peter told her.

He didn't sound as sure as he had when he said she wasn't in Phoenix or Forks, so I pulled out my phone and called Garrett.

"Jasper?" His voice came over the phone on the second ring.

"Do you have Bella?"

"Bella's missing?" he sounded truly concerned and a fresh wave of pain filled me. "Since when? From where? Can I help?"

"Since…" I looked over at my family.

"Four days." Rose said quietly.

"We're in Canada, near Toronto." I told him.

"I can come and help you look. What about Alice? Has she had any visions? Do you know where she might have gone?"

"Alice can't see her. We hoped you might tell us."

"Char. Those two are always together, like twins. I'd say you already called her though."

"We're here." Peter spoke up.

"Shit. Um, well, she always wanted to go to Europe. Have Emmett look at plane tickets."

"No. She hasn't left the country or used a credit card." Emmett told him.

"Shit, well, I'd say Alaska. We talked about going there last time I was around. Lots of rural locations and a couple big cities to visit for the odd indulgence of proper feeding, I remember because I asked her if she didn't want to live in a more populated area since she'd been hidden away for three years. She said she was happy to visit New York for the odd weekend but loved her paradise. She said she wanted to find a place she could have to hide away at. A place she would never have to hide who she was or leave because of not aging. I told her about Alaska and the North West Territories. She said she'd like Alaska, would like to see the Northern Lights."

I remembered her saying that when we were reading one night. That Alaska would be a good place to live.

I was out the door in a second, the cell phone crashing to the floor; I didn't even bother to hang up. I could hear the others running behind me. I had to find my mate. How I wasn't sure but Alaska sounded like a good fucking place to start.


I wasn't sure of time passing, I just lay on the cot staring at the white of the wall as the light came and went across it. Jasper and Alice still married. Did he still love her? Was I only to pass the time? No. I was his mate. He was mine and I was his. So why did he disappear with her so fast? Why did he hide the fact that he was still married? Why hadn't they divorced? Alice had left Jasper; if she wanted him back, maybe, he would be only too happy, he had not after all wanted to leave her.

I forced the thoughts out of my vast mind, focusing back on the white wall and the texture of the paint. I emptied my mind and let the pain within me carry me away.


We made it to the Denali's and they began to help us search but my Bella had just disappeared. Days turned to weeks and she had now been gone a full month. No matter how much I fed my eyes stayed pitch black, I felt a pain in my heart greater than the burn and a pressure on my chest that made me feel like I was in a vice.

"We have to find her." Peter repeated the same thing he had been saying since she had disappeared, his voice becoming more desperate.

"Where? Can't you Yoda something more fucking useful? I know I have to find her! I know she is hurting! I fucking feel it!" I snapped at him. My fuse was all but nonexistent these days. I could not be in the same room as Alice without growling at her, my anger, pain and fear rolling off in waves. Char could not be near her either and had attacked her more than once. My sister could barely look at me either. She hated to see me suffer but couldn't help the anger and disgust that flowed to me at the same time. Everyone was scared and upset.

It was five and a half weeks before we got the hint of a break. A nomad who knew Eleazar called with news of a vampire he came across on an island.



"A nomad we know called. We think he's with Bella!"

I was by her side in less than a second, we all were.

I growled at Eleazar, "Who is he? Where is she?" I demanded.

"He is an old friend I met before settling here. An English vampire named Ian, who spends a few years travelling in Canada and Alaska sometimes. He says he came across a cabin on an island, inside was a vampire, a young girl, she lies on a bed without moving or acknowledging anything. He says there is a shimmering field around her and he cannot touch her, it sort of pulses when he tries. I'm not sure if your Bella can do that but I had him describe her, long chestnut hair, high cheekbones, full lips, eyes blacker than pitch. He says she hasn't so much as twitched in the two days he's been there."

"Where?" I demanded. The demon god of war was in charge of me now, had been in charge since I had learned she'd left me, they all leaked fear and anxiety near me now and it only fueled my own anxiety and anger.

"Kodiak." I was out the door at the last syllable, my family at my heals.

When we reached the island I could still feel nothing from her, it was more than not just feeling her emotions, I could not feel even the slightest twitch coming from the mate pull, it was like she had somehow severed the bond.

The nomad caught our scent quickly and came to meet us.

"Eleazar" he nodded, eyeing me warily.

"Ian," Eleazar nodded back, "the girl, Bella, where is she?"

His eyes went to me and back to Eleazar, "She's not in a good way Eli. You sure it's a good idea all you going there."

I growled and he dropped to his knees, panting through the wave of fear and pain, "Where is my mate?" I demanded.

"Two miles west, not far from the water." He panted out. I took off running, when I finally caught her sweet scent a burst of speed sent me tearing through the door, ripping it from the hinges as it slammed into the drywall behind it.

"Bella!" I cried out as I saw her lying on the thin cot over the worn and frayed mattress. She didn't move or acknowledge me, didn't even blink.

I moved slowly over to her and gently reached my hand to her shoulder, it was stopped by a shimmering barrier about five inches from her skin. I spun around in a crouch, growling when I sensed intruders enter the room. I vaguely recognized them as family and sent them another warning growl. They backed out of the cabin.

"Bella? Baby, please, let me in." She didn't move. I pushed against the barrier and it seemed to pulse and then push out at me. "Bella." I sobbed to her, then I raged, I could feel the fear of the vampires outside but still she did not stir, I broke down again.

Finally, I sat with my back resting against the cot, my head in my hands. I did not look up as Charlotte and Peter came in, they stayed on the opposite side of the room though, giving me space.

"Tell me something Peter." All rage had left me now; my voice was broken.

He sighed, "The Pixie can't see anything here, Bella is blocking her visions entirely."

I let out a low growl, "About Bella Peter. Tell me how to reach her. What do I do? I cannot even touch her."

"Talk to her." Charlotte's voice was a quivering whisper.

I leaned my head back and began talking. I told her how much I loved her, I explained about the divorce, about simply not thinking about it. I told her all of my favorite moments with her, all of the things I loved about her and still there was nothing. She just stared sightlessly at the wall, blocking me from feeling her or even touching her perfect porcelain skin. I bowed my head and dry sobbed, letting the pain wash over me as I fully broke down.

I heard Charlotte and then Peter talking to her, hours passed and slowly each member of the family got their turn to speak to her. Hours passed and she never moved, I wondered at the last time she ate. Carlisle had already thought of it and he and Emmett brought back an animal, the smell of the blood made her eyes an impossible shade darker but still she didn't so much as twitch. He went so far as suggesting bringing a human. I had never thought to hear anything remotely close to that coming out of his mouth but not even the shock could overcome the pain and grief I felt sat beside that cot.

On the third day, Edward and Sora arrived. I had laid my head back and started singing to her. I began with the songs I used to sing my sister to sleep with, the songs I had first sung for my Bella. I sang love songs and sad songs and beneath my eyelids, I saw her smiling face.

"What's wrong with her?" I heard Sora's voice and growled low.

"He did this to her. He broke her. I new he would. He's not good enough for her. Come now Carlisle, you must see, he is a danger, not only to people but to Bella. He's a monster." I growled and sent out waves of pain and fear. "He's here?" Edward sounded surprised.

Can't you hear me Eddie boy? I thought and heard him growl. Losing your touch? I thought to him again and he growled. I dropped him with a burst of fear.

"He stole her from us Carlisle, you should see the thoughts in his head. He is worse than a monster!"

I could feel his anger, his fear and underlying it was his jealousy. Do you know we were only gone a few hours when I first felt her lust for me, it was nothing compared to the wave she sent me when we went shopping and she saw me shirtless. I was hard for hours after that happy blast of emotion. Not that I needed to be an empath just then, the smell of her desire was enough to make me have to fight not to push her against the wall and take her. You know I think the scars turned her on. She's definitely spent enough time kissing and licking over every single one. I heard him growl and reveled in the new torture as I recounted every time we had made love. I didn't even realize when I stopped thinking about making love to her and started actually talking about the taste of her creamy skin and the sound of her moans, the feel of her heat wrapped around me or her nails digging into my back as she screamed my name. I told him how perfect she was. How I found it difficult to ever let her up and out of my bed, only able to because I knew that she would pull me into the little enclave we found behind the waterfall to make love, or bend over a fallen tree branch so I could take her from behind. I recounted every moment of every time I was with her, I had long since stopped trying to torture him, now I was torturing myself as I remembered them all and recounted them to her, my mate. I told her how perfect she was, how much I needed her. I couldn't live without her; I had never been able to live without her, before I existed, going through the motions of life, part of me always locked away. I was only me, with her. I started to sing to her again, I sang her our song, Me and You.

"I need you Bella. Please. Let me in. I love you."

"I love you to Cowboy." Her voice was a hoarse whisper and if the others hadn't gasped in shock and stepped closer to us, I might have thought I imagined it.

"Darlin?" I reached a hand out to her afraid the shimmering barrier would keep me from her but she reached her hand out and took mine. I bent my head so it touched hers still held in mine and dry sobbed; I had really thought I had lost her. I felt a wave of love wash over me, on its heals was lust and I lifted my head to look in her eyes. She pushed more lust at me and I leaned in to kiss her. After a minute, I heard a throat cleared in the background and let out one long low and dangerous growl. I heard them retreating from the building. I gently pulled my mate into my arms and kissed her. I worshipped her as I made love to her, pouring all of my love into her, all of the sadness and fear and pain we had both felt was mingled together as we clung to each other.

Hours later I held her in my arms, afraid to let her go. "You left me."

"You left me first."

Both of our voices were broken whispers.


I could feel the pain and sadness flow out of her and into me, "You and Alice are still married."

"We were getting divorced. It's why we kept leaving together. It was something I should have done before your change. Honestly, I didn't think about it. Alice and I were over from the moment you and I left that hotel. She is my friend, she was my companion for many years and I loved her." I felt a fresh wave of sadness from her, "It does not compare to loving you. I love you with every fiber of my being, the human, the vampire, the God of War. Never have I loved or thought to love so completely."

I knew my pain and sadness were washing into her as I spoke and I felt her sending me calm, acceptance and love.

"It hurt." I heard her voice break with the pain pouring off her into me. "Even when you came back from hunting with her that first night, I felt the loss of you, you were sitting next to me but I still felt the loneliness and fear as when you are gone.

I sent her a fresh wave of love. "She had reminded me we never officially divorced. I could not believe I had forgotten it. I was ashamed." I admitted to her sending her the emotion. She said nothing, sending me acceptance and love.

I still felt the sadness in her so I added a dose of comfort to the love I was projecting. Then I added how sorry I was to have hurt her.

She sent me love and forgiveness, and her own sorrow at having run. The emotions played between us as we kissed, expressing our pain, fear and love while comforting each other.

It was beginning to be light again when I heard movement coming to the cabin. It was Peter and Char. I was under control again and felt bad as I saw them slowly enter, cautiously watching us in submissive postures. I could feel the love and concern radiating off them in tidal waves and shared it with my mate. She twisted in my arms to look at them while still holding me.

I sent them the love and sorrow she was feeling as she spoke, "I'm sorry."

Charlotte broke down in sobs and stepped closer to us. Peter held her back, still watching me carefully. I looked him in the eyes and sent him calm and relaxation. He nodded and let his mate come to us following behind her.

"Good to have you back Major."

I felt a wave of confusion from Bella and looked away in shame. She forced my eyes back to hers sending me love and comfort.

"I went a little loco after you disappeared." I admitted.

"A little?" Charlotte scoffed, "He's been in full out God of War rampage. Alice hasn't stopped shaking since he unleashed on her. We've all been trembling in his presence from the levels of fear and pain her was throwing off in his anger."

"I do not tremble." Peter sniffed. "He was pretty scary though Little Bit so maybe don't do that again ok."

"Does he have other wives to surprise me with?" she sent our brother a small smile all the while sending me calm, acceptance and love. She never turned away from my darker side, she was not afraid of me.

"No, just Alice." I told her, as she smiled at my relief.

"Maybe you two should put some clothes on. The Cullen's are coming back now." Charlotte suggested. She and Peter left to give us privacy. It was hard to let my mate out of my arms long enough for us both to dress and I immediately had her sat in my lap on the bed.

I breathed in her scent as the family slowly came in, fear, sadness, desperation and love pouring off all of them.

They hugged us together as she seemed as loath as me to let go. Alice was still standing back, looking at us both with heart breaking sadness and I was filled with shame and sadness for how I had terrorized her in my anger and pain.


I heard his voice as he sang to me and then I heard Sora and Edward, and I wanted to rage at them, my mate was not a monster! I had no energy though and their voices faded. I could feel the emotions pouring off Jasper, love, sadness, fear, pain, loss; he was drowning in them. With Edward's voice came a flare of anger and then smugness, I understood the emotions as he began to speak his thoughts aloud, his love for me, his every memory of me, making love to me. Then he sang our song and each note filled me with love and hope. When it came to the end, he whispered his love of me.

"I love you to Cowboy." I could feel his surprise at my voice; he was not controlling the projection at all; everything he felt was on display for me.

After making love and reassuring each other of our love the others came. First, our sister and brother, I could feel as Jasper projected their emotions to me and mine to them.

When the Cullen's came, Alice held back, trembling still. I pulled away from Jasper and stepped towards her, she looked down at the ground with venom filled eyes. I could feel shame and sadness pouring off my mate and knew he, in his anger, had blamed her.

I hugged her, pushing feelings of love and sorrow that I knew my mate would send her. "I'm sorry Alice." She sobbed brokenly into my shoulder. "All you have done is for us. You let him go so I could be with him. You supported us before we were an us or even thought there could be one. I should never have doubted you."

"I'm so sorry Bella. It wasn't until you said you were getting married I remembered that we were still married. If I had seen it coming I would have been sure the divorce was taken care of."

"I know. I don't know why I feel so hurt when he is near you; it's irrational. I'm so sorry for ever doubting you. Sorry that he blamed you, that he scared you, but I know he would never hurt you Alice. He loves you. I love you."

"I'm not you Bella. He has always scared me a little. When that side of him comes out, it terrifies me. He blamed me because he was afraid of losing you. When it comes to you he would destroy me for making you hurt, his love for you is beyond anything else. He was right to blame me anyways, I should have seen, should have remembered, I'm sorry. I love him and I love you so very much. I would never do anything to hurt either of you. I have missed you both so much. I was used to spending so much time with him and I didn't think how it would be for you. I just thought you would be so happy to be with the whole family and you and I could have our own time after I got the divorce settled, then we could plan your wedding."

I hugged her tighter to me, "I love you Alice. I'm sorry. I don't know why it hurts so much. I know you would never try to take him from me."

"No one ever could." She whispered back. "You are his very life and soul." We hugged for a while longer and when Jasper stepped forward to take me in his arms again, I motioned him to hug her, to smooth things over.

I knew he held back, he would never do anything to make me uncomfortable let alone to hurt me, I don't know how I ever feared anything from these two whom I loved and trusted so thoroughly. I sent him a wave of comfort, confidence and reassurance. As always he understood the cocktail of emotions and pulled Alice into a hug.

"I'm sorry Ali. I was hurtin so much and so afraid I'd lost her."

"I know Jazzy. I'm so sorry I didn't see it."

"You can't see everythin. I'd never expect ya to. I was just to afraid to even see straight."

He kissed her forehead and stepped back, pulling me into his arms again, as though he was afraid to have me to far away from him. I knew it would be like this for a while to come. This need to see and touch each other all the time to reassure ourselves we were together and both ok.

I turned to the other two who stood in the doorway. I heard a growl spill out of Jasper and his arms tightened as I attempted to step nearer to Edward and his mate. I could feel anger, jealousy and fear pouring out of him as he projected fear into them.

I turned in his arms and pulled his head down so his eyes met mine. I sent him love, devotion, pride, comfort and a little lust, it was an emotion always just under the surface when I looked at him.

He sent me back a wave of love tinged with desire, devotion and possessiveness and I knew he felt some of what I felt with him and Alice when he thought of Edward and I. It might have been better because Edward had his mate, or because I did not attempt to spend time with him but whatever the reason for it being less intense it was still very much there for him.

I sent him the same wave of emotions again and kissed him gently before turning in his arms again to face Edward and his mate.

"Jasper is my mate. If you try to come between us again I will not stop the Major from tearing you apart." I narrowed my eyes at Edward, "You tell your wife he is a monster but are to arrogant or stupid to fear him as you ought. I cared about you once and I'm grateful that through you I gained a family in the Cullen's and met my perfect mate. Jasper is not a monster, he did not steal me away, if you attack him again you will answer to me, understand." The dangerous growl of my darkest depths came out and I saw Sora shiver, my attention turned to her, "My diet makes me stronger and faster than you, I have been trained to fight by my mate, his Captain and my sister. I have taken out Emmett and can and will take out you."

Edward let out a growl and I felt Jasper tense and let out a warning of his own as I continued, "Its not a threat Edward, just a warning. You know he is dangerous, you've said it to me all the time I have known you; you should heed your own warnings and remember that I'm dangerous now to. If you ever attempt to come between my mate and I again, it would be your last mistake."

"You should hunt Bella." I nodded to Carlisle, he was right, I had never felt my throat burn this way. "Neither of you has been feeding properly." Or at all in my case. "Why don't we meet back at the house in a few days? That will give you and Jazz some time and we can try this reunion over again." I sent him a smile and nod and knew Jazz was sending him our gratitude.

We took just over a week to return. Taking our time, stopping to hunt and make love and just talk.

The reunion went just as Alice had envisioned it this time. She and Jasper finalized their divorce and she, Rose, Char, Esme and I began to discuss what I wanted for my and Jazz's wedding. I reconnected with all of them and Edward and I built a fragile friendship, under the jealous and watchful eye of my mate who was also very conscious of the time he spent with Alice and how close they were when together. They both always made me feel included. I formed a tentative friendship with Sora and invited her to help with wedding plans. I was warming up to the young geisha who was also warming up to Jasper and I, though still cautious about being to near us or alone with one or both of us. She was always very near to Edward's side. Alice and I reconnected and by the time we left six months later she and I were as close as ever and I no longer felt threatened by her, Jazz was still careful that I did not feel remotely uncomfortable when he was with her but the pain, loneliness and fear were all but gone.

The wedding was intimate and elegant and exactly what we wanted. Saying goodbye was hard as we were not just going on our honeymoon but would be joining Char and Peter at our new home.

Alice met her mate the following year and it was as if my fears of her and Jasper had never existed. I was happy to see them together. I knew they still loved each other and I was happy for them. I loved Alice and all the Cullen's as well.

When the time came the Whitlock and Cullen families ended up moving to Canada together with houses next to each other, well as next to each other as they could get surrounded by acres of forest. Life had settled into a happy routine. Jasper and I had our beautiful life together, the future Alice had seen so long ago.