Pam stopped short of the clearing outside Bill's house as she caught sight of Bill and Eric chained to a stake.

She wrinkled her nose in distaste at the smell of burning flesh as she watched Sookie and Tara fuss over Lafayette. She was about to step forward to do something about Bill and Eric when Eric called out to the little group: "Excuse me, we're feeling a little crispy up here."

Sookie jumped to her feet and went to free them; Pam decided she had seen enough: Eric was safe; she didn't need to see his reunion with the fairy.

Turning on her heel she took off at vampire speed, back to Fangtasia.

"Damn it, woman, will you slow down?" a voice behind her demanded before she had gotten very far.

She stopped abruptly and turned to find Eric, looking decidedly worse for wear, panting as he leant against a tree for support.

"You just took off," he said accusingly as he straightened.

Pam pursed her lips, "You looked busy."

"I'm never too busy for you," he retorted, wincing as he stiffly made his way over to her.

Pam regarded him doubtfully, "My reception last time you were in danger would seem to suggest otherwise."

"That was different; you endangered yourself by coming for me," Eric told her cupping her chin with his hand as he came level with her, "this time the danger had passed."

"I believe you objected to my endangering your fairy, not to my coming," Pam retorted.

"Because I need her alive," Eric explained, moving away from her to sit down on a nearby log.

"I am aware of what you need from her, Eric," Pam replied bitterly.

Eric chuckled and Pam gave him a dark look, "I need her alive because of her powers," he explained, "she reversed my curse I thought that she might be able to do the same for you." He paused, "These last few days made me realise something very important about Sookie Stackhouse," he admitted.

Pam waited.

"She's not you," he said simply.

Pam stared at him in disbelief, he smirked at her expression.

"And that, my dear, is why I was willing to die to keep her alive, so that she might be able to help you," he continued. It was his turn to give her a disbelieving look, "Surely you know by now that you are the only one I would die for."

"You're nuts," was all she could think of to say.

"Well, I have it on good authority that I was brain damaged only a short time ago so it is possible," he told her pleasantly.

"Perhaps this is just the residual effects of the curse," she suggested.

"I don't think so," he told her confidently, "I remember everything about my time with you when I was cursed and you were all I wanted or needed."

He stood up with considerable effort and rested his hands on her shoulders, "And that will never change," he told her seriously, looking into her eyes before kissing her gently on the forehead.

"Now, if you're not sick of playing nursemaid shall we go home?" he asked in a lighter tone, putting his arm around her shoulders for support.

Pam stifled a smile as she slipped her arm around his waist, "As long as you don't turn out to be as difficult as my last patient."


"He kept telling me he loved me, but I think just wanted to have his way with me," she said airily.

"Oh, undoubtedly," he replied easily. "I'm afraid I can't promise not to do the same," he added.

Pam smirked, "Who was asking you to?"

The sound of their laughter echoed behind them as they disappeared into the darkness.


A/N: And that, my friends, is how I think the Season 4 Eric/Pam story arc should have gone (or something like it anyway). Thanks for reading! x