I'm baaaaaaaack!

Clawdeen Wolf – SUMMER.

1000 people like this

Clawd Wolf – It's been such a long time since I posted a status, is anybody out there?

^Draculaura Vike and 2 others like this

Heath Burns – twitter's where it's at bro #facebooksucks

Cleo de Nile – this is fb not twitter, no hashtags

Toralei Stripeeeeee – I'M. RIGHT. HERE. ;))

Draculaura Vike – Of course my love Clawd – I mean my friend.

^Clawdeen Wolf dislikes this

Cleo de Nile changed her relationship status to "in a relationship"

^Ghoulia Yelps likes this

Howleen Wolf and three others like a page.

One Direction.

Howleen Wolf – I love 1D! Biter's over!

^Frankie Stein and Draculaura Vike like this

Cleo de Nile – nooo how dare you! I know I have better taste than you being royal and all, but I can believe you have the nerve to say such a thing!

Frankie Stein – Sorry Cleo, even I know 1D's the best

Heath Burns - #1DFTW

Howleen Wolf - #Directionerforlife

Cleo de Nile – Ugghhhh

Slow Moe – Ughhh?

Cleo de Nile - STFU

Ghoulia Yelps – I have figured out the meaning of life.

^Slow Moe and 5 others like this

Holt Hyde – what is it?

Ghoulia Yelps – KFC.

^Clawd Wolf and 6 others like this

Howleen Directioner Wolf to Deuce Gorgon – Hey!

Deuce Gorgon – um hey

Howleen Directioner Wolf – I had this dream about you…

Deuce Gorgon – …

Howleen Directioner Wolf – we were dating!

Deuce Gorgon – Do I know you?

Howleen Directioner Wolf – It was so much fun!

Deuce Gorgon – wait, aren't you Clawdeen's little sister?

Howleen Directioner Wolf – So I think you should ask me out

Deuce Gorgon – I'm good

Howleen Directioner Wolf – But we were meant to be together!

Deuce Gorgon – no thanks

Howleen Directioner Wolf – but…

Deuce Gorgon – NO.

^Toralei Strippppe likes this

Howleen Directioner Wolf – I'm not giving up that easy!

Manny Taur – I got a joke for you suckers. What do you call a Spanish toilet that weighs 2000 pounds?

Jackson Jekyll - …

Manny Taur – El ton john!

Clawd Wolf - …

Lagoona Blue - …

Toraleiiiii Stripe -…

Manny Taur – you losers just don't appreciate good comedy

Jackson Jekyll – No, we actually just don't appreciate you

^Draculaura Vike and 100 others like this

Heath Burns – New transfer student is so hot, I believe she outshines my hair #foxyfoxyyeti

Clawd Wolf – What an icicle!

Deuce Gorgon – makes Cleo look like an old relic…Oh wait never mind.

^Toraleeeee Stripe likes this

^Cleo de Nile dislikes this

Cleo de Nile – I'm done with you Deuce!

^Toralei Stripe likes this

Frankie Stein – Toralei why is your name spelled right?

Toralei Stripe – Oh right!

Toralei I-hate-Cleo – Okay I fixed it : D

Holt Hyde to Heath Burns – That new girl is mine, so lay off!

Heath Burns – Lay off ma brotha, or cousin, I don't really know. #IDKanymore

^Frankie Stein likes this

Frankie Stein – Boy Heath you sure are dumb!

^Holt Hyde and 7 others like this

Toralei I-hate-Cleo – This coming from a ghoul who forgot how old she was?

^Cleo de Nile likes this

Lagoona Blue – 1 fish!

Gil Webber – 2 fish!

Lagoona Blue – Red fish!

Gil Webber – Blue fish!

Manny Taur – Tuna fish!

Lagoona Blue - …

Gil Webber - …

Abbey Bominable is now friends with Frankie Stein and 10 other people

Heath Burns – Hey, why did you refuse my friend request?

Abbey Bominable – Out is the direction in which you creep me.

^Every girl at Monster High likes this

Cleo de Nile to Deuce Gorgon

Okay, I've decided to pardon you for your sins. Despite the fact that you would be put to death in my day, I'm giving you the opportunity to resume our relationship.

Deuce Gorgon – nah I'm good riding solo

Cleo de Nile – WTH! ASP!

Deuce Gorgon – sorry

^Toralei I-hate-Cleo and 2 others like this

Deuce Gorgon changed his relationship status to "single"

^Cleo de Nile dislikes this

^Everyone else likes it

Abbey Bominable – Not liking the summer I am.

Frankie Stein – Why not Abbey?

Abbey Bominable – Heath bothersome, and overbright sun leading to much aching of head. Lonely also.

Draculaura Vike – Well, the boys do seem to like you.

Abbey Bominable – Overattention leads to heartbreak.

Cleo de Nile – You're telling me.

Lagoona Blue – Try being a mite bit more friendly mate, and soon we'll all be besties!

^Frankie Stein and Draculaura Vike like this

Abbey Bominable – Wise words from fish face girl.

^Gil Webber and 6 others dislike this

Gil Webber – That's my ghoul you're talking to!

Draculaura Vike – You can't talk to people like that and expect them to be your friend!

Abbey Bominable – You are short like baby mammoth.

^Clawd Wolf and two others like this.

Draculaura Vike – Clawd!

Clawd Wolf – Sorry, but it's true.

^Clawdeen Wolf and 5 others like this

Toralei I-hate-Cleo added "You are short like baby mammoth" to her Quotes.

^Cleo de Nile likes this

Frankie Stein – Weirdest thing happened today!

^Clawdeen Wolf and two others like this

Draculaura Vike – What was it?

Frankie Stein – I was walking across the street, there was a ton of traffic, and I was going really slowly cuz of my new heels, and some guy in a car gave me the thumbs up!

Clawdeen Wolf – Okay…what's so weird about that? I get thumbs up for my outfits all the time!

Toralei I-hate-Cleo – You wish.

^Cleo de Nile likes this

Frankie Stein – The weird part was that he didn't use his thumb, he used his middle finger!

Isn't that cool? I've never seen that before!

Draculaura Vike – Frankie, that means something totally different…

Frankie Stein – No, don't tell me! Does it mean that I looked super good? I bet that's it!

Toralei I-hate-Cleo – Yes you totally got it right!

Frankie Stein – YAYYY

Toralei I-hate-Cleo – yep.

^Cleo de Nile likes this

Draculaura Vike – Toralei, that's cruel.

Toralei I-hate-Cleo – Let it go.

Draculaura Vike – But-

Toralei I-hate-Cleo – I'll tell Clawd that you li-

Draculaura Vike – okay okay, I will not tell her the real meaning! As long as my secret stays safe. Wait, how did you find out?

Toralei I-hate-Cleo – Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies. And here's an important life lesson for you kids: don't leave your diary in the locker room.

^14 people like this

Heath Burns to Abbey Bominable

Hey babe!

Abbey Bominable – I'm not your babe.

Howleen Wolf – ALEJANDRO!

Clawdeen Wolf – No one. Likes. You.

^Cleo de Nile and 100 others like this

Deuce Gorgon – It's okay I like you.

Howleen Wolf – Really OMG

Deuce Gorgon – No. Now stop following me, you're really starting to creep me out!

^Howleen Wolf likes this

Cleo de Nile to Deuce Gorgon

Okay, I want you back! No queen should have to rule alone!

Deuce Gorgon – Sorry.

^Toralei I-hate-Cleo likes this

Cleo de Nile – Come over to my pyramid!

Cleo de Nile – we just got a new hot tub installed!

Deuce Gorgon – we can still be friends

Cleo de Nile – please?

Cleo de Nile – less than 3

Cleo de Nile – I miss you


^Frankie Stein and 2 others like this

Deuce Gorgon – Before you ask it's not Howleen.

^Toralei I-hate-Cleo and Frankie Stein like this

Cleo de Nile changed her relationship to "it's complicated"

^Toralei I-hate-Cleo likes this

Cleo de Nile – Nevermind, I'll find someone like you

^Heath Burns likes this

Cleo de Nile – Not you Heath!

Heath Burns – It was worth a shot.

I don't own the "El ton john" joke, it's from the Adventurous Adventures of One Direction. Look it up on Youtube!

AN: Hey guys i'm so sorry about this. Thank you to all the people who read and enjoy this rather pointless story. I have a lot of excuses for not updating in months but i'm sure you don't really care so i'm not gonna bother. Important thing is, this story's up and running again! Hopefully you will get weekly updates until school starts for me in August. So check back! I have lots of ideas.