NOTE: this is my first fanfic so it's not very good x.x I don't own Soul Eater, although I wish I could :3 heh okay I hope you like it!


"Out of all you losers, I'm obviously the most powerful", declared Black Star. Soul had been tired of hearing this for the past year and a half of being on the same team as him. After all, hearing his arrogance every single day gets to you.

"Yeah right, I could beat your ass easily!" Soul sneered.

"You guys, stop it. We need to focus on connecting our wavelengths so we can pass Dr. Stein's class." Maka chided. She knew Soul had been edgy around Black Star lately, but they needed to work as a team and there was no time for arguing.

"Shut up Maka, this isn't your business." Soul and Black Star retorted at the same time, causing them to only become angrier at each other. This made Maka mad because she was only trying to help.

"Fine. But we need to head back, Soul. It's almost dinnertime and it's your turn to cook. Plus, it's getting dark out. You know Shinigami doesn't want us out late because a witch has just recently escaped and is probably in Death City." She said.

"No. I'm staying here and fighting Black Star. You can leave if you want, I don't care. Cook your own damn food." Soul snapped. This surprised Maka because usually Soul wasn't this mean to her. And his eyes looked cold and hard when he said it. Her eyes watered and she swiftly turned around and stomped away.

Who needs Soul anyways? She thought as her tears dripped down her cheeks. She secretly liked Soul and whenever he said harsh things like that, it really hurt her. Only one other person knew she liked Soul, and that was her best friend, Crona. When she told Crona, he was really surprised and mumbled something about not knowing how to deal with love. After all, he just recently understood what it meant to have friends and not be alone all the time. Maka turned the corner and realized it was getting really dark. She quickened her pace because it was eerie walking all alone this late, especially since nobody was in sight. They were probably all in the safety of their homes, since nobody dared to stay out too late in fear of being attacked by the witch. Normally, this wouldn't scare Maka, but since she was without her weapon, she was defenseless. Only a few more blocks and I'll be home she reassured her self. She turned the next corner and all of a sudden felt a sharp pain on the back of her head before she blacked out.