The night was dark, the breeze cool. Rose crossed the quiet street, feeling the crunch of autumn leaves under her feet. When she got to the house, she pressed the top button beside the door and waited.

"Hello." Sad the voice breathlessly "Who is it?"


"Rose." He sighed "What do you want?"

"I need to talk to you."

"Right now?"


He sighed again "Can't it wait? I'm slightly...busy."

"No I need to talk to you. Or she in?"

"No...I'll be down in a second."

The black door opened five minutes later, and Albus appeared. His hair was messier than usual and a few of his shirt buttons were undone. He wrapped a scarf around his neck and walked out into the cool November night.

"Sorry." Rose said, as they walked.

He shrugged "It's fine...she won't wake up for at least an hour – I put some of that potion Freddie came up with last week in her champagne."

Rose nodded, impressed.

"So what is it?" He asked, as they walked into the familiar cafe around the corner. It was warm and they took a seat at the back, out of earshot from everybody else.

"I'm...I think I'm pregnant."

His eyes widened momentarily "Oh, I see. Congratulations."

"You don't seem very surprised." She commented.

"I live with Lily."

"She knew?"

"She had an idea."

Rose remembered the conversation about Victoire in her Grandmother's kitchen, and the way the blonde haired beauty had announced her pregnancy the next month.

"When did she tell you this?"

"About two weeks ago."

Rose frowned "Two weeks ago? How could she-"

"She's Lily." He said calmly, before leaning around the table and waving to a waitress "Two hot chocolates with extra marshmallows, please."

The woman nodded and returned a few minutes later.

"Thanks." Albus winked at her and she smiled in return.

Rose kicked him under the table "You have a woman in your flat."

He chuckled "I know."



"What should I do?"

Albus looked at her and then reached across the table to touch her hand "What's the matter?"

"We've barely been married a year. It's just all"

"Look." He sighed "Are you happy?"


"With Scorpius...are you happy?"

"Yeah, course I am."

"And have you ever talked about having children?"

"Once...but we said we wanted them in the future."

He leant backwards "When was this?"

"Two or three months before we got married."

"That would be, like...a year and a half ago, then?"

"Something like that."

"You'll be fine."

"How do you know?"

"Because I know Scorpius." Albus replied, a small smile playing on his face.


Rose paced the house, her feet beginning to hurt. She shook her arms and jumped up and down on the spot, screaming softly and then jumping about five foot in the air when she turned to see her husband, leaning against the doorframe with a small smirk on his face.

"What's up, Rose?" He asked patiently, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"What? Nothing!" She said quickly.

"You're a terrible liar."

"I'm a good liar." She protested softly, leaning her cheek against his chest.

"Not when it comes to things that actually what is it? Are you okay?"

Rose sighed, running a hand down the lapels of his suit "Please stay calm."

He frowned, his pale grey eyes glistening with concern "Are you okay?"

"I, well, yes...but I-"

"Rose." He said loudly "What's up?"

She looked up at him and sighed "I'm pregnant, Scorpius. I'm pregnant."

Scorpius pulled back, looked into her eyes and began to laugh.

"Scorpius!" Rose hissed, hitting his arm and sitting of the settee with her arms crossed "It's not funny!"

"Oh Merlin..." He chuckled, sitting beside her "I thought that you were dying or something! Oh, Rose..."

She pouted for a minute and then began to laugh along with him, until they were both lying on the sofa in hysterics.

Eventually, they regained some control and he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"We're going to be parents." She muttered.

Scorpius smirked and placed a hand on rose's lower stomach "I know...I'm going to be a dad."

Rose looked up and smiled "I'm so relieved that you're happy."

Scorpius looked at the only woman he'd ever honestly loved and kissed her forehead "Rose?"


"I love you so much."

She smiled and rested her head on his chest "I know. I love you too."

And just like that, all the worry left her mind.


So, that's it! Thank you so much for reading this story...I really do mean it. Please tell me what you think and read the stuff I write in the future...Thanks :)