I'm glad I gave this a rewrite instead of deleting it. Thanks to those who reviewed, and I hope you enjoy the revision. Here's a quick list of the changes I made:

*Smoothed dialog, aligned verb tenses, and pruned adjectives/adverbs. Shortened run-on sentences.

*Wow, did I ever love the semicolon back in the day.

*Added line breaks for scene changes. Can't believe I didn't know this tool existed the first time around.

*Made Sareth less skeevy and removed cringey scenes.

*Took out the marriage scheme. This was creepy and didn't make sense. Sareth wouldn't admit needing Midna in order to take power for himself. A narcissist like him could never share the throne.

*Removed Zant altogether as he was also skeevy and only functioned as a third wheel to the marriage scheme. I don't remember why I included him at all – probably just for the sake of his own dramatic death.

*Changed the tavern scene when Ronan gets suddenly angry at Areanna for confessing that she worked with Sareth. I thought he judged her too quickly after seeing her at her lowest. It served no purpose anyway since he apologized the next minute and wanted to support her again.

*Expanded scenes between Ronan and Areanna, and Kiri and Areanna, prior to the battle.