Invader Zim is owned by... er... Nickalodeon. I thank Jhonen Vasquez for creating such an inspirational work of art as a source of entertainment.

He recited the song in his head a moment more as he stuffed his hands in his winter coat and continued to keep up his long, graceful strides towards Central Park. The snow was falling softly now with an incessant flow of the frozen water droplets. Soon enough he would have to turn back towards his home of solitude where the TV would be emitting a blue glow, every often changing colors, and his sister would be sitting on the couch as usual using her lightning fast fingers to pass another level on that idiotic game device she always had her eyes glued on. He rolled his eyes at the thought. And, of course, there would be his father trying to invent something simply mind- boggling that would amaze the world.

No, there would be no warm fireplace for him to sit in front of tonight. Just the continuations of the buzzing and clanking he heard down in the lab and the lasers followed up by horrific explosions from his sister's game. He still remembered when she first received that hypnotic piece of technology.

It had been a few Christmases ago and being that she was a year younger than he was, she gathered up all of her presents into one giant pile, a pile that had been twice as large as his, and gently plucked off the wrappings off of each one with a grimace as she realized that most of them were socks and clothes. It had only been one particular present she was interested in as its physical appearance was different than all the others and she followed suit in persistently opening the gift. He remembered how large her amber eyes grew along with a shine he had never really seen before in his life.

He never dared tell her he bought it for her because he merely thought that she should start up on a new hobby other than threatening kids from their school because they were merely brushing up against her on accident or annoyed her by talking to someone next to her. From then on she constantly began playing the game even after her one hundredth beating of the entire game.

It had only been this last Christmas that she received the new and improved version of the game that had just shipped out from Japan. It was the Game Slave 4. She shut herself off from the world and isolated herself inside her room for the next month snacking on pizza and soda until she emerged from her room with a satisfied smirk, her miniature held hand device clutched in her hand that read out in bright orange bold letters: YOU WIN.

He pictured her in his mind again from the day she first received the first Game Slave. Bright amber eyes the same as his eye color growing large from under her thick lashes, mouth gaped open, purple hair resting calmly on her elegant shoulders, her slim figure trembling from the excitement. He will never forget that look.

The teen chuckled this time as he kept along trudging through the several inches of snow, keeping watch for giant feet embedded within it. Being a paranormal investigator it was his duty to keep track of any evidence of Big Foot or ghosts lurking around within the park. (Although it would be hard sensing ghosts out since it was fairly chilly all around him.) His mind then slipped to his one mortal enemy he had been tracking down since his first arrival on Earth.

Zim. His one and true foe that had decided to show his stupid alien ass on Earth and try to conquer the "ball of dirt". His enemy showed all the signs that he was in fact an alien: Green skin, no ears, no nose, obvious synthetic implants in his eyes, three fingers, and an Elvis shaped wig that covered those interesting antennas that adorned his head.

Yes, he had seen Zim in his alien form and, honestly, the disguise hardly looked any different. The only change was the fact that Zim wore human contacts that covered his large, ruby colored orbs that shone at his victories and darkened with volatile and the ebony wig he wore that covered his antennas. Nothing else seemed to have changed about him. He was obvious in the way of his physical appearance—not to mention that segmented tongue of his— and that he was a terrible impersonator of a normal human being.

He would strut around in that idiotic way that made humans stare at him quizzically and would yell randomly when it wasn't necessary or give out loud speeches of destroying the Earth. It was ridiculous to say the least. The teen still could hardly believe that no one could see that he was indeed an alien. It was absurd that his own kind couldn't piece together all the facts that he had thrown at them. Not even his own father, who was a world famous scientist, believed it. He merely called his son crazy and declared Zim was just foreign.

He snorted at the thought. Yeah, he is foreign all right. In fact, he managed to find out a little bit about Zim and his own people. He first began to realize that his people looked fairly similar in every way. They were mostly short, green, had antennas, and had large colored orbs for eyes. All of them also wore strange looking metal backpacks on their backs called PAK's.

He found out that their PAK's are specifically their external brains. They NEED their PAK to live or else they will die without it if not connected to a PAK within ten minutes. (He found this out after removing Zim's pack and Zim revealing why he needed the precious device). It provided everything for them. Weapons, nutrients, charging cells, and they even produced mechanical spider limbs that helped them aid in battle.

Zim's people were called Irkens and they had a hierarchy system that was particularly interesting. They based their system of ranking by height. Their empire mainly ran consistently on their main ship where their leaders lay in their chambers and ruled from a huge ship called The Massive.

Their leaders, The Tallest, were the only Tallest Irkens in the empire and he had met both of them over a transmission while trying to demand that they spill their weaknesses and pinpoint their planet. He realized that their entire empire only lived to conquer other planets and expand beyond the regions of the universe.

Then he began to infer that most of the Irkens were assigned to different planets to infiltrate and find out the species weaknesses to assess the Armada and commence the Organic Sweep that annihilated the entire race of the planet. Zim, unfortunately, had to be assigned to Planet Earth where he was now fighting off Zim and trying to stop him from conquering.

He, alone, was the planet's only defense now. He had cried wolf so many times during different events that his own kind began to ignore his cries of help and figure that it was nothing of importance. Oh, how he filled to the rim with rage by their ignorance and incompetence to at least try and give a lending hand in his direction.

He angrily kicked a clump of snow in his path, the tips of his toes throbbing from the sudden intrusion when ice and flesh met with a hard thud. He stopped walking for a minute to take a look at his surroundings. He was soaked up from all of his thoughts that he merely forgot where he was walking to. There were a few snowy trees surrounding him but it seemed that he had exited the park and took a different route towards a vacant area near a dead ended neighborhood.

Everything in sight seemed to reflect colors of white and grey, but something fluorescent caught his eye. He snapped his head to the side to find a familiar sight that made the insides of his stomach clench uneasily.

Zim's tall, oddly tipped neon green house shone throughout the neighborhood. Wedged between two other dull buildings, it had a V-shaped purple roof that fit together like a puzzle piece and slanted windows just below it. The door also was tinted a purplish pink color and there were random gnomes aligning the walkway towards his door. A fence ran parallel along the house and the usual grass that covered the ground was piled with snow.

He reminisced about the event a few months ago when Zim had barricaded himself in his base for almost a month. He had tried everything to interrogate Zim out of his base to fight him and not act like the coward he was being. He even threw water balloons at his house to see if it had any effect on the house like it did on Zim.

After a few weeks he gave up trying to entice Zim to coming out and instead made himself busy by watching his favorite paranormal investigating show: Mysterious Mysteries. But it soon became dull after a while and he admitted that without Zim around there wasn't really much to do. Even the spy cameras he had spent months putting inside Zim's house without him noticing were all damaged and showed not even a sliver of the alien inside.

Conclusions of Zim dead and decaying inside his base gripped onto him until he convinced himself that Zim must have been going through an alien cycle that he didn't know about. It wasn't until at the end of the month that Zim finally showed up at school one day and the boy instantly bombarded him with questions. Zim insisted that nothing happened and went onto insulting him about his giant head like normal.

He soon dropped the matter and neither of them had brought up the incident once. Though, he would secretly wonder what had gone through those weeks where Zim had mysteriously disappeared. He vowed to find out soon and sure enough here he was, outside looking at his dysfunctional house.

He took a long look at the glowing house for a minute more before he realized that he was taking slow steps towards the odd looking building. He did not know why his feet were carrying him up the street, onto the walkway towards his house, and up the step to his door. Nor did he know why his hand began to rap lightly on the door.

Before he could regain his bearings on what the hell he was doing there, the door instantly swung open to reveal Zim's robot servant: GIR.

GIR's large teal eyes widened and matched the rest of his charismatic outfit along with a goofy grin to match.

"HIYA, BIGHEAD!" The robot screeched unpleasantly and he winced at the cacophony of degrading noise and the fact that everyone—even robots— was still making fun of his big head.

"Uh, hi," he replied with a lame smile back. He took a glance around the small robot and spilled his eyes inside the lit up living room for any sign of Zim.

"Where's Zim?" he blurted out, still searching for him while still standing out in the chilly weather outside his door.

"Masta's in his lab working on stuffs." GIR smile grew larger and his tongue stuck out in a playful way. The boy smiled.

It was perfect. He would sneak in and begin taking pictures on his digital camera around the house very stealthily just as long as GIR didn't make much noise, which was going to be difficult; VERY difficult indeed. He knew that Zim's underground lab would keep him preoccupied for a while until the house's computer warned that there would be an intruder present within the base.

He smiled down at GIR. "Hey, GIR, was it? You mind if I come in and start taking pictures of you and Zim's amazing house? For memories, you know?" He put on a fake smile this time and had strained to make out the word 'amazing' in an attempt to make it convincing.

"YAAAY! PICTURES!" GIR shouted, running around inside the room with excitement. The fourteen-year-old stepped into the house and instantly regretted making GIR elated as GIR began to echo his annoying voice around the walls of the base. He quickly grabbed the robot by the arm and forced him to stop running.

"Yes, that's great and all, but I will only stay if you promise to keep quiet, okay?" He whispered to GIR, who grinned and nodded vigorously.

He whipped out his camera and decided to take his first picture of GIR, who was now running into the kitchen blabbering about making some more muffins.

The boy snuck between the shadows of the house clicking away on his camera every so often, relishing in every new crevice and detail that the house offered. He had traveled up to a secret entrance that led up to a hallway where different doors were shown on either side of the hall. He opened the first door and found a comfortable looking bed with a nightstand next to it. But those were the only two items in the room.

He took a quick picture before exiting out and descending down the hall a little more. What he really wanted was to take pictures down inside Zim's lab. That was where the most peculiar and awesome inventions were stored.

But he knew that it would be extremely difficult to go down in there and take pictures without getting caught by the alien. In his previous attempts, he had been caught dozens of times by his foe and every time his camera was either destroyed or stolen by Zim.

Clanging of pots and pans were heard down in the kitchen from GIR and he decided that it was best if he got the hell out of there now before—

"GIR! What are you doing? Quit making a mess in the kitchen!"

His blood ran cold and he pressed himself up against the wall of the hallway, his heart beating loudly against his chest. There was no doubt that was Zim's obnoxious voice reverberating off the halls from down below.

His heart thumped even louder when he could hear only silence following the sudden outburst. He heard the faintest of mumbles before it grew silent again. He quickly hid in the shadows as he tried to control his breathing.

Why is it so silent down there? Zim was never EVER this silent and it began to unnerve the young teen to a state where he was terrified for his well being. He decided that he needed to quickly get out of there NOW.

He darted through the shadows of the halls, creating new ones from the light casting on his framed figure dancing in the darkness. He stopped suddenly when he heard faint clicking noises. It was as if they were metals clinking together and making pitter patter noises on the floor.

At the sudden cognizance of what it was, he ran as fast as he could down the hallway, breath becoming out faster and faster by each bound. The clicking noises began to go faster as well as they quickly began to catch up to the boy.

Low growls were mixed in with the clicks and the boy's eyes grew larger by the horrible mixture of noises that he feared to be his enemy. He stumbled and dug his heels into the ground as he found that the entry way that he had entered before had disappeared.

He was trapped.

He spun around and instantly backed up into the wall behind him as the clicking noises slowed down as if it, too, realized that their prey was in its trap. He clutched onto the wall out of fear as he saw Zim emerge from the shadows levitated by the four mechanical spider limbs that had conjured out of his PAK.

Shaking, he pressed himself even farther into the wall if that was even possible. He wanted to melt discreetly into the wall without Zim noticing what happened. But, unfortunately, his reality consisted of the impossibility of melting and disappearing into walls.

The walls seemed to close in, no matter how cliché that sounded, around him as Zim advanced a few steps until he was a few feet in front of the terrified paranormal investigator. His ruby eyes glinted with a soft glow under the dimly lit hallway as his eyes narrowed down upon his victim.

Finally, what seemed like hours, Zim opened his mouth to speak.

"What are you doing in my base, Dib-stink?" Zim snarled out in a surprisingly quite tone, his lip curling over his pink tinted zipper teeth.

Dib, haven been surprised by the exceedingly quite tone in his voice, opened his mouth to vocalize his excuse, but it seemed that his throat had somehow constricted, making it hard for him to bring forth any sound at all.

Instead he gaped back at him for a minute before closing his mouth to end the constant gaping. Choked noises had emitted from his mouth during that time and Zim's eyes seemed to have deepened. In what seemed to be the most controlled anger Zim had ever displayed in his life, he seemed to snap within only a few minutes.

"SPIT IT OUT!" Zim screeched out, balling his gloved hands into tight fists.

At that very moment, realization began to dawn on Dib and he forced himself to calm himself down as he realized that this was Zim. His enemy, his alien, his very proof that extra terrestrials do exist outside of their world that will bring him fame and glory; he should not be terrified over this simple minded, disgusting alien that he had been fighting with for years now.

What was he thinking? He should fight Zim back, damn it! Talk back to him! Pull out a camera and take a picture! Anything that considers some kind of action!

Building up his courage, Dib glared angrily over at Zim, opening his mouth to give out a smart ass retort.

However, Zim abruptly cut him off.

"Zim has no time to hear your lame excuses! Instead, Zim is more curious about this…"

In a flash, Zim's mechanical limbs had disappeared inside his PAK and he had extracted a flimsy blue packet that was messily folded up in a brochure style out of his PAK. He clenched it in his left hand while his other rested on his hip in a girly fashion. Dib almost smirked at the sight.

"Seeing as how your explanations bore me to death, you will give Zim a brief sentence summarizing what this is and why stupid humans such as yourself attend it." Zim tossed the crumpled and sad looking brochure at Dib with a flick of his wrist.

Dib fumbled with it, raising an eyebrow at Zim from under his largely rounded glasses before looking down at it.

Flooby's Ski Resort

Dib's brows furrowed together. Why would Zim care about humans attending a ski resort? He was instantly familiarized by the title of the ski resort and smiled at the sight.

Before Zim had arrived on the planet, every winter Dib would go to this exact same ski resort and begin to ski down their mountains (secretly looking for big footed tracks or any yetis on the mountains) by himself as his father worked on inventions in the cabin and his little sister, Gaz, would busy herself with a movie or her dumb game she got for Christmas.

He had only began skiing at the age of seven before quickly getting tired of using skis and switching to snowboarding since he thought that snowboarding would be more exciting for a "world famous" cool paranormal investigator to be on. He was always on new trails, trying out new things, before really getting good at it.

But since Zim had arrived a few years prior, he never really got the chance to go up with his family to have a bit of fun up on the mountains. He missed the cool breeze and powdery snow that whipped in his face whenever he took a sharp turn, easily gaining speed and creating S's down the freshly snowed ground. Or whenever—


Dib snapped his head up to see Zim glaring dangerously at him, his face telling Dib that he was not pleased with the silence he was receiving.

"Huh?" Dib lamely asked, still not fully out of his day dream.

"Tell Zim what you know about this!" Ah, yes. He was supposed to summarize for him what this was.

"Zim, it's just a stupid ski resort. Why would you be—?"

"Yes, and?" Zim rudely interrupted.

"It's basically a resort where humans ski and snowboard down snowy mountains to have fun." Dib was getting irritated by Zim's stupidity.

"What is this… ski and snowboard thing you speak about? Tell Zim!"

He advanced more upon Dib and Dib straightened up to glare across at Zim.

"Why don't you go find out yourself, 'almighty dictator'? Why do you need to ask a human when you have stupid Irken technology that can do it for you?" Dib spat out in annoyance.

Zim growled low in his throat. His mechanical limbs once again protruded from his PAK and quickly shot out at Dib.

Dib didn't act fast enough as he was pinned by his trench coat to the wall by the four limbs. Zim marched up to him and gave a rather hard poke to Dib's forehead, leering over him menacingly.

"You will answer Zim now before I tear you up into little Dib pieces and feed you to GIR," Zim replied almost casually with a darkened tone around the edges.

"But—" Zim cut him off by putting one of his three fingers on Dib's lips to silence him. Dib went cross eyed.

"There will be no ifs, buts, whys, or whatever any other human interruptions you make. You will tell Zim what he wants to know."

Zim gave Dib a malicious grin, his eyes brightening for a second.

"Besides… I don't think you have a say in it anyway. For you see, I have an advantage." At that statement, he quickly grabbed Dib's scythe hair piece that sticks out on his head and gave it a hard tug. Dib yelped and grit his teeth as Zim continued to yank on it.

"OK! Fine! I'll tell you! Just let go!"

Zim gave a satisfied smirk and let go. Dib grumbled to himself and straightened out before noticing that the metal limbs were still holding him hostage into the wall. He sighed as he realized that Zim wasn't going to let his prisoner go until he was drunk with the information that Dib would transfer to him.

"It's kind of hard to explain but skiing and snowboarding is pretty much like a sport on Earth," Dib began, keeping a straight face as Zim seemed to put on a contemplative look on his face.

Dib figured Zim was trying to get in a comfortable position as he shifted around on his feet, finally folding his arms across his chest and leaning back a bit.

Dib explained to Zim what the sport was about and why humans do this kind of thing during the winter time. He tried to keep it blunt and short but there was so much to tell about the sport that he kept on incessantly talking.

Zim didn't seem to mind either. In fact, the alien kept his eyes staring intently on Dib, leaning forward a bit and antennas perked up as the boy kept talking. Absentmindedly nodding to what Dib had to say about the snow smoothing out as the riding instruments rode along with it or how it would slate up as it went against it.

Once Dib had finished talking, Zim was silent for a moment before releasing the mechanical limbs with a loud metallic ssshhhiiirk and freeing Dib, who jumped at the sudden action of the alien. Dib looked over at Zim apprehensively and straightened out his trench coat. Zim's antennas lay back against his head.

"You seem to know much about this… sport that you humans tend to do. Tell me why you know so much about it, Dib," Zim said as an eye quirked up in puzzlement.

"I…well, I've been snowboarding for a while now so…"

Zim looked at him in a surprised way.

"That's funny. I've never seen you attend to this snowboarding thing."

Dib snorted, now looking irritated.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because a moronic, green infested bug came to my planet and try to conquer it and so I've perhaps been trying to stop this virus from performing any attacks on my people. Does that answer your question?"

His sarcastic remark didn't seem to faze Zim in any way. Instead Zim merely waved his hand moodily in front of Dib's face.

"I don't have time for your stupid jokes, Dib. Zim wants to know when you are attending this winter event again."

Zim did not put it in a questioning form. The demand wasn't surprising to Dib. Surely years of listening to the Irken's silly shouts and demands had made him immune to it.

"Not until I'm sure you're off Earth for good or destroyed, Zim," Dib growled out.

To his surprise, Zim gave a snide smirk. Zim folded his arms across his chest and posed a triumphant look.

"Very well, Dib. If I swear on Irk's good name that I will post pone any contrives to destroy the Earth, will you do me a favor in return?"

The question set Dib off so hard that he had to rerun the question over and over again in his mind to try and make sense of it. He shook his head as if to clear his mind and blinked a few times before finally answering.

"What?" His disbelief tone broke the minutes of silence.

Zim growled. "Are your hearing desks in need of repair, you stupid human? You heard me! Answer my proposition!"

"Yeah, I heard it fine, Zim. I'm just having a hard time actually believing that you are trying to make a truce between us seeing as how we are enemies and all. What, are you trying to become friends with me or something?" Dib's snide remark seemed to bring a flush to Zim's face.

"Don't be ridiculous! Of course we are enemies! The mere thought of us being "friends" is ludicrous! I'm merely offering you a proposition is all! Idiotic human! How dare you reject Zim's request!"

Zim's face seemed to flush more and he was breathing deeply from the angered outburst. Dib covered his ears from the last shout.

"Fine! Just what favor are you offering I do for you?"

"Take me to this ski resort and show me the functions of this sport on your unnecessary fluffy snow. You will show Zim all that you know by basically demonstrating for me," Zim said. Once again, he smirked.

Dib raised a brow. "That's… a very odd favor for me to do for you in exchange for you to not destroy the Earth—"

"I'm merely postponing it, Dib. I never did say I wouldn't… destroy the Earth…" Zim seemed to hesitate at those words and Dib detected a quiver in his voice but it was quickly replaced by a glare set in his direction.

"…okay. That's fine. I get it. But I still don't see how this is an advantage on my behalf." Dib put a fisted hand on his hip.

"You humans are so needy," muttered Zim, once again extracting from out of his PAK another pamphlet that was neatly folded this time. He tossed it at Dib, who caught it without fumbling.

He unfolded the seams of the pamphlet and gazed at the contract in front of him. Before he started reading it, Zim interrupted once again.

"It's a contract that enables us to be in a truce for an extended amount of time. It will expire near the end of this month and between those times while we are set in a truce, my PAK will be re-encoded to upload the information and basically send an amount of painful shocks to my body if I were to try and break the truce.

"My PAK senses the innermost conscious of my mind and can tell if I were to go against the contract. As for you, if you break your word after signing this contract… nothing will happen to you… except for when I hunt you down and torture you to become my Dib slave for revenge. But that is entirely up to you."

Dib instantly regretted coming over to the base today.

"And if I refuse?"

"Who says you have a choice, Dib-thing?"

"You did."


Dib gave Zim a flat stare. Zim had hardly changed at all during these years.

"Why are you even choosing me to teach you?"

"If not you then what other human would I choose? You also have experience in this sport thing so that makes it even more settled."

Dib wasn't sure if to be grateful or disgusted at this.

"You can't force me into this, Zim!"

"Actually I can. Unless you haven't noticed, I have a home field advantage over you. Any weapons you gunna use on me while in my base, hmm, Dib?" Zim smirked.

At those words, Dib felt a pang of uneasiness in the bottom pit of his stomach. Crap. The alien was right. He didn't have any weapons on him and he would be in deep dooky if he didn't agree to the stupid contract. He couldn't believe how idiotic this whole ordeal was. Why would Zim give up trying to destroy the Earth—and for what?—to know the fundamentals of skiing? Dib didn't know just what to do at that moment except stare at Zim with an unyielding stare.

He looked down at the parchment again before looking back up at Zim over the top of his glasses. Zim's eyes narrowed.

Dib closed his eyes and sighed out a deep breath. Finding no other alternative, he sealed his fate without the intention of doing so.


Zim's grin grew so large that it would have reached his ears if he had any. He reached out his arm and pat Dib on the head with a loud smack.

"Very good, Dib-pet. Now, you will sign this treaty that will ensure our short amount of peace until the contract's time limit is broken."

Dib dismissed the odd nickname and snatched the contract away from Zim. He continued to grumble to himself as he searched his pockets for any kind of writing utensil. He glanced towards Zim who was already holding out a pen towards him, a knowing smirk plastered on his face.

Dib snatched that as well and grudgingly signed his name on the underlined blank spot right next to… Dib's eyes widened.

When had Zim signed this? He felt as confused as ever. Just what was Zim planning? Dib's eyes shifted over to Zim who was currently examining his fingers.

Zim must have noticed the hesitant tension because his antennas twitched and his eyes glanced at Dib with a threatening look. Dib shook his head in arrogance and dotted the 'I' on his name before handing back the contract towards the Irken.

Zim stuffed the parchment into his PAK once more and suddenly, as though on cue to break the oncoming silence, a large crash was heard from below. Dib and Zim winced in unison.

"Idiotic robot." Dib heard Zim mumble under his breath.

Zim snapped his attention at Dib and grabbed a hold on Dib's trench coat to start dragging him down below. Dib stumbled and fell onto his back while Zim continued to drag him. Dib protested and thrashed in his grip but Zim's incredible grip on him did not falter in the slightest.

Dib eventually gave up after a few minutes and he heard Zim chuckle to himself. This was new to Dib. He had never heard Zim chuckle or laugh naturally without adding any evil or triumph in it.

This Zim, Dib thought, is rare in a way.

He did not get to manage to dwell on this new piece of information for he was instantly thrown into the freezing snow face first. He jerked up, spluttering out the clumps of snow between coughs. He instantly turned to glare at Zim, who was now leaning against the doorway.

"You will come and see Zim before you leave on this trip. I assure you that I will be ready when the time comes. Don't worry about transportation. Zim has it covered."

With that, he shut the door behind him. Dib raised a brow at this but shook it off as he stood up to wipe the snow off himself.

I can't believe I'm doing a favor for an alien, Dib bitterly thought to himself. But, he admitted, it had its benefits. Soon enough, Dib would be back on Zim's doorstep in a week with his bags and snow gear all packed.

By that day, Dib thought, I hope to be dead.

Unfortunately… he wasn't.

So... there you have it. Don't sue me. I had an idea growing in my head ever since I went snowboarding last year and now I want to make it a reality. :) I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of the epic journey they will take.

This is ZADF, people. I'm trying really hard to keep with characterization but I must warn you that it may change in the near future.

I'm hoping this story will develope into something I will be satisfied with and something you guys will enjoy reading.

Now you should review and tell me what you think. :D