Chapter 5: The rest of eternity


Lily leads me to the tree where we lie down. I cannot keep my eyes away from her, more in fear that she would disappear if I did. She is evidently very young still, no older than sixteen. I remark on her youthful exuberance. She smiles,

'That's because I am Sev. I'm only sixteen.' I look at her in confusion, and she giggles,

'It's not every day that you get the all- knowing Severus confused now is it?' She teases, I give her a look and she laughs,

'Aww, I'm sorry Sev, you're too easy to wind up you know!' I involuntarily smile at her, and she takes it as a sign of victory before she became serious again,

'Ok, now listen Sev! I have to tell you how this is able to work!' I inch closer to Lily and murmur,

'I am listening Lily. Intently.' Her grin broadens,

'Good.' Lily turns onto her stomach and starts fiddling with one of the many daisy's that live under our glorious tree,

'My name is not Lily Potter. And yes before you ask, Lily Potter does exist,' I close my mouth, 'Lily Potter's idea of heaven is with James da-de-da-de-da. I'm Lily Evans, and I come from our fifth year.' I can see Lily slowly inching herself closer to me,

'And, um, my idea of heaven, is um, well, here, under this tree.' I reach out impulsively and stroke her face,

'With me?' I ask, daring not to breath. She nods, and tears well up in her eyes as she holds my hand against her face,

'I couldn't believe it when you called me a mudblood Sev. And it killed me nearly every day when I saw you with your friends. But I forgive you.' Tears stream down her face, 'I forgive you Severus.' She smiles weakly as she cries and goes on,

'As a part of what Lily Potter becomes I was able to see through her all the things you did for her son.' Lily paused for a moment, 'My son,' she paused again. 'Sev if I haven't had him yet, and if I'm not going to is Harry still my son?' She shrugs, 'probably not relevant but anyway. I saw what you did. And I really, really appreciate it, and I know how much it would have hurt you,' I shook my head, tears threatening to spill over,

'I've dreamt of you every night, since you died.' Lily looked at me sadly and grabbed my hand,

'I know,' she whispered. I raised my eyebrows. Did she? She leant forward and whispered, 'I watched your dreams every night Sev. I watched you torment yourself, I watched you shut yourself off to everyone. But it's ok now, you're here. I am not Lily Potter- I am your Lily, Lily Evans.'

I couldn't resist any more; I leant forward and kissed her. As I sat there kissing Lily, I felt a sudden change come over me. I felt extremely hot at first, and then cold. I started to shake and as suddenly as the strange sensation came over me it was gone. Lily opened her eyes and yelled,

'Sev you're young again!' She leapt onto me and attacked me with a huge bear hug like hug. I caught my reflection in the river and was pleased to see that I had the face and look of a sixteen year old. I kissed Lily again, savouring the moment. Once we broke apart, I grinned at her,

'Let's live the life we were always meant to,' Lily grinned,

'Sounds good to me,'

And I was left to eternity in sweet bliss

Lily Potter:

James and I sat there watching a younger version of myself with Sev in a large bubble Dumbledore had conjured up for us. It was strange, seeing him again, but I was happy that he was happy. I knew it would have been torture if I let him into my heaven, an eternity of being reminded that he didn't get the girl he wanted. A part of me from the past is the best I can give Sev. Lily Evans is not me; I was her, but she'll never be me. As confused and conflicted as I feel, I'm sure Lily Evans will keep Sev very happy.

But I still miss him, and I did desperately want to see him one more time. James turns to me and seeing my downtrodden face, put his hand on my shoulder,

'It's better this way Lils. You're both happy.' I turn and bury my face in James chest,

'Not entirely,' I say sadly as the bubble that contains Sev and Lily Evans bounces around my face. James looks at me sadly and kisses the top of my head,

'I love you Lils,' I turn and kiss him back,

'I love you to James,' and you to Sev I thought. In the bubble Severus is leaning towards Lily Evans and is kissing her. I watch entranced as Sev suddenly becomes younger, and Lily Evans- obviously overjoyed then attacks him with a bear hug. I smile, and then I am happy,

My friend has found peace and love finally, and I can live on without guilt.


In case anyone is really confused, Lily has sent her past self to go be with Snape- that way they can both exist for the men that love her,

It was Dumbledore who came up with this idea and suggested it to Lily. In this way he gave Snape his heaven he deserved,

Thankyou to all the people who reviewed and feel free to keep doing so!
