Here it is folks, the sequel to Face Down! As of right now, I'm seeing this story being 3-5 chapters long. Unlike with its predecessor, I will not have an updating schedule. I will update when I have a chapter finished.

Warnings: Abuse, Anal, Angst, M/M, MPreg, RapeFic, Violence, WIP

But they don't apply to this chapter. Here you will find Harry and Draco in domestic situations and small children. ^^

Ron's face reddened in anger the further through the article he got. He didn't want to believe what he was clearly seeing with his own eyes, it was too disgusting. By the time he got to the end, he was visibly shaking.

Harry was going to be marrying Malfoy by the end of the summer and he was pregnant with the Slytherin's spawn already.

"The little slut!" Ron spat, throwing the paper he had snagged from a passing visitor at the opposite wall of his cell. It probably would have burst into flames as well if it weren't for the damn dementor outside the door sucking everything out of him.

At least he was a minimum security prisoner and only had one guarding him instead of five or six like the lifers had. For that he was grateful.

"Harry was mine! I made sure no one else would ever want to touch him. Then fucking Malfoy had to grow a conscience and become Mr. Fucking Helpful." Just like every other day for the past six and a half months, no one responded to his tirade.


16 years later


Draco Malfoy stepped out of the muggle SUV, closing the door and locking the vehicle with a click of the button on the key ring. He twirled the keys on his finger as he headed for the front door of the building he had parked in front of, silently glad he had listened to his husband and gotten his driver's license as well as the shiny, silver car.

When he reached the door, Draco slipped the keys into his pocket as he stepped inside, the building's air conditioning assaulting him immediately.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Malfoy." A very familiar and much hated, falsely cheery female voice said.

The blonde man rolled his eyes but forced a small smile as he turned toward the young woman. "Monica." He said as indifferently as he could.

The obviously bottle-blonde woman came bounding up to him, her breasts bouncing in what was supposed to be an enticing way in a shirt that was much too tight and much too low cut for her job. Honestly, why had Harry hired such a slut to work at a daycare center?

"Harry's almost ready to lock up." She said as she stood far closer to him that what was polite or appropriate for a married man.

"Thanks. If you'll excuse me…" Draco started to walk away when two hands grabbed his arm and the girl pressed herself into his side.

"I've seen the way you look at me." She whispered in a sickly sweet voice and batted eyelashes that were clumped together with way too much mascara.

Draco attempted to tug his arm out of her grip but she was much stronger than she looked. "Monica, I don't know what delusion you're in, but I have never looked at you in any way other than disgust." Her nails dug into his arm as she tightened her hold.

"You don't need to play coy with me anymore. I've caught you looking down my shirt or staring at my arse when I bend over." She breathed over his face. Merlin, the woman needed a mint or a breath freshening charm.

With one good yank, Draco managed to free himself. "First of all, the closest I've ever come to doing either of those things, is staring at you to try and figure out why my husband hired you with the way you dress. Second, the only arse I'm interested in is Harry's. Now if you don't back off and stop flirting with me, I will have you fired." He stated fiercely, pinning her with a deadly glare before stomping away.

"You can't do that." She hissed.

He turned back toward her. "Oh can't I? Harry may run this place, but I own it. All of the papers are in my name because he has absolutely no idea how the business side of it works. I'm the one who makes sure the bills are paid, the taxes get done, and the employees get their paychecks." Draco seethed. "And even if I didn't, one word from me and Harry would gladly fire you."

Monica's reaction was to stand there gaping like a fish.

"This is your last warning. Come on to me again, and you'll be looking for a new job." He threatened in a low voice. Receiving no response, Draco left the lobby through a bright red door.

It took the man about three seconds to go from completely pissed off to happy as clam when the door shut behind him and two voices shouted, "Papa!" A moment later, two small bodies crashed into his legs, nearly knocking him off his feet.

"Lily, Emma, papa needs his legs to walk." Draco said with a chuckle as he attempted to pry a six year old off of each leg.

Two identical pouts were aimed at him. "But we want a ride." They said together.

"I'm sorry girls, but you're just too big for that now." He ruffled their blonde hair. "Where're daddy and your brothers?"

"Daddy and 'liot went potty." Emma replied.

"And we don't know where Scorpius went." Lily added.

"Scorpius is outside." Harry replied with a huff, having walked into the room and heard the end of the conversation. "He decided to leave during lunch when he knew I was shorthanded today because Tammy called in sick. His immediate punishment is cleaning puke off of the slide from a boy that threw up today."

"Scorpy bad." The dark-haired two-year-old on Harry's hip added with a scowl that could rival Draco's.

Draco took Elliot from Harry and balanced him on his own hip. "Scorpy very bad." He said to the small boy. Then he turned an intermediate glare on his husband. "With less than a month until your due date, you know you're not supposed to pick him up anymore."

Harry started to whine. "But—"

"Save it, Harry. He's two with legs that work perfectly fine. You can hold his hand while he walks." Draco stated.

Just then, a door leading outside on the other side of the room was flung open and hit the wall with a loud bang. A raven-haired fifteen year old stomped in and slammed it shut behind him.

"Never make me do that again!" Scorpius spat, dropping a bucket just inside the door. "That was bloody disgusting."

"Not even through with your punishment from before and you're already looking for more trouble?" Draco asked the teenager with a raised eyebrow.

"What? You mean there's more?" He asked incredulously. "I was only gone for two fuc— two hours."

Hands on his hips, Harry said, "One, I told you, you couldn't leave at all today when we got here this morning and two, you left without asking or even telling me you were going. You're grounded for two weeks."

"That's not fair! I didn't want to come here in the first place." Scorpius yelled as he crossed his arms and stamped his foot petulantly.

"You're right. As your parents we made you come here to help you learn responsibility and the value of a sickle. Remember, you don't get an allowance anymore?" Draco asked almost rhetorically.

"Fine. Whatever." The teen sulked.

"I'd tell you to stop acting like a five year old, except your sisters are a year older than that and they never acted this way." The blonde man gestured to the two girls on either side of him that were silently watching their brother dig himself a deeper hole.

"Draco?" Harry asked and suddenly tugged on the man's free arm. "Are you bleeding?"

"Huh?" He turned his arm so he could see what Harry was talking about. "Oh, that…" Draco trailed off and looked as their oldest child. "Take your sisters to the car."

Scorpius just glared at him before looking away.

Draco shifted Elliot to his other hip so he could get the keys out of his pocket. "Scorpius Hyperion, if you don't want those two weeks to turn into a month, I suggest you do as you're told, now." The fifteen year old stomped across the room and yanked the keys from his father's hand.

The boy pocketed the keys and took one of each of his sisters' hands before practically dragging them out the door toward the car.

"What about him?" Harry asked, nodding toward the boy Draco was holding.

"He won't know what we're talking about and he's half asleep anyway."

"All right then, why are you bleeding?" Harry asked as he pulled out his wand to heal the small wounds.

"It was that bitch, Monica. I told you she has some weird obsession with me and she thinks I'm the one trying to sleep with her. I informed her that if she does anything like that again, she's fired." Draco explained.

"No." Harry stated. "She's fired now. I'll let her know tomorrow." He turned and waddled out the door to let Draco know that was the end of it.

"Harry, the healer told you to stop working two weeks ago and to take it easy." The blonde said as he followed him out the door.

"Well pardon me for enjoying my job." Harry huffed as he attempted to stomp his away across the lobby but couldn't quite manage it due to the extra weight he was carrying on his front.

Checking his hold on Elliot, Draco hurried to catch up to Harry and followed him out the door. The building now empty, Harry stuck a key in the lock and turned it. Then he glanced around and surreptitiously pulled out his wand to cast a few locking charms on the door.

Once that task was completed, Harry put his wand away and continued to the car.

"Harry, are you going to keep working or are you going to stay home like you're supposed to?" Draco asked as they walked.

With a sigh, Harry stopped and turned toward his persistent husband. "I'm going to work to—"

"Harry…" Draco warned.

"Shh! Listen, I'm going to work tomorrow to fix the scheduling to make up for me and Monica no longer being there. I'll come home as soon as I'm done and then I'll take maternity leave. Happy?" Harry exasperatedly explained.

Draco smiled, wrapped his free arm around Harry's shoulders, and pulled him in for a quick kiss. "Very." He stated semi-smugly. They then took the last few steps to the car, Harry opening up the rear passenger side door so that Draco could put a sleeping Elliot in his car seat.

In the car, Scorpius was sitting in the other middle row seat and the twins were seated in the back row, buckled into their booster seats.

As he was buckling the small boy in, Draco noticed his t-shirt was sticking to him and his skin was shiny with sweat, despite the fact that they had previously been in an air-conditioned building and were now in an air-conditioned car.

"Harry, does he feel warm to you?" Draco asked after feeling Elliot's forehead.

Having been halfway in the car, Harry pulled his leg back out and shut the passenger door. He leaned into the back seat once Draco was out of the way and put his hand on the toddler's forehead.

"He does." Harry replied as the small boy's mouth opened in a cough. "Now that I think about it, he was around Zachary, the boy who threw up, a lot today."

"Perfect, just perfect." The blonde mumbled as he shut the door and headed around to the other side.

Ordinarily, the drive home took fifteen minutes, but with a little magical help, they arrived in half the time.

After turning off the vehicle, Draco handed the keys to Scorpius. "Unbuckle your brother for me, take Lily and Emma inside, and all of you start getting ready to go." He softly ordered.

As those three climbed out of the car, Draco leaned toward the passenger seat and gently shook Harry's shoulder. "Wake up, love. We're home." Harry gave a soft snore before trying to snuggle further into his seat. "Harry." He said a little louder and shaking him a little harder.

"Draco," Harry whined, "I'm trying to sleep."

"I could leave you here, but I think you'll be really sore by the time you wake back up." Draco said with a small smirk.

Harry suddenly jerked before blinking his eyes open with a yawn. "I fell asleep that quickly?"

"Quicker than you think, I took the "fast" way home." His husband explained. He then gave Harry a quick kiss before getting out.

Once in the house, Draco, followed by Harry, took Elliot to his room to put him in bed. When the boy was settled, Harry used a charm to check his temperature and a moment later, a green wispy number appeared above his head.

"100.3" Harry said out loud. "Well, we're certainly not going to be able to find a babysitter on such short notice." He whispered as they left the room, partially closing the door behind them.

"You know, we could just give him a potion to clear it right up, Harry." Draco said as they walked toward the kitchen.

Harry sighed. "Yeah, I know. But I'd much rather give him regular cold or flu medicine and let it run its course to help build up his immune system. It's not good to just rely on potions or spells to fix everything."

"Any suggestions for babysitters then?" The blonde man asked as he filled a kettle and set it on the stove while Harry sat at the kitchen table.

"No." Harry replied through a yawn. When Draco turned around, it was to see Harry with his eyes closed and his head propped up on his hand.

"Harry." Draco said with a soft sigh. He received a hum in response. "I know you're practically the guest of honor, but why don't you just stay home?" He asked.

Green eyes cracked open to look at his husband leaning against the counter across from him. "I can't do that; I'm supposed to give a speech." He mumbled.

"You're exhausted and someone needs to stay home with Elliot. I think they'll understand. Besides, I can speak for you." The slightly older man explained as he walked forward and leaned down so that his head was next to Harry's.

"Fine." Harry pouted and closed his eyes again as the kettle began to whistle.

Draco pecked him on the lips. "Good. Now, I'm going to have a cup of tea before getting in the shower and by the time I'm out, I want to see you in bed." He said as he pulled the kettle off the stove and began making his drink. "Do you want some?"

Harry yawned. "Not right now. But could you make me a cup and put a warming charm on it for later?" He asked, gazing sleepily up at the blonde man.

"Of course, love." Said blonde replied, turning his head to give him a smile. After so many years living with Harry, Draco had become less dependant on magic and actually did little things himself, such as making tea.

Groggily, Harry watched as Draco made the two cups and then sat at the table to drink his own. A few minutes later, the blonde was finished and put the used cup in the sink to be washed later.

"Remember, in bed before I'm out of the shower." He reminded Harry before bending down to give him a quick kiss.

Harry sat up in his seat and lifted his arms toward Draco. "Carry me?" He asked with an adorable pout. Draco rolled his eyes in a playful manner but scooped the slightly younger man out of the chair, nonetheless.

One long hallway later and Draco was entering their bedroom with a half unconscious Harry in his arms. He set the raven-haired man on his feet on the correct side of the bed before helping him out of his clothes. A minute later and he was in bed wearing nothing but boxers.

"Well, since you'll probably be asleep by the time I'm out, I love you and I'll see you when we get home." Draco said quietly as he laid a hand over Harry's sheet covered belly.

"I love you, too." Harry murmured sleepily. With one last kiss, Draco headed for the adjoined bathroom.

I would like to thank all of you for reading this as well as those who reviewed the epilogue to Face Down. I still plan on the Random Moments story but two of the stories I originally said would be in it, won't be because I forget what they were supposed to be. I won't tell you which ones though just in case something comes to mind.

Also, as many of my Naruto fans now know, I have a Facebook page just to let you guys know what's going on. You can use the link on my profile or you can type nekluvshp into the search bar, at which point you'll have to click see results. I'll be the first one!