Sorry for the long wait guys. Hope this chapter makes up for it.

That night Chibs sat with Brianna and held her close as she cried. Having gone through losing his daughter to another man, he knew what kind of pain she was fighting. How a woman could try to take away her granddaughter for their mother was beyond him. When he tried to stand up just to get her a glass of water, she clung tighter to him, showing him that there was a very slim chance that he would be able to leave her that night. That action alone made it very clear she couldn't be left alone.

He settled back on the couch, allowing her to rest her head on a pillow he placed in his lap. They talked some more about Joe and what went wrong. Chibs soon realized that the problem wasn't that Joe was an asshole, but rather that he never defended her to his parents, never opened up to his platoon about his family life. But the hardest thing she was still wrestling with was her blaming him for dying. She knew it wasn't his fault and so part of her was upset with herself for being upset with Joe and the other was upset with Joe, not for dying, but for not at least talking about his daughter who adored every little thing about the man that she maybe saw a total of fourteen-months.

A sigh from Brianna pulled Chibs out of his thoughts. He looked down at the woman who was slowly melting the ice cage around his heart. His hand was running through her hair as he stared out the window. The sun was starting to rise and he knew that he better get going so he could get his pack set up for the trip to her mother's house. He slowly lifted her head from his lap and stood up. He gently set her head back on the couch and walked into the kitchen to find a note pad and pen. He wrote down a quick little message letting her know where he was and his phone number. He placed it on the coffee table by the couch and grabbed his helmet, heading for the door. He looked back at her one more time, and realized that Jax was right. She was off limits to everyone, but him.

As he walked to his bike he pulled out his phone and call his VP.


"Sorry, man. I know it's early, but I wanted to check and see if you got my text from last night? I'm headin out in a few hours with Bri to go get her daughter," Chibs sat on his bike, pulling his kutte on as he held the phone to his ear.

"Yeah, I'll pick up Op with the van and then meet you at Brianna's house. It's Chibs, he needs help getting Brianna's daughter from her parents house."

"What's that Jaxie boy?"

"Sorry, man, the wife was asking who I was talkin to. What time you want Op and I at Brianna's?"

"Gotcha. Meet me there in an hour?"

"Sounds good man. See ya then."

"See ya." Chibs shut the phone and slid it into the holster on his hip before kick starting his bike. He took off down the street and by passed his place and headed to the club. He had a pack in his room that he kept ready incase there was ever an emergency run anywhere.

Brianna woke up with the morning sun shining in her face. She stretched out before sitting up and listening to see if Chibs was in the bathroom. With no sounds going on in the house she realized that he had left. She slowly stood up, testing her balance before heading to her room to get dressed. As she went to walk around the coffee table to turn the stereo on first she saw Chibs' note.

Bri Darlin' just heading to the clubhouse to get my pack and get a shower in. Don't worry about breakfast; I'll bring you some coffee and a slice of coffee cake. Jax & Opie may get there before me. –Chibs

Brianna smiled as she thought about their kiss and how sweet he was being. She honestly expected him to become distant after hearing about her daughter and the drama that was her life before moving to San Joaquin County. Checking her watch she realized she had to hurry or she would be holding everyone up. She pressed play on her stereo and headed to the bathroom as she stripped. She pulled her hair out the high messy bun after turning the shower on and as Oh My God by Pink started playing loud enough to be heard over the spray of the shower she started to sing along.

Put me on the table
Make me say your name
If I can't remember
Then give me all your pain
I can sit and listen
Or I can make you scream
Kiss it and make it better
Just put your trust in me

The bathroom was feeling with steam as she did a little shimmy listening to the song and washing out the soap. While applying a generous amount of Midnight Pomegranate she recalled the way Chibs lips felt on hers and it sent shivers down her spine. She realized that she wanted to feel his hands rubbing the soap onto her wet body instead of hers.

Oh my God, go a little slower
Oh my God, what was that again
La da da, let me feel you baby
Let me in, 'cause I understand
Let me feel you baby
'Cause I understand
I understand all
Now climb my sugar walls
Problem solved it's dissolved
with the solvent known as spit

She slowly rinsed her body of the fragrant soap before picking up her razor and shaving her legs until they were smooth to the touch. Going over her legs two times. She continued to sing along with the song, not hearing Chibs calling her name as he walked into the house. As he turned from the door he got a clear view into the shower stall and his jaw dropped as he watched her rinse the conditioner from her hair and listened to her sing.

Lickity lick not so quick it's a
Slick ride make my mink slide
'Cause were all pink inside
This can be really easy
It doesn't have to be hard
Here baby let me show you
I'll have ya, climbing up the walls
You got all the problems
I think that I can solve
Why don't you come in here baby
Why don't we sit and talk

Chibs could feel his jeans grow tighter as he watched the water flow down her back and her plump ass. When she turned and let the waterfall onto her face, he let out a low moan as he watched the force of the water make her nipples harden. He tried to tear his eyes away, but he had never seen anything so beautiful.

Oh my God, let me feel you baby Oh my God, go a little slower
Oh my God, what was that again
La da da, let me feel you baby
Let me in, 'cause I understand
Let me feel you baby
'Cause I understand Oh my God, go a little slower
Oh my God, what was that again
La da da, let me feel you baby
Let me in, 'cause I understand
Let me feel you baby
'Cause I understand Oh my God, go a little slower
Oh my God, what was that again
La da da, let me feel you baby
Let me in, 'cause I understand
Let me feel you baby
'Cause I understand

Just as he was going to turn his back to give her some privacy and lock the door to keep the other men from seeing his goddess he caught sight of a tattoo just above her ass on the right side. It wasn't on her hip but it wasn't on her ass either, it was kind of centered between the two areas. What he expected was for it to be a pink butterfly or a heart, but as he focused on it more he realized that it was a skull and cross bones with a snake crawling through the eye sockets and mouth with a wilted rose lying under it.

You like the top and the bottom
You make a drop and then caught 'em
And when you rock then you've got 'em
Oh my God 'em oh my God 'em
Let me feel you baby
Cause I understand
You like the top and the bottom
You make a drop and then caught 'em
And when you rock then you've got 'em
Oh my God 'em oh my God 'em
Let me feel you baby cause
I understand

I understand
Now let me show you were to put that hand
My little red engine says I think I can I think I can
I got your coochie coo
How 'bout you
I got your coochie coo too

Oh my god 'em Oh my god 'em Oh my god 'em

As the music stopped Chibs opened and shut the door again and called out, "Bri, I'm back." He was hoping not to scare her. "Okay, babe. Be right out, I'm in the shower." She pushed the shower curtain open and looked out and saw a view of him taking a deep breath before walking into her kitchen to put down the coffee and bag holding the coffee cake slices. She knew that if she had a perfect view of him, that he had a perfect view of her. The water started cool down, which was her cue it was time to get out. As she was drying off she realized that she didn't mind Chibs seeing her naked in the shower and that she wouldn't mind him sharing her shower.