Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia and all that other stuff I'm suppose to type here.

Chapter Rating: T+. Aww, Gilbert and Lovino, how we all love your interesting choice of words.

A/N: I know this chapter is all over the place, but I feel bad for not giving you guys anything since September. Bear with me.

Translations: Sorry, I got lazy this time around.

Chapter 4

At some point in our lives, whether it has happened yet, or not; we have all been, or will be stood up. Whether it was by a date, or your study group; being stood up is not a joyful experience. Especially, if it was a date . . .

Or, as Arthur calls it, a meeting. Not in any way resembling a date. Even though, it is.

"I am already here, you frog! Where the hell are you?" asked an irriated Arthur while he tap his right foot quickly and violently, while looking down at his wrist watch. "I have been here for a good hour. Are you coming, or not?"

The said frog on the other side of line, violently looked up from his work to a clock on a nearby wall. The hands on the little Felix the cat clock read 4:21.

It was not exactly late by his- French terms, Francis was only a good half an hour late. So, with a shrug Francis turned his attention back to his work, finalizing the design he was working on.

"Frog, are you there?"

"Oui, I will be there in about cinq minuts. Please be patient till I arrive." And, with that, Francis hung up the phone before Arthur could even comment.

'Damn frog!' thought Arthur a few moments after he recovered from the shock of being hung up on.

No one in the whole world has ever done that Arthur Kirkland. Well, besides his brothers, mother, father, grandparents, Alfred, Ludwig . . . . . That's besides the point, Arthur does not like being hung up on, not one little bit.

With a huff, Arthur stood up from his seat dropping it in the process. Though, before he managed to do anything else, the owner of the cute, little Lithuanian-French cafe, was standing by Arthur's table.

"Does there seem to be a problem, sir?" asked the owner with a worried look upon his face.

Suddenly, a deep blush of embarrassment appeared on Arthur's face while he stood where he was, his hands were still on the table from what he could see, since he was looking directly down.

"U-um . . . N-no." stuttered Arthur as he absent minded sat down, before he remembered that he had knocked down his chair just moments before. 'Shit, this going to hurt.'

Arthur braced himself for the fall, only to feel that he buttocks landed on something soft. So, opening his eyes, Arthur looked down to see that he landed on the chair from earlier and not on the ground. 'How the bloody hell?' asked Arthur to himself. Only to hear an annoying French accented voice.

"Mon cheri, that was a close one."

'Of course, it would be because of him.' Arthur silently cursed.

"Hey, you could at least thank Francis!" shouted a voice, as Arthur was violently turned around only to be faced with an albino.

'A German albino?' Arthur asked himself while looking at Francis' friend with wide eyes.

"Mon ami, calm down." said Francis as he came to Arthur's rescue form Gilbert's wrath, slowly taking Gilbert's hands away from Arthur's chair, while getting closer to Gilbert's ear. "Besides, wouldn't you rather be with your Lithuanian friend?"

"Ja." Gilbert said after a few moments of tense silence. After which, Gilbert turned his attention to the Lithuanian that he had met less than a day ago.

"Guten tag." said Gilbert as he reached the confused Lithuanian owner from the night before. Mind you, Toris is not easily confused, but considering the events that he had just witnessed, who wouldn't be confused.

Though, just when Gilbert rested his right arm around the Lithuanian's shoulders, the Lithuanian snapped out of his hazy confusion and turned his attention back to Arthur. Shrugging Gilbert off in the process, thus earning a frown from Gilbert, who then turned his piercing red eyes at Arthur.

"Sir, are you sure that you are alright?" asked the owner worriedly.

Arthur himself has still not come out of his hazy confusion, so he did not answer right away. Which worried Toris to no end.


"Earth to Arthur~" sang Francis while he moved a hand in front of Arthur's face; after seeing that Gilbert's new friend was getting awfully worried.

And, at the sound of Francis' voice, Arthur snapped out of his haze into a new found anger.

"Stop that, you git!" Arthur shouted as he slapped Francis' hand away. After feeling quite satisfied with himself, Arthur realized that he was being stared at by the owner of the cafe, who once again had a worried, yet confused look upon his face.

His embarrassed blush appeared upon his face again, "S-sorry about that . . . Er." stuttered out Arthur.

The owner immediately stepped out of his confused state into his business state. "Toris Laurinaitis." Toris said with a smile as he held out his hand to Arthur, who took it without hesitation.

"Arthur Kirkland."

After finally breaking the handshake, Gilbert took this opportunity to interrupt and take his new 'friend' away. "Gut, I am going to take Toris and sit on the other side of the cafe." And, with that, Gilbert was pulling Toris along with him to the back of the cafe, near the kitchen entrance.

"Feliks, would you please take the orders for a while?" asked the Lithuanian order, as he was dragged past the cash register, where his Polish friend was busily looking at a fashion magazine while blowing a bubble with his gum, which popped when he nodded at his friend's request.

"Like, I guess, I have to." murmured Feliks with a slight smile upon his face as he saw his best friend with the new customer. After several moments, Feliks sighed, and then continued to tighten his apron and did what Toris requested him to do. Take orders!

With a quick sweep around the room, Feliks saw that the little cafe was not as busy as it was other days. Toris was at the back table, and the other couple in the cafe at the moment were the two that had just caused a commotion just a few moments ago.

With a shrug, Feliks went to that couple's table first.

"Like, are you guys read-" Feliks suddenly cut himself off when he got a good look at Francis. "Oh, my god, are you Francis Bonnefoy?!" squealed Feliks, interrupting the staring contest between Francis and Arthur.

At the new found intrusion, Francis broke eye contact with Arthur and gave Feliks a smile.

"Why, yes I am. And, to what do I own pleasure of you knowing my name?" Francis said smoothly, earning him another squeal from Feliks.

"Like, I'm totally your biggest fan. I cannot wait till your line comes out!" Feliks said quickly, Arthur barely understood what he was saying. Though, by this point in Francis' career, anything that comes out of a fan's mouth is as clear as crystal. That, and besides he had a pretty good guess what the Polish man had just said.

"That is wonderful. Though, before we continue any further, may you tell me your name?" Francis said while he got out of his seat into a kneel, taking the Pole's hand and giving it a kiss.

To put it in the most basic terms what had happened next . . . . Feliks fainted. Toris apologize profusely. Now Eduard, Toris' younger brother, was taking orders. And, three more couples and one alone had walked in during these events. Feel free to guess.

"Um, Heracles, can we have lunch elsewhere?" asked Kiku as he noticed that the cafe that Heracles was leading to had quite a commotion inside.

"If, it's too crowded for you, we can always go my hotel room and order there." offered Heracles.

"This is fine." answered Kiku with a blush appearing upon his face. To say the least, Heracles had some kind of an affect on the younger Japanese man, and being alone with him would only make matters worst.

"Alright." nodded Heracles.

By then, both had been seated by very level headed, Eduard, away from all the commotion. So, Kiku did not see that Arthur was in the cafe as well.

Within moments, thanks to Eduard, both Heracles and Kiku had their drinks and were quite comforable in the other's presence to say the least.

"So . . ." started Heracles, testing the waters to see if Kiku was calm. Kiku only sightly acknowledged Heracles' testing, so Heracles figured it best time than any.

"Kiku, aren't you going to interview me?" asked Heracles slowly snapping Kiku out of his thoughts, but him asking had the opposite reaction Heracles was hoping for . . . Kiku, began to panic.

"So, how old are you Karpusi-san?" asked Kiku after he managed to take out a pen and a notepad.

Though, before he noticed, Heracles placed his hand over Kiku's, giving him another embarrassed blush.

"Please," Heracles used his other hand to bring up Kiku's head with his chin, making sure that he had eye contact. "Call me Heracles."

"H-hai." Kiku murmured, turning more red by the moment.

Kiku remained in a shock for a few more moments, not even noticing that Heracles was not touching him anymore. "Twenty-seven."

Kiku immediately snapped out of his daze and went into business mode. "Your birthday." asked Kiku, trying to his gaze down at what he was writing, and not look up at Heracles' eyes.

"March third."

Another scribble. "Tell me a bit about you-" Kiku was cut off with Heracles putting his finger in front of his mouth.

"It's my turn, Kiku." Heracles stated with a small smile, after which, he got a small nod from Kiku.

"How old are you?"


"Your birthday?"

"February eleventh." answered Kiku with no hesitation, but now with a smile in his eyes. "Now, may you tell me your life's story?" asked Kiku.

"Hmm . . ." Heracles pondered for a few moments before shaking his head, earning a frown from Kiku.

"Why not?"

"Everything else you want to know, is pay-per-view. The payment are made dates, every time you agree to go out with me." stated Heracles.

"Karp-, I mean, Heracles, you must understand that I am on a tight schedule, I must have your interview done by Wednesday." Kiku explained, getting a little more nervous with every word.

"Only two more dates. One later today over dinner, and tomorrow after my fashion show."

"I don't know . . ." replied Kiku with unease. Heracles' plan did indeed give him plenty of time to do his work. But, he already felt strange around the Grecian.

"I can always refuse to answer any more questions." Heracles stated with a serious look, earning a even more panic reaction from Kiku.

"What time tonight?!"

After the second commotion at the Lithuanian cafe was over, two Italian brothers and their dates had walked into the cafe to be promptly served by the Estonian waiter.

But, just like Arthur, all these new customers had different views of their so-called dates.

To the Spaniard and younger Italian of the group, it was in fact a date. To the serious German, it was simply a meeting. To the older Italian, it was torture.

"Vee~ Ludwig, do you know Antonio?" asked preppiest of the group.

"Nein," answered Ludwig before he gave a curt nod to Antonio, in turn getting a smile from the Spaniard.

After a few moments of awkward silence due to the two smiling idiots, I mean, cuties. Ludwig cleared his throat.

"So, if you guys do not mind, may we start the interview?"

"The faster the better." Lovino answered bitterly.

"I would love to hear more about you two~" Antonio said with another huge smile, choosing to ignore Lovino's comment.

"Vee~ You got the okay." Feliciano smiled.

"Ja . . ." Ludwig nodded after he placed his notepad in front of him and got his pen for his coat pocket.

"When are your birthdays?" Start off easy first.

"March seventeenth." replied Feliciano.

Hearing no incoming answer from Lovino, Ludwig went promptly to the next question. "How old are the both of you?"

"Twenty." Feliciano answered cheerily.

"Twenty-two." Lovino answered

"So, the two of you aren't twins?: asked Ludwig after writing down their respective ages, he was quite confused considering how alike they both looked.

"No, you imbecile, if we were twins, do you think we would be the same age?" Lovino yelled.

"But, you have the same birthdays, I only assumed . . ." Ludwig tried to explain himself, though like everyone else before him, trying to explain themselves to Lovino was a lost cause.

"Then, how can the two of you have the same birthdays?" asked Antonio, thus redirecting the glare of Lovino from Ludwig to him.

"Like I know!" shouted Lovino.

"I know~" piped Feliciano. "I was born about a month late, and Lovino was born a few months early and it just so happened we have the same birthdays." explained Feliciano, with his huge smile still lingering on his face.

'That explains it. . .' thought Ludwig to himself while he wrote down his new found knowledge.

Before, Ludwig could ask his next question, Lovino's phone rang. So, with a curse in Italian, Lovino answered it without even excusing himself. To say the least, the people at the table, mainly Ludwig, experienced an awkward moment since the conversation was all in Italian.

With another apparent curse, Lovino snapped his phone closed and stood up from his seat. "Feli, we have to go now, those stupid imbeciles lost some of our designs."

"Aww, do we both have to go?"

"Si, I'm not redrawing all of them by myself." answered Lovino as he walked out the cafe's door.

Feliciano gave a quick look between the German and Spaniard and apologized. "Sorry, but I guess we have to go." With a kiss on both their cheeks, Feliciano stood up to leave.

"Nice seeing you Antonio~" Antonio simply nodded with a smile. "And, Ludwig, we should go out later tonight!" And, with that Feliciano quickly followed where his brother went. "Call me~"

'Is this what they called being stood up?' wondered Ludwig with a sign. "Antonio, let me pay this time around." Ludwig said before he took out wallet, since he figures that this won't be the first, or last time dealing with the Italian brothers.

"That sure was eventful." laughed a deep, German accented voice as the owner simply took a seat next to his so called date.

"A little too much." replied the Lithuanian, trying to stop the Prussian's advances.

"So, Toris . . ." started Gilbert, a little bit shyly.

"Is anything the matter Gilbert?" asked the Lithuanian with a kind expression on his face. It would be an understatement to say that Gilbert was not affected by the Lithuanian's charms.

"About last night . . .I'm sorry it got a little out of hand." apologized Gilbert, if Antonio, or Francis were paying attention to their albino friend, they would probably be recording this, since Gilbert never apologizes. People apologize to Gilbert, even if it's Gilbert's fault.

Toris simply gave Gilbert a kind smile as he noted the slight blush upon the Prussian's cheeks. "Do not worry about it. Both of you were a bit drunk, so it was simply the alcohol doing it's work."

"I guess, but . . ." Gilbert was going to say something heartfelt, but like the night before, a certain Russian came and took a seat on the other side of Toris.

"Ah, Toris it is so wonderful to see you again~" Ivan greeted after he gave Toris a small hug with his left arm.

'DAMN, cockblocker!' cursed Gilbert giving his best death glare towards the Russian intruder.

"Hello, Ivan, it is nice to see you too." greeted Toris with another smile, this time directed towards Ivan instead of Gilbert.

For the next few moments, the silence between the three became more intense then the fight from the night before. Luckily, for our dear little Toris, Feliks decided to wake up from his faint spell.

"Toris, Feliks is awake now." called out Eduard from the kitchen.

"Coming." called back Toris, slowly getting up from the Prussian and the Russian. "I'll be back as soon as I can." And, with that, Toris went back into the kitchen.

Now, both men had a chance to glare at each other without the Lithuanian between them.

"What's your fuckin' deal?" asked Gilbert, none the too nicely.

"I should be saying that to you." Ivan gave an evil grin. "I hope you realize that Toris is mine." Ivan stated.

"Since when?" scoffed Gilbert, "I don't see him giving you attention."

"But, he still isn't giving you all of his attention." stated Ivan.

That was it. Gilbert finally blew up a fuse. "Damn, COMMIE!" shouted Gilbert.

"Please, you're Prussian apparently, East Germany ring any bells?" laughed Ivan.


"At least, I have one." Ivan said with another laugh, slightly staring down at where Gilbert's was suppose to be.

By this point, Gilbert was blushing with anger and embarrassment, but he made no more comebacks, which only gave Ivan more layaway.

But, before he could say anymore, Ivan looked behind Gilbert only to see a certain Lithuanian frowning at the both of them.

"Toris, back so soon?" Ivan commented with a childish smile.

"I have the half the mind to kick the both you out this instance." Toris said with his arms crossed. When someone takes this stance, it can only mean that the person means business. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't."

Quickly, both Ivan and Gilbert gave each other a fearful stare, and then redirected back at Toris. Though, Toris' stance only made them think how cute he was, and not how he angry at the both of them. So, as absentmindedly as usual, Gilbert said the first thing that came to mind.

"You're fuckin' hot." Gilbert quickly covered his mouth with his hands. At least, his comment made Toris blush a little, Toris immediately turned his attention to Ivan, who is now experiencing the same side effects as Gilbert. But, unlike Gilbert, he does not say whatever is on his mind.

"I believe, what my comrade is trying to say is that, we both want a chance." Ivan stated clearly before looking away from Toris and Gilbert with a blush beginning to form.

After a few seconds with the childish silence, Toris gave a sigh.

"I understand, but if the both of you a chance, you have to prove to me that you earn that chance." Toris started to say, but thought against it and went with the simpler way, "I'm hard to get." Toris said a smile, which in turn, earned him a smirk from the other two men.

"It's barely three, and I'm already tired. . ." complained a certain Brit while he put some sugar into his tea.

"I'm sorry about that, mon cheri. Do you wish to move this interview to another time?" asked Francis, seeing that the Englishman looked quite tired.

"Does dinner sound good?" asked Arthur before taking his tea to his lips.

"Oui, I need to finalize some of my designs before six tonight, so dinner would work greatly in my favor."

"What time?"

"At cix heures." answered Francis.

"Where at?"

"Here." answered Francis while he took out a pen from his coat pocket and wrote on Arthur's notepad.

Reviewer's Responses:

MDWOLFGIRL – It only proves how close they are.

Ayanami-verloren – Isn't the makeup always the cause of the downfall on a secret mission? And, I absolutely love your analogy there! I never thought of it that way, I just really wanted Francis to be as cheesy as my bf.

Dawnstar94 – You forgot? T~T . . . Jk, I can be absent minded too, but I'm worst because I never remember the title of the fanfics I enjoyed and most of the time I can never find them again. Every reader is important, if you pay no heed to them, then sometimes you cannot possibly get better at writing, or listening. Well, that's my take on it anyways.

XXForestStarXX – Thank you~! And, what Francis has planned is an absolute secret . . . Mainly because I'm haven't thought it all the way through yet!

Francey-pants98 – Glad you enjoy all of them, and honestly, I just can't decide between Russia and Lithuania or Prussia and Lithuania. . . . So, I just go back and forth between them. Same with Greece x Japan, or Turkey x Greece or Netherlands x Japan . . . . I should really stop now . . . Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. But, I personally hate fanfics that show Lithuania as spineless. I know I kinda do that, but that is how I develop his character. Come on, he was the largest country in Europe for a time that has to count for something!

Been a busy few months, I've applying to as many scholarships as I can, as well as universities. FUN FACT: I went the National FFA Convention in October, if you know of anyone that went, I was probably the California person everyone was taking pictures of with my jacket since I was the only California one they could find~ The trip also included a trip to NYC! I fell in love with the East Coast, I'll tell ya~ The people are so much nicer than over here!

In other news, I made a tumblr and lj account: sky65melody. I don't know what to post there, so any ideas? Also, I need people to talk to, getting a bit bored of so many applications.