I listened to Hiding my Heart Away by Adele whilst writing some of this. Methinks it applies. Enjoy (:

He stood in front of her, and behind her nothing but a long stretch of depthless water. She didn't dare move because now it was a matter of which she feared more. She couldn't swim, for this she blamed her twin Melanie. After years of Melanie earning medals and trophies from her swimming competitions, their mother finally turned to Sam and suggested that maybe she should learn. And just for that, out of anger, Sam decided not to.

And then there was Freddie. She didn't ever want to say she was afraid of him, but he was her kryptonite. Not in the mushy made-her-heart-melt kind of way, but in the way she lost control. She did things around him whether she wanted to or not, and then she spent a ridiculous amount of time rethinking everything through. She wanted again and again to proclaim that he wasn't worth it, yet she couldn't stop.

He took a step towards her, and her body repulsed him like a magnet only to soon regret it as she fed herself to the sea. She fought a useless fight and her body went limp. Though she couldn't separate tear from seawater, she knew she was crying, but not from her dying body. She cried because of what he did to her. He hadn't technically touched her, but she felt like he'd pushed her in; he'd finally taken his long-coming revenge. She tried to apologize but it was too late now; she choked on her words as her lungs filled up with water and regret.


She woke up and yelled as loud as she could. Not because she was scared that she died in her dream, but to give herself that power. He made her cry, true it was only a dream but still. Sam, real or subconscious, did not cry for a boy. Especially not for a Fredward.

A nurse rushed into her room, "Do you need something, Sam?"

"I NEED A FREAKIN' QUESADILLA. And your pillows are jank!" She was yelling absolute nonsense, but she was yelling, and the nurse was scared. That was good enough for her, Sam felt powerful.

The nurse returned with her demands and then some, "I have a message here for you from a Freddie?"

Sam's shoulders dropped, her power quickly dwindled. "…How?"

"I guess he called last night. Do you want it?"

She stared blankly, "No."

"Would you like me to read it to you?"


"Do you want—"

"GET OUT!" She roared, making the nurse scramble off dropping the note. Sam stared at it like a tumor. She stepped towards it and carefully opened it. In the darkness, her eyes had to refocus to be able to see the writing but she didn't give them the time to do so as she ripped it apart to pieces. He wasn't going to win her over, not that easily.


She dug, deeper and deeper. She knew the sandbox would eventually reach an end yet she kept digging. Once she reached this anticipated end, she let the note she'd ripped up and refused to read trickle in. She sat, covered in mud, nibbling on a peanut until she was nibbling on her own muddy fingers. She threw the peanut shells into the hole, and then covered it all up.

Still she sat and stared. It wasn't happening; she knew it wouldn't happen immediately but she'd been digging in the mud for nearly an hour now. Her fingernails filled with mud she was too lazy to take care of, her stomach disapproved of the two bags of peanuts she'd demolished, but the one thing she wanted to fix still felt broken. Her mind still ran circles and her heart sat heavily with no plan of improvement.

She'd liked Freddie for a while now, she knew that. But at the time it was something she could hide and ignore. With their kiss she felt exposed, almost as if she had stood naked in front of him. Even that she would have rather done—she could still kick ass with or without clothes. But her heart was her weakest organ despite the irony that it was the one that kept her alive. She'd shown him her heart, her life organ; she'd let him in, and hidden under all that mud was his response to that. She didn't want to think of the terrible things he could have said. Freddie would find his own way to turn her down and ruin her world as if he was her world.

No. Nothing was her world, nothing meant that much to her. Attachment only made it harder to let go and she knew she constantly needed to let go of people. Nonetheless, she stayed next to her pile of mud, peanuts, and ripped pieces of heartbreak and was exasperated when it started to rain, turning it into an undecipherable mess. She sadly lay down next to her creation.

He had her heart. He had her life. She was attached.

Another short one, I know. I sowy. Also, I apologize it took so long, I just started school. But this will all be over sooooon. Review (: xoxCamy