My sincerest apologies for anyone and everyone waiting for me to update. I've just hit that age where I'm entering University and it's overwhelmed me because I've also moved out on my own for the first time.

And I jinxed myself saying I would update more.

So here's my solution for a writers block.


But not just any drabbles, drabbles prompted by my most faithful readers. So, if you find your name on this list, gimme a review with a Neji pairing and a prompt and I'll see what I can do. Also give me any special dates (birthday etc) and I'll give you a shout out for that too.

So, my most faithful first:

At the Top of the List





Eternal Shadow Goddess!





After these nine people have gotten their rewards for sticking with me, the first person to review with an acceptable prompt will get a short fic. Please be a little specific, like a kink or a song name or something for me to work with (poems etc)

With all my love
