AN: I am a long time reader but first time writer. I don't even know how to upload my story properly. Please be gentle with me. You are welcome to point out any mistake that I might have made. Reviews would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Standing at the edge of the high cliff of Ipswich, I was recalling all the memories I had of the life I led in this small town. I was recalling those poisonous memories so that I wouldn't feel any hesitation when I jump off the cliff and end my miserable life for good.

The duration of my stay in Ipswich wasn't very long compared to the people's I associated with since I started living here. I had moved to Massachusetts from India almost two years ago when I was just fifteen. It was the first time for me actually. Never had I before moved out of my homeland to go to abroad. At that time, I was quite excited at the thought of all the adventures I would get to experience. However, in the very beginning I was a little disappointed that I wouldn't be living in cities like New York or Hollywood. Those were the places I had heard so much about, not Ipswich. But then again it didn't really matter to me at all. Because I knew that one day I would go there.

Little did I know back then, that I'd never visit those places? I obviously had a reason that made me want to commit suicide and die so willingly. It all started when I moved here.

I should tell you who I am first before sharing my story. My name is Rayna. Without any surname if you have noticed. That's because I am an orphan. I never knew my parents and grew up in an orphanage. The name was given by the sister of the orphanage who found me on the steps of the local church. Deep down I was certain that I was abandoned. That I wasn't really a kid with dead parents or no relatives. However, I wasn't miserable about that. Because at the orphanage I was loved and adored by all. It spoiled me certainly because I was the naughtiest kid among the bunch I lived in with. But the most important thing was, I was happy with my life there. It was too perfect for me. Yes, there was the lack of parental love. But I never knew what that was to begin with, so I didn't miss it or had any craving for it either. I was happy with what I had. I was happy with my life. I was content. And I never thought that one day I would want to give it up.