AN: Hi guys. This is the last chapter of this story and I am very happy to finally complete it. I don't know whether you would like the ending or not, I hope you do. Thanks to everyone who went through this story and liked it, reviewed it and added it on your favorite story lists. Personally I think for my very first story I got fairly good responses. Thanks to everyone of my readers again. Now I could get onto another story of mine that I've already started. Please read this chapter and please don't forget to review.

*I have already written twilight and vampire diaries fan fiction. I would appreciate it very much if you would kindly check them out and let me know how they are.

Chapter 25: Life Goes On

7 years later:

"Sam, sweetie your birthday cake is here!" I called out and a four years old brunette boy came running down to the hall from upstairs with a big smile on his face.

"MUMMY!" My little baby boy Sam, came running to me and jumped into my arms.

It's been almost seven years now since we fought with Chase Collins, the fifth son of Ipswich who unfortunately turned into something evil and had to die early. Reid and I got married right after we graduated from Spenser. Two years later Sam was born. We were going to college that time and I had to take a break from my educational life for a while because of the pregnancy. Reid and I, we decided to name our son after Sam, the person whom I loved so dearly. Who sacrificed his own life to save my daughter, Rosalie. I would often think about Sam and he still held a special place in my heart. Though with passing time the pain of his loss lessened but the memories of him were still here with me.

Rosalie and Sam, the two siblings were very different from each other. Whereas Rosalie was a daddy's girl, Sam couldn't take a step without me. He would follow me around all day and at night he couldn't go to sleep until I told him stories. He even looked more like me but he got his dad's eyes. Sam didn't have special powers like Rosalie did but he would develop his powers eventually like Reid and the others did at the age of thirteen. Needless to say, Rosalie liked the uniqueness about herself and she was really proud of it. She also liked being the center of everyone's attention. As I said before daddy's girl. On the other hand Sam hated the attention from others. He just wanted my love and my attention.

"Isn't your birthday cake really beautiful? Happy birthday sweetie." It was Sam's fifth birthday today. Reid and Rosalie wanted to throw a big party for the occasion. They arranged for a huge fancy party but Sam didn't like parties. He just wanted it to be a small get together of the family and friends. So, he started complaining about it to me right away.

"Sam, it's going to be fun, I promise. You would be alright and I will be with you the whole time. Also your friends are going to come too, sweetie." I tried comforting him. Reid came over to us when he noticed Sam throwing a small anger tantrum. I sighed out in relief when I saw him coming.

"Thank god Reid, you are here. Please talk to Sam, he is really nervous about this party " Reid was better than me when it came to calming down Rosalie or Sam. They both listened to their father at times like this, specially Rosalie. Reid took Sam from me and sat him on the table.

"Hey buddy, tell me what's bothering you? It's your big day today, isn't it?" Sam made a cry face and started to tell Reid what was making him unhappy.

"Daddy, I don't want Rosalie's friends to come to my birthday party. I don't like them. They bully me all the time and..." Sam kept complaining. Rosalie had a lot of girl friends and she gave them personal permission to tease and torment Sam which I really disliked myself. Rosalie often gets jealous of Sam because she thinks I love Sam more than her. They did love each other but they also fought a lot. Sam felt horrified when he heard Rosalie's friends were going to come over to the party too. Reid nodded his head in understanding with a serious look on his face. I really wanted to roll my eyes at him because I knew that he was about to say something really stupid.

"Well Sam, you are my son and you know what? The girls were used to really like me when I was of your age and also when I was at school. They would die for me… they still do." I glared at him from the corner of my eyes "...But well, what I am saying is, make me proud, my son. Don't let the girls get to you. You get to them first. And you should never hate a party because Sam, that's where you can meet all the beautiful girls." I slapped Reid on his arm as he kept blabbering idiotic things. He pretended to get hurt badly but that only made me glare at him more.

"I asked you to help Sam; not destroy his innocent mind." Reid playfully glared back at me and opened his mouth to retort back but Rosalie came there at that time to check out the birthday cake

"Wow, it's beautiful. I am sure dad did the choosing part, right?" I rolled my eyes to myself as Reid stood straight proudly. I shook my head with a smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

"Well that he did. Now take Sam and get him dressed and get yourself dressed as well. Everyone will be arriving soon." Rosalie groaned as I ordered her to do the chore.

"Mom, I'm just eight. I could barely dress properly myself, how can I handle that with him?" I sighed to myself. Rosalie was turning into a real drama queen day by day.

"Rose, you could do more than get dressed yourself." Now when I called her Rose, she knew I was being serious and she shouldn't trouble me much at the moment. Rosalie groaned again but took Sam with her. I kept looking at their way when I felt Reid wrapping his arms around my waist from the back. I smiled to myself and turned around to face him. He leaned in and kissed me passionately.

"I love you." I whispered to Reid when our kiss broke. There was no count of how many times we say each other 'I love you' each day. But every time we say that to each other it makes me so happy as if we were confessing our love for the first time. And I guess Reid felt that way too.

"You know I was wondering, we made two beautiful looking kids, I think we should have another one" said Reid with his trade mark smirk, often present on his lips and his eyes were shining with mischief as well.

"Well, I think it's a great idea. You better get ready for carrying the baby for nine months and suffer the labor pain as well because I am not doing that for the third time, sweetheart. Not a chance in hell." I said that in a false sweet pleasant voice that made Reid roll his eyes at me.

"You know that's impossible, besides making a baby is a team work, love." He planted a kiss on my neck and made me lean into him more. Reid was absolutely hopeless sometimes, well all the time but I still loved him more than anything else except for my children of course. Kids come first.

After a while longer the guests started to arrive at our house. Caleb arrived with Sarah and their two years old son Alex. Pogue and Kate were married but they didn't have any kids yet. Tyler and Melody got engaged and decided to get married after they were established enough. Troy and Angela came with their three years old daughter Kristen. Michael and Jessica had broken up right after graduation because they had to go to different colleges but both of them were in touch with us and they came for the party too. Each one of them was a part of the covenant and they were sworn to secrecy as well.

Sam considered Tyler as his best friend and since he arrived Sam was nagging Tyler about why Reid called him baby boy in their school days? Tyler was still a baby boy for the group and Reid still called him that sometimes.

After everyone arrived, Sam cut his birthday cake and blew five candles. Everyone clapped and wished him happy birthday. The room was full of laughter and happiness. When I looked around the room it seemed like a beautiful dream to me and if it was really a dream than I never wanted to wake up. Who knew that one day the bet girl would become the wife of the famous Reid Garwin and be the mother of his children? I was happy to finally have a surname …Mrs. Rayna Garwin and this was the story of the bet girl.