Guns and Blades

An NCIS Fate/Stay Night fanfic

"It has been many years since the last holy grail war… but for me it is like it just happened yesterday… the fights… the deaths… the finding of love… the loosing of it… finding friends… enemies and yourself… learning of my ideals… facing them… and even overcoming the fear that they brought upon myself… I have grown thanks to those experiences… but there is something I will never forget"

"Servant Saber per your summoning I have answered the call… I ask of thee… are you my master?"

"It has been 2 years… Rin had stayed with me… Sakura and Rider as well… I joined the SDF… that is the Self Defence Force, as Japan has no actual military system due to the happenings of World War II… I was rookie of the year there… my combat abilities where topnotch… since I was built for this… I am a walking armament after all… not that they knew, we magi are sworn to keep this secret… but a few weeks later I got some news"

"Oi! Emiya! I got news from HQ… apparently they are sending you to America!" Hiro said.

"America?" Shirouu repeated... "He knew English thanks to Rin taking him to the Clock Tower in England…

"yeah… apparently they are sending you to a Navy operation… so you can get more training for when your time on the SDF is over you could have a career outside here" Hiro said as he slapped his back.

Shirouu looked at the letter.

It was from someone named Leon Vance… Director of NCIS.

"NCIS? What's that?" Shirouu asked

"It stands for Naval Criminal Investigative Service… apparently you are going to be working with Navy guys" Hiro said.

"So… when will I be leaving?" Shirou asked

"Tomorrow at 1600 hours" Hiro said.

"Good, I will have time to say my goodbyes" then" Shirou said.

"I despise and envy you" Hiro said as Shirou chuckled.

This had been an open thing going on around the base… the 3 girls living with him were idols around the base, they sure turned heads.

"Anyways… you have to report in a couple hours, go home and say your parting words to your girls" Hiro said with a bit of sourness on his tone.

"Come on… don't be like that" Shirouu said

"Just go man…" Hiro said

Shirouu then excused himself as he left for home… it was by sheer luck that his home was but 10 minutes from the base… and that is from walking distance.

"So… how do I break the news to the girls?" he asked as he dreaded to do so…

Rin was VERY volatile… specially ever since Shirouu lost his Saber… he continue to search for her… never forgetting her… she knew why he was like this… but still pissed her off.

Sakura and Rider where more understanding… after all it was Saber who changed Shirou's world.

Still he sure didn't want to upset Sakura… especially since she still held power of the imaginary numbers… and he didn't want to deal with the dark power of angra mainyu.

He reached home…

"I am home…Saber" Shirou said on his mind.

"Welcome home… Shirou" Saber's voice said on the wind.

"Welcome back Shirou" Rin said as she came to the porch.

"Welcome back" Sakura's chirpy and sweet voice came as she came with her sister.

Rider looked up form her book and nodded… "Welcome back" she said.

"Girls… I got some news" Shirou said

And then he told them about his new training that will take in America.

Rin was calm at first, calmly listening to Shirou's story, nodding and humming when nessesary.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FRICKING MIND!" Rin yelled after he finished his story.

Shirou took this into consideration and said "you guys could come too… I mean on a different flight and all… I will be having my own place to stay for the time being."

"And best of all… Rider wouldn't have to pay her fare… since you can astralise her" Shirou said.

Sakura looked down… he had a point.

"How about you take Rider? That way she can protect you in case something happens until we are ready to arrive" Sakura said

"OH! Excellent idea!" Rin said.

Rider and Shirou blinked and looked at each other.

The next day…

Shirou and an astalized Rider both boarded the plane… it would do a stop on Hawaii to refuel and then a nonstop flight to Washington.

"This has been a very weird assignment… I wonder why I was chosen?" Shirou asked himself, but in reality was talking to Rider.

"I wouldn't know that Shirou" Rider replied.

Shirou sighed in defeat…

It would be a couple more hours till they reached Washington… they where flying for 12 hours… without counting the stop they took.

They finally reached Washington… it was very… clean.

People coming and going from the airport in suits, looking important and all.

"So… where is this person who is supposed to pick me/us up" Shirou said.

He waited by the gate when a chubby person came over looking at a picture on his cell.

"Are you Shirou Emiya?" he asked

"Uh… yes? Who might you be?" Shirou asked in turn

"Ah… great… I am Agent McGee… I been asked by my boss to escort you to NCIS" the now named McGee said.

Rider looked at him and chuckled he was an honest soul… like Shirou.

So much so that perhaps they took advantage of him a lot.

They got into a car and left.

"So… who is your boss?" Shirou asked

"You mean Gibbs? He's a good boss but he can be a bit… ermm" He decided to let the words hang.

"Ah… so he is like that eh?" Shirou said.

"Something like that" McGee said

They arrived at the outer gates and passed though security… he received a badge that read visitor.

Rider managed to snatch one for herself to use on a later time.

They reached the inside and they took the elevator to the second floor.

The doors opened "Ah… here he is boss… McDriver you are late" another person said hazing McGee.

"Tony, stop bothering McGee for a second…" a female said coming from her desk.

"Shirou this is Tony and the lady over there is Ziba" McGee said.

"Hey there pal, put it here" Tony said as he stretched his hand.

Ziva bowed as she was educated in political events and bowed as was a Japanese costume.

As she grabbed his hand she felt a 'spike' of warning… a warning bell of sorts going off on her head… it was not from him… it was from something…

She shook her head.

"Ah… so you finally arrived… I thought McGee might have lost you on the airport" another voice said.

Shirou turned to see where it came from… it was from a far older man, his eyes where grayish but held a strong fire on them.

"You must be Shirou Emiya… correct?" the person asked

"Erm… boss" Tony said

"Not now Dinozzo" Gibbs said as he slapped him behind the head.

"Ouch" Shirou winced in sympathy

"Pleasure to meet you sir… I am Emiya Shirou" he introduced himself

He shook hands with Gibbs… he had a pretty strong grip.

"Did you say Emiya? I thought your name was Shirou" McGee said

"AH… is just that back in Japan we said the last name first, then our given name" Shirou said.

"I see" McGee said.

"Emiya hmm… any relationship with Kitsurugi Emiya?" Gibbs asked

Emiya narrowed his eyes.

"According to some Intel he was hunting down his relatives for some reason… some of them managed to reach American shores and flee from him" Gibbs said.

Good… he didn't know.

"But now those people had disappeared and we had found some evidence that they might be doing some… ritualistic killings" he added.

So much for that…

"Now… can you tell me what the hell is going on with your family?" Gibbs asked

They didn't know… they didn't know that his dad was long dead.

"Mr. Gibbs? My father couldn't have done any of that" Shirou said

"And why not?" he asked

"He has been dead for 10 years" Shirou said

"Then who is doing these killings?" Gibbs asked.

"I think I can answer that… at least part of it" a perky voice said

It was… the most contradictory person Shirou ever seen… she was a goth… however her personality was a harsh contrast to her outfit… kinda like Rider.

"Abby… meet Shirou… Shirou meet Abby Sciuto… our forensic Specialist" Gibbs said.

"Hey! Genki desuka? Watashi wa Sciuto Abby desuka, genki deska?" She said in fluent Japanese.

Shirou chuckled "Is okay… I can speak English just fine… but you have good accent… I think I heard some Osaka in it" he said.

"Well is nice to see someone from somewhere else… anyways Gibbs you will never guess what I found!" she exclaimed

Gibbs got a huge plastic cup that had "Caf-pow" printed on it and gave it to Abby

*SLUUUURP* "As I was saying… all the victims appeared to be marines… however the part that really gets me off is this… all of them had their blood drained somehow!" she said

"What you talking about vampires here? Like Nospheratu kinda deal?" Tony asked.

Shirou was in deep thought he had found a few of his father's "war journals" when he was a magus killer… apparently a lot of his own relatives decided to gain immortality by doing experiments on themselves or in others… in other words…

"Dead apostles" he thought as he balled his fist.

If there is a dead apostle here… there were two options… he could call his contact on the church… a "friend" of sorts… if such relationship existed that is…

Ciel and her scripture armament… but she really had little regard for people who are getting on her way… she had mellowed down a lot with the time spent with Shiki…

Arcueid would be another bad thing… she was… too flighty and did whatever the hell she wanted, also I doubt that she would leave Shiki… and Shiki….

It would be VERY bad if he got involved, especially If he had his Natural Born killer instincts let loose…when family of the affected where around.

It would be pure chaos…

So he was on his own… well not completely alone he still had Rider.

"I don't really know about that… it could be a crazy guy just stabbing them on the neck and letting them bleed out" Abby said.

"I think I can shed a bit more light to your findings miss Abigail" said a British sounding voice.

An older gentleman came from the elevators doors.

"Oh? And who might the young fellow be?" he asked

"Ducky… this is Shirou, Shirou this is Dr. Donald "Ducky" Mallard" Gibbs said

"Ah… so you are the young Japanese fellow that was invited to stay with us…. It is a pleasure to meet you" Ducky said

"Likewise" Shirou said with a smile as he shock hands with the doctor.

"Uhmm, you seem to have a strong a strong grip on your hand Mr. Shirou… do you perhaps practice swordsmanship or archery?" Ducky asked

"Eh? Yes… ever since I was in high school" Shirou said "I got more into it as I got drafted to the Holy Grail War though" He thought to himself… Rider thinking along the same lines

"Anyways… what can you tell us about your findings Ducky?" Gibbs asked.

"Ah yes… well apparently all the corpses where not 'bleed out' as Abbigail had previously thought but rather… the blood was sucked out… when they where alive… most curious as the only time I ever saw such a thing was on a tribal ritual on east Africa during my time in the…" Ducky begun to spun one of his tales.

"Not right now Ducky" Gibbs said.

"Ah yes… well due to the odd shriveling of the skin… the skin and innards are likely been sucked by the neck as much of the skin was pulled… or rather suctioned that way… rather interesting… however horrifying way to die" Ducky said.

"Well… get your gear people… apparently we going vampire hunting" Gibbs said.

"Wonder if we'll need silver bullets… do we even have money in the budget for those?" Tony said.

"I think those work on werewolves" McGee said

"You think McNerd?" Tony scoffed as he said the erroneous monster reference wrong on purpose.

"So what do we give the provie here?" Tony asked

"Just gear him up… let's go!" Gibbs yelled.

They trotted down to the elevator

"Well at least I am no longer the provie" Mcgee commented.

Ziva still had that feeling… and it only doubled when she got on the elevator.

Ziba, Shirou and Gibbs where on a car… Mcgee had the bad luck to be paired with Tony… Rider stowed in their car as well.

"So… Shirou, can you tell me about your father?" Gibbs asked

"Eh? Did you know my dad?" Shirou asked

"Yeah… I from a friend long ago that he was hunting down family members for some reason" Gibbs said

Ziva turned at him.

"Why is that any relevant?" Shirou asked

"Because the one who killed a lieutenant's wife and children… when we ran his fingerprints trough AFIS… we got a hit on Emiya… one of your relatives apparently" Gibbs said.

"I am sorry to say but I was only adopted when I was 6, I never meet anyone else of my father's family… save for her daughter… she is Japan now" Shirou said

Gibbs stared at him intently…

He pressed the gas and made a hard left… Gibs and Ziva hanged for dear life…

They got to another house inside Quantico… when they reached they got with a horrifying visage.

There was blood sipping from the door.

Shirou was the first to take initiative he reinforced his body and tackled the door down.

It didn't even stand a chance… he saw the halls of the home written with the blood of two kids whose face was contorted in what could only be a horrifying scream before their death… hanged up from a pole that they where stabbed to the wall.

On the halls there was something written on them with the blood… it looked like a mathematical formula but had some form of mysticism on it…

"Elokei" Ziba said as she saw the scene before her.

It was something out of a horror movie… even with her training with the MOSAV she was not prepared for something like this.

Shirou scanned the place… Rider was there as well as she felt the spike of magical energy from Shirou… she was taken back by this scene…

"Shirou… there is someone still alive… and it's not vampiric in Nature… third floor 2nd room… the person is badly wounded" Rider said.

Shirou immediately rushed upstairs

He found the room… he broke it with a powerful kick.

He heard sobbing.

"FOUND ONE! HURRY!" Shirou yelled

Shirou was hyperventilating… it was a small girl, not even 3 years of age.

The girl was holding her knees and rocked back and forth mumbling to herself as tears rolled down her face.

"papa… mama…" she continued to say as tears flowed.

"Rider…" Shirou said

"On it" Rider used her power to put the girl to sleep… she did not sleep for 2 days straight apparently trying to hide from whatever did this.

Gibbs and the rest of the team managed to get up half a second later… Shirou was carrying the girl down as the paramedics took her to the hospital.

"Who… no what could have done such a thing?" Ziba said

"This is horrible… I don't even feel like saying a witty movie line or something" Tony said.

Shirou now knew… it was either a dead apostle or one of his slaves…

The girl had been lucky to survive.

Ziva and Tony took pictures of the place… it looked rather macabre.

McGee excused himself as he ran out to throw up… the smell got to him.

It was a sweet yet acidic smell… like 3day old garbage with the scent of candy.

That was the scent of death… one the Shirou was all but used of.

Gibbs noticed it… Ziva was like that… but even she showed some emotion of the bodies that laid half gutted and cut to shreds… he was cool and collected… inhumanly so.

He balled his fists in anger as he glared at the scene…

He could have prevented this if he was here earlier.

"Shirou… this is NOT your fault… you couldn't have known" Rider said.

Apparently his dad hasn't got them all.

All of the Emiya family that is.

The heretics who dared step into the domain of god.

"Damn it" he muttered.

Gibbs looked at him but said nothing.

After they bagged all the evidence and photographed the scene they left.

There where no words except from Ziva who had to ask.

"How could you be so calm in such a place? I heard you where top rookie but to keep your cool from something like that…" Ziva said

"I am used to it… however I am glad someone was alive… that is all that matters to me" Shirou said.

"Well that might work for you but we need to find the culprit of this…" Gibbs said.

They reached HQ and they got all the stuff down and gave it to Abby and Ducky…

Abby was asking if this was a Halloween prank… but after seeing their solemn faces she saw just how serious this is.

She saw the images of the mathematical formulas and the mystical images like pentagrams and other symbols.

Abby took quickly to decipher this, after all she wouldn't allow something like this to happen again.

Not after seeing what happened in there.

Shirou and the rest took time as they ran the prints they found on the AFIS and CODIS

"What are those?" Shirou asked

"AFIS stands for Automated Fingerprint Identification System and CODIS stands for Combined DNA Index System. With this we will be able to find the culprit if his fingerprint of DNA is on the database we will find him" Abby said.

"I see" Shirou said.

As a magus (in training) he had little time to use technology since he dedicated himself on his magic and his art… swordsmanship and archery.

Rider meanwhile looked around… this place was… interesting.

They had a lot of technology and the people and stuff to find criminals.

Nothing at all what they had back then…

"I need to train" Shirou said as he got up.

"Ah, that is good, then can I perhaps join you in a match?" Ziva asked.

Shirou blinked.

NCIS training room.

"So… how do you want to do this?" Ziva asked.

"First blood?" Shirou asked

"Uh? Are you sure?… aren't you just a rookie?" Ziva said

"Hey Mcprovie! Come over here… the new guy and Ziva are going to have a match" Tony said as he sat down to see.

"Now this I got to see" Gibbs said as he sat down.

Shirou got on a stance. Ziva rushed to attack.

Shirou waeved through her attack… he was used to more violent and perfect attacks

Attacks from heroic spirits and monsters that normally would live on the imagination of humans.

"not bad" Shirou said "For a regular human that is"

Shirou grabbed her shoulder and arm and twisted her and threw her over his shoulder.

Ziva landed with a resounding thud on the mat.

Shirou then jumped and punched the floor on the mat.

"I guess is my win" he said with a playful smirk.

She frowned and clasped his legs with her

"Eh?" Shirou was taken by this move as he fell to the mat.

"GO ZIVA!" Abby yelled cheering the Jewish agent, Shirou however reversed the hold by reinforcing his limbs and overpowering her.

"Awww" Abby went when Shirou pinned her once more, this time decisively

"I might be a rookie but I got into my fair share of fights" He said with a smirk.

"tell me about it" Rider thought as she watched the fight.

"My hottie senses are tingling… there is a hottie somewhere around here" Tony said as he looked by Rider's general direction.

She blinked… "Can he… sense me?"

"I must have a dry season for me to imagine a hottie around here" Tony said as he watched the now finished fight.

"Abby? Got anything for me?" Gibbs asked

"YES! I got the hit from AFIS and CODIS… you need to get down here" Abby said as she eye Shirou a bit wearily.

When they got down to the 'labby' (Abby's pet name for her lab) the computer had a hit.

It was from Emiya Karazu… in terms of relationships it would be Shirou's uncle.

"Care to explain Shirou?" Gibbs said turning around

Emiya Karazu… he was a heretic of both church AND magic association… having a sealing designation due to his improper experimentation and his research for immortality that used many unsuspecting people to experiment on… those things where unknown to the world at large. Only those on the knowhow knew about this.

His father… Kiritsurugu, kept a "war journal" of sorts that showed all the magi and other monsters he hunted down, including his own relatives who strayed from the path.

Karazu was "the one who got away" for Kiritsugu.

It showed that he would be around 50-60 years old… however he looked to be in his mid 30s…

The bastard had done it… now he was looking to perfect his formula, he was a dead apostle now… he needed to change his body once more… so the need of blood would be rid of and become perfectly immortal.

In a sense he was a bit like Roa… thank the heavens feel that Shiki killed him.

He might dislike his personality but he had to admit… even he nor would Archer want to fight him if they could avoid it.

"I couldn't tell you anything… as I said before I never meet anyone from my father's family… as I said before it was only me and my dad" Shirou said

"How did you meet your father?" Gibbs asked

How did he meet Kiritsugi?

In hell… he was truly in hell… people dying bodies burning and yelling for salvation… or deliveration…

For death.

He was but a young boy, not even 8 years old… the Holy Grail had been destroyed by Saber back then… and the resulting aftermath was a terrible explosion…

The city was engulfed in fire… and he was in there… Kiritsugi managed to save him… and he had tears of joy in his eyes.

"I have something to tell you… I am a magus" he said once after he adopted Shirou.

"He… saved me from the explosion when I was a kid… in the great Fuyuki fire back home" Shirou said as he remembered that scene.

Gibbs arched his eyebrow… he had pulled his files up before and read on it… over 500 people dead and/or missing.

"If he is doing this then I am bound to 'capture' him" Shirou said

He meant kill.

Rider nodded… she understood perfectly.

"I want EVERYONE here at 0900 hours tomorrow… is that understood?" Gibbs said

"I got it!" "Yes boss" "Sure thing Gibbs"

"And you… go home Shirou… you seem to need some rest" Gibbs said.

"Yeah… thanks a lot" Shirou said.

"Here let me take you to your temporary home" Tony said as they both (3 counting Rider who was astralized) rode the elevator down.

"Abby, I want you to run all the information available on Shirou and his family… also Ducky, I want you to tell me everything you can about the boy, psychologically speaking… I want to know him form the inside out" Gibbs said

"May I inquire as the reason you might wish to do that?" Ducky asked.

"Because Ducky… not only was he calm and not worried in that hell… it was like he was used to it… no one… I mean NO one normal could be that way" Gibbs said

"I see… I had a feeling you might say that" Ducky said as he got down to the morgue to make a psychological profile on Shirou.

"Gibbs I think maybe he is well trained… Mossav operatives can be like that as well" Ziva said.

"He has never had THAT kind of training… ever… the Japanese lack a military unit… they only have a self defense force to help… is one 3rd the size of an army proper… is to protect the citizens in case of an invasion or attack, they also serve as peacekeepers" Gibbs said.

Ziba was taken back.

"But he is such a nice guy" Abby said.

"So was the bastard who killed Kate" Gibbs said.

With Tony, Rider and Shirou.

"Well here you go stud, your own pad… is not much but I think is cozy in his own" Tony said.

"Yeah… cozy" Shirou said remembering his larger state home.

"well I will pick you up when we have to go back at HQ… until then rest well… ciao" Tony said as he left.

Rider then materialized herself. "He sure talks a lot" she commented

"Now Rider, be nice" Shirou said

"So… what should we do now?" Shirou asked

"Well I got myself a pass card… so I should be able to accompany you tomorrow this time on a physical manner

"That would be great… now I have to call Rin and Sakura and tell them what's going on here" Shirou said as he grabbed the phone

Riing riing…

Chapter end

What do you think of this new crossover? I hope you like it.

This is just a beta… if it receives enough positive reviews I shall continue it XD