After reading the latest chapters of the Bleach manga that concerns about Aizen's interactions with Ichigo, I just had to write this story…with one of my favorite Greek mythology myths, Hades and Persephone. I just thought the roles might suit Aizen and Ichigo, nuff said. Well, there are some symbolic dualities and such, but you might find that out in the story.

Maybe…still thinking about it.

Other godly roles of the Greek Myth-universe will be filled in by the familiar cast of Bleach in later chapters, mainly based on either personality and/or whatever distinguishing ability that he/she have, until then…enjoy!

Pairing: Aizen (Sousuke)/Ichigo, possible one-sided seme/Ichigo, and possible one-sided female-harem/Aizen

Disclaimer: Please note that I do not own Bleach and the Greek Mythology respectively. They both belong to their respective creators.

Special thanks to my friend and beta, Eva. Thank you for being with me my friend

Warning: This fanfiction may contain material that may be inappropriate to viewers that are below 18 and above. The following are boy-on-boy action, possible case of OOC, violence, innuendo, usage of alcohol and/or tobacco, strong language, and things of that nature and/or considered taboo. If you do not like this…please leave and try to find some other story or play with a ball of yarn.

Come, let's forget the future

That is becoming smeared with blood again.

If a warm wind curls into a spiral,

That is probably a sign.

Escape, escape,

From this sorrowful fate.

You are not a flower of hell.

In that kind of place…

Don't bloom there, don't bloom there

Don't let them ensnare you.

Shards of time fly by without a sound.

English translation of Naraku no Hana (Flower of Hell), Shimamiya Eiko

Chapter 1: Black Sheep and White Lamb

He was sitting at his throne again in a favored position of casually resting his cheek on his fist as usual; along doing one of his favorite activities...if he ever had one that is. An image of a young man making a flower wreath was shown in what looked like some sort of observation orb floating in the middle of a dark throne room; the only sources of light were black candles that were placed around, creating an eerie glow along the walls. The young man was dressed in a loose and simple outfit of a tunic, but it did nothing to hide the fact of how lithe his body was. He had probably done some running or whatever athletic pastime that mortals done occasionally these days. He also sported the most shocking orange hair, which reaches almost to his mid-back, uncommon among men, and he's not just talking about the hair color.

But he's not just some ordinary young man...oh, no...

The young man that the Dark Lord of the Underworld admires is a god...just like him.

Only thing that sets him apart that he not only dwelled upon the surface of the Mortal World, but he also mingled among the crowd that made him feel like the black sheep among the pure white flock before the eyes of the Shepard.

And a black sheep he is.

Either way, Aizen Sousuke couldn't help but smirk at the image of the object of his affection.

"It had been only eons ago, and yet he's still beautiful as ever..."

My Ichigo...


Ichigo looked up from his flower picking before looking around at the field. All he found nothing but a grassy plane and a patch of flowers or two.

"What was that?" he said to himself before feeling a playful tap on the head.

"Hey, Mama's boy, what are ya looking at?" a female voice asked him playfully, before feeling his already messy mop being ruffled.

Ichigo tried his best not to pout but instead placed on a usual scowl before turning to his childhood friend, who was grinning ear-to-ear. Her hair was short and spiky, and she possessed a lean athletic build underneath the cream chiton, which only stops by her knees. Plain brown leather wristbands adorned her wrists and wore only plain sandals of the same material.

"How many times do I have to say this, Tatsuki?" he growled, batting way the annoying appendage from his head. "Don't call me that, ya damn Amazon!"

The tomboy mortal couldn't help but grin at the usual response from the deity. Whoever thought that she could tease a god and get away with it? Well, that maybe true in Ichigo's case, but with the others…that is a different story. Way different…she knew how sensitive the ego that a deity has, may he or she be benign or otherwise.

"Come on, Ichigo, you know that I was just playing with ya." She told him, before ruffling his hair again, but this time more gently. "But seriously, what are you looking at? Aside from finding more flowers to add on to your little project over there."

The orange-haired god shrugged as he picked out a daisy before adding it to the wreath.

"I'm not really sure," he admitted, sounding doubtful. "But lately, I've been feeling like I'm being watched or something…" then Ichigo turned to his childhood friend. "Do you think it's just my imagination?"

Tatsuki just shrugged in response, showing that she doesn't know the answer to that. But truth be told, she's just a mere mortal. A mere human, she doesn't have one of those sixth sense or whatever powers the gods have possessed. However, just because they're a higher beings…doesn't mean, they're not as human as them. At least, that is what Tatsuki believes.

"Maybe, maybe not…" She said. Then a sly smirk grew on her face. "But then again, who wouldn't stalk the most beautiful god since the birth of Aphrodite herself?"

She was half-expecting Ichigo tossing the wreath and leaping at her, just like back in their days as children. (Though most of the time, Tatsuki won the fight, and have Ichigo bawling his eyes out to his mother). But Tatsuki didn't expect was Ichigo calmly picks another flower before looking over her shoulder.

"Who is that crazy woman grabbing Orihime's tits?" the way he asked that question was almost casual.


Hearing that made Tatsuki whip her head over to where Ichigo was looking. There not too far from them, is a crimson haired woman fondling another from behind. The latter was also possess orange hair like Ichigo, but in a duller shade, and also, surprisingly very well-endowed for someone so young. The woman who was groping her snuck one of her hands into an opening of her robes, causing the other to gasp in surprise.

That was enough for Tatsuki to seethe in rage and jealousy.


Before Ichigo could even blink, the Amazon girl took off and actually between Chizuru and Orihime. Ichigo winced when Tatsuki performed a perfect roundhouse kick to the poor woman's side, keeping the busty girl behind her for protection. The dark-haired girl shot the latter a glare as she took a defensive stance.

"How many times do I have to tell you, ya nymphomaniac?" she threatened. "Leave her alone, or else you'll be kissing my fist!"

The orange-haired deity sighed before went back to his project as Chizuru shouted out something about "love knew no boundaries" or "It's natural to love another girl, even if she is taken! That's Artemis' code!" Either way, it has always been like this when he first met them. Just another day…another set antics that the follower of the moon hunter deity would do to infuriate the amazon while fondling the poor nymph. But occasionally, just mingling among the nymphs and listening to their girlish chatter about the unfortunate man that they have a crush on, may it be human or deity.

Though, he had to admit, it was strange for a god (and a male one), would be hanging around only nymphs (and occasionally mortal girls, such as Tatsuki) and not men around his age. (Including indulge himself with making flower chains or wreaths). In fact, they're the only company he had since he was small. Sure there were his younger sisters and mother, but he also socializes with his father. (Who for some odd reason has the tendency to attack him unexpectedly)…however, he's one of the very few male figures that Ichigo accompanies himself with.

It was not just that, whenever a relative from Mount Olympus comes over to visit, it would be either one of his aunts or one of his many cousins (and possibly countless half-siblings that he didn't know of). Not even one god. That and he haven't even set foot on that mountain before. It was almost as if his mother was trying to hide him from the other gods or something. But whatever the reason, he hoped it was a good one. It is quite understandable since he used to be a cry baby when he was small in deity years. (In human years, Ichigo could have been around 10 or something). However that was before Tatsuki introduced him to the art of self-defense.

But that wasn't what he was concerned about. Ichigo felt like there was something, or someone, was watching him, whether he is alone or not. Yet at the same time, no one was there. It really scared him, even though he didn't want to admit it; not even to himself.

Besides, he didn't want to worry his family about it…not even to his mother.

Maybe it's just my imagination…he thought to himself as he continues to place some finishing touches on the flower wreath.

If only it was his just his imagination.

Criticism and reviews are very much welcomed; any forms of flames and other verbal slurs will be used as emergency heaters and/or roasting hot dogs and marshmallows. Or baking cookies.