Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice.

Warning: Light Superboy/Robin slash, though not until the next chapter or so.

When Superboy got angry, it was obvious. He didn't use verbal abuse like Artemis, nor did he pout and sulk like Kid Flash. Aqualad seemed to meditate away his frustrations while Miss Martian didn't seem to ever get upset. And Robin, well, no one really knew what Robin did when he was stressed. He just simply disappeared without a word. No, Superboy wasn't like the other members of his team. He didn't know how to deal with all the pent up anger in any way other than with physical violence. As a result the training room was subjected to all kinds of damage until he calmed down. Thankfully the Justice League had a few billionaires who were willing to refurnish the room. But keeping the damages down to a minimum was still considered the polite thing to do.

"Superboy, just calm down." Robin yelled at the rampaging clone from the safe spot that was the open door. If a random piece of equipment started to head his way, he'd had the safety of the wall to hide behind after he leap out of the way. KF, on the other hand, didn't seem to understand this concept as he stood out in the open where any number of things could hit him. Then again, seeing as the red headed male possessed super speed as well as accelerated healing abilities he wasn't in as much danger.

"Yeah dude, chill already." The speedster said around a mouthful of chips. By now, all of Young Justice was used to having to deal with Superboy's "tantrums" as he went through them every time he didn't understand something. Having just been released from his pod a short while ago, there were a lot of concepts he couldn't grasp. The genomorphs might have taught him everything he needs to know intellectually, they told him nothing about human interactions or the meanings behind them.

Superboy turned around and glared at his teammates. "Don't tell me what to do!" He yelled as he threw a set of weights at one of the walls. Robin winced. That dent would need more than a little spackle to be fixed, a lot more.

"Come on Supey," Kid Flash tries once more with his mouth clear this time. "Just tell us what's wrong. Me and Rob here will help you if we can." He said as he gestured over to where Robin was patiently standing, nodding his head in agreement. Superboy took a pause from his destruction to stare at the duo for a long second, before looking away.

"You wouldn't understand." He growl out at last as he sat down on an unharmed bench and buried his face in his hands. "I'm not good enough for him. And I never will be! He doesn't give a damn about me and why should he? It's not like he asked for me, for a clone? And a defective one at that…"

Robin frowned and walked over to the depressed male and placed his hand on his shoulder. It didn't take a genius to figure out who the "he" was. Only one person could put Superboy in such a dark mood. "You are not defective Conner," Robin said using the name that they have given to him. "No one thinks that. Not the team, not Batman or Black Canary, and not Superman."

The body that had started to relax under the Boy Wonder's words suddenly tensed up again at the mention of the superhero. He stood up rather abruptly, knocking off Robin's hand. "He dose to! And why wouldn't he? I can't control my emotions, I can't shoot lasers out of my eyes, and I can't…I can't fly!"

Kid Flash, who had been surprising silent this whole time, raised an eyebrow at the dark haired male. "That's what this is all about? You're upset 'cause you can't fly?" In less than a second, the redhead was standing next to Superboy with his arm wrapped around his shoulder. "That's easy enough to fix. I'll tell you the secret to flight."

Robin groaned and face palmed. This was not going to be good. The clone was just too naïve and innocent to understand that the speedster was playing a joke on him. Superboy, despite his super hearing, didn't pay any attention to the small boy as he focused all of his attention to Wally. Robin winced at the look of hopeful curiosity on Superboy's face that KF seemed to be oblivious to. He used his finger to signal to Supey to come closer before whispering rather loudly.

"You just aim for the ground…and miss."

It took Conner a full second to figure out that Kid flash was screwing with him. Robin could tell the exact moment that he saw through the prank. The clone's face darkened before he reached for the bench he was sitting on. It only took him a moment to pry it off the floor and aim it for the red haired target, but it was enough time for Wally to bolt out of the room and out of reach. That didn't stop Superboy from throwing the bench at the door anyways. Robin sighed.

"He didn't mean anything by it." He said neutrally, trying to defend his friend. "He was just trying to…lighten the mood I guess."

"It doesn't matter." Superboy replied bitterly. "It's not like anyone can help me anyways."

Robin stood silent for a moment as he watched Conner go over to the bench and put it back where it belonged. It was rather surprising that it was still intact, but Superboy was getting better at controlling his strength.

"…maybe…" Robin suddenly said, more to himself than to the clone, "there is a way to teach you how to fly…"

Superboy frowned at the Boy Wonder, not fully understanding what he was implying. He should have expected a joke from Wally, but Robin always seemed to know when too far was. He wouldn't joke about this kind of thing. Suddenly, the boy broke out into a grin and grabbed Conner's hand.

"Come on!" He said excitedly as he pulled the other out the door. The clone raised an eyebrow at the behavior but decided to let Robin be. He was curious to see where this was going.

And hopefully you all are too. Please Review this chapter even if you only read the first paragraph and decided it was boring. I'm fairly new to writing on Fanfiction, but I have read quite a few. The main reason that I'm starting to write is because I wanna get better at my Gaiaonline posts, so please feel free to criticize because if you don't how am I to get any better? So thanks for reading chapter one.