I don't own Blue Exorcist or the characters, only the plot, enjoy!


Shima couldn't believe his eyes. Rin was laughing mentally, in fact Shima wasn't the only one that was in shock, his classmates & Yukio were to, Rin had suddenly acted, possessd.

"Rin!" Yukio shouted, wondering what was happening to his twin brother

Rin's body laughed "It's not Rin anymore!"

"What do you mean?" Shouted Shima. At that moment the gates of Gehenna opened

"I'm taking my son back to hell with me!" Everyone knew what was happening then, Rin's body jumped into the gate then Satan's spirit left it, leaving an unconscious, badly bleeding Rin in the gates of Gehenna

"Rin!" Shima shouted, he had been Rin's boyfriend for quite a few months now, he attempted to run to save Rin but Bon held him back while Yukio stared in shock, nothing could escape the gates of Gehenna

Shima felt weak, his lover was being taken away from him & he couldn't do anything about it "I love you Rin! Never forget that!" He shouted, but, a few moments ago he was saying the opposite

"I will never love you! Remember that you filthy demon!" Shouted the obviously angry Shima, Rin had said something that had came out completely wrong, causing Shima to explode with anger

"Please, Shima, my words came out wrong!" He quickly explained

"Shut up Rin, you will always be a selfish, lonely, stupid jerk that no one will ever love, not even me!"

"Shima stop!" Rin & Yukio shouted, Satan had been making a lot of attempts to get Rin back & is Rin lost his willpower he could easily be possesed, just like Shiro

"I HATE YOU!" Shima screamed, that was it, Rin had been taken over

Rin had completely disappeared, along with the Gehenna gate, Shima was cry uncontrollably while Yukio had tears running down his cheeks, what was supposed to be a nice peaceful night had turned out to be nothing near to those words

"Return to your dorms..." Yukio said quietly

Izumo glared at Shima "Next time control your anger" She walked off, a crying Shiemi behind her

Shima gulped "This is my fault..." He said in between sobs, Bon shook his head & dragged him back to the dorm, no one was sleeping peacefully that night, it was full of cries & broken hearts but Shima felt the worst

"It's my fault..." Shima repeated in his sleep "All my fault..."

Sorry it's so short, I'll try make the next chapter longer!