
It had been a month. The whole time they had people attempting the kidnap Rin. One had succeeded, they were now searching for their lost friend. Rin of course couldn't do anything, he was still stuck in his state of shock.

Killing Satan's son, it was a dream came true, that person would gain so much fame, who knows, they might get a high exorcist status. Exactly what this man was aiming for. Alphonse, he had been studying Satan for years, once he knew his child was walking among the living he set off to find him, now he had him.

He would be killed in front of millions of people, the event had been set, millions had payed a great deal of money to see the son of the devils death!

Rin would be burnt until he was nothing.

Blackie(Kuro) had been helping everyone with the search, worried for his master, but Shima was scared out of his wits, someone had Rin, his precious Rin! If anyone hurt him, even if it was a bug, Shima wouldn't hesitate to fight them. In that moment Bon ran in the classroom where they were making plans to find them "Some creeps burning Okumura for entertainment & fame" Shiemi gasped "Why would someone do that" Konekomura looked at his blonde friend "Killing the son of Satan would probably give them a lot of power" Shiemi nodded "But it's still cruel!" Yukio nodded "We'll go to this event & stop it" They all nodded in agreement

The day of the event came. Behind the curtains Rin was tied onto a wooden cross, like the ones they'd put criminal's on BC(Before Christ). As the curtains opened none of the class were in sight, security were blocking them, for one guy he was really tough!

Shima smelt smoke "Rin!" He shouted, scared for his boyfriend, was he really going to die?

"What's this guy made of?" A annoyed Izumo shouted

Rin smelt the flames, they were burning him? But his flames never hurt him, he blinked tiredly seeing he was surrounded by orange flames instead of blue scared him, he tried to move but couldn't, a seal was stuck tightly onto his shirt "Shima!" He shouted, as loudly as he could

Once Shima heard Rin he panicked, shoving the guy out of the way & running in "Rin!" He started to run towards Rin

They added even more fire to speed up the process

Rin was burning, it was so painful, he looked over at Shima, he had tears in his eyes, both of them did, Shima couldn't even get close to Rin without the fire scaring him away

"I love you" Rin said weakly

"I love you to"

"I was hoping you weren't going to say that. Please, don't be afraid to fall in love with someone else"

Shima was crying uncontrollably "Please, don't talk like that"

Rin gave him a childish grin "I'll say it because I want to"

Shima let out a small chuckled, he leaped into the flames to give Rin a kiss, but trying to save him was useless, Rin's lower body was now badly burnt

Rin started to feel the pain, he screamed in pain, that's when everyone ran in, but by then it was too late. Rin was gone. His body was limp & he was burnt to a crisp

Bon, Shima, Konekomura, Izumo, Shiemi & Yukio started to cry, along with Blackie as they looked at Rin. Everyone apart from them started to cheer, another demon was gone

The fire had been put out, they all payed their respects. Luckily for Shima Rin's upper body wasn't burnt too badly, he kissed the corpse "I'll never stop loving you...Ever"

The end, I hope you liked it, my first fanfic! Sorry, it was a sad ending